xref: /freebsd/contrib/libucl/include/ucl.h (revision 4232f826683298e85d469c0ef17259cecd13b2c7)
1 /* Copyright (c) 2013, Vsevolod Stakhov
2  * All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
6  *       * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7  *         notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
8  *       * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
9  *         notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
10  *         documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
11  *
22  */
24 #ifndef UCL_H_
25 #define UCL_H_
27 #include <string.h>
28 #include <stddef.h>
29 #include <stdlib.h>
30 #include <stdint.h>
31 #include <stdbool.h>
32 #include <stdarg.h>
33 #include <stdio.h>
35 #ifdef _WIN32
36 # define UCL_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
37 #else
38 # define UCL_EXTERN
39 #endif
41 /**
42  * @mainpage
43  * This is a reference manual for UCL API. You may find the description of UCL format by following this
44  * [github repository](https://github.com/vstakhov/libucl).
45  *
46  * This manual has several main sections:
47  *  - @ref structures
48  *  - @ref utils
49  *  - @ref parser
50  *  - @ref emitter
51  */
53 /**
54  * @file ucl.h
55  * @brief UCL parsing and emitting functions
56  *
57  * UCL is universal configuration language, which is a form of
58  * JSON with less strict rules that make it more comfortable for
59  * using as a configuration language
60  */
61 #ifdef  __cplusplus
62 extern "C" {
63 #endif
64 /*
65  * Memory allocation utilities
66  * UCL_ALLOC(size) - allocate memory for UCL
67  * UCL_FREE(size, ptr) - free memory of specified size at ptr
68  * Default: malloc and free
69  */
70 #ifndef UCL_ALLOC
71 #define UCL_ALLOC(size) malloc(size)
72 #endif
73 #ifndef UCL_FREE
74 #define UCL_FREE(size, ptr) free(ptr)
75 #endif
77 #if    __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
78 #define UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT               \
79   __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
80 #else
82 #endif
84 #ifdef __GNUC__
85 #define UCL_DEPRECATED(func) func __attribute__ ((deprecated))
86 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
87 #define UCL_DEPRECATED(func) __declspec(deprecated) func
88 #else
89 #define UCL_DEPRECATED(func) func
90 #endif
92 /**
93  * @defgroup structures Structures and types
94  * UCL defines several enumeration types used for error reporting or specifying flags and attributes.
95  *
96  * @{
97  */
99 /**
100  * The common error codes returned by ucl parser
101  */
102 typedef enum ucl_error {
103 	UCL_EOK = 0, /**< No error */
104 	UCL_ESYNTAX, /**< Syntax error occurred during parsing */
105 	UCL_EIO, /**< IO error occurred during parsing */
106 	UCL_ESTATE, /**< Invalid state machine state */
107 	UCL_ENESTED, /**< Input has too many recursion levels */
108 	UCL_EMACRO, /**< Error processing a macro */
109 	UCL_EINTERNAL, /**< Internal unclassified error */
110 	UCL_ESSL /**< SSL error */
111 } ucl_error_t;
113 /**
114  * #ucl_object_t may have one of specified types, some types are compatible with each other and some are not.
115  * For example, you can always convert #UCL_TIME to #UCL_FLOAT. Also you can convert #UCL_FLOAT to #UCL_INTEGER
116  * by loosing floating point. Every object may be converted to a string by #ucl_object_tostring_forced() function.
117  *
118  */
119 typedef enum ucl_type {
120 	UCL_OBJECT = 0, /**< UCL object - key/value pairs */
121 	UCL_ARRAY, /**< UCL array */
122 	UCL_INT, /**< Integer number */
123 	UCL_FLOAT, /**< Floating point number */
124 	UCL_STRING, /**< Null terminated string */
125 	UCL_BOOLEAN, /**< Boolean value */
126 	UCL_TIME, /**< Time value (floating point number of seconds) */
127 	UCL_USERDATA, /**< Opaque userdata pointer (may be used in macros) */
128 	UCL_NULL /**< Null value */
129 } ucl_type_t;
131 /**
132  * You can use one of these types to serialise #ucl_object_t by using ucl_object_emit().
133  */
134 typedef enum ucl_emitter {
135 	UCL_EMIT_JSON = 0, /**< Emit fine formatted JSON */
136 	UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT, /**< Emit compacted JSON */
137 	UCL_EMIT_CONFIG, /**< Emit human readable config format */
138 	UCL_EMIT_YAML /**< Emit embedded YAML format */
139 } ucl_emitter_t;
141 /**
142  * These flags defines parser behaviour. If you specify #UCL_PARSER_ZEROCOPY you must ensure
143  * that the input memory is not freed if an object is in use. Moreover, if you want to use
144  * zero-terminated keys and string values then you should not use zero-copy mode, as in this case
145  * UCL still has to perform copying implicitly.
146  */
147 typedef enum ucl_parser_flags {
148 	UCL_PARSER_KEY_LOWERCASE = 0x1, /**< Convert all keys to lower case */
149 	UCL_PARSER_ZEROCOPY = 0x2, /**< Parse input in zero-copy mode if possible */
150 	UCL_PARSER_NO_TIME = 0x4, /**< Do not parse time and treat time values as strings */
151 	UCL_PARSER_NO_IMPLICIT_ARRAYS = 0x8 /** Create explicit arrays instead of implicit ones */
152 } ucl_parser_flags_t;
154 /**
155  * String conversion flags, that are used in #ucl_object_fromstring_common function.
156  */
157 typedef enum ucl_string_flags {
158 	UCL_STRING_ESCAPE = 0x1,  /**< Perform JSON escape */
159 	UCL_STRING_TRIM = 0x2,    /**< Trim leading and trailing whitespaces */
160 	UCL_STRING_PARSE_BOOLEAN = 0x4,    /**< Parse passed string and detect boolean */
161 	UCL_STRING_PARSE_INT = 0x8,    /**< Parse passed string and detect integer number */
162 	UCL_STRING_PARSE_DOUBLE = 0x10,    /**< Parse passed string and detect integer or float number */
163 	UCL_STRING_PARSE_TIME = 0x20, /**< Parse time strings */
165 									Parse passed string and detect number */
167 									Parse passed string (and detect booleans and numbers) */
168 	UCL_STRING_PARSE_BYTES = 0x40  /**< Treat numbers as bytes */
169 } ucl_string_flags_t;
171 /**
172  * Basic flags for an object
173  */
174 typedef enum ucl_object_flags {
175 	UCL_OBJECT_ALLOCATED_KEY = 0x1, /**< An object has key allocated internally */
176 	UCL_OBJECT_ALLOCATED_VALUE = 0x2, /**< An object has a string value allocated internally */
177 	UCL_OBJECT_NEED_KEY_ESCAPE = 0x4, /**< The key of an object need to be escaped on output */
178 	UCL_OBJECT_EPHEMERAL = 0x8, /**< Temporary object that does not need to be freed really */
179 	UCL_OBJECT_MULTILINE = 0x10, /**< String should be displayed as multiline string */
180 	UCL_OBJECT_MULTIVALUE = 0x20 /**< Object is a key with multiple values */
181 } ucl_object_flags_t;
183 /**
184  * UCL object structure. Please mention that the most of fields should not be touched by
185  * UCL users. In future, this structure may be converted to private one.
186  */
187 typedef struct ucl_object_s {
188 	/**
189 	 * Variant value type
190 	 */
191 	union {
192 		int64_t iv;							/**< Int value of an object */
193 		const char *sv;					/**< String value of an object */
194 		double dv;							/**< Double value of an object */
195 		void *av;							/**< Array					*/
196 		void *ov;							/**< Object					*/
197 		void* ud;							/**< Opaque user data		*/
198 	} value;
199 	const char *key;						/**< Key of an object		*/
200 	struct ucl_object_s *next;				/**< Array handle			*/
201 	struct ucl_object_s *prev;				/**< Array handle			*/
202 	uint32_t keylen;						/**< Lenght of a key		*/
203 	uint32_t len;							/**< Size of an object		*/
204 	uint32_t ref;							/**< Reference count		*/
205 	uint16_t flags;							/**< Object flags			*/
206 	uint16_t type;							/**< Real type				*/
207 	unsigned char* trash_stack[2];			/**< Pointer to allocated chunks */
208 } ucl_object_t;
210 /**
211  * Destructor type for userdata objects
212  * @param ud user specified data pointer
213  */
214 typedef void (*ucl_userdata_dtor)(void *ud);
215 typedef const char* (*ucl_userdata_emitter)(void *ud);
217 /** @} */
219 /**
220  * @defgroup utils Utility functions
221  * A number of utility functions simplify handling of UCL objects
222  *
223  * @{
224  */
225 /**
226  * Copy and return a key of an object, returned key is zero-terminated
227  * @param obj CL object
228  * @return zero terminated key
229  */
230 UCL_EXTERN char* ucl_copy_key_trash (const ucl_object_t *obj);
232 /**
233  * Copy and return a string value of an object, returned key is zero-terminated
234  * @param obj CL object
235  * @return zero terminated string representation of object value
236  */
237 UCL_EXTERN char* ucl_copy_value_trash (const ucl_object_t *obj);
239 /**
240  * Creates a new object
241  * @return new object
242  */
243 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_new (void) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
245 /**
246  * Create new object with type specified
247  * @param type type of a new object
248  * @return new object
249  */
250 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_typed_new (ucl_type_t type) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
252 /**
253  * Create new object with type and priority specified
254  * @param type type of a new object
255  * @param priority priority of an object
256  * @return new object
257  */
258 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_new_full (ucl_type_t type, unsigned priority)
261 /**
262  * Create new object with userdata dtor
263  * @param dtor destructor function
264  * @return new object
265  */
266 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_new_userdata (ucl_userdata_dtor dtor,
267 		ucl_userdata_emitter emitter) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
269 /**
270  * Perform deep copy of an object copying everything
271  * @param other object to copy
272  * @return new object with refcount equal to 1
273  */
274 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t * ucl_object_copy (const ucl_object_t *other)
277 /**
278  * Return the type of an object
279  * @return the object type
280  */
281 UCL_EXTERN ucl_type_t ucl_object_type (const ucl_object_t *obj);
283 /**
284  * Convert any string to an ucl object making the specified transformations
285  * @param str fixed size or NULL terminated string
286  * @param len length (if len is zero, than str is treated as NULL terminated)
287  * @param flags conversion flags
288  * @return new object
289  */
290 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t * ucl_object_fromstring_common (const char *str, size_t len,
291 		enum ucl_string_flags flags) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
293 /**
294  * Create a UCL object from the specified string
295  * @param str NULL terminated string, will be json escaped
296  * @return new object
297  */
298 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t *ucl_object_fromstring (const char *str) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
300 /**
301  * Create a UCL object from the specified string
302  * @param str fixed size string, will be json escaped
303  * @param len length of a string
304  * @return new object
305  */
306 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t *ucl_object_fromlstring (const char *str,
307 		size_t len) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
309 /**
310  * Create an object from an integer number
311  * @param iv number
312  * @return new object
313  */
314 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_fromint (int64_t iv) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
316 /**
317  * Create an object from a float number
318  * @param dv number
319  * @return new object
320  */
321 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_fromdouble (double dv) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
323 /**
324  * Create an object from a boolean
325  * @param bv bool value
326  * @return new object
327  */
328 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_frombool (bool bv) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
330 /**
331  * Insert a object 'elt' to the hash 'top' and associate it with key 'key'
332  * @param top destination object (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
333  * @param elt element to insert (must NOT be NULL)
334  * @param key key to associate with this object (either const or preallocated)
335  * @param keylen length of the key (or 0 for NULL terminated keys)
336  * @param copy_key make an internal copy of key
337  * @return true if key has been inserted
338  */
339 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_insert_key (ucl_object_t *top, ucl_object_t *elt,
340 		const char *key, size_t keylen, bool copy_key);
342 /**
343  * Replace a object 'elt' to the hash 'top' and associate it with key 'key', old object will be unrefed,
344  * if no object has been found this function works like ucl_object_insert_key()
345  * @param top destination object (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
346  * @param elt element to insert (must NOT be NULL)
347  * @param key key to associate with this object (either const or preallocated)
348  * @param keylen length of the key (or 0 for NULL terminated keys)
349  * @param copy_key make an internal copy of key
350  * @return true if key has been inserted
351  */
352 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_replace_key (ucl_object_t *top, ucl_object_t *elt,
353 		const char *key, size_t keylen, bool copy_key);
355 /**
356  * Merge the keys from one object to another object. Overwrite on conflict
357  * @param top destination object (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
358  * @param elt element to insert (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
359  * @param copy copy rather than reference the elements
360  * @return true if all keys have been merged
361  */
362 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_merge (ucl_object_t *top, ucl_object_t *elt, bool copy);
364 /**
365  * Delete a object associated with key 'key', old object will be unrefered,
366  * @param top object
367  * @param key key associated to the object to remove
368  * @param keylen length of the key (or 0 for NULL terminated keys)
369  */
370 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_delete_keyl (ucl_object_t *top,
371 		const char *key, size_t keylen);
373 /**
374  * Delete a object associated with key 'key', old object will be unrefered,
375  * @param top object
376  * @param key key associated to the object to remove
377  */
378 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_delete_key (ucl_object_t *top,
379 		const char *key);
382 /**
383  * Removes `key` from `top` object, returning the object that was removed. This
384  * object is not released, caller must unref the returned object when it is no
385  * longer needed.
386  * @param top object
387  * @param key key to remove
388  * @param keylen length of the key (or 0 for NULL terminated keys)
389  * @return removed object or NULL if object has not been found
390  */
391 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_pop_keyl (ucl_object_t *top, const char *key,
392 		size_t keylen) UCL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
394 /**
395  * Removes `key` from `top` object returning the object that was removed. This
396  * object is not released, caller must unref the returned object when it is no
397  * longer needed.
398  * @param top object
399  * @param key key to remove
400  * @return removed object or NULL if object has not been found
401  */
402 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_pop_key (ucl_object_t *top, const char *key)
405 /**
406  * Insert a object 'elt' to the hash 'top' and associate it with key 'key', if
407  * the specified key exist, try to merge its content
408  * @param top destination object (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
409  * @param elt element to insert (must NOT be NULL)
410  * @param key key to associate with this object (either const or preallocated)
411  * @param keylen length of the key (or 0 for NULL terminated keys)
412  * @param copy_key make an internal copy of key
413  * @return true if key has been inserted
414  */
415 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_insert_key_merged (ucl_object_t *top, ucl_object_t *elt,
416 		const char *key, size_t keylen, bool copy_key);
418 /**
419  * Append an element to the end of array object
420  * @param top destination object (must NOT be NULL)
421  * @param elt element to append (must NOT be NULL)
422  * @return true if value has been inserted
423  */
424 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_array_append (ucl_object_t *top,
425 		ucl_object_t *elt);
427 /**
428  * Append an element to the start of array object
429  * @param top destination object (must NOT be NULL)
430  * @param elt element to append (must NOT be NULL)
431  * @return true if value has been inserted
432  */
433 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_array_prepend (ucl_object_t *top,
434 		ucl_object_t *elt);
436 /**
437  * Merge all elements of second array into the first array
438  * @param top destination array (must be of type UCL_ARRAY)
439  * @param elt array to copy elements from (must be of type UCL_ARRAY)
440  * @param copy copy elements instead of referencing them
441  * @return true if arrays were merged
442  */
443 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_array_merge (ucl_object_t *top, ucl_object_t *elt,
444 		bool copy);
446 /**
447  * Removes an element `elt` from the array `top`, returning the object that was
448  * removed. This object is not released, caller must unref the returned object
449  * when it is no longer needed.
450  * @param top array ucl object
451  * @param elt element to remove
452  * @return removed element or NULL if `top` is NULL or not an array
453  */
454 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_array_delete (ucl_object_t *top,
455 		ucl_object_t *elt);
457 /**
458  * Returns the first element of the array `top`
459  * @param top array ucl object
460  * @return element or NULL if `top` is NULL or not an array
461  */
462 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_array_head (const ucl_object_t *top);
464 /**
465  * Returns the last element of the array `top`
466  * @param top array ucl object
467  * @return element or NULL if `top` is NULL or not an array
468  */
469 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_array_tail (const ucl_object_t *top);
471 /**
472  * Removes the last element from the array `top`, returning the object that was
473  * removed. This object is not released, caller must unref the returned object
474  * when it is no longer needed.
475  * @param top array ucl object
476  * @return removed element or NULL if `top` is NULL or not an array
477  */
478 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_array_pop_last (ucl_object_t *top);
480 /**
481  * Removes the first element from the array `top`, returning the object that was
482  * removed. This object is not released, caller must unref the returned object
483  * when it is no longer needed.
484  * @param top array ucl object
485  * @return removed element or NULL if `top` is NULL or not an array
486  */
487 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_array_pop_first (ucl_object_t *top);
489 /**
490  * Return object identified by index of the array `top`
491  * @param top object to get a key from (must be of type UCL_ARRAY)
492  * @param index array index to return
493  * @return object at the specified index or NULL if index is not found
494  */
495 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_array_find_index (const ucl_object_t *top,
496 		unsigned int index);
498 /**
499  * Replace an element in an array with a different element, returning the object
500  * that was replaced. This object is not released, caller must unref the
501  * returned object when it is no longer needed.
502  * @param top destination object (must be of type UCL_ARRAY)
503  * @param elt element to append (must NOT be NULL)
504  * @param index array index in destination to overwrite with elt
505  * @return object that was replaced or NULL if index is not found
506  */
507 ucl_object_t *
508 ucl_array_replace_index (ucl_object_t *top, ucl_object_t *elt,
509 	unsigned int index);
511 /**
512  * Append a element to another element forming an implicit array
513  * @param head head to append (may be NULL)
514  * @param elt new element
515  * @return the new implicit array
516  */
517 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t * ucl_elt_append (ucl_object_t *head,
518 		ucl_object_t *elt);
520 /**
521  * Converts an object to double value
522  * @param obj CL object
523  * @param target target double variable
524  * @return true if conversion was successful
525  */
526 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_todouble_safe (const ucl_object_t *obj, double *target);
528 /**
529  * Unsafe version of \ref ucl_obj_todouble_safe
530  * @param obj CL object
531  * @return double value
532  */
533 UCL_EXTERN double ucl_object_todouble (const ucl_object_t *obj);
535 /**
536  * Converts an object to integer value
537  * @param obj CL object
538  * @param target target integer variable
539  * @return true if conversion was successful
540  */
541 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_toint_safe (const ucl_object_t *obj, int64_t *target);
543 /**
544  * Unsafe version of \ref ucl_obj_toint_safe
545  * @param obj CL object
546  * @return int value
547  */
548 UCL_EXTERN int64_t ucl_object_toint (const ucl_object_t *obj);
550 /**
551  * Converts an object to boolean value
552  * @param obj CL object
553  * @param target target boolean variable
554  * @return true if conversion was successful
555  */
556 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_toboolean_safe (const ucl_object_t *obj, bool *target);
558 /**
559  * Unsafe version of \ref ucl_obj_toboolean_safe
560  * @param obj CL object
561  * @return boolean value
562  */
563 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_toboolean (const ucl_object_t *obj);
565 /**
566  * Converts an object to string value
567  * @param obj CL object
568  * @param target target string variable, no need to free value
569  * @return true if conversion was successful
570  */
571 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_tostring_safe (const ucl_object_t *obj, const char **target);
573 /**
574  * Unsafe version of \ref ucl_obj_tostring_safe
575  * @param obj CL object
576  * @return string value
577  */
578 UCL_EXTERN const char* ucl_object_tostring (const ucl_object_t *obj);
580 /**
581  * Convert any object to a string in JSON notation if needed
582  * @param obj CL object
583  * @return string value
584  */
585 UCL_EXTERN const char* ucl_object_tostring_forced (const ucl_object_t *obj);
587 /**
588  * Return string as char * and len, string may be not zero terminated, more efficient that \ref ucl_obj_tostring as it
589  * allows zero-copy (if #UCL_PARSER_ZEROCOPY has been used during parsing)
590  * @param obj CL object
591  * @param target target string variable, no need to free value
592  * @param tlen target length
593  * @return true if conversion was successful
594  */
595 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_tolstring_safe (const ucl_object_t *obj,
596 		const char **target, size_t *tlen);
598 /**
599  * Unsafe version of \ref ucl_obj_tolstring_safe
600  * @param obj CL object
601  * @return string value
602  */
603 UCL_EXTERN const char* ucl_object_tolstring (const ucl_object_t *obj, size_t *tlen);
605 /**
606  * Return object identified by a key in the specified object
607  * @param obj object to get a key from (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
608  * @param key key to search
609  * @return object matching the specified key or NULL if key was not found
610  */
611 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_object_find_key (const ucl_object_t *obj,
612 		const char *key);
614 /**
615  * Return object identified by a fixed size key in the specified object
616  * @param obj object to get a key from (must be of type UCL_OBJECT)
617  * @param key key to search
618  * @param klen length of a key
619  * @return object matching the specified key or NULL if key was not found
620  */
621 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_object_find_keyl (const ucl_object_t *obj,
622 		const char *key, size_t klen);
624 /**
625  * Return object identified by dot notation string
626  * @param obj object to search in
627  * @param path dot.notation.path to the path to lookup. May use numeric .index on arrays
628  * @return object matched the specified path or NULL if path is not found
629  */
630 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t *ucl_lookup_path (const ucl_object_t *obj,
631 		const char *path);
633 /**
634  * Returns a key of an object as a NULL terminated string
635  * @param obj CL object
636  * @return key or NULL if there is no key
637  */
638 UCL_EXTERN const char* ucl_object_key (const ucl_object_t *obj);
640 /**
641  * Returns a key of an object as a fixed size string (may be more efficient)
642  * @param obj CL object
643  * @param len target key length
644  * @return key pointer
645  */
646 UCL_EXTERN const char* ucl_object_keyl (const ucl_object_t *obj, size_t *len);
648 /**
649  * Increase reference count for an object
650  * @param obj object to ref
651  * @return the referenced object
652  */
653 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_object_ref (const ucl_object_t *obj);
655 /**
656  * Free ucl object
657  * @param obj ucl object to free
658  */
659 UCL_DEPRECATED(UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_free (ucl_object_t *obj));
661 /**
662  * Decrease reference count for an object
663  * @param obj object to unref
664  */
665 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_unref (ucl_object_t *obj);
667 /**
668  * Compare objects `o1` and `o2`
669  * @param o1 the first object
670  * @param o2 the second object
671  * @return values >0, 0 and <0 if `o1` is more than, equal and less than `o2`.
672  * The order of comparison:
673  * 1) Type of objects
674  * 2) Size of objects
675  * 3) Content of objects
676  */
677 UCL_EXTERN int ucl_object_compare (const ucl_object_t *o1,
678 		const ucl_object_t *o2);
680 /**
681  * Sort UCL array using `cmp` compare function
682  * @param ar
683  * @param cmp
684  */
685 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_array_sort (ucl_object_t *ar,
686 		int (*cmp)(const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2));
688 /**
689  * Get the priority for specific UCL object
690  * @param obj any ucl object
691  * @return priority of an object
692  */
693 UCL_EXTERN unsigned int ucl_object_get_priority (const ucl_object_t *obj);
695 /**
696  * Set explicit priority of an object.
697  * @param obj any ucl object
698  * @param priority new priroity value (only 4 least significant bits are considred)
699  */
700 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_set_priority (ucl_object_t *obj,
701 		unsigned int priority);
703 /**
704  * Opaque iterator object
705  */
706 typedef void* ucl_object_iter_t;
708 /**
709  * Get next key from an object
710  * @param obj object to iterate
711  * @param iter opaque iterator, must be set to NULL on the first call:
712  * ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL;
713  * while ((cur = ucl_iterate_object (obj, &it)) != NULL) ...
714  * @return the next object or NULL
715  */
716 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_iterate_object (const ucl_object_t *obj,
717 		ucl_object_iter_t *iter, bool expand_values);
719 /**
720  * Create new safe iterator for the specified object
721  * @param obj object to iterate
722  * @return new iterator object that should be used with safe iterators API only
723  */
724 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_iter_t ucl_object_iterate_new (const ucl_object_t *obj)
726 /**
727  * Reset initialized iterator to a new object
728  * @param obj new object to iterate
729  * @return modified iterator object
730  */
731 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_iter_t ucl_object_iterate_reset (ucl_object_iter_t it,
732 		const ucl_object_t *obj);
734 /**
735  * Get the next object from the `obj`. This fucntion iterates over arrays, objects
736  * and implicit arrays
737  * @param iter safe iterator
738  * @return the next object in sequence
739  */
740 UCL_EXTERN const ucl_object_t* ucl_object_iterate_safe (ucl_object_iter_t iter,
741 		bool expand_values);
743 /**
744  * Free memory associated with the safe iterator
745  * @param it safe iterator object
746  */
747 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_iterate_free (ucl_object_iter_t it);
749 /** @} */
752 /**
753  * @defgroup parser Parsing functions
754  * These functions are used to parse UCL objects
755  *
756  * @{
757  */
759 /**
760  * Macro handler for a parser
761  * @param data the content of macro
762  * @param len the length of content
763  * @param arguments arguments object
764  * @param ud opaque user data
765  * @param err error pointer
766  * @return true if macro has been parsed
767  */
768 typedef bool (*ucl_macro_handler) (const unsigned char *data, size_t len,
769 		const ucl_object_t *arguments,
770 		void* ud);
772 /* Opaque parser */
773 struct ucl_parser;
775 /**
776  * Creates new parser object
777  * @param pool pool to allocate memory from
778  * @return new parser object
779  */
780 UCL_EXTERN struct ucl_parser* ucl_parser_new (int flags);
782 /**
783  * Register new handler for a macro
784  * @param parser parser object
785  * @param macro macro name (without leading dot)
786  * @param handler handler (it is called immediately after macro is parsed)
787  * @param ud opaque user data for a handler
788  */
789 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_parser_register_macro (struct ucl_parser *parser, const char *macro,
790 		ucl_macro_handler handler, void* ud);
792 /**
793  * Handler to detect unregistered variables
794  * @param data variable data
795  * @param len length of variable
796  * @param replace (out) replace value for variable
797  * @param replace_len (out) replace length for variable
798  * @param need_free (out) UCL will free `dest` after usage
799  * @param ud opaque userdata
800  * @return true if variable
801  */
802 typedef bool (*ucl_variable_handler) (const unsigned char *data, size_t len,
803 		unsigned char **replace, size_t *replace_len, bool *need_free, void* ud);
805 /**
806  * Register new parser variable
807  * @param parser parser object
808  * @param var variable name
809  * @param value variable value
810  */
811 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_parser_register_variable (struct ucl_parser *parser, const char *var,
812 		const char *value);
814 /**
815  * Set handler for unknown variables
816  * @param parser parser structure
817  * @param handler desired handler
818  * @param ud opaque data for the handler
819  */
820 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_parser_set_variables_handler (struct ucl_parser *parser,
821 		ucl_variable_handler handler, void *ud);
823 /**
824  * Load new chunk to a parser
825  * @param parser parser structure
826  * @param data the pointer to the beginning of a chunk
827  * @param len the length of a chunk
828  * @return true if chunk has been added and false in case of error
829  */
830 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_parser_add_chunk (struct ucl_parser *parser,
831 		const unsigned char *data, size_t len);
833 /**
834  * Load new chunk to a parser with the specified priority
835  * @param parser parser structure
836  * @param data the pointer to the beginning of a chunk
837  * @param len the length of a chunk
838  * @param priority the desired priority of a chunk (only 4 least significant bits
839  * are considered for this parameter)
840  * @return true if chunk has been added and false in case of error
841  */
842 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_parser_add_chunk_priority (struct ucl_parser *parser,
843 		const unsigned char *data, size_t len, unsigned priority);
845 /**
846  * Load ucl object from a string
847  * @param parser parser structure
848  * @param data the pointer to the string
849  * @param len the length of the string, if `len` is 0 then `data` must be zero-terminated string
850  * @return true if string has been added and false in case of error
851  */
852 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_parser_add_string (struct ucl_parser *parser,
853 		const char *data,size_t len);
855 /**
856  * Load and add data from a file
857  * @param parser parser structure
858  * @param filename the name of file
859  * @param err if *err is NULL it is set to parser error
860  * @return true if chunk has been added and false in case of error
861  */
862 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_parser_add_file (struct ucl_parser *parser,
863 		const char *filename);
865 /**
866  * Load and add data from a file descriptor
867  * @param parser parser structure
868  * @param filename the name of file
869  * @param err if *err is NULL it is set to parser error
870  * @return true if chunk has been added and false in case of error
871  */
872 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_parser_add_fd (struct ucl_parser *parser,
873 		int fd);
875 /**
876  * Get a top object for a parser (refcount is increased)
877  * @param parser parser structure
878  * @param err if *err is NULL it is set to parser error
879  * @return top parser object or NULL
880  */
881 UCL_EXTERN ucl_object_t* ucl_parser_get_object (struct ucl_parser *parser);
883 /**
884  * Get the error string if failing
885  * @param parser parser object
886  */
887 UCL_EXTERN const char *ucl_parser_get_error(struct ucl_parser *parser);
889 /**
890  * Clear the error in the parser
891  * @param parser parser object
892  */
893 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_parser_clear_error(struct ucl_parser *parser);
895 /**
896  * Free ucl parser object
897  * @param parser parser object
898  */
899 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_parser_free (struct ucl_parser *parser);
901 /**
902  * Add new public key to parser for signatures check
903  * @param parser parser object
904  * @param key PEM representation of a key
905  * @param len length of the key
906  * @param err if *err is NULL it is set to parser error
907  * @return true if a key has been successfully added
908  */
909 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_pubkey_add (struct ucl_parser *parser, const unsigned char *key, size_t len);
911 /**
912  * Set FILENAME and CURDIR variables in parser
913  * @param parser parser object
914  * @param filename filename to set or NULL to set FILENAME to "undef" and CURDIR to getcwd()
915  * @param need_expand perform realpath() if this variable is true and filename is not NULL
916  * @return true if variables has been set
917  */
918 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_parser_set_filevars (struct ucl_parser *parser, const char *filename,
919 		bool need_expand);
921 /** @} */
923 /**
924  * @defgroup emitter Emitting functions
925  * These functions are used to serialise UCL objects to some string representation.
926  *
927  * @{
928  */
930 struct ucl_emitter_context;
931 /**
932  * Structure using for emitter callbacks
933  */
934 struct ucl_emitter_functions {
935 	/** Append a single character */
936 	int (*ucl_emitter_append_character) (unsigned char c, size_t nchars, void *ud);
937 	/** Append a string of a specified length */
938 	int (*ucl_emitter_append_len) (unsigned const char *str, size_t len, void *ud);
939 	/** Append a 64 bit integer */
940 	int (*ucl_emitter_append_int) (int64_t elt, void *ud);
941 	/** Append floating point element */
942 	int (*ucl_emitter_append_double) (double elt, void *ud);
943 	/** Free userdata */
944 	void (*ucl_emitter_free_func)(void *ud);
945 	/** Opaque userdata pointer */
946 	void *ud;
947 };
949 struct ucl_emitter_operations {
950 	/** Write a primitive element */
951 	void (*ucl_emitter_write_elt) (struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx,
952 		const ucl_object_t *obj, bool first, bool print_key);
953 	/** Start ucl object */
954 	void (*ucl_emitter_start_object) (struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx,
955 		const ucl_object_t *obj, bool print_key);
956 	/** End ucl object */
957 	void (*ucl_emitter_end_object) (struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx,
958 		const ucl_object_t *obj);
959 	/** Start ucl array */
960 	void (*ucl_emitter_start_array) (struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx,
961 		const ucl_object_t *obj, bool print_key);
962 	void (*ucl_emitter_end_array) (struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx,
963 		const ucl_object_t *obj);
964 };
966 /**
967  * Structure that defines emitter functions
968  */
969 struct ucl_emitter_context {
970 	/** Name of emitter (e.g. json, compact_json) */
971 	const char *name;
972 	/** Unique id (e.g. UCL_EMIT_JSON for standard emitters */
973 	int id;
974 	/** A set of output functions */
975 	const struct ucl_emitter_functions *func;
976 	/** A set of output operations */
977 	const struct ucl_emitter_operations *ops;
978 	/** Current amount of indent tabs */
979 	unsigned int indent;
980 	/** Top level object */
981 	const ucl_object_t *top;
982 	/** The rest of context */
983 	unsigned char data[1];
984 };
986 /**
987  * Emit object to a string
988  * @param obj object
989  * @param emit_type if type is #UCL_EMIT_JSON then emit json, if type is
990  * #UCL_EMIT_CONFIG then emit config like object
991  * @return dump of an object (must be freed after using) or NULL in case of error
992  */
993 UCL_EXTERN unsigned char *ucl_object_emit (const ucl_object_t *obj,
994 		enum ucl_emitter emit_type);
996 /**
997  * Emit object to a string
998  * @param obj object
999  * @param emit_type if type is #UCL_EMIT_JSON then emit json, if type is
1000  * #UCL_EMIT_CONFIG then emit config like object
1001  * @param emitter a set of emitter functions
1002  * @return dump of an object (must be freed after using) or NULL in case of error
1003  */
1004 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_emit_full (const ucl_object_t *obj,
1005 		enum ucl_emitter emit_type,
1006 		struct ucl_emitter_functions *emitter);
1008 /**
1009  * Start streamlined UCL object emitter
1010  * @param obj top UCL object
1011  * @param emit_type emit type
1012  * @param emitter a set of emitter functions
1013  * @return new streamlined context that should be freed by
1014  * `ucl_object_emit_streamline_finish`
1015  */
1016 UCL_EXTERN struct ucl_emitter_context* ucl_object_emit_streamline_new (
1017 		const ucl_object_t *obj, enum ucl_emitter emit_type,
1018 		struct ucl_emitter_functions *emitter);
1020 /**
1021  * Start object or array container for the streamlined output
1022  * @param ctx streamlined context
1023  * @param obj container object
1024  */
1025 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_emit_streamline_start_container (
1026 		struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx, const ucl_object_t *obj);
1027 /**
1028  * Add a complete UCL object to streamlined output
1029  * @param ctx streamlined context
1030  * @param obj object to output
1031  */
1032 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_emit_streamline_add_object (
1033 		struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx, const ucl_object_t *obj);
1034 /**
1035  * End previously added container
1036  * @param ctx streamlined context
1037  */
1038 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_emit_streamline_end_container (
1039 		struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx);
1040 /**
1041  * Terminate streamlined container finishing all containers in it
1042  * @param ctx streamlined context
1043  */
1044 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_emit_streamline_finish (
1045 		struct ucl_emitter_context *ctx);
1047 /**
1048  * Returns functions to emit object to memory
1049  * @param pmem target pointer (should be freed by caller)
1050  * @return emitter functions structure
1051  */
1052 UCL_EXTERN struct ucl_emitter_functions* ucl_object_emit_memory_funcs (
1053 		void **pmem);
1055 /**
1056  * Returns functions to emit object to FILE *
1057  * @param fp FILE * object
1058  * @return emitter functions structure
1059  */
1060 UCL_EXTERN struct ucl_emitter_functions* ucl_object_emit_file_funcs (
1061 		FILE *fp);
1062 /**
1063  * Returns functions to emit object to a file descriptor
1064  * @param fd file descriptor
1065  * @return emitter functions structure
1066  */
1067 UCL_EXTERN struct ucl_emitter_functions* ucl_object_emit_fd_funcs (
1068 		int fd);
1070 /**
1071  * Free emitter functions
1072  * @param f pointer to functions
1073  */
1074 UCL_EXTERN void ucl_object_emit_funcs_free (struct ucl_emitter_functions *f);
1076 /** @} */
1078 /**
1079  * @defgroup schema Schema functions
1080  * These functions are used to validate UCL objects using json schema format
1081  *
1082  * @{
1083  */
1085 /**
1086  * Used to define UCL schema error
1087  */
1088 enum ucl_schema_error_code {
1089 	UCL_SCHEMA_OK = 0,          /**< no error */
1090 	UCL_SCHEMA_TYPE_MISMATCH,   /**< type of object is incorrect */
1091 	UCL_SCHEMA_INVALID_SCHEMA,  /**< schema is invalid */
1092 	UCL_SCHEMA_MISSING_PROPERTY,/**< one or more missing properties */
1093 	UCL_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT,      /**< constraint found */
1094 	UCL_SCHEMA_MISSING_DEPENDENCY, /**< missing dependency */
1095 	UCL_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN          /**< generic error */
1096 };
1098 /**
1099  * Generic ucl schema error
1100  */
1101 struct ucl_schema_error {
1102 	enum ucl_schema_error_code code;	/**< error code */
1103 	char msg[128];						/**< error message */
1104 	const ucl_object_t *obj;			/**< object where error occured */
1105 };
1107 /**
1108  * Validate object `obj` using schema object `schema`.
1109  * @param schema schema object
1110  * @param obj object to validate
1111  * @param err error pointer, if this parameter is not NULL and error has been
1112  * occured, then `err` is filled with the exact error definition.
1113  * @return true if `obj` is valid using `schema`
1114  */
1115 UCL_EXTERN bool ucl_object_validate (const ucl_object_t *schema,
1116 		const ucl_object_t *obj, struct ucl_schema_error *err);
1118 /** @} */
1120 #ifdef  __cplusplus
1121 }
1122 #endif
1123 /*
1124  * XXX: Poorly named API functions, need to replace them with the appropriate
1125  * named function. All API functions *must* use naming ucl_object_*. Usage of
1126  * ucl_obj* should be avoided.
1127  */
1128 #define ucl_obj_todouble_safe ucl_object_todouble_safe
1129 #define ucl_obj_todouble ucl_object_todouble
1130 #define ucl_obj_tostring ucl_object_tostring
1131 #define ucl_obj_tostring_safe ucl_object_tostring_safe
1132 #define ucl_obj_tolstring ucl_object_tolstring
1133 #define ucl_obj_tolstring_safe ucl_object_tolstring_safe
1134 #define ucl_obj_toint ucl_object_toint
1135 #define ucl_obj_toint_safe ucl_object_toint_safe
1136 #define ucl_obj_toboolean ucl_object_toboolean
1137 #define ucl_obj_toboolean_safe ucl_object_toboolean_safe
1138 #define ucl_obj_get_key ucl_object_find_key
1139 #define ucl_obj_get_keyl ucl_object_find_keyl
1140 #define ucl_obj_unref ucl_object_unref
1141 #define ucl_obj_ref ucl_object_ref
1142 #define ucl_obj_free ucl_object_free
1144 #endif /* UCL_H_ */