xref: /freebsd/contrib/less/linenum.c (revision 8f1ef87a6b93af292e68f8e33087e2df6325e9bb)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1984-2023  Mark Nudelman
3  *
4  * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
5  * License or the Less License, as specified in the README file.
6  *
7  * For more information, see the README file.
8  */
11 /*
12  * Code to handle displaying line numbers.
13  *
14  * Finding the line number of a given file position is rather tricky.
15  * We don't want to just start at the beginning of the file and
16  * count newlines, because that is slow for large files (and also
17  * wouldn't work if we couldn't get to the start of the file; e.g.
18  * if input is a long pipe).
19  *
20  * So we use the function add_lnum to cache line numbers.
21  * We try to be very clever and keep only the more interesting
22  * line numbers when we run out of space in our table.  A line
23  * number is more interesting than another when it is far from
24  * other line numbers.   For example, we'd rather keep lines
25  * 100,200,300 than 100,101,300.  200 is more interesting than
26  * 101 because 101 can be derived very cheaply from 100, while
27  * 200 is more expensive to derive from 100.
28  *
29  * The function currline() returns the line number of a given
30  * position in the file.  As a side effect, it calls add_lnum
31  * to cache the line number.  Therefore currline is occasionally
32  * called to make sure we cache line numbers often enough.
33  */
35 #include "less.h"
37 /*
38  * Structure to keep track of a line number and the associated file position.
39  * A doubly-linked circular list of line numbers is kept ordered by line number.
40  */
41 struct linenum_info
42 {
43 	struct linenum_info *next;      /* Link to next in the list */
44 	struct linenum_info *prev;      /* Line to previous in the list */
45 	POSITION pos;                   /* File position */
46 	POSITION gap;                   /* Gap between prev and next */
47 	LINENUM line;                   /* Line number */
48 };
49 /*
50  * "gap" needs some explanation: the gap of any particular line number
51  * is the distance between the previous one and the next one in the list.
52  * ("Distance" means difference in file position.)  In other words, the
53  * gap of a line number is the gap which would be introduced if this
54  * line number were deleted.  It is used to decide which one to replace
55  * when we have a new one to insert and the table is full.
56  */
58 #define NPOOL   200                     /* Size of line number pool */
60 #define LONGTIME        (2)             /* In seconds */
62 static struct linenum_info anchor;      /* Anchor of the list */
63 static struct linenum_info *freelist;   /* Anchor of the unused entries */
64 static struct linenum_info pool[NPOOL]; /* The pool itself */
65 static struct linenum_info *spare;      /* We always keep one spare entry */
66 public int scanning_eof = FALSE;
68 extern int linenums;
69 extern int sigs;
70 extern int sc_height;
71 extern int screen_trashed;
72 extern int header_lines;
73 extern int nonum_headers;
75 /*
76  * Initialize the line number structures.
77  */
78 public void clr_linenum(void)
79 {
80 	struct linenum_info *p;
82 	/*
83 	 * Put all the entries on the free list.
84 	 * Leave one for the "spare".
85 	 */
86 	for (p = pool;  p < &pool[NPOOL-2];  p++)
87 		p->next = p+1;
88 	pool[NPOOL-2].next = NULL;
89 	freelist = pool;
91 	spare = &pool[NPOOL-1];
93 	/*
94 	 * Initialize the anchor.
95 	 */
96 	anchor.next = anchor.prev = &anchor;
97 	anchor.gap = 0;
98 	anchor.pos = (POSITION)0;
99 	anchor.line = 1;
100 }
102 /*
103  * Calculate the gap for an entry.
104  */
105 static void calcgap(struct linenum_info *p)
106 {
107 	/*
108 	 * Don't bother to compute a gap for the anchor.
109 	 * Also don't compute a gap for the last one in the list.
110 	 * The gap for that last one should be considered infinite,
111 	 * but we never look at it anyway.
112 	 */
113 	if (p == &anchor || p->next == &anchor)
114 		return;
115 	p->gap = p->next->pos - p->prev->pos;
116 }
118 /*
119  * Add a new line number to the cache.
120  * The specified position (pos) should be the file position of the
121  * FIRST character in the specified line.
122  */
123 public void add_lnum(LINENUM linenum, POSITION pos)
124 {
125 	struct linenum_info *p;
126 	struct linenum_info *new;
127 	struct linenum_info *nextp;
128 	struct linenum_info *prevp;
129 	POSITION mingap;
131 	/*
132 	 * Find the proper place in the list for the new one.
133 	 * The entries are sorted by position.
134 	 */
135 	for (p = anchor.next;  p != &anchor && p->pos < pos;  p = p->next)
136 		if (p->line == linenum)
137 			/* We already have this one. */
138 			return;
139 	nextp = p;
140 	prevp = p->prev;
142 	if (freelist != NULL)
143 	{
144 		/*
145 		 * We still have free (unused) entries.
146 		 * Use one of them.
147 		 */
148 		new = freelist;
149 		freelist = freelist->next;
150 	} else
151 	{
152 		/*
153 		 * No free entries.
154 		 * Use the "spare" entry.
155 		 */
156 		new = spare;
157 		spare = NULL;
158 	}
160 	/*
161 	 * Fill in the fields of the new entry,
162 	 * and insert it into the proper place in the list.
163 	 */
164 	new->next = nextp;
165 	new->prev = prevp;
166 	new->pos = pos;
167 	new->line = linenum;
169 	nextp->prev = new;
170 	prevp->next = new;
172 	/*
173 	 * Recalculate gaps for the new entry and the neighboring entries.
174 	 */
175 	calcgap(new);
176 	calcgap(nextp);
177 	calcgap(prevp);
179 	if (spare == NULL)
180 	{
181 		/*
182 		 * We have used the spare entry.
183 		 * Scan the list to find the one with the smallest
184 		 * gap, take it out and make it the spare.
185 		 * We should never remove the last one, so stop when
186 		 * we get to p->next == &anchor.  This also avoids
187 		 * looking at the gap of the last one, which is
188 		 * not computed by calcgap.
189 		 */
190 		mingap = anchor.next->gap;
191 		for (p = anchor.next;  p->next != &anchor;  p = p->next)
192 		{
193 			if (p->gap <= mingap)
194 			{
195 				spare = p;
196 				mingap = p->gap;
197 			}
198 		}
199 		spare->next->prev = spare->prev;
200 		spare->prev->next = spare->next;
201 	}
202 }
204 /*
205  * If we get stuck in a long loop trying to figure out the
206  * line number, print a message to tell the user what we're doing.
207  */
208 static void longloopmessage(void)
209 {
210 	ierror("Calculating line numbers", NULL_PARG);
211 }
213 static int loopcount;
214 #if HAVE_TIME
215 static time_type startime;
216 #endif
218 static void longish(void)
219 {
220 #if HAVE_TIME
221 	if (loopcount >= 0 && ++loopcount > 100)
222 	{
223 		loopcount = 0;
224 		if (get_time() >= startime + LONGTIME)
225 		{
226 			longloopmessage();
227 			loopcount = -1;
228 		}
229 	}
230 #else
231 	if (loopcount >= 0 && ++loopcount > LONGLOOP)
232 	{
233 		longloopmessage();
234 		loopcount = -1;
235 	}
236 #endif
237 }
239 /*
240  * Turn off line numbers because the user has interrupted
241  * a lengthy line number calculation.
242  */
243 static void abort_long(void)
244 {
245 	if (loopcount >= 0)
246 		return;
247 	if (linenums == OPT_ONPLUS)
248 		/*
249 		 * We were displaying line numbers, so need to repaint.
250 		 */
251 		screen_trashed = 1;
252 	linenums = 0;
253 	error("Line numbers turned off", NULL_PARG);
254 }
256 /*
257  * Find the line number associated with a given position.
258  * Return 0 if we can't figure it out.
259  */
260 public LINENUM find_linenum(POSITION pos)
261 {
262 	struct linenum_info *p;
263 	LINENUM linenum;
264 	POSITION cpos;
266 	if (!linenums)
267 		/*
268 		 * We're not using line numbers.
269 		 */
270 		return (0);
271 	if (pos == NULL_POSITION)
272 		/*
273 		 * Caller doesn't know what he's talking about.
274 		 */
275 		return (0);
276 	if (pos <= ch_zero())
277 		/*
278 		 * Beginning of file is always line number 1.
279 		 */
280 		return (1);
282 	/*
283 	 * Find the entry nearest to the position we want.
284 	 */
285 	for (p = anchor.next;  p != &anchor && p->pos < pos;  p = p->next)
286 		continue;
287 	if (p->pos == pos)
288 		/* Found it exactly. */
289 		return (p->line);
291 	/*
292 	 * This is the (possibly) time-consuming part.
293 	 * We start at the line we just found and start
294 	 * reading the file forward or backward till we
295 	 * get to the place we want.
296 	 *
297 	 * First decide whether we should go forward from the
298 	 * previous one or backwards from the next one.
299 	 * The decision is based on which way involves
300 	 * traversing fewer bytes in the file.
301 	 */
302 #if HAVE_TIME
303 	startime = get_time();
304 #endif
305 	loopcount = 0;
306 	if (p == &anchor || pos - p->prev->pos < p->pos - pos)
307 	{
308 		/*
309 		 * Go forward.
310 		 */
311 		p = p->prev;
312 		if (ch_seek(p->pos))
313 			return (0);
314 		for (linenum = p->line, cpos = p->pos;  cpos < pos;  linenum++)
315 		{
316 			/*
317 			 * Allow a signal to abort this loop.
318 			 */
319 			cpos = forw_raw_line(cpos, (char **)NULL, (int *)NULL);
320 			if (ABORT_SIGS()) {
321 				abort_long();
322 				return (0);
323 			}
324 			if (cpos == NULL_POSITION)
325 				return (0);
326 			longish();
327 		}
328 		/*
329 		 * We might as well cache it.
330 		 */
331 		add_lnum(linenum, cpos);
332 		/*
333 		 * If the given position is not at the start of a line,
334 		 * make sure we return the correct line number.
335 		 */
336 		if (cpos > pos)
337 			linenum--;
338 	} else
339 	{
340 		/*
341 		 * Go backward.
342 		 */
343 		if (ch_seek(p->pos))
344 			return (0);
345 		for (linenum = p->line, cpos = p->pos;  cpos > pos;  linenum--)
346 		{
347 			/*
348 			 * Allow a signal to abort this loop.
349 			 */
350 			cpos = back_raw_line(cpos, (char **)NULL, (int *)NULL);
351 			if (ABORT_SIGS()) {
352 				abort_long();
353 				return (0);
354 			}
355 			if (cpos == NULL_POSITION)
356 				return (0);
357 			longish();
358 		}
359 		/*
360 		 * We might as well cache it.
361 		 */
362 		add_lnum(linenum, cpos);
363 	}
364 	loopcount = 0;
365 	return (linenum);
366 }
368 /*
369  * Find the position of a given line number.
370  * Return NULL_POSITION if we can't figure it out.
371  */
372 public POSITION find_pos(LINENUM linenum)
373 {
374 	struct linenum_info *p;
375 	POSITION cpos;
376 	LINENUM clinenum;
378 	if (linenum <= 1)
379 		/*
380 		 * Line number 1 is beginning of file.
381 		 */
382 		return (ch_zero());
384 	/*
385 	 * Find the entry nearest to the line number we want.
386 	 */
387 	for (p = anchor.next;  p != &anchor && p->line < linenum;  p = p->next)
388 		continue;
389 	if (p->line == linenum)
390 		/* Found it exactly. */
391 		return (p->pos);
393 	if (p == &anchor || linenum - p->prev->line < p->line - linenum)
394 	{
395 		/*
396 		 * Go forward.
397 		 */
398 		p = p->prev;
399 		if (ch_seek(p->pos))
400 			return (NULL_POSITION);
401 		for (clinenum = p->line, cpos = p->pos;  clinenum < linenum;  clinenum++)
402 		{
403 			/*
404 			 * Allow a signal to abort this loop.
405 			 */
406 			cpos = forw_raw_line(cpos, (char **)NULL, (int *)NULL);
407 			if (ABORT_SIGS())
408 				return (NULL_POSITION);
409 			if (cpos == NULL_POSITION)
410 				return (NULL_POSITION);
411 		}
412 	} else
413 	{
414 		/*
415 		 * Go backward.
416 		 */
417 		if (ch_seek(p->pos))
418 			return (NULL_POSITION);
419 		for (clinenum = p->line, cpos = p->pos;  clinenum > linenum;  clinenum--)
420 		{
421 			/*
422 			 * Allow a signal to abort this loop.
423 			 */
424 			cpos = back_raw_line(cpos, (char **)NULL, (int *)NULL);
425 			if (ABORT_SIGS())
426 				return (NULL_POSITION);
427 			if (cpos == NULL_POSITION)
428 				return (NULL_POSITION);
429 		}
430 	}
431 	/*
432 	 * We might as well cache it.
433 	 */
434 	add_lnum(clinenum, cpos);
435 	return (cpos);
436 }
438 /*
439  * Return the line number of the "current" line.
440  * The argument "where" tells which line is to be considered
441  * the "current" line (e.g. TOP, BOTTOM, MIDDLE, etc).
442  */
443 public LINENUM currline(int where)
444 {
445 	POSITION pos;
446 	POSITION len;
447 	LINENUM linenum;
449 	pos = position(where);
450 	len = ch_length();
451 	while (pos == NULL_POSITION && where >= 0 && where < sc_height)
452 		pos = position(++where);
453 	if (pos == NULL_POSITION)
454 		pos = len;
455 	linenum = find_linenum(pos);
456 	if (pos == len)
457 		linenum--;
458 	return (linenum);
459 }
461 /*
462  * Scan entire file, counting line numbers.
463  */
464 public void scan_eof(void)
465 {
466 	POSITION pos = ch_zero();
467 	LINENUM linenum = 0;
469 	if (ch_seek(0))
470 		return;
471 	ierror("Determining length of file", NULL_PARG);
472 	/*
473 	 * scanning_eof prevents the "Waiting for data" message from
474 	 * overwriting "Determining length of file".
475 	 */
476 	scanning_eof = TRUE;
477 	while (pos != NULL_POSITION)
478 	{
479 		/* For efficiency, only add one every 256 line numbers. */
480 		if ((linenum++ % 256) == 0)
481 			add_lnum(linenum, pos);
482 		pos = forw_raw_line(pos, (char **)NULL, (int *)NULL);
483 		if (ABORT_SIGS())
484 			break;
485 	}
486 	scanning_eof = FALSE;
487 }
489 /*
490  * Return a line number adjusted for display
491  * (handles the --no-number-headers option).
492  */
493 public LINENUM vlinenum(LINENUM linenum)
494 {
495 	if (nonum_headers)
496 		linenum = (linenum < header_lines) ? 0 : linenum - header_lines;
497 	return linenum;
498 }