xref: /freebsd/contrib/libfido2/tools/fido2-unprot.sh (revision 2ccfa855b2fc331819953e3de1b1c15ce5b95a7e)
10afa8e06SEd Maste#!/bin/sh
20afa8e06SEd Maste
30afa8e06SEd Maste# Copyright (c) 2020 Fabian Henneke.
40afa8e06SEd Maste# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
50afa8e06SEd Maste# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
6*2ccfa855SEd Maste# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
70afa8e06SEd Maste
80afa8e06SEd Maste
90afa8e06SEd Masteif [ $(uname) != "Linux" ] ; then
100afa8e06SEd Maste   echo "Can only run on Linux"
110afa8e06SEd Maste   exit 1
120afa8e06SEd Mastefi
130afa8e06SEd Maste
140afa8e06SEd MasteTOKEN_VERSION=$(${FIDO_TOOLS_PREFIX}fido2-token -V 2>&1)
150afa8e06SEd Masteif [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
160afa8e06SEd Maste    echo "Please install libfido2 1.5.0 or higher"
170afa8e06SEd Maste    exit
180afa8e06SEd Mastefi
190afa8e06SEd Maste
200afa8e06SEd MasteTOKEN_VERSION_MAJOR=$(echo "$TOKEN_VERSION" | cut -d. -f1)
210afa8e06SEd MasteTOKEN_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo "$TOKEN_VERSION" | cut -d. -f2)
220afa8e06SEd Masteif [ $TOKEN_VERSION_MAJOR -eq 0 -o $TOKEN_VERSION_MAJOR -eq 1 -a $TOKEN_VERSION_MINOR -lt 5 ] ; then
230afa8e06SEd Maste    echo "Please install libfido2 1.5.0 or higher (current version: $TOKEN_VERSION)"
240afa8e06SEd Maste    exit 1
250afa8e06SEd Mastefi
260afa8e06SEd Maste
270afa8e06SEd Masteset -e
280afa8e06SEd Maste
290afa8e06SEd MasteTOKEN_OUTPUT=$(${FIDO_TOOLS_PREFIX}fido2-token -L)
300afa8e06SEd MasteDEV_PATH_NAMES=$(echo "$TOKEN_OUTPUT" | sed -r 's/^(.*): .*\((.*)\)$/\1 \2/g')
310afa8e06SEd MasteDEV_COUNT=$(echo "$DEV_PATH_NAMES" | wc -l)
320afa8e06SEd Maste
330afa8e06SEd Mastefor i in $(seq 1 $DEV_COUNT)
340afa8e06SEd Mastedo
350afa8e06SEd Maste    DEV_PATH_NAME=$(echo "$DEV_PATH_NAMES" | sed "${i}q;d")
360afa8e06SEd Maste    DEV_PATH=$(echo "$DEV_PATH_NAME" | cut -d' ' -f1)
370afa8e06SEd Maste    DEV_NAME=$(echo "$DEV_PATH_NAME" | cut -d' ' -f1 --complement)
380afa8e06SEd Maste    DEV_PRETTY=$(echo "$DEV_NAME (at '$DEV_PATH')")
390afa8e06SEd Maste    if expr match "$(${FIDO_TOOLS_PREFIX}fido2-token -I $DEV_PATH)" ".* credMgmt.* clientPin.*\|.* clientPin.* credMgmt.*" > /dev/null ; then
400afa8e06SEd Maste        printf "Enter PIN for $DEV_PRETTY once (ignore further prompts): "
410afa8e06SEd Maste        stty -echo
420afa8e06SEd Maste        read PIN
430afa8e06SEd Maste        stty echo
440afa8e06SEd Maste        printf "\n"
450afa8e06SEd Maste        RESIDENT_RPS=$(echo "${PIN}\n" | setsid -w ${FIDO_TOOLS_PREFIX}fido2-token -L -r $DEV_PATH | cut -d' ' -f3)
460afa8e06SEd Maste        printf "\n"
470afa8e06SEd Maste        RESIDENT_RPS_COUNT=$(echo "$RESIDENT_RPS" | wc -l)
480afa8e06SEd Maste        FOUND=0
490afa8e06SEd Maste        for j in $(seq 1 $DEV_RESIDENT_RPS_COUNT)
500afa8e06SEd Maste        do
510afa8e06SEd Maste            RESIDENT_RP=$(echo "$RESIDENT_RPS" | sed "${j}q;d")
520afa8e06SEd Maste            UNPROT_CREDS=$(echo "${PIN}\n" | setsid -w ${FIDO_TOOLS_PREFIX}fido2-token -L -k $RESIDENT_RP $DEV_PATH | grep ' uvopt$' | cut -d' ' -f2,3,4)
530afa8e06SEd Maste            printf "\n"
540afa8e06SEd Maste            UNPROT_CREDS_COUNT=$(echo "$UNPROT_CREDS" | wc -l)
550afa8e06SEd Maste            if [ $UNPROT_CREDS_COUNT -gt 0 ] ; then
560afa8e06SEd Maste                FOUND=1
570afa8e06SEd Maste                echo "Unprotected credentials on $DEV_PRETTY for '$RESIDENT_RP':"
580afa8e06SEd Maste                echo "$UNPROT_CREDS"
590afa8e06SEd Maste            fi
600afa8e06SEd Maste        done
610afa8e06SEd Maste        if [ $FOUND -eq 0 ] ; then
620afa8e06SEd Maste            echo "No unprotected credentials on $DEV_PRETTY"
630afa8e06SEd Maste        fi
640afa8e06SEd Maste    else
650afa8e06SEd Maste        echo "$DEV_PRETTY cannot enumerate credentials"
660afa8e06SEd Maste        echo "Discovering unprotected SSH credentials only..."
670afa8e06SEd Maste        STUB_HASH=$(echo -n "" | openssl sha256 -binary | base64)
680afa8e06SEd Maste        printf "$STUB_HASH\nssh:\n" | ${FIDO_TOOLS_PREFIX}fido2-assert -G -r -t up=false $DEV_PATH 2> /dev/null || ASSERT_EXIT_CODE=$?
690afa8e06SEd Maste        if [ $ASSERT_EXIT_CODE -eq 0 ] ; then
700afa8e06SEd Maste            echo "Found an unprotected SSH credential on $DEV_PRETTY!"
710afa8e06SEd Maste        else
720afa8e06SEd Maste            echo "No unprotected SSH credentials (default settings) on $DEV_PRETTY"
730afa8e06SEd Maste        fi
740afa8e06SEd Maste    fi
750afa8e06SEd Maste    printf "\n"
760afa8e06SEd Mastedone