1# LIBUCL 2 3[](https://travis-ci.org/vstakhov/libucl)[](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/4138) 4 5**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](http://doctoc.herokuapp.com/)* 6 7- [Introduction](#introduction) 8- [Basic structure](#basic-structure) 9- [Improvements to the json notation](#improvements-to-the-json-notation) 10 - [General syntax sugar](#general-syntax-sugar) 11 - [Automatic arrays creation](#automatic-arrays-creation) 12 - [Named keys hierarchy](#named-keys-hierarchy) 13 - [Convenient numbers and booleans](#convenient-numbers-and-booleans) 14- [General improvements](#general-improvements) 15 - [Commments](#commments) 16 - [Macros support](#macros-support) 17 - [Variables support](#variables-support) 18 - [Multiline strings](#multiline-strings) 19- [Emitter](#emitter) 20- [Validation](#validation) 21- [Performance](#performance) 22- [Conclusion](#conclusion) 23 24## Introduction 25 26This document describes the main features and principles of the configuration 27language called `UCL` - universal configuration language. 28 29If you are looking for the libucl API documentation you can find it at [this page](doc/api.md). 30 31## Basic structure 32 33UCL is heavily infused by `nginx` configuration as the example of a convenient configuration 34system. However, UCL is fully compatible with `JSON` format and is able to parse json files. 35For example, you can write the same configuration in the following ways: 36 37* in nginx like: 38 39```nginx 40param = value; 41section { 42 param = value; 43 param1 = value1; 44 flag = true; 45 number = 10k; 46 time = 0.2s; 47 string = "something"; 48 subsection { 49 host = { 50 host = "hostname"; 51 port = 900; 52 } 53 host = { 54 host = "hostname"; 55 port = 901; 56 } 57 } 58} 59``` 60 61* or in JSON: 62 63```json 64{ 65 "param": "value", 66 "param1": "value1", 67 "flag": true, 68 "subsection": { 69 "host": [ 70 { 71 "host": "hostname", 72 "port": 900 73 }, 74 { 75 "host": "hostname", 76 "port": 901 77 } 78 ] 79 } 80} 81``` 82 83## Improvements to the json notation. 84 85There are various things that make ucl configuration more convenient for editing than strict json: 86 87### General syntax sugar 88 89* Braces are not necessary to enclose a top object: it is automatically treated as an object: 90 91```json 92"key": "value" 93``` 94is equal to: 95```json 96{"key": "value"} 97``` 98 99* There is no requirement of quotes for strings and keys, moreover, `:` may be replaced `=` or even be skipped for objects: 100 101```nginx 102key = value; 103section { 104 key = value; 105} 106``` 107is equal to: 108```json 109{ 110 "key": "value", 111 "section": { 112 "key": "value" 113 } 114} 115``` 116 117* No commas mess: you can safely place a comma or semicolon for the last element in an array or an object: 118 119```json 120{ 121 "key1": "value", 122 "key2": "value", 123} 124``` 125### Automatic arrays creation 126 127* Non-unique keys in an object are allowed and are automatically converted to the arrays internally: 128 129```json 130{ 131 "key": "value1", 132 "key": "value2" 133} 134``` 135is converted to: 136```json 137{ 138 "key": ["value1", "value2"] 139} 140``` 141 142### Named keys hierarchy 143 144UCL accepts named keys and organize them into objects hierarchy internally. Here is an example of this process: 145```nginx 146section "blah" { 147 key = value; 148} 149section foo { 150 key = value; 151} 152``` 153 154is converted to the following object: 155 156```nginx 157section { 158 blah { 159 key = value; 160 } 161 foo { 162 key = value; 163 } 164} 165``` 166 167Plain definitions may be more complex and contain more than a single level of nested objects: 168 169```nginx 170section "blah" "foo" { 171 key = value; 172} 173``` 174 175is presented as: 176 177```nginx 178section { 179 blah { 180 foo { 181 key = value; 182 } 183 } 184} 185``` 186 187### Convenient numbers and booleans 188 189* Numbers can have suffixes to specify standard multipliers: 190 + `[kKmMgG]` - standard 10 base multipliers (so `1k` is translated to 1000) 191 + `[kKmMgG]b` - 2 power multipliers (so `1kb` is translated to 1024) 192 + `[s|min|d|w|y]` - time multipliers, all time values are translated to float number of seconds, for example `10min` is translated to 600.0 and `10ms` is translated to 0.01 193* Hexadecimal integers can be used by `0x` prefix, for example `key = 0xff`. However, floating point values can use decimal base only. 194* Booleans can be specified as `true` or `yes` or `on` and `false` or `no` or `off`. 195* It is still possible to treat numbers and booleans as strings by enclosing them in double quotes. 196 197## General improvements 198 199### Commments 200 201UCL supports different style of comments: 202 203* single line: `#` 204* multiline: `/* ... */` 205 206Multiline comments may be nested: 207```c 208# Sample single line comment 209/* 210 some comment 211 /* nested comment */ 212 end of comment 213*/ 214``` 215 216### Macros support 217 218UCL supports external macros both multiline and single line ones: 219```nginx 220.macro "sometext"; 221.macro { 222 Some long text 223 .... 224}; 225``` 226 227Moreover, each macro can accept an optional list of arguments in braces. These 228arguments themselves are the UCL object that is parsed and passed to a macro as 229options: 230 231```nginx 232.macro(param=value) "something"; 233.macro(param={key=value}) "something"; 234.macro(.include "params.conf") "something"; 235.macro(#this is multiline macro 236param = [value1, value2]) "something"; 237.macro(key="()") "something"; 238``` 239 240UCL also provide a convenient `include` macro to load content from another files 241to the current UCL object. This macro accepts either path to file: 242 243```nginx 244.include "/full/path.conf" 245.include "./relative/path.conf" 246.include "${CURDIR}/path.conf" 247``` 248 249or URL (if ucl is built with url support provided by either `libcurl` or `libfetch`): 250 251 .include "http://example.com/file.conf" 252 253`.include` macro supports a set of options: 254 255* `try` (default: **false**) - if this option is `true` than UCL treats errors on loading of 256this file as non-fatal. For example, such a file can be absent but it won't stop the parsing 257of the top-level document. 258* `sign` (default: **false**) - if this option is `true` UCL loads and checks the signature for 259a file from path named `<FILEPATH>.sig`. Trusted public keys should be provided for UCL API after 260parser is created but before any configurations are parsed. 261* `glob` (default: **false**) - if this option is `true` UCL treats the filename as GLOB pattern and load 262all files that matches the specified pattern (normally the format of patterns is defined in `glob` manual page 263for your operating system). This option is meaningless for URL includes. 264* `url` (default: **true**) - allow URL includes. 265* `path` (default: empty) - A UCL_ARRAY of directories to search for the include file. 266Search ends after the first patch, unless `glob` is true, then all matches are included. 267* `prefix` (default false) - Put included contents inside an object, instead 268of loading them into the root. If no `key` is provided, one is automatically generated based on each files basename() 269* `key` (default: <empty string>) - Key to load contents of include into. If 270the key already exists, it must be the correct type 271* `target` (default: object) - Specify if the `prefix` `key` should be an 272object or an array. 273* `priority` (default: 0) - specify priority for the include (see below). 274* `duplicate` (default: 'append') - specify policy of duplicates resolving: 275 - `append` - default strategy, if we have new object of higher priority then it replaces old one, if we have new object with less priority it is ignored completely, and if we have two duplicate objects with the same priority then we have a multi-value key (implicit array) 276 - `merge` - if we have object or array, then new keys are merged inside, if we have a plain object then an implicit array is formed (regardeless of priorities) 277 - `error` - create error on duplicate keys and stop parsing 278 - `rewrite` - always rewrite an old value with new one (ignoring priorities) 279 280Priorities are used by UCL parser to manage the policy of objects rewriting during including other files 281as following: 282 283* If we have two objects with the same priority then we form an implicit array 284* If a new object has bigger priority then we overwrite an old one 285* If a new object has lower priority then we ignore it 286 287By default, the priority of top-level object is set to zero (lowest priority). Currently, 288you can define up to 16 priorities (from 0 to 15). Includes with bigger priorities will 289rewrite keys from the objects with lower priorities as specified by the policy. 290 291### Variables support 292 293UCL supports variables in input. Variables are registered by a user of the UCL parser and can be presented in the following forms: 294 295* `${VARIABLE}` 296* `$VARIABLE` 297 298UCL currently does not support nested variables. To escape variables one could use double dollar signs: 299 300* `$${VARIABLE}` is converted to `${VARIABLE}` 301* `$$VARIABLE` is converted to `$VARIABLE` 302 303However, if no valid variables are found in a string, no expansion will be performed (and `$$` thus remains unchanged). This may be a subject 304to change in future libucl releases. 305 306### Multiline strings 307 308UCL can handle multiline strings as well as single line ones. It uses shell/perl like notation for such objects: 309``` 310key = <<EOD 311some text 312splitted to 313lines 314EOD 315``` 316 317In this example `key` will be interpreted as the following string: `some text\nsplitted to\nlines`. 318Here are some rules for this syntax: 319 320* Multiline terminator must start just after `<<` symbols and it must consist of capital letters only (e.g. `<<eof` or `<< EOF` won't work); 321* Terminator must end with a single newline character (and no spaces are allowed between terminator and newline character); 322* To finish multiline string you need to include a terminator string just after newline and followed by a newline (no spaces or other characters are allowed as well); 323* The initial and the final newlines are not inserted to the resulting string, but you can still specify newlines at the begin and at the end of a value, for example: 324 325``` 326key <<EOD 327 328some 329text 330 331EOD 332``` 333 334## Emitter 335 336Each UCL object can be serialized to one of the three supported formats: 337 338* `JSON` - canonic json notation (with spaces indented structure); 339* `Compacted JSON` - compact json notation (without spaces or newlines); 340* `Configuration` - nginx like notation; 341* `YAML` - yaml inlined notation. 342 343## Validation 344 345UCL allows validation of objects. It uses the same schema that is used for json: [json schema v4](http://json-schema.org). UCL supports the full set of json schema with the exception of remote references. This feature is unlikely useful for configuration objects. Of course, a schema definition can be in UCL format instead of JSON that simplifies schemas writing. Moreover, since UCL supports multiple values for keys in an object it is possible to specify generic integer constraints `maxValues` and `minValues` to define the limits of values count in a single key. UCL currently is not absolutely strict about validation schemas themselves, therefore UCL users should supply valid schemas (as it is defined in json-schema draft v4) to ensure that the input objects are validated properly. 346 347## Performance 348 349Are UCL parser and emitter fast enough? Well, there are some numbers. 350I got a 19Mb file that consist of ~700 thousands lines of json (obtained via 351http://www.json-generator.com/). Then I checked jansson library that performs json 352parsing and emitting and compared it with UCL. Here are results: 353 354``` 355jansson: parsed json in 1.3899 seconds 356jansson: emitted object in 0.2609 seconds 357 358ucl: parsed input in 0.6649 seconds 359ucl: emitted config in 0.2423 seconds 360ucl: emitted json in 0.2329 seconds 361ucl: emitted compact json in 0.1811 seconds 362ucl: emitted yaml in 0.2489 seconds 363``` 364 365So far, UCL seems to be significantly faster than jansson on parsing and slightly faster on emitting. Moreover, 366UCL compiled with optimizations (-O3) performs significantly faster: 367``` 368ucl: parsed input in 0.3002 seconds 369ucl: emitted config in 0.1174 seconds 370ucl: emitted json in 0.1174 seconds 371ucl: emitted compact json in 0.0991 seconds 372ucl: emitted yaml in 0.1354 seconds 373``` 374 375You can do your own benchmarks by running `make check` in libucl top directory. 376 377## Conclusion 378 379UCL has clear design that should be very convenient for reading and writing. At the same time it is compatible with 380JSON language and therefore can be used as a simple JSON parser. Macroes logic provides an ability to extend configuration 381language (for example by including some lua code) and comments allows to disable or enable the parts of a configuration 382quickly. 383