xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/clang/lib/Headers/sm3intrin.h (revision 59c8e88e72633afbc47a4ace0d2170d00d51f7dc)
1 /*===-------------------- sm3intrin.h - SM3 intrinsics ---------------------===
2  *
3  * Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4  * See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6  *
7  *===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
8  */
10 #ifndef __IMMINTRIN_H
11 #error "Never use <sm3intrin.h> directly; include <immintrin.h> instead."
12 #endif // __IMMINTRIN_H
14 #ifndef __SM3INTRIN_H
15 #define __SM3INTRIN_H
17 #define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128                                                  \
18   __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sm3"),            \
19                  __min_vector_width__(128)))
21 /// This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics. The
22 ///    intrinsic performs an initial calculation for the next four SM3 message
23 ///    words. The calculated results are stored in \a dst.
24 ///
25 /// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
26 ///
27 /// \code
28 /// __m128i _mm_sm3msg1_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
29 /// \endcode
30 ///
31 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VSM3MSG1 instruction.
32 ///
33 /// \param __A
34 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
35 /// \param __B
36 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
37 /// \param __C
38 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
39 /// \returns
40 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
41 ///
42 /// \code{.operation}
43 /// DEFINE ROL32(dword, n) {
44 /// 	count := n % 32
45 /// 	dest := (dword << count) | (dword >> (32 - count))
46 /// 	RETURN dest
47 /// }
48 /// DEFINE P1(x) {
49 /// 	RETURN x ^ ROL32(x, 15) ^ ROL32(x, 23)
50 /// }
51 /// W[0] := __C.dword[0]
52 /// W[1] := __C.dword[1]
53 /// W[2] := __C.dword[2]
54 /// W[3] := __C.dword[3]
55 /// W[7] := __A.dword[0]
56 /// W[8] := __A.dword[1]
57 /// W[9] := __A.dword[2]
58 /// W[10] := __A.dword[3]
59 /// W[13] := __B.dword[0]
60 /// W[14] := __B.dword[1]
61 /// W[15] := __B.dword[2]
62 /// TMP0 := W[7] ^ W[0] ^ ROL32(W[13], 15)
63 /// TMP1 := W[8] ^ W[1] ^ ROL32(W[14], 15)
64 /// TMP2 := W[9] ^ W[2] ^ ROL32(W[15], 15)
65 /// TMP3 := W[10] ^ W[3]
66 /// dst.dword[0] := P1(TMP0)
67 /// dst.dword[1] := P1(TMP1)
68 /// dst.dword[2] := P1(TMP2)
69 /// dst.dword[3] := P1(TMP3)
70 /// dst[MAX:128] := 0
71 /// \endcode
72 static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg1_epi32(__m128i __A,
73                                                                   __m128i __B,
74                                                                   __m128i __C) {
75   return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vsm3msg1((__v4su)__A, (__v4su)__B,
76                                           (__v4su)__C);
77 }
79 /// This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics. The
80 ///    intrinsic performs the final calculation for the next four SM3 message
81 ///    words. The calculated results are stored in \a dst.
82 ///
83 /// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
84 ///
85 /// \code
86 /// __m128i _mm_sm3msg2_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
87 /// \endcode
88 ///
89 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VSM3MSG2 instruction.
90 ///
91 /// \param __A
92 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
93 /// \param __B
94 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
95 /// \param __C
96 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
97 /// \returns
98 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
99 ///
100 /// \code{.operation}
101 /// DEFINE ROL32(dword, n) {
102 /// 	count := n % 32
103 /// 	dest := (dword << count) | (dword >> (32-count))
104 /// 	RETURN dest
105 /// }
106 /// WTMP[0] := __A.dword[0]
107 /// WTMP[1] := __A.dword[1]
108 /// WTMP[2] := __A.dword[2]
109 /// WTMP[3] := __A.dword[3]
110 /// W[3] := __B.dword[0]
111 /// W[4] := __B.dword[1]
112 /// W[5] := __B.dword[2]
113 /// W[6] := __B.dword[3]
114 /// W[10] := __C.dword[0]
115 /// W[11] := __C.dword[1]
116 /// W[12] := __C.dword[2]
117 /// W[13] := __C.dword[3]
118 /// W[16] := ROL32(W[3], 7) ^ W[10] ^ WTMP[0]
119 /// W[17] := ROL32(W[4], 7) ^ W[11] ^ WTMP[1]
120 /// W[18] := ROL32(W[5], 7) ^ W[12] ^ WTMP[2]
121 /// W[19] := ROL32(W[6], 7) ^ W[13] ^ WTMP[3]
122 /// W[19] := W[19] ^ ROL32(W[16], 6) ^ ROL32(W[16], 15) ^ ROL32(W[16], 30)
123 /// dst.dword[0] := W[16]
124 /// dst.dword[1] := W[17]
125 /// dst.dword[2] := W[18]
126 /// dst.dword[3] := W[19]
127 /// dst[MAX:128] := 0
128 /// \endcode
129 static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg2_epi32(__m128i __A,
130                                                                   __m128i __B,
131                                                                   __m128i __C) {
132   return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vsm3msg2((__v4su)__A, (__v4su)__B,
133                                           (__v4su)__C);
134 }
136 /// This intrinsic performs two rounds of SM3 operation using initial SM3 state
137 ///    (C, D, G, H) from \a __A, an initial SM3 states (A, B, E, F)
138 ///    from \a __B and a pre-computed words from the \a __C. \a __A with
139 ///    initial SM3 state of (C, D, G, H) assumes input of non-rotated left
140 ///    variables from previous state. The updated SM3 state (A, B, E, F) is
141 ///    written to \a __A. The \a imm8 should contain the even round number
142 ///    for the first of the two rounds computed by this instruction. The
143 ///    computation masks the \a imm8 value by AND’ing it with 0x3E so that only
144 ///    even round numbers from 0 through 62 are used for this operation. The
145 ///    calculated results are stored in \a dst.
146 ///
147 /// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
148 ///
149 /// \code
150 /// __m128i _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C, const int
151 /// imm8) \endcode
152 ///
153 /// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VSM3RNDS2 instruction.
154 ///
155 /// \param __A
156 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
157 /// \param __B
158 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
159 /// \param __C
160 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
161 /// \param imm8
162 ///    A 8-bit constant integer.
163 /// \returns
164 ///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
165 ///
166 /// \code{.operation}
167 /// DEFINE ROL32(dword, n) {
168 /// 	count := n % 32
169 /// 	dest := (dword << count) | (dword >> (32-count))
170 /// 	RETURN dest
171 /// }
172 /// DEFINE P0(dword) {
173 /// 	RETURN dword ^ ROL32(dword, 9) ^ ROL32(dword, 17)
174 /// }
175 /// DEFINE FF(x,y,z, round){
176 /// 	IF round < 16
177 /// 		RETURN (x ^ y ^ z)
178 /// 	ELSE
179 /// 		RETURN (x & y) | (x & z) | (y & z)
180 /// 	FI
181 /// }
182 /// DEFINE GG(x, y, z, round){
183 ///   IF round < 16
184 ///   	RETURN (x ^ y ^ z)
185 ///   ELSE
186 ///   	RETURN (x & y) | (~x & z)
187 ///   FI
188 /// }
189 /// A[0] := __B.dword[3]
190 /// B[0] := __B.dword[2]
191 /// C[0] := __A.dword[3]
192 /// D[0] := __A.dword[2]
193 /// E[0] := __B.dword[1]
194 /// F[0] := __B.dword[0]
195 /// G[0] := __A.dword[1]
196 /// H[0] := __A.dword[0]
197 /// W[0] := __C.dword[0]
198 /// W[1] := __C.dword[1]
199 /// W[4] := __C.dword[2]
200 /// W[5] := __C.dword[3]
201 /// C[0] := ROL32(C[0], 9)
202 /// D[0] := ROL32(D[0], 9)
203 /// G[0] := ROL32(G[0], 19)
204 /// H[0] := ROL32(H[0], 19)
205 /// ROUND := __D & 0x3E
206 /// IF ROUND < 16
207 /// 	CONST := 0x79CC4519
208 /// ELSE
209 /// 	CONST := 0x7A879D8A
210 /// FI
212 /// FOR i:= 0 to 1
213 /// 	S1 := ROL32((ROL32(A[i], 12) + E[i] + CONST), 7)
214 /// 	S2 := S1 ^ ROL32(A[i], 12)
215 /// 	T1 := FF(A[i], B[i], C[i], ROUND) + D[i] + S2 + (W[i] ^ W[i+4])
216 /// 	T2 := GG(E[i], F[i], G[i], ROUND) + H[i] + S1 + W[i]
217 /// 	D[i+1] := C[i]
218 /// 	C[i+1] := ROL32(B[i],9)
219 /// 	B[i+1] := A[i]
220 /// 	A[i+1] := T1
221 /// 	H[i+1] := G[i]
222 /// 	G[i+1] := ROL32(F[i], 19)
223 /// 	F[i+1] := E[i]
224 /// 	E[i+1] := P0(T2)
225 /// 	CONST := ROL32(CONST, 1)
226 /// ENDFOR
227 /// dst.dword[3] := A[2]
228 /// dst.dword[2] := B[2]
229 /// dst.dword[1] := E[2]
230 /// dst.dword[0] := F[2]
231 /// dst[MAX:128] := 0
232 /// \endcode
233 #define _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32(A, B, C, D)                                         \
234   (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vsm3rnds2((__v4su)A, (__v4su)B, (__v4su)C, (int)D)
236 #undef __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
238 #endif // __SM3INTRIN_H