xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/StreamChecker.cpp (revision dd41de95a84d979615a2ef11df6850622bf6184e)
1 //===-- StreamChecker.cpp -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*--//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines checkers that model and check stream handling functions.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/BuiltinCheckerRegistration.h"
14 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugType.h"
15 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
16 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
17 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h"
18 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
19 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
20 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
21 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SymbolManager.h"
22 #include <functional>
24 using namespace clang;
25 using namespace ento;
26 using namespace std::placeholders;
28 namespace {
30 struct FnDescription;
32 /// State of the stream error flags.
33 /// Sometimes it is not known to the checker what error flags are set.
34 /// This is indicated by setting more than one flag to true.
35 /// This is an optimization to avoid state splits.
36 /// A stream can either be in FEOF or FERROR but not both at the same time.
37 /// Multiple flags are set to handle the corresponding states together.
38 struct StreamErrorState {
39   /// The stream can be in state where none of the error flags set.
40   bool NoError = true;
41   /// The stream can be in state where the EOF indicator is set.
42   bool FEof = false;
43   /// The stream can be in state where the error indicator is set.
44   bool FError = false;
46   bool isNoError() const { return NoError && !FEof && !FError; }
47   bool isFEof() const { return !NoError && FEof && !FError; }
48   bool isFError() const { return !NoError && !FEof && FError; }
50   bool operator==(const StreamErrorState &ES) const {
51     return NoError == ES.NoError && FEof == ES.FEof && FError == ES.FError;
52   }
54   bool operator!=(const StreamErrorState &ES) const { return !(*this == ES); }
56   StreamErrorState operator|(const StreamErrorState &E) const {
57     return {NoError || E.NoError, FEof || E.FEof, FError || E.FError};
58   }
60   StreamErrorState operator&(const StreamErrorState &E) const {
61     return {NoError && E.NoError, FEof && E.FEof, FError && E.FError};
62   }
64   StreamErrorState operator~() const { return {!NoError, !FEof, !FError}; }
66   /// Returns if the StreamErrorState is a valid object.
67   operator bool() const { return NoError || FEof || FError; }
69   void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
70     ID.AddBoolean(NoError);
71     ID.AddBoolean(FEof);
72     ID.AddBoolean(FError);
73   }
74 };
76 const StreamErrorState ErrorNone{true, false, false};
77 const StreamErrorState ErrorFEof{false, true, false};
78 const StreamErrorState ErrorFError{false, false, true};
80 /// Full state information about a stream pointer.
81 struct StreamState {
82   /// The last file operation called in the stream.
83   const FnDescription *LastOperation;
85   /// State of a stream symbol.
86   /// FIXME: We need maybe an "escaped" state later.
87   enum KindTy {
88     Opened, /// Stream is opened.
89     Closed, /// Closed stream (an invalid stream pointer after it was closed).
90     OpenFailed /// The last open operation has failed.
91   } State;
93   /// State of the error flags.
94   /// Ignored in non-opened stream state but must be NoError.
95   StreamErrorState const ErrorState;
97   /// Indicate if the file has an "indeterminate file position indicator".
98   /// This can be set at a failing read or write or seek operation.
99   /// If it is set no more read or write is allowed.
100   /// This value is not dependent on the stream error flags:
101   /// The error flag may be cleared with `clearerr` but the file position
102   /// remains still indeterminate.
103   /// This value applies to all error states in ErrorState except FEOF.
104   /// An EOF+indeterminate state is the same as EOF state.
105   bool const FilePositionIndeterminate = false;
107   StreamState(const FnDescription *L, KindTy S, const StreamErrorState &ES,
108               bool IsFilePositionIndeterminate)
109       : LastOperation(L), State(S), ErrorState(ES),
110         FilePositionIndeterminate(IsFilePositionIndeterminate) {
111     assert((!ES.isFEof() || !IsFilePositionIndeterminate) &&
112            "FilePositionIndeterminate should be false in FEof case.");
113     assert((State == Opened || ErrorState.isNoError()) &&
114            "ErrorState should be None in non-opened stream state.");
115   }
117   bool isOpened() const { return State == Opened; }
118   bool isClosed() const { return State == Closed; }
119   bool isOpenFailed() const { return State == OpenFailed; }
121   bool operator==(const StreamState &X) const {
122     // In not opened state error state should always NoError, so comparison
123     // here is no problem.
124     return LastOperation == X.LastOperation && State == X.State &&
125            ErrorState == X.ErrorState &&
126            FilePositionIndeterminate == X.FilePositionIndeterminate;
127   }
129   static StreamState getOpened(const FnDescription *L,
130                                const StreamErrorState &ES = ErrorNone,
131                                bool IsFilePositionIndeterminate = false) {
132     return StreamState{L, Opened, ES, IsFilePositionIndeterminate};
133   }
134   static StreamState getClosed(const FnDescription *L) {
135     return StreamState{L, Closed, {}, false};
136   }
137   static StreamState getOpenFailed(const FnDescription *L) {
138     return StreamState{L, OpenFailed, {}, false};
139   }
141   void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
142     ID.AddPointer(LastOperation);
143     ID.AddInteger(State);
144     ID.AddInteger(ErrorState);
145     ID.AddBoolean(FilePositionIndeterminate);
146   }
147 };
149 class StreamChecker;
150 using FnCheck = std::function<void(const StreamChecker *, const FnDescription *,
151                                    const CallEvent &, CheckerContext &)>;
153 using ArgNoTy = unsigned int;
154 static const ArgNoTy ArgNone = std::numeric_limits<ArgNoTy>::max();
156 struct FnDescription {
157   FnCheck PreFn;
158   FnCheck EvalFn;
159   ArgNoTy StreamArgNo;
160 };
162 /// Get the value of the stream argument out of the passed call event.
163 /// The call should contain a function that is described by Desc.
164 SVal getStreamArg(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call) {
165   assert(Desc && Desc->StreamArgNo != ArgNone &&
166          "Try to get a non-existing stream argument.");
167   return Call.getArgSVal(Desc->StreamArgNo);
168 }
170 /// Create a conjured symbol return value for a call expression.
171 DefinedSVal makeRetVal(CheckerContext &C, const CallExpr *CE) {
172   assert(CE && "Expecting a call expression.");
174   const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
175   return C.getSValBuilder()
176       .conjureSymbolVal(nullptr, CE, LCtx, C.blockCount())
177       .castAs<DefinedSVal>();
178 }
180 ProgramStateRef bindAndAssumeTrue(ProgramStateRef State, CheckerContext &C,
181                                   const CallExpr *CE) {
182   DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
183   State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
184   State = State->assume(RetVal, true);
185   assert(State && "Assumption on new value should not fail.");
186   return State;
187 }
189 ProgramStateRef bindInt(uint64_t Value, ProgramStateRef State,
190                         CheckerContext &C, const CallExpr *CE) {
191   State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(),
192                           C.getSValBuilder().makeIntVal(Value, false));
193   return State;
194 }
196 class StreamChecker : public Checker<check::PreCall, eval::Call,
197                                      check::DeadSymbols, check::PointerEscape> {
198   BugType BT_FileNull{this, "NULL stream pointer", "Stream handling error"};
199   BugType BT_UseAfterClose{this, "Closed stream", "Stream handling error"};
200   BugType BT_UseAfterOpenFailed{this, "Invalid stream",
201                                 "Stream handling error"};
202   BugType BT_IndeterminatePosition{this, "Invalid stream state",
203                                    "Stream handling error"};
204   BugType BT_IllegalWhence{this, "Illegal whence argument",
205                            "Stream handling error"};
206   BugType BT_StreamEof{this, "Stream already in EOF", "Stream handling error"};
207   BugType BT_ResourceLeak{this, "Resource leak", "Stream handling error"};
209 public:
210   void checkPreCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const;
211   bool evalCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const;
212   void checkDeadSymbols(SymbolReaper &SymReaper, CheckerContext &C) const;
213   ProgramStateRef checkPointerEscape(ProgramStateRef State,
214                                      const InvalidatedSymbols &Escaped,
215                                      const CallEvent *Call,
216                                      PointerEscapeKind Kind) const;
218   /// If true, evaluate special testing stream functions.
219   bool TestMode = false;
221 private:
222   CallDescriptionMap<FnDescription> FnDescriptions = {
223       {{"fopen"}, {nullptr, &StreamChecker::evalFopen, ArgNone}},
224       {{"freopen", 3},
225        {&StreamChecker::preFreopen, &StreamChecker::evalFreopen, 2}},
226       {{"tmpfile"}, {nullptr, &StreamChecker::evalFopen, ArgNone}},
227       {{"fclose", 1},
228        {&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalFclose, 0}},
229       {{"fread", 4},
230        {&StreamChecker::preFread,
231         std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFreadFwrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true), 3}},
232       {{"fwrite", 4},
233        {&StreamChecker::preFwrite,
234         std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFreadFwrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false), 3}},
235       {{"fseek", 3}, {&StreamChecker::preFseek, &StreamChecker::evalFseek, 0}},
236       {{"ftell", 1}, {&StreamChecker::preDefault, nullptr, 0}},
237       {{"rewind", 1}, {&StreamChecker::preDefault, nullptr, 0}},
238       {{"fgetpos", 2}, {&StreamChecker::preDefault, nullptr, 0}},
239       {{"fsetpos", 2}, {&StreamChecker::preDefault, nullptr, 0}},
240       {{"clearerr", 1},
241        {&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalClearerr, 0}},
242       {{"feof", 1},
243        {&StreamChecker::preDefault,
244         std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4, ErrorFEof),
245         0}},
246       {{"ferror", 1},
247        {&StreamChecker::preDefault,
248         std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4, ErrorFError),
249         0}},
250       {{"fileno", 1}, {&StreamChecker::preDefault, nullptr, 0}},
251   };
253   CallDescriptionMap<FnDescription> FnTestDescriptions = {
254       {{"StreamTesterChecker_make_feof_stream", 1},
255        {nullptr,
256         std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalSetFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4, ErrorFEof),
257         0}},
258       {{"StreamTesterChecker_make_ferror_stream", 1},
259        {nullptr,
260         std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalSetFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4,
261                   ErrorFError),
262         0}},
263   };
265   void evalFopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
266                  CheckerContext &C) const;
268   void preFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
269                   CheckerContext &C) const;
270   void evalFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
271                    CheckerContext &C) const;
273   void evalFclose(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
274                   CheckerContext &C) const;
276   void preFread(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
277                 CheckerContext &C) const;
279   void preFwrite(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
280                  CheckerContext &C) const;
282   void evalFreadFwrite(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
283                        CheckerContext &C, bool IsFread) const;
285   void preFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
286                 CheckerContext &C) const;
287   void evalFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
288                  CheckerContext &C) const;
290   void preDefault(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
291                   CheckerContext &C) const;
293   void evalClearerr(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
294                     CheckerContext &C) const;
296   void evalFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
297                       CheckerContext &C,
298                       const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const;
300   void evalSetFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
301                          CheckerContext &C,
302                          const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const;
304   /// Check that the stream (in StreamVal) is not NULL.
305   /// If it can only be NULL a fatal error is emitted and nullptr returned.
306   /// Otherwise the return value is a new state where the stream is constrained
307   /// to be non-null.
308   ProgramStateRef ensureStreamNonNull(SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C,
309                                       ProgramStateRef State) const;
311   /// Check that the stream is the opened state.
312   /// If the stream is known to be not opened an error is generated
313   /// and nullptr returned, otherwise the original state is returned.
314   ProgramStateRef ensureStreamOpened(SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C,
315                                      ProgramStateRef State) const;
317   /// Check that the stream has not an invalid ("indeterminate") file position,
318   /// generate warning for it.
319   /// (EOF is not an invalid position.)
320   /// The returned state can be nullptr if a fatal error was generated.
321   /// It can return non-null state if the stream has not an invalid position or
322   /// there is execution path with non-invalid position.
323   ProgramStateRef
324   ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C,
325                                     ProgramStateRef State) const;
327   /// Check the legality of the 'whence' argument of 'fseek'.
328   /// Generate error and return nullptr if it is found to be illegal.
329   /// Otherwise returns the state.
330   /// (State is not changed here because the "whence" value is already known.)
331   ProgramStateRef ensureFseekWhenceCorrect(SVal WhenceVal, CheckerContext &C,
332                                            ProgramStateRef State) const;
334   /// Generate warning about stream in EOF state.
335   /// There will be always a state transition into the passed State,
336   /// by the new non-fatal error node or (if failed) a normal transition,
337   /// to ensure uniform handling.
338   void reportFEofWarning(CheckerContext &C, ProgramStateRef State) const;
340   /// Find the description data of the function called by a call event.
341   /// Returns nullptr if no function is recognized.
342   const FnDescription *lookupFn(const CallEvent &Call) const {
343     // Recognize "global C functions" with only integral or pointer arguments
344     // (and matching name) as stream functions.
345     if (!Call.isGlobalCFunction())
346       return nullptr;
347     for (auto P : Call.parameters()) {
348       QualType T = P->getType();
349       if (!T->isIntegralOrEnumerationType() && !T->isPointerType())
350         return nullptr;
351     }
353     return FnDescriptions.lookup(Call);
354   }
356   /// Generate a message for BugReporterVisitor if the stored symbol is
357   /// marked as interesting by the actual bug report.
358   struct NoteFn {
359     const CheckerNameRef CheckerName;
360     SymbolRef StreamSym;
361     std::string Message;
363     std::string operator()(PathSensitiveBugReport &BR) const {
364       if (BR.isInteresting(StreamSym) &&
365           CheckerName == BR.getBugType().getCheckerName())
366         return Message;
368       return "";
369     }
370   };
372   const NoteTag *constructNoteTag(CheckerContext &C, SymbolRef StreamSym,
373                                   const std::string &Message) const {
374     return C.getNoteTag(NoteFn{getCheckerName(), StreamSym, Message});
375   }
377   /// Searches for the ExplodedNode where the file descriptor was acquired for
378   /// StreamSym.
379   static const ExplodedNode *getAcquisitionSite(const ExplodedNode *N,
380                                                 SymbolRef StreamSym,
381                                                 CheckerContext &C);
382 };
384 } // end anonymous namespace
386 REGISTER_MAP_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE(StreamMap, SymbolRef, StreamState)
388 inline void assertStreamStateOpened(const StreamState *SS) {
389   assert(SS->isOpened() &&
390          "Previous create of error node for non-opened stream failed?");
391 }
393 const ExplodedNode *StreamChecker::getAcquisitionSite(const ExplodedNode *N,
394                                                       SymbolRef StreamSym,
395                                                       CheckerContext &C) {
396   ProgramStateRef State = N->getState();
397   // When bug type is resource leak, exploded node N may not have state info
398   // for leaked file descriptor, but predecessor should have it.
399   if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
400     N = N->getFirstPred();
402   const ExplodedNode *Pred = N;
403   while (N) {
404     State = N->getState();
405     if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
406       return Pred;
407     Pred = N;
408     N = N->getFirstPred();
409   }
411   return nullptr;
412 }
414 void StreamChecker::checkPreCall(const CallEvent &Call,
415                                  CheckerContext &C) const {
416   const FnDescription *Desc = lookupFn(Call);
417   if (!Desc || !Desc->PreFn)
418     return;
420   Desc->PreFn(this, Desc, Call, C);
421 }
423 bool StreamChecker::evalCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const {
424   const FnDescription *Desc = lookupFn(Call);
425   if (!Desc && TestMode)
426     Desc = FnTestDescriptions.lookup(Call);
427   if (!Desc || !Desc->EvalFn)
428     return false;
430   Desc->EvalFn(this, Desc, Call, C);
432   return C.isDifferent();
433 }
435 void StreamChecker::evalFopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
436                               CheckerContext &C) const {
437   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
438   const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
439   if (!CE)
440     return;
442   DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
443   SymbolRef RetSym = RetVal.getAsSymbol();
444   assert(RetSym && "RetVal must be a symbol here.");
446   State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
448   // Bifurcate the state into two: one with a valid FILE* pointer, the other
449   // with a NULL.
450   ProgramStateRef StateNotNull, StateNull;
451   std::tie(StateNotNull, StateNull) =
452       C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, RetVal);
454   StateNotNull =
455       StateNotNull->set<StreamMap>(RetSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
456   StateNull =
457       StateNull->set<StreamMap>(RetSym, StreamState::getOpenFailed(Desc));
459   C.addTransition(StateNotNull,
460                   constructNoteTag(C, RetSym, "Stream opened here"));
461   C.addTransition(StateNull);
462 }
464 void StreamChecker::preFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
465                                CheckerContext &C) const {
466   // Do not allow NULL as passed stream pointer but allow a closed stream.
467   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
468   State = ensureStreamNonNull(getStreamArg(Desc, Call), C, State);
469   if (!State)
470     return;
472   C.addTransition(State);
473 }
475 void StreamChecker::evalFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc,
476                                 const CallEvent &Call,
477                                 CheckerContext &C) const {
478   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
480   auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
481   if (!CE)
482     return;
484   Optional<DefinedSVal> StreamVal =
485       getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAs<DefinedSVal>();
486   if (!StreamVal)
487     return;
489   SymbolRef StreamSym = StreamVal->getAsSymbol();
490   // Do not care about concrete values for stream ("(FILE *)0x12345"?).
491   // FIXME: Can be stdin, stdout, stderr such values?
492   if (!StreamSym)
493     return;
495   // Do not handle untracked stream. It is probably escaped.
496   if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
497     return;
499   // Generate state for non-failed case.
500   // Return value is the passed stream pointer.
501   // According to the documentations, the stream is closed first
502   // but any close error is ignored. The state changes to (or remains) opened.
503   ProgramStateRef StateRetNotNull =
504       State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *StreamVal);
505   // Generate state for NULL return value.
506   // Stream switches to OpenFailed state.
507   ProgramStateRef StateRetNull = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(),
508                                                  C.getSValBuilder().makeNull());
510   StateRetNotNull =
511       StateRetNotNull->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
512   StateRetNull =
513       StateRetNull->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpenFailed(Desc));
515   C.addTransition(StateRetNotNull,
516                   constructNoteTag(C, StreamSym, "Stream reopened here"));
517   C.addTransition(StateRetNull);
518 }
520 void StreamChecker::evalFclose(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
521                                CheckerContext &C) const {
522   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
523   SymbolRef Sym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
524   if (!Sym)
525     return;
527   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
528   if (!SS)
529     return;
531   assertStreamStateOpened(SS);
533   // Close the File Descriptor.
534   // Regardless if the close fails or not, stream becomes "closed"
535   // and can not be used any more.
536   State = State->set<StreamMap>(Sym, StreamState::getClosed(Desc));
538   C.addTransition(State);
539 }
541 void StreamChecker::preFread(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
542                              CheckerContext &C) const {
543   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
544   SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
545   State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, C, State);
546   if (!State)
547     return;
548   State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
549   if (!State)
550     return;
551   State = ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(StreamVal, C, State);
552   if (!State)
553     return;
555   SymbolRef Sym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol();
556   if (Sym && State->get<StreamMap>(Sym)) {
557     const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
558     if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorFEof)
559       reportFEofWarning(C, State);
560   } else {
561     C.addTransition(State);
562   }
563 }
565 void StreamChecker::preFwrite(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
566                               CheckerContext &C) const {
567   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
568   SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
569   State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, C, State);
570   if (!State)
571     return;
572   State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
573   if (!State)
574     return;
575   State = ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(StreamVal, C, State);
576   if (!State)
577     return;
579   C.addTransition(State);
580 }
582 void StreamChecker::evalFreadFwrite(const FnDescription *Desc,
583                                     const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
584                                     bool IsFread) const {
585   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
586   SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
587   if (!StreamSym)
588     return;
590   const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
591   if (!CE)
592     return;
594   Optional<NonLoc> SizeVal = Call.getArgSVal(1).getAs<NonLoc>();
595   if (!SizeVal)
596     return;
597   Optional<NonLoc> NMembVal = Call.getArgSVal(2).getAs<NonLoc>();
598   if (!NMembVal)
599     return;
601   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
602   if (!SS)
603     return;
605   assertStreamStateOpened(SS);
607   // C'99 standard, §, the return value of fread:
608   // The fread function returns the number of elements successfully read, which
609   // may be less than nmemb if a read error or end-of-file is encountered. If
610   // size or nmemb is zero, fread returns zero and the contents of the array and
611   // the state of the stream remain unchanged.
613   if (State->isNull(*SizeVal).isConstrainedTrue() ||
614       State->isNull(*NMembVal).isConstrainedTrue()) {
615     // This is the "size or nmemb is zero" case.
616     // Just return 0, do nothing more (not clear the error flags).
617     State = bindInt(0, State, C, CE);
618     C.addTransition(State);
619     return;
620   }
622   // Generate a transition for the success state.
623   // If we know the state to be FEOF at fread, do not add a success state.
624   if (!IsFread || (SS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof)) {
625     ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
626         State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *NMembVal);
627     if (StateNotFailed) {
628       StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(
629           StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
630       C.addTransition(StateNotFailed);
631     }
632   }
634   // Add transition for the failed state.
635   Optional<NonLoc> RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
636   assert(RetVal && "Value should be NonLoc.");
637   ProgramStateRef StateFailed =
638       State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *RetVal);
639   if (!StateFailed)
640     return;
641   auto Cond = C.getSValBuilder()
642                   .evalBinOpNN(State, BO_LT, *RetVal, *NMembVal,
643                                C.getASTContext().IntTy)
644                   .getAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>();
645   if (!Cond)
646     return;
647   StateFailed = StateFailed->assume(*Cond, true);
648   if (!StateFailed)
649     return;
651   StreamErrorState NewES;
652   if (IsFread)
653     NewES = (SS->ErrorState == ErrorFEof) ? ErrorFEof : ErrorFEof | ErrorFError;
654   else
655     NewES = ErrorFError;
656   // If a (non-EOF) error occurs, the resulting value of the file position
657   // indicator for the stream is indeterminate.
658   StreamState NewState = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewES, !NewES.isFEof());
659   StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, NewState);
660   C.addTransition(StateFailed);
661 }
663 void StreamChecker::preFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
664                              CheckerContext &C) const {
665   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
666   SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
667   State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, C, State);
668   if (!State)
669     return;
670   State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
671   if (!State)
672     return;
673   State = ensureFseekWhenceCorrect(Call.getArgSVal(2), C, State);
674   if (!State)
675     return;
677   C.addTransition(State);
678 }
680 void StreamChecker::evalFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
681                               CheckerContext &C) const {
682   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
683   SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
684   if (!StreamSym)
685     return;
687   const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
688   if (!CE)
689     return;
691   // Ignore the call if the stream is not tracked.
692   if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
693     return;
695   DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
697   // Make expression result.
698   State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
700   // Bifurcate the state into failed and non-failed.
701   // Return zero on success, nonzero on error.
702   ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed, StateFailed;
703   std::tie(StateFailed, StateNotFailed) =
704       C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, RetVal);
706   // Reset the state to opened with no error.
707   StateNotFailed =
708       StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
709   // We get error.
710   // It is possible that fseek fails but sets none of the error flags.
711   // If fseek failed, assume that the file position becomes indeterminate in any
712   // case.
713   StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(
714       StreamSym,
715       StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorNone | ErrorFEof | ErrorFError, true));
717   C.addTransition(StateNotFailed);
718   C.addTransition(StateFailed);
719 }
721 void StreamChecker::evalClearerr(const FnDescription *Desc,
722                                  const CallEvent &Call,
723                                  CheckerContext &C) const {
724   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
725   SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
726   if (!StreamSym)
727     return;
729   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
730   if (!SS)
731     return;
733   assertStreamStateOpened(SS);
735   // FilePositionIndeterminate is not cleared.
736   State = State->set<StreamMap>(
737       StreamSym,
738       StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorNone, SS->FilePositionIndeterminate));
739   C.addTransition(State);
740 }
742 void StreamChecker::evalFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc,
743                                    const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
744                                    const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const {
745   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
746   SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
747   if (!StreamSym)
748     return;
750   const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
751   if (!CE)
752     return;
754   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
755   if (!SS)
756     return;
758   assertStreamStateOpened(SS);
760   if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorKind) {
761     // Execution path with error of ErrorKind.
762     // Function returns true.
763     // From now on it is the only one error state.
764     ProgramStateRef TrueState = bindAndAssumeTrue(State, C, CE);
765     C.addTransition(TrueState->set<StreamMap>(
766         StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorKind,
767                                           SS->FilePositionIndeterminate &&
768                                               !ErrorKind.isFEof())));
769   }
770   if (StreamErrorState NewES = SS->ErrorState & (~ErrorKind)) {
771     // Execution path(s) with ErrorKind not set.
772     // Function returns false.
773     // New error state is everything before minus ErrorKind.
774     ProgramStateRef FalseState = bindInt(0, State, C, CE);
775     C.addTransition(FalseState->set<StreamMap>(
776         StreamSym,
777         StreamState::getOpened(
778             Desc, NewES, SS->FilePositionIndeterminate && !NewES.isFEof())));
779   }
780 }
782 void StreamChecker::preDefault(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
783                                CheckerContext &C) const {
784   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
785   SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
786   State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, C, State);
787   if (!State)
788     return;
789   State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
790   if (!State)
791     return;
793   C.addTransition(State);
794 }
796 void StreamChecker::evalSetFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc,
797                                       const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
798                                       const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const {
799   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
800   SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
801   assert(StreamSym && "Operation not permitted on non-symbolic stream value.");
802   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
803   assert(SS && "Stream should be tracked by the checker.");
804   State = State->set<StreamMap>(
805       StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(SS->LastOperation, ErrorKind));
806   C.addTransition(State);
807 }
809 ProgramStateRef
810 StreamChecker::ensureStreamNonNull(SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C,
811                                    ProgramStateRef State) const {
812   auto Stream = StreamVal.getAs<DefinedSVal>();
813   if (!Stream)
814     return State;
816   ConstraintManager &CM = C.getConstraintManager();
818   ProgramStateRef StateNotNull, StateNull;
819   std::tie(StateNotNull, StateNull) = CM.assumeDual(C.getState(), *Stream);
821   if (!StateNotNull && StateNull) {
822     if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode(StateNull)) {
823       C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
824           BT_FileNull, "Stream pointer might be NULL.", N));
825     }
826     return nullptr;
827   }
829   return StateNotNull;
830 }
832 ProgramStateRef StreamChecker::ensureStreamOpened(SVal StreamVal,
833                                                   CheckerContext &C,
834                                                   ProgramStateRef State) const {
835   SymbolRef Sym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol();
836   if (!Sym)
837     return State;
839   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
840   if (!SS)
841     return State;
843   if (SS->isClosed()) {
844     // Using a stream pointer after 'fclose' causes undefined behavior
845     // according to cppreference.com .
846     ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode();
847     if (N) {
848       C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
849           BT_UseAfterClose,
850           "Stream might be already closed. Causes undefined behaviour.", N));
851       return nullptr;
852     }
854     return State;
855   }
857   if (SS->isOpenFailed()) {
858     // Using a stream that has failed to open is likely to cause problems.
859     // This should usually not occur because stream pointer is NULL.
860     // But freopen can cause a state when stream pointer remains non-null but
861     // failed to open.
862     ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode();
863     if (N) {
864       C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
865           BT_UseAfterOpenFailed,
866           "Stream might be invalid after "
867           "(re-)opening it has failed. "
868           "Can cause undefined behaviour.",
869           N));
870       return nullptr;
871     }
872     return State;
873   }
875   return State;
876 }
878 ProgramStateRef StreamChecker::ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(
879     SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C, ProgramStateRef State) const {
880   static const char *BugMessage =
881       "File position of the stream might be 'indeterminate' "
882       "after a failed operation. "
883       "Can cause undefined behavior.";
885   SymbolRef Sym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol();
886   if (!Sym)
887     return State;
889   const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
890   if (!SS)
891     return State;
893   assert(SS->isOpened() && "First ensure that stream is opened.");
895   if (SS->FilePositionIndeterminate) {
896     if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorFEof) {
897       // The error is unknown but may be FEOF.
898       // Continue analysis with the FEOF error state.
899       // Report warning because the other possible error states.
900       ExplodedNode *N = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(State);
901       if (!N)
902         return nullptr;
904       C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
905           BT_IndeterminatePosition, BugMessage, N));
906       return State->set<StreamMap>(
907           Sym, StreamState::getOpened(SS->LastOperation, ErrorFEof, false));
908     }
910     // Known or unknown error state without FEOF possible.
911     // Stop analysis, report error.
912     ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode(State);
913     if (N)
914       C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
915           BT_IndeterminatePosition, BugMessage, N));
917     return nullptr;
918   }
920   return State;
921 }
923 ProgramStateRef
924 StreamChecker::ensureFseekWhenceCorrect(SVal WhenceVal, CheckerContext &C,
925                                         ProgramStateRef State) const {
926   Optional<nonloc::ConcreteInt> CI = WhenceVal.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>();
927   if (!CI)
928     return State;
930   int64_t X = CI->getValue().getSExtValue();
931   if (X >= 0 && X <= 2)
932     return State;
934   if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(State)) {
935     C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
936         BT_IllegalWhence,
937         "The whence argument to fseek() should be "
938         "SEEK_SET, SEEK_END, or SEEK_CUR.",
939         N));
940     return nullptr;
941   }
943   return State;
944 }
946 void StreamChecker::reportFEofWarning(CheckerContext &C,
947                                       ProgramStateRef State) const {
948   if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(State)) {
949     C.emitReport(std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
950         BT_StreamEof,
951         "Read function called when stream is in EOF state. "
952         "Function has no effect.",
953         N));
954     return;
955   }
956   C.addTransition(State);
957 }
959 void StreamChecker::checkDeadSymbols(SymbolReaper &SymReaper,
960                                      CheckerContext &C) const {
961   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
963   // TODO: Clean up the state.
964   const StreamMapTy &Map = State->get<StreamMap>();
965   for (const auto &I : Map) {
966     SymbolRef Sym = I.first;
967     const StreamState &SS = I.second;
968     if (!SymReaper.isDead(Sym) || !SS.isOpened())
969       continue;
971     ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode();
972     if (!N)
973       continue;
975     // Do not warn for non-closed stream at program exit.
976     ExplodedNode *Pred = C.getPredecessor();
977     if (Pred && Pred->getCFGBlock() &&
978         Pred->getCFGBlock()->hasNoReturnElement())
979       continue;
981     // Resource leaks can result in multiple warning that describe the same kind
982     // of programming error:
983     //  void f() {
984     //    FILE *F = fopen("a.txt");
985     //    if (rand()) // state split
986     //      return; // warning
987     //  } // warning
988     // While this isn't necessarily true (leaking the same stream could result
989     // from a different kinds of errors), the reduction in redundant reports
990     // makes this a worthwhile heuristic.
991     // FIXME: Add a checker option to turn this uniqueing feature off.
993     const ExplodedNode *StreamOpenNode = getAcquisitionSite(N, Sym, C);
994     assert(StreamOpenNode && "Could not find place of stream opening.");
995     PathDiagnosticLocation LocUsedForUniqueing =
996         PathDiagnosticLocation::createBegin(
997             StreamOpenNode->getStmtForDiagnostics(), C.getSourceManager(),
998             StreamOpenNode->getLocationContext());
1000     std::unique_ptr<PathSensitiveBugReport> R =
1001         std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
1002             BT_ResourceLeak,
1003             "Opened stream never closed. Potential resource leak.", N,
1004             LocUsedForUniqueing,
1005             StreamOpenNode->getLocationContext()->getDecl());
1006     R->markInteresting(Sym);
1007     C.emitReport(std::move(R));
1008   }
1009 }
1011 ProgramStateRef StreamChecker::checkPointerEscape(
1012     ProgramStateRef State, const InvalidatedSymbols &Escaped,
1013     const CallEvent *Call, PointerEscapeKind Kind) const {
1014   // Check for file-handling system call that is not handled by the checker.
1015   // FIXME: The checker should be updated to handle all system calls that take
1016   // 'FILE*' argument. These are now ignored.
1017   if (Kind == PSK_DirectEscapeOnCall && Call->isInSystemHeader())
1018     return State;
1020   for (SymbolRef Sym : Escaped) {
1021     // The symbol escaped.
1022     // From now the stream can be manipulated in unknown way to the checker,
1023     // it is not possible to handle it any more.
1024     // Optimistically, assume that the corresponding file handle will be closed
1025     // somewhere else.
1026     // Remove symbol from state so the following stream calls on this symbol are
1027     // not handled by the checker.
1028     State = State->remove<StreamMap>(Sym);
1029   }
1030   return State;
1031 }
1033 void ento::registerStreamChecker(CheckerManager &Mgr) {
1034   Mgr.registerChecker<StreamChecker>();
1035 }
1037 bool ento::shouldRegisterStreamChecker(const CheckerManager &Mgr) {
1038   return true;
1039 }
1041 void ento::registerStreamTesterChecker(CheckerManager &Mgr) {
1042   auto *Checker = Mgr.getChecker<StreamChecker>();
1043   Checker->TestMode = true;
1044 }
1046 bool ento::shouldRegisterStreamTesterChecker(const CheckerManager &Mgr) {
1047   return true;
1048 }