xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/include/sanitizer/tsan_interface.h (revision 5ca8e32633c4ffbbcd6762e5888b6a4ba0708c6c)
1 //===-- tsan_interface.h ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file is a part of ThreadSanitizer (TSan), a race detector.
10 //
11 // Public interface header for TSan.
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include <sanitizer/common_interface_defs.h>
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif
22 // __tsan_release establishes a happens-before relation with a preceding
23 // __tsan_acquire on the same address.
24 void __tsan_acquire(void *addr);
25 void __tsan_release(void *addr);
27 // Annotations for custom mutexes.
28 // The annotations allow to get better reports (with sets of locked mutexes),
29 // detect more types of bugs (e.g. mutex misuses, races between lock/unlock and
30 // destruction and potential deadlocks) and improve precision and performance
31 // (by ignoring individual atomic operations in mutex code). However, the
32 // downside is that annotated mutex code itself is not checked for correctness.
34 // Mutex creation flags are passed to __tsan_mutex_create annotation.
35 // If mutex has no constructor and __tsan_mutex_create is not called,
36 // the flags may be passed to __tsan_mutex_pre_lock/__tsan_mutex_post_lock
37 // annotations.
39 // Mutex has static storage duration and no-op constructor and destructor.
40 // This effectively makes tsan ignore destroy annotation.
41 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_linker_init      = 1 << 0;
42 // Mutex is write reentrant.
43 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_write_reentrant  = 1 << 1;
44 // Mutex is read reentrant.
45 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_read_reentrant   = 1 << 2;
46 // Mutex does not have static storage duration, and must not be used after
47 // its destructor runs.  The opposite of __tsan_mutex_linker_init.
48 // If this flag is passed to __tsan_mutex_destroy, then the destruction
49 // is ignored unless this flag was previously set on the mutex.
50 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_not_static       = 1 << 8;
52 // Mutex operation flags:
54 // Denotes read lock operation.
55 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_read_lock        = 1 << 3;
56 // Denotes try lock operation.
57 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_try_lock         = 1 << 4;
58 // Denotes that a try lock operation has failed to acquire the mutex.
59 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_try_lock_failed  = 1 << 5;
60 // Denotes that the lock operation acquires multiple recursion levels.
61 // Number of levels is passed in recursion parameter.
62 // This is useful for annotation of e.g. Java builtin monitors,
63 // for which wait operation releases all recursive acquisitions of the mutex.
64 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_recursive_lock   = 1 << 6;
65 // Denotes that the unlock operation releases all recursion levels.
66 // Number of released levels is returned and later must be passed to
67 // the corresponding __tsan_mutex_post_lock annotation.
68 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_recursive_unlock = 1 << 7;
70 // Convenient composed constants.
71 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_try_read_lock =
72     __tsan_mutex_read_lock | __tsan_mutex_try_lock;
73 static const unsigned __tsan_mutex_try_read_lock_failed =
74     __tsan_mutex_try_read_lock | __tsan_mutex_try_lock_failed;
76 // Annotate creation of a mutex.
77 // Supported flags: mutex creation flags.
78 void __tsan_mutex_create(void *addr, unsigned flags);
80 // Annotate destruction of a mutex.
81 // Supported flags:
82 //   - __tsan_mutex_linker_init
83 //   - __tsan_mutex_not_static
84 void __tsan_mutex_destroy(void *addr, unsigned flags);
86 // Annotate start of lock operation.
87 // Supported flags:
88 //   - __tsan_mutex_read_lock
89 //   - __tsan_mutex_try_lock
90 //   - all mutex creation flags
91 void __tsan_mutex_pre_lock(void *addr, unsigned flags);
93 // Annotate end of lock operation.
94 // Supported flags:
95 //   - __tsan_mutex_read_lock (must match __tsan_mutex_pre_lock)
96 //   - __tsan_mutex_try_lock (must match __tsan_mutex_pre_lock)
97 //   - __tsan_mutex_try_lock_failed
98 //   - __tsan_mutex_recursive_lock
99 //   - all mutex creation flags
100 void __tsan_mutex_post_lock(void *addr, unsigned flags, int recursion);
102 // Annotate start of unlock operation.
103 // Supported flags:
104 //   - __tsan_mutex_read_lock
105 //   - __tsan_mutex_recursive_unlock
106 int __tsan_mutex_pre_unlock(void *addr, unsigned flags);
108 // Annotate end of unlock operation.
109 // Supported flags:
110 //   - __tsan_mutex_read_lock (must match __tsan_mutex_pre_unlock)
111 void __tsan_mutex_post_unlock(void *addr, unsigned flags);
113 // Annotate start/end of notify/signal/broadcast operation.
114 // Supported flags: none.
115 void __tsan_mutex_pre_signal(void *addr, unsigned flags);
116 void __tsan_mutex_post_signal(void *addr, unsigned flags);
118 // Annotate start/end of a region of code where lock/unlock/signal operation
119 // diverts to do something else unrelated to the mutex. This can be used to
120 // annotate, for example, calls into cooperative scheduler or contention
121 // profiling code.
122 // These annotations must be called only from within
123 // __tsan_mutex_pre/post_lock, __tsan_mutex_pre/post_unlock,
124 // __tsan_mutex_pre/post_signal regions.
125 // Supported flags: none.
126 void __tsan_mutex_pre_divert(void *addr, unsigned flags);
127 void __tsan_mutex_post_divert(void *addr, unsigned flags);
129 // External race detection API.
130 // Can be used by non-instrumented libraries to detect when their objects are
131 // being used in an unsafe manner.
132 //   - __tsan_external_read/__tsan_external_write annotates the logical reads
133 //       and writes of the object at the specified address. 'caller_pc' should
134 //       be the PC of the library user, which the library can obtain with e.g.
135 //       `__builtin_return_address(0)`.
136 //   - __tsan_external_register_tag registers a 'tag' with the specified name,
137 //       which is later used in read/write annotations to denote the object type
138 //   - __tsan_external_assign_tag can optionally mark a heap object with a tag
139 void *__tsan_external_register_tag(const char *object_type);
140 void __tsan_external_register_header(void *tag, const char *header);
141 void __tsan_external_assign_tag(void *addr, void *tag);
142 void __tsan_external_read(void *addr, void *caller_pc, void *tag);
143 void __tsan_external_write(void *addr, void *caller_pc, void *tag);
145 // Fiber switching API.
146 //   - TSAN context for fiber can be created by __tsan_create_fiber
147 //     and freed by __tsan_destroy_fiber.
148 //   - TSAN context of current fiber or thread can be obtained
149 //     by calling __tsan_get_current_fiber.
150 //   - __tsan_switch_to_fiber should be called immediately before switch
151 //     to fiber, such as call of swapcontext.
152 //   - Fiber name can be set by __tsan_set_fiber_name.
153 void *__tsan_get_current_fiber(void);
154 void *__tsan_create_fiber(unsigned flags);
155 void __tsan_destroy_fiber(void *fiber);
156 void __tsan_switch_to_fiber(void *fiber, unsigned flags);
157 void __tsan_set_fiber_name(void *fiber, const char *name);
159 // Flags for __tsan_switch_to_fiber:
160 // Do not establish a happens-before relation between fibers
161 static const unsigned __tsan_switch_to_fiber_no_sync = 1 << 0;
163 // User-provided callback invoked on TSan initialization.
164 void __tsan_on_initialize();
166 // User-provided callback invoked on TSan shutdown.
167 // `failed` - Nonzero if TSan did detect issues, zero otherwise.
168 // Return `0` if TSan should exit as if no issues were detected.  Return nonzero
169 // if TSan should exit as if issues were detected.
170 int __tsan_on_finalize(int failed);
172 // Release TSan internal memory in a best-effort manner.
173 void __tsan_flush_memory();
175 // User-provided default TSAN options.
176 const char* __tsan_default_options(void);
178 // User-provided default TSAN suppressions.
179 const char* __tsan_default_suppressions(void);
181 /// Returns a report's description.
182 ///
183 /// Returns a report's description (issue type), number of duplicate issues
184 /// found, counts of array data (stack traces, memory operations, locations,
185 /// mutexes, threads, unique thread IDs) and a stack trace of a <c>sleep()</c>
186 /// call (if one was involved in the issue).
187 ///
188 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
189 /// \param[out] description Report type description.
190 /// \param[out] count Count of duplicate issues.
191 /// \param[out] stack_count Count of stack traces.
192 /// \param[out] mop_count Count of memory operations.
193 /// \param[out] loc_count Count of locations.
194 /// \param[out] mutex_count Count of mutexes.
195 /// \param[out] thread_count Count of threads.
196 /// \param[out] unique_tid_count Count of unique thread IDs.
197 /// \param sleep_trace A buffer to store the stack trace of a <c>sleep()</c>
198 /// call.
199 /// \param trace_size Size in bytes of the trace buffer.
200 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
201 int __tsan_get_report_data(void *report, const char **description, int *count,
202                            int *stack_count, int *mop_count, int *loc_count,
203                            int *mutex_count, int *thread_count,
204                            int *unique_tid_count, void **sleep_trace,
205                            unsigned long trace_size);
207 /// Returns information about stack traces included in the report.
208 ///
209 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
210 /// \param idx Index to the report's stacks.
211 /// \param trace A buffer to store the stack trace.
212 /// \param trace_size Size in bytes of the trace buffer.
213 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
214 int __tsan_get_report_stack(void *report, unsigned long idx, void **trace,
215                             unsigned long trace_size);
217 /// Returns information about memory operations included in the report.
218 ///
219 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
220 /// \param idx Index to the report's memory operations.
221 /// \param[out] tid Thread ID of the memory operation.
222 /// \param[out] addr Address of the memory operation.
223 /// \param[out] size Size of the memory operation.
224 /// \param[out] write Write flag of the memory operation.
225 /// \param[out] atomic Atomicity flag of the memory operation.
226 /// \param trace A buffer to store the stack trace.
227 /// \param trace_size Size in bytes of the trace buffer.
228 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
229 int __tsan_get_report_mop(void *report, unsigned long idx, int *tid,
230                           void **addr, int *size, int *write, int *atomic,
231                           void **trace, unsigned long trace_size);
233 /// Returns information about locations included in the report.
234 ///
235 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
236 /// \param idx Index to the report's locations.
237 /// \param[out] type Type of the location.
238 /// \param[out] addr Address of the location.
239 /// \param[out] start Start of the location.
240 /// \param[out] size Size of the location.
241 /// \param[out] tid Thread ID of the location.
242 /// \param[out] fd File descriptor of the location.
243 /// \param[out] suppressable Suppressable flag.
244 /// \param trace A buffer to store the stack trace.
245 /// \param trace_size Size in bytes of the trace buffer.
246 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
247 int __tsan_get_report_loc(void *report, unsigned long idx, const char **type,
248                           void **addr, void **start, unsigned long *size,
249                           int *tid, int *fd, int *suppressable, void **trace,
250                           unsigned long trace_size);
252 /// Returns information about mutexes included in the report.
253 ///
254 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
255 /// \param idx Index to the report's mutexes.
256 /// \param[out] mutex_id Id of the mutex.
257 /// \param[out] addr Address of the mutex.
258 /// \param[out] destroyed Destroyed mutex flag.
259 /// \param trace A buffer to store the stack trace.
260 /// \param trace_size Size in bytes of the trace buffer.
261 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
262 int __tsan_get_report_mutex(void *report, unsigned long idx, uint64_t *mutex_id,
263                             void **addr, int *destroyed, void **trace,
264                             unsigned long trace_size);
266 /// Returns information about threads included in the report.
267 ///
268 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
269 /// \param idx Index to the report's threads.
270 /// \param[out] tid Thread ID of the thread.
271 /// \param[out] os_id Operating system's ID of the thread.
272 /// \param[out] running Running flag of the thread.
273 /// \param[out] name Name of the thread.
274 /// \param[out] parent_tid ID of the parent thread.
275 /// \param trace A buffer to store the stack trace.
276 /// \param trace_size Size in bytes of the trace buffer.
277 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
278 int __tsan_get_report_thread(void *report, unsigned long idx, int *tid,
279                              uint64_t *os_id, int *running, const char **name,
280                              int *parent_tid, void **trace,
281                              unsigned long trace_size);
283 /// Returns information about unique thread IDs included in the report.
284 ///
285 /// \param report Opaque pointer to the current report.
286 /// \param idx Index to the report's unique thread IDs.
287 /// \param[out] tid Unique thread ID of the report.
288 /// \returns Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
289 int __tsan_get_report_unique_tid(void *report, unsigned long idx, int *tid);
291 /// Returns the current report.
292 ///
293 /// If TSan is currently reporting a detected issue on the current thread,
294 /// returns an opaque pointer to the current report. Otherwise returns NULL.
295 /// \returns An opaque pointer to the current report. Otherwise returns NULL.
296 void *__tsan_get_current_report();
298 #ifdef __cplusplus
299 }  // extern "C"
300 #endif