xref: /freebsd/contrib/libfido2/fuzz/Makefile (revision 60a517b66a69b8c011b04063ef63a938738719bd)
12ccfa855SEd Maste# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Yubico AB. All rights reserved.
20afa8e06SEd Maste# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
30afa8e06SEd Maste# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
42ccfa855SEd Maste# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
50afa8e06SEd Maste
6*60a517b6SEd MasteIMAGE		:= libfido2-coverage:1.14.0
70afa8e06SEd MasteRUNNER		:= libfido2-runner
82ccfa855SEd MastePROFDATA	:= llvm-profdata
92ccfa855SEd MasteCOV		:= llvm-cov
100afa8e06SEd MasteTARGETS		:= fuzz_assert fuzz_bio fuzz_cred fuzz_credman fuzz_hid \
112ccfa855SEd Maste		   fuzz_largeblob fuzz_netlink fuzz_mgmt fuzz_pcsc
120afa8e06SEd MasteCORPORA		:= $(foreach f,${TARGETS},${f}/corpus)
130afa8e06SEd MasteMINIFY		:= $(foreach f,${TARGETS},/minify/${f}/corpus)
140afa8e06SEd MasteREMOTE		:= gs://libfido2-corpus.clusterfuzz-external.appspot.com
150afa8e06SEd Maste.DEFAULT_GOAL	:= all
160afa8e06SEd Maste
170afa8e06SEd Masteall: ${TARGETS}
180afa8e06SEd Maste
190afa8e06SEd Mastebuild:
200afa8e06SEd Maste	docker build -t ${IMAGE} - < Dockerfile
210afa8e06SEd Maste
220afa8e06SEd Masterun: build
230afa8e06SEd Maste	-docker run -it -d --name ${RUNNER} ${IMAGE}
240afa8e06SEd Maste	docker start ${RUNNER}
250afa8e06SEd Maste
260afa8e06SEd Mastesync: run
270afa8e06SEd Maste	tar Ccf .. - src fuzz | docker exec -i ${RUNNER} tar Cxf /libfido2 -
282ccfa855SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} make -C /libfido2/build
290afa8e06SEd Maste
300afa8e06SEd Mastecorpus: sync
310afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} /bin/sh -c 'cd /libfido2/fuzz && rm -rf ${TARGETS}'
320afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} tar Czxf /libfido2/fuzz /libfido2/fuzz/corpus.tgz
330afa8e06SEd Maste
340afa8e06SEd Maste${TARGETS}: corpus sync
350afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec -e LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=/profraw/$@ ${RUNNER} \
360afa8e06SEd Maste		/bin/sh -c 'rm -f /profraw/$@ && /libfido2/build/fuzz/$@ \
370afa8e06SEd Maste		-runs=1 /libfido2/fuzz/$@'
380afa8e06SEd Maste
390afa8e06SEd Maste${MINIFY}: /minify/%/corpus: %
400afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} /bin/sh -c 'rm -rf $@ && mkdir -p $@ && \
410afa8e06SEd Maste		/libfido2/build/fuzz/$< -use_value_profile=1 -merge=1 $@ \
420afa8e06SEd Maste		/libfido2/fuzz/$</corpus'
430afa8e06SEd Maste
440afa8e06SEd Mastecorpus.tgz-: ${MINIFY}
450afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec -i ${RUNNER} tar Czcf /minify - ${TARGETS} > $@
460afa8e06SEd Maste
470afa8e06SEd Masteprofdata: run
480afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} /bin/sh -c 'rm -f /$@ && ${PROFDATA} \
492ccfa855SEd Maste		merge -sparse /profraw/* -o /$@'
500afa8e06SEd Maste
510afa8e06SEd Mastereport.tgz: profdata
520afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} /bin/sh -c 'rm -rf /report && mkdir /report && \
530afa8e06SEd Maste		${COV} show -format=html -tab-size=8 -instr-profile=/$< \
542ccfa855SEd Maste		-ignore-filename-regex=pcsclite.h --show-branch-summary=false \
552ccfa855SEd Maste		-output-dir=/report /libfido2/build/src/libfido2.so'
560afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec -i ${RUNNER} tar Czcf / - report > $@
570afa8e06SEd Maste
580afa8e06SEd Mastesummary.txt: profdata
590afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} ${COV} report -use-color=false \
602ccfa855SEd Maste		-ignore-filename-regex=pcsclite.h --show-branch-summary=false \
612ccfa855SEd Maste		/libfido2/build/src/libfido2.so -instr-profile=/$< > $@
620afa8e06SEd Maste
630afa8e06SEd Mastefunctions.txt: profdata
640afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} /bin/sh -c '${COV} report -use-color=false \
652ccfa855SEd Maste		-ignore-filename-regex=pcsclite.h -show-functions \
662ccfa855SEd Maste		--show-branch-summary=false -instr-profile=/$< \
670afa8e06SEd Maste		/libfido2/build/src/libfido2.so /libfido2/src/*.[ch]' > $@
680afa8e06SEd Maste
690afa8e06SEd Masteclean: run
700afa8e06SEd Maste	docker exec ${RUNNER} /bin/sh -c 'rm -rf /profraw /profdata && \
710afa8e06SEd Maste		make -C /libfido2/build clean'
720afa8e06SEd Maste	-docker stop ${RUNNER}
730afa8e06SEd Maste	rm -rf ${TARGETS}
740afa8e06SEd Maste
750afa8e06SEd Maste${CORPORA}:
760afa8e06SEd Maste	-mkdir -p $@
770afa8e06SEd Maste	gsutil -q -m rsync -d -r ${REMOTE}/libFuzzer/libfido2_$(@:/corpus=) $@
780afa8e06SEd Maste
792ccfa855SEd Mastefetch-oss-fuzz: ${CORPORA}
802ccfa855SEd Maste	find ${TARGETS} -type f -size +8192c -print0 | xargs -0 rm
812ccfa855SEd Maste
822ccfa855SEd Mastefetch-franz:
832ccfa855SEd Maste	ssh franz tar -C corpus -cf- . | tar -xf-
842ccfa855SEd Maste
852ccfa855SEd Mastecorpus.tgz:
860afa8e06SEd Maste	tar zcf $@ ${TARGETS}
870afa8e06SEd Maste
880afa8e06SEd Maste.PHONY: build run sync corpus ${TARGETS} ${CORPORA}
890afa8e06SEd Maste.PHONY: report.tgz summary.txt functions.txt
902ccfa855SEd Maste.PHONY: fetch-oss-fuzz fetch-franz corpus.tgz