xref: /freebsd/contrib/gdtoa/strtodg.c (revision 1829d5da5355930d5cfa8ec8add8ff47dc0bebab)
1 /****************************************************************
3 The author of this software is David M. Gay.
5 Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by Lucent Technologies
6 All Rights Reserved
8 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
9 its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
10 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
11 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
12 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
13 documentation, and that the name of Lucent or any of its entities
14 not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
15 distribution of the software without specific, written prior
16 permission.
27 ****************************************************************/
29 /* Please send bug reports to David M. Gay (dmg at acm dot org,
30  * with " at " changed at "@" and " dot " changed to ".").	*/
32 #include "gdtoaimp.h"
34 #ifdef USE_LOCALE
35 #include "locale.h"
36 #endif
38  static CONST int
39 fivesbits[] = {	 0,  3,  5,  7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21,
40 		24, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45,
41 		47, 49, 52
42 #ifdef VAX
43 		, 54, 56
44 #endif
45 		};
47  Bigint *
48 #ifdef KR_headers
49 increment(b) Bigint *b;
50 #else
51 increment(Bigint *b)
52 #endif
53 {
54 	ULong *x, *xe;
55 	Bigint *b1;
56 #ifdef Pack_16
57 	ULong carry = 1, y;
58 #endif
60 	x = b->x;
61 	xe = x + b->wds;
62 #ifdef Pack_32
63 	do {
64 		if (*x < (ULong)0xffffffffL) {
65 			++*x;
66 			return b;
67 			}
68 		*x++ = 0;
69 		} while(x < xe);
70 #else
71 	do {
72 		y = *x + carry;
73 		carry = y >> 16;
74 		*x++ = y & 0xffff;
75 		if (!carry)
76 			return b;
77 		} while(x < xe);
78 	if (carry)
79 #endif
80 	{
81 		if (b->wds >= b->maxwds) {
82 			b1 = Balloc(b->k+1);
83 			Bcopy(b1,b);
84 			Bfree(b);
85 			b = b1;
86 			}
87 		b->x[b->wds++] = 1;
88 		}
89 	return b;
90 	}
92  void
93 #ifdef KR_headers
94 decrement(b) Bigint *b;
95 #else
96 decrement(Bigint *b)
97 #endif
98 {
99 	ULong *x, *xe;
100 #ifdef Pack_16
101 	ULong borrow = 1, y;
102 #endif
104 	x = b->x;
105 	xe = x + b->wds;
106 #ifdef Pack_32
107 	do {
108 		if (*x) {
109 			--*x;
110 			break;
111 			}
112 		*x++ = 0xffffffffL;
113 		}
114 		while(x < xe);
115 #else
116 	do {
117 		y = *x - borrow;
118 		borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
119 		*x++ = y & 0xffff;
120 		} while(borrow && x < xe);
121 #endif
122 	}
124  static int
125 #ifdef KR_headers
126 all_on(b, n) Bigint *b; int n;
127 #else
128 all_on(Bigint *b, int n)
129 #endif
130 {
131 	ULong *x, *xe;
133 	x = b->x;
134 	xe = x + (n >> kshift);
135 	while(x < xe)
136 		if ((*x++ & ALL_ON) != ALL_ON)
137 			return 0;
138 	if (n &= kmask)
139 		return ((*x | (ALL_ON << n)) & ALL_ON) == ALL_ON;
140 	return 1;
141 	}
143  Bigint *
144 #ifdef KR_headers
145 set_ones(b, n) Bigint *b; int n;
146 #else
147 set_ones(Bigint *b, int n)
148 #endif
149 {
150 	int k;
151 	ULong *x, *xe;
153 	k = (n + ((1 << kshift) - 1)) >> kshift;
154 	if (b->k < k) {
155 		Bfree(b);
156 		b = Balloc(k);
157 		}
158 	k = n >> kshift;
159 	if (n &= kmask)
160 		k++;
161 	b->wds = k;
162 	x = b->x;
163 	xe = x + k;
164 	while(x < xe)
165 		*x++ = ALL_ON;
166 	if (n)
167 		x[-1] >>= ULbits - n;
168 	return b;
169 	}
171  static int
172 rvOK
173 #ifdef KR_headers
174  (d, fpi, exp, bits, exact, rd, irv)
175  double d; FPI *fpi; Long *exp; ULong *bits; int exact, rd, *irv;
176 #else
177  (double d, FPI *fpi, Long *exp, ULong *bits, int exact, int rd, int *irv)
178 #endif
179 {
180 	Bigint *b;
181 	ULong carry, inex, lostbits;
182 	int bdif, e, j, k, k1, nb, rv;
184 	carry = rv = 0;
185 	b = d2b(d, &e, &bdif);
186 	bdif -= nb = fpi->nbits;
187 	e += bdif;
188 	if (bdif <= 0) {
189 		if (exact)
190 			goto trunc;
191 		goto ret;
192 		}
193 	if (P == nb) {
194 		if (
196 			exact &&
197 #endif
198 			fpi->rounding ==
199 #ifdef RND_PRODQUOT
200 					FPI_Round_near
201 #else
202 					Flt_Rounds
203 #endif
204 			) goto trunc;
205 		goto ret;
206 		}
207 	switch(rd) {
208 	  case 1: /* round down (toward -Infinity) */
209 		goto trunc;
210 	  case 2: /* round up (toward +Infinity) */
211 		break;
212 	  default: /* round near */
213 		k = bdif - 1;
214 		if (k < 0)
215 			goto trunc;
216 		if (!k) {
217 			if (!exact)
218 				goto ret;
219 			if (b->x[0] & 2)
220 				break;
221 			goto trunc;
222 			}
223 		if (b->x[k>>kshift] & ((ULong)1 << (k & kmask)))
224 			break;
225 		goto trunc;
226 	  }
227 	/* "break" cases: round up 1 bit, then truncate; bdif > 0 */
228 	carry = 1;
229  trunc:
230 	inex = lostbits = 0;
231 	if (bdif > 0) {
232 		if ( (lostbits = any_on(b, bdif)) !=0)
233 			inex = STRTOG_Inexlo;
234 		rshift(b, bdif);
235 		if (carry) {
236 			inex = STRTOG_Inexhi;
237 			b = increment(b);
238 			if ( (j = nb & kmask) !=0)
239 				j = ULbits - j;
240 			if (hi0bits(b->x[b->wds - 1]) != j) {
241 				if (!lostbits)
242 					lostbits = b->x[0] & 1;
243 				rshift(b, 1);
244 				e++;
245 				}
246 			}
247 		}
248 	else if (bdif < 0)
249 		b = lshift(b, -bdif);
250 	if (e < fpi->emin) {
251 		k = fpi->emin - e;
252 		e = fpi->emin;
253 		if (k > nb || fpi->sudden_underflow) {
254 			b->wds = inex = 0;
255 			*irv = STRTOG_Underflow | STRTOG_Inexlo;
256 			}
257 		else {
258 			k1 = k - 1;
259 			if (k1 > 0 && !lostbits)
260 				lostbits = any_on(b, k1);
261 			if (!lostbits && !exact)
262 				goto ret;
263 			lostbits |=
264 			  carry = b->x[k1>>kshift] & (1 << (k1 & kmask));
265 			rshift(b, k);
266 			*irv = STRTOG_Denormal;
267 			if (carry) {
268 				b = increment(b);
269 				inex = STRTOG_Inexhi | STRTOG_Underflow;
270 				}
271 			else if (lostbits)
272 				inex = STRTOG_Inexlo | STRTOG_Underflow;
273 			}
274 		}
275 	else if (e > fpi->emax) {
276 		e = fpi->emax + 1;
277 		*irv = STRTOG_Infinite | STRTOG_Overflow | STRTOG_Inexhi;
278 #ifndef NO_ERRNO
279 		errno = ERANGE;
280 #endif
281 		b->wds = inex = 0;
282 		}
283 	*exp = e;
284 	copybits(bits, nb, b);
285 	*irv |= inex;
286 	rv = 1;
287  ret:
288 	Bfree(b);
289 	return rv;
290 	}
292  static int
293 #ifdef KR_headers
294 mantbits(d) double d;
295 #else
296 mantbits(double d)
297 #endif
298 {
299 	ULong L;
300 #ifdef VAX
301 	L = word1(d) << 16 | word1(d) >> 16;
302 	if (L)
303 #else
304 	if ( (L = word1(d)) !=0)
305 #endif
306 		return P - lo0bits(&L);
307 #ifdef VAX
308 	L = word0(d) << 16 | word0(d) >> 16 | Exp_msk11;
309 #else
310 	L = word0(d) | Exp_msk1;
311 #endif
312 	return P - 32 - lo0bits(&L);
313 	}
315  int
316 strtodg
317 #ifdef KR_headers
318 	(s00, se, fpi, exp, bits)
319 	CONST char *s00; char **se; FPI *fpi; Long *exp; ULong *bits;
320 #else
321 	(CONST char *s00, char **se, FPI *fpi, Long *exp, ULong *bits)
322 #endif
323 {
324 	int abe, abits, asub;
325 	int bb0, bb2, bb5, bbe, bd2, bd5, bbbits, bs2, c, decpt, denorm;
326 	int dsign, e, e1, e2, emin, esign, finished, i, inex, irv;
327 	int j, k, nbits, nd, nd0, nf, nz, nz0, rd, rvbits, rve, rve1, sign;
328 	int sudden_underflow;
329 	CONST char *s, *s0, *s1;
330 	double adj, adj0, rv, tol;
331 	Long L;
332 	ULong *b, *be, y, z;
333 	Bigint *ab, *bb, *bb1, *bd, *bd0, *bs, *delta, *rvb, *rvb0;
334 #ifdef USE_LOCALE /*{{*/
335 #ifdef NO_LOCALE_CACHE
336 	char *decimalpoint = localeconv()->decimal_point;
337 	int dplen = strlen(decimalpoint);
338 #else
339 	char *decimalpoint;
340 	static char *decimalpoint_cache;
341 	static int dplen;
342 	if (!(s0 = decimalpoint_cache)) {
343 		s0 = localeconv()->decimal_point;
344 		if ((decimalpoint_cache = (char*)malloc(strlen(s0) + 1))) {
345 			strcpy(decimalpoint_cache, s0);
346 			s0 = decimalpoint_cache;
347 			}
348 		dplen = strlen(s0);
349 		}
350 	decimalpoint = (char*)s0;
351 #endif /*NO_LOCALE_CACHE*/
352 #else  /*USE_LOCALE}{*/
353 #define dplen 1
354 #endif /*USE_LOCALE}}*/
356 	irv = STRTOG_Zero;
357 	denorm = sign = nz0 = nz = 0;
358 	dval(rv) = 0.;
359 	rvb = 0;
360 	nbits = fpi->nbits;
361 	for(s = s00;;s++) switch(*s) {
362 		case '-':
363 			sign = 1;
364 			/* no break */
365 		case '+':
366 			if (*++s)
367 				goto break2;
368 			/* no break */
369 		case 0:
370 			sign = 0;
371 			irv = STRTOG_NoNumber;
372 			s = s00;
373 			goto ret;
374 		case '\t':
375 		case '\n':
376 		case '\v':
377 		case '\f':
378 		case '\r':
379 		case ' ':
380 			continue;
381 		default:
382 			goto break2;
383 		}
384  break2:
385 	if (*s == '0') {
386 #ifndef NO_HEX_FP
387 		switch(s[1]) {
388 		  case 'x':
389 		  case 'X':
390 			irv = gethex(&s, fpi, exp, &rvb, sign);
391 			if (irv == STRTOG_NoNumber) {
392 				s = s00;
393 				sign = 0;
394 				}
395 			goto ret;
396 		  }
397 #endif
398 		nz0 = 1;
399 		while(*++s == '0') ;
400 		if (!*s)
401 			goto ret;
402 		}
403 	sudden_underflow = fpi->sudden_underflow;
404 	s0 = s;
405 	y = z = 0;
406 	for(decpt = nd = nf = 0; (c = *s) >= '0' && c <= '9'; nd++, s++)
407 		if (nd < 9)
408 			y = 10*y + c - '0';
409 		else if (nd < 16)
410 			z = 10*z + c - '0';
411 	nd0 = nd;
412 #ifdef USE_LOCALE
413 	if (c == *decimalpoint) {
414 		for(i = 1; decimalpoint[i]; ++i)
415 			if (s[i] != decimalpoint[i])
416 				goto dig_done;
417 		s += i;
418 		c = *s;
419 #else
420 	if (c == '.') {
421 		c = *++s;
422 #endif
423 		decpt = 1;
424 		if (!nd) {
425 			for(; c == '0'; c = *++s)
426 				nz++;
427 			if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
428 				s0 = s;
429 				nf += nz;
430 				nz = 0;
431 				goto have_dig;
432 				}
433 			goto dig_done;
434 			}
435 		for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
436  have_dig:
437 			nz++;
438 			if (c -= '0') {
439 				nf += nz;
440 				for(i = 1; i < nz; i++)
441 					if (nd++ < 9)
442 						y *= 10;
443 					else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
444 						z *= 10;
445 				if (nd++ < 9)
446 					y = 10*y + c;
447 				else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
448 					z = 10*z + c;
449 				nz = 0;
450 				}
451 			}
452 		}/*}*/
453  dig_done:
454 	e = 0;
455 	if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
456 		if (!nd && !nz && !nz0) {
457 			irv = STRTOG_NoNumber;
458 			s = s00;
459 			goto ret;
460 			}
461 		s00 = s;
462 		esign = 0;
463 		switch(c = *++s) {
464 			case '-':
465 				esign = 1;
466 			case '+':
467 				c = *++s;
468 			}
469 		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
470 			while(c == '0')
471 				c = *++s;
472 			if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
473 				L = c - '0';
474 				s1 = s;
475 				while((c = *++s) >= '0' && c <= '9')
476 					L = 10*L + c - '0';
477 				if (s - s1 > 8 || L > 19999)
478 					/* Avoid confusion from exponents
479 					 * so large that e might overflow.
480 					 */
481 					e = 19999; /* safe for 16 bit ints */
482 				else
483 					e = (int)L;
484 				if (esign)
485 					e = -e;
486 				}
487 			else
488 				e = 0;
489 			}
490 		else
491 			s = s00;
492 		}
493 	if (!nd) {
494 		if (!nz && !nz0) {
495 #ifdef INFNAN_CHECK
496 			/* Check for Nan and Infinity */
497 			if (!decpt)
498 			 switch(c) {
499 			  case 'i':
500 			  case 'I':
501 				if (match(&s,"nf")) {
502 					--s;
503 					if (!match(&s,"inity"))
504 						++s;
505 					irv = STRTOG_Infinite;
506 					goto infnanexp;
507 					}
508 				break;
509 			  case 'n':
510 			  case 'N':
511 				if (match(&s, "an")) {
512 					irv = STRTOG_NaN;
513 					*exp = fpi->emax + 1;
514 #ifndef No_Hex_NaN
515 					if (*s == '(') /*)*/
516 						irv = hexnan(&s, fpi, bits);
517 #endif
518 					goto infnanexp;
519 					}
520 			  }
521 #endif /* INFNAN_CHECK */
522 			irv = STRTOG_NoNumber;
523 			s = s00;
524 			}
525 		goto ret;
526 		}
528 	irv = STRTOG_Normal;
529 	e1 = e -= nf;
530 	rd = 0;
531 	switch(fpi->rounding & 3) {
532 	  case FPI_Round_up:
533 		rd = 2 - sign;
534 		break;
535 	  case FPI_Round_zero:
536 		rd = 1;
537 		break;
538 	  case FPI_Round_down:
539 		rd = 1 + sign;
540 	  }
542 	/* Now we have nd0 digits, starting at s0, followed by a
543 	 * decimal point, followed by nd-nd0 digits.  The number we're
544 	 * after is the integer represented by those digits times
545 	 * 10**e */
547 	if (!nd0)
548 		nd0 = nd;
549 	k = nd < DBL_DIG + 1 ? nd : DBL_DIG + 1;
550 	dval(rv) = y;
551 	if (k > 9)
552 		dval(rv) = tens[k - 9] * dval(rv) + z;
553 	bd0 = 0;
554 	if (nbits <= P && nd <= DBL_DIG) {
555 		if (!e) {
556 			if (rvOK(dval(rv), fpi, exp, bits, 1, rd, &irv))
557 				goto ret;
558 			}
559 		else if (e > 0) {
560 			if (e <= Ten_pmax) {
561 #ifdef VAX
562 				goto vax_ovfl_check;
563 #else
564 				i = fivesbits[e] + mantbits(dval(rv)) <= P;
565 				/* rv = */ rounded_product(dval(rv), tens[e]);
566 				if (rvOK(dval(rv), fpi, exp, bits, i, rd, &irv))
567 					goto ret;
568 				e1 -= e;
569 				goto rv_notOK;
570 #endif
571 				}
572 			i = DBL_DIG - nd;
573 			if (e <= Ten_pmax + i) {
574 				/* A fancier test would sometimes let us do
575 				 * this for larger i values.
576 				 */
577 				e2 = e - i;
578 				e1 -= i;
579 				dval(rv) *= tens[i];
580 #ifdef VAX
581 				/* VAX exponent range is so narrow we must
582 				 * worry about overflow here...
583 				 */
584  vax_ovfl_check:
585 				dval(adj) = dval(rv);
586 				word0(adj) -= P*Exp_msk1;
587 				/* adj = */ rounded_product(dval(adj), tens[e2]);
588 				if ((word0(adj) & Exp_mask)
589 				 > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1-P))
590 					goto rv_notOK;
591 				word0(adj) += P*Exp_msk1;
592 				dval(rv) = dval(adj);
593 #else
594 				/* rv = */ rounded_product(dval(rv), tens[e2]);
595 #endif
596 				if (rvOK(dval(rv), fpi, exp, bits, 0, rd, &irv))
597 					goto ret;
598 				e1 -= e2;
599 				}
600 			}
601 #ifndef Inaccurate_Divide
602 		else if (e >= -Ten_pmax) {
603 			/* rv = */ rounded_quotient(dval(rv), tens[-e]);
604 			if (rvOK(dval(rv), fpi, exp, bits, 0, rd, &irv))
605 				goto ret;
606 			e1 -= e;
607 			}
608 #endif
609 		}
610  rv_notOK:
611 	e1 += nd - k;
613 	/* Get starting approximation = rv * 10**e1 */
615 	e2 = 0;
616 	if (e1 > 0) {
617 		if ( (i = e1 & 15) !=0)
618 			dval(rv) *= tens[i];
619 		if (e1 &= ~15) {
620 			e1 >>= 4;
621 			while(e1 >= (1 << n_bigtens-1)) {
622 				e2 += ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
623 					>> Exp_shift1) - Bias;
624 				word0(rv) &= ~Exp_mask;
625 				word0(rv) |= Bias << Exp_shift1;
626 				dval(rv) *= bigtens[n_bigtens-1];
627 				e1 -= 1 << n_bigtens-1;
628 				}
629 			e2 += ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) >> Exp_shift1) - Bias;
630 			word0(rv) &= ~Exp_mask;
631 			word0(rv) |= Bias << Exp_shift1;
632 			for(j = 0; e1 > 0; j++, e1 >>= 1)
633 				if (e1 & 1)
634 					dval(rv) *= bigtens[j];
635 			}
636 		}
637 	else if (e1 < 0) {
638 		e1 = -e1;
639 		if ( (i = e1 & 15) !=0)
640 			dval(rv) /= tens[i];
641 		if (e1 &= ~15) {
642 			e1 >>= 4;
643 			while(e1 >= (1 << n_bigtens-1)) {
644 				e2 += ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
645 					>> Exp_shift1) - Bias;
646 				word0(rv) &= ~Exp_mask;
647 				word0(rv) |= Bias << Exp_shift1;
648 				dval(rv) *= tinytens[n_bigtens-1];
649 				e1 -= 1 << n_bigtens-1;
650 				}
651 			e2 += ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) >> Exp_shift1) - Bias;
652 			word0(rv) &= ~Exp_mask;
653 			word0(rv) |= Bias << Exp_shift1;
654 			for(j = 0; e1 > 0; j++, e1 >>= 1)
655 				if (e1 & 1)
656 					dval(rv) *= tinytens[j];
657 			}
658 		}
659 #ifdef IBM
660 	/* e2 is a correction to the (base 2) exponent of the return
661 	 * value, reflecting adjustments above to avoid overflow in the
662 	 * native arithmetic.  For native IBM (base 16) arithmetic, we
663 	 * must multiply e2 by 4 to change from base 16 to 2.
664 	 */
665 	e2 <<= 2;
666 #endif
667 	rvb = d2b(dval(rv), &rve, &rvbits);	/* rv = rvb * 2^rve */
668 	rve += e2;
669 	if ((j = rvbits - nbits) > 0) {
670 		rshift(rvb, j);
671 		rvbits = nbits;
672 		rve += j;
673 		}
674 	bb0 = 0;	/* trailing zero bits in rvb */
675 	e2 = rve + rvbits - nbits;
676 	if (e2 > fpi->emax + 1)
677 		goto huge;
678 	rve1 = rve + rvbits - nbits;
679 	if (e2 < (emin = fpi->emin)) {
680 		denorm = 1;
681 		j = rve - emin;
682 		if (j > 0) {
683 			rvb = lshift(rvb, j);
684 			rvbits += j;
685 			}
686 		else if (j < 0) {
687 			rvbits += j;
688 			if (rvbits <= 0) {
689 				if (rvbits < -1) {
690  ufl:
691 					rvb->wds = 0;
692 					rvb->x[0] = 0;
693 					*exp = emin;
694 					irv = STRTOG_Underflow | STRTOG_Inexlo;
695 					goto ret;
696 					}
697 				rvb->x[0] = rvb->wds = rvbits = 1;
698 				}
699 			else
700 				rshift(rvb, -j);
701 			}
702 		rve = rve1 = emin;
703 		if (sudden_underflow && e2 + 1 < emin)
704 			goto ufl;
705 		}
707 	/* Now the hard part -- adjusting rv to the correct value.*/
709 	/* Put digits into bd: true value = bd * 10^e */
711 	bd0 = s2b(s0, nd0, nd, y, dplen);
713 	for(;;) {
714 		bd = Balloc(bd0->k);
715 		Bcopy(bd, bd0);
716 		bb = Balloc(rvb->k);
717 		Bcopy(bb, rvb);
718 		bbbits = rvbits - bb0;
719 		bbe = rve + bb0;
720 		bs = i2b(1);
722 		if (e >= 0) {
723 			bb2 = bb5 = 0;
724 			bd2 = bd5 = e;
725 			}
726 		else {
727 			bb2 = bb5 = -e;
728 			bd2 = bd5 = 0;
729 			}
730 		if (bbe >= 0)
731 			bb2 += bbe;
732 		else
733 			bd2 -= bbe;
734 		bs2 = bb2;
735 		j = nbits + 1 - bbbits;
736 		i = bbe + bbbits - nbits;
737 		if (i < emin)	/* denormal */
738 			j += i - emin;
739 		bb2 += j;
740 		bd2 += j;
741 		i = bb2 < bd2 ? bb2 : bd2;
742 		if (i > bs2)
743 			i = bs2;
744 		if (i > 0) {
745 			bb2 -= i;
746 			bd2 -= i;
747 			bs2 -= i;
748 			}
749 		if (bb5 > 0) {
750 			bs = pow5mult(bs, bb5);
751 			bb1 = mult(bs, bb);
752 			Bfree(bb);
753 			bb = bb1;
754 			}
755 		bb2 -= bb0;
756 		if (bb2 > 0)
757 			bb = lshift(bb, bb2);
758 		else if (bb2 < 0)
759 			rshift(bb, -bb2);
760 		if (bd5 > 0)
761 			bd = pow5mult(bd, bd5);
762 		if (bd2 > 0)
763 			bd = lshift(bd, bd2);
764 		if (bs2 > 0)
765 			bs = lshift(bs, bs2);
766 		asub = 1;
767 		inex = STRTOG_Inexhi;
768 		delta = diff(bb, bd);
769 		if (delta->wds <= 1 && !delta->x[0])
770 			break;
771 		dsign = delta->sign;
772 		delta->sign = finished = 0;
773 		L = 0;
774 		i = cmp(delta, bs);
775 		if (rd && i <= 0) {
776 			irv = STRTOG_Normal;
777 			if ( (finished = dsign ^ (rd&1)) !=0) {
778 				if (dsign != 0) {
779 					irv |= STRTOG_Inexhi;
780 					goto adj1;
781 					}
782 				irv |= STRTOG_Inexlo;
783 				if (rve1 == emin)
784 					goto adj1;
785 				for(i = 0, j = nbits; j >= ULbits;
786 						i++, j -= ULbits) {
787 					if (rvb->x[i] & ALL_ON)
788 						goto adj1;
789 					}
790 				if (j > 1 && lo0bits(rvb->x + i) < j - 1)
791 					goto adj1;
792 				rve = rve1 - 1;
793 				rvb = set_ones(rvb, rvbits = nbits);
794 				break;
795 				}
796 			irv |= dsign ? STRTOG_Inexlo : STRTOG_Inexhi;
797 			break;
798 			}
799 		if (i < 0) {
800 			/* Error is less than half an ulp -- check for
801 			 * special case of mantissa a power of two.
802 			 */
803 			irv = dsign
804 				? STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexlo
805 				: STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexhi;
806 			if (dsign || bbbits > 1 || denorm || rve1 == emin)
807 				break;
808 			delta = lshift(delta,1);
809 			if (cmp(delta, bs) > 0) {
810 				irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexlo;
811 				goto drop_down;
812 				}
813 			break;
814 			}
815 		if (i == 0) {
816 			/* exactly half-way between */
817 			if (dsign) {
818 				if (denorm && all_on(rvb, rvbits)) {
819 					/*boundary case -- increment exponent*/
820 					rvb->wds = 1;
821 					rvb->x[0] = 1;
822 					rve = emin + nbits - (rvbits = 1);
823 					irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexhi;
824 					denorm = 0;
825 					break;
826 					}
827 				irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexlo;
828 				}
829 			else if (bbbits == 1) {
830 				irv = STRTOG_Normal;
831  drop_down:
832 				/* boundary case -- decrement exponent */
833 				if (rve1 == emin) {
834 					irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexhi;
835 					if (rvb->wds == 1 && rvb->x[0] == 1)
836 						sudden_underflow = 1;
837 					break;
838 					}
839 				rve -= nbits;
840 				rvb = set_ones(rvb, rvbits = nbits);
841 				break;
842 				}
843 			else
844 				irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexhi;
845 			if (bbbits < nbits && !denorm || !(rvb->x[0] & 1))
846 				break;
847 			if (dsign) {
848 				rvb = increment(rvb);
849 				j = kmask & (ULbits - (rvbits & kmask));
850 				if (hi0bits(rvb->x[rvb->wds - 1]) != j)
851 					rvbits++;
852 				irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexhi;
853 				}
854 			else {
855 				if (bbbits == 1)
856 					goto undfl;
857 				decrement(rvb);
858 				irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexlo;
859 				}
860 			break;
861 			}
862 		if ((dval(adj) = ratio(delta, bs)) <= 2.) {
863  adj1:
864 			inex = STRTOG_Inexlo;
865 			if (dsign) {
866 				asub = 0;
867 				inex = STRTOG_Inexhi;
868 				}
869 			else if (denorm && bbbits <= 1) {
870  undfl:
871 				rvb->wds = 0;
872 				rve = emin;
873 				irv = STRTOG_Underflow | STRTOG_Inexlo;
874 				break;
875 				}
876 			adj0 = dval(adj) = 1.;
877 			}
878 		else {
879 			adj0 = dval(adj) *= 0.5;
880 			if (dsign) {
881 				asub = 0;
882 				inex = STRTOG_Inexlo;
883 				}
884 			if (dval(adj) < 2147483647.) {
885 				L = adj0;
886 				adj0 -= L;
887 				switch(rd) {
888 				  case 0:
889 					if (adj0 >= .5)
890 						goto inc_L;
891 					break;
892 				  case 1:
893 					if (asub && adj0 > 0.)
894 						goto inc_L;
895 					break;
896 				  case 2:
897 					if (!asub && adj0 > 0.) {
898  inc_L:
899 						L++;
900 						inex = STRTOG_Inexact - inex;
901 						}
902 				  }
903 				dval(adj) = L;
904 				}
905 			}
906 		y = rve + rvbits;
908 		/* adj *= ulp(dval(rv)); */
909 		/* if (asub) rv -= adj; else rv += adj; */
911 		if (!denorm && rvbits < nbits) {
912 			rvb = lshift(rvb, j = nbits - rvbits);
913 			rve -= j;
914 			rvbits = nbits;
915 			}
916 		ab = d2b(dval(adj), &abe, &abits);
917 		if (abe < 0)
918 			rshift(ab, -abe);
919 		else if (abe > 0)
920 			ab = lshift(ab, abe);
921 		rvb0 = rvb;
922 		if (asub) {
923 			/* rv -= adj; */
924 			j = hi0bits(rvb->x[rvb->wds-1]);
925 			rvb = diff(rvb, ab);
926 			k = rvb0->wds - 1;
927 			if (denorm)
928 				/* do nothing */;
929 			else if (rvb->wds <= k
930 				|| hi0bits( rvb->x[k]) >
931 				   hi0bits(rvb0->x[k])) {
932 				/* unlikely; can only have lost 1 high bit */
933 				if (rve1 == emin) {
934 					--rvbits;
935 					denorm = 1;
936 					}
937 				else {
938 					rvb = lshift(rvb, 1);
939 					--rve;
940 					--rve1;
941 					L = finished = 0;
942 					}
943 				}
944 			}
945 		else {
946 			rvb = sum(rvb, ab);
947 			k = rvb->wds - 1;
948 			if (k >= rvb0->wds
949 			 || hi0bits(rvb->x[k]) < hi0bits(rvb0->x[k])) {
950 				if (denorm) {
951 					if (++rvbits == nbits)
952 						denorm = 0;
953 					}
954 				else {
955 					rshift(rvb, 1);
956 					rve++;
957 					rve1++;
958 					L = 0;
959 					}
960 				}
961 			}
962 		Bfree(ab);
963 		Bfree(rvb0);
964 		if (finished)
965 			break;
967 		z = rve + rvbits;
968 		if (y == z && L) {
969 			/* Can we stop now? */
970 			tol = dval(adj) * 5e-16; /* > max rel error */
971 			dval(adj) = adj0 - .5;
972 			if (dval(adj) < -tol) {
973 				if (adj0 > tol) {
974 					irv |= inex;
975 					break;
976 					}
977 				}
978 			else if (dval(adj) > tol && adj0 < 1. - tol) {
979 				irv |= inex;
980 				break;
981 				}
982 			}
983 		bb0 = denorm ? 0 : trailz(rvb);
984 		Bfree(bb);
985 		Bfree(bd);
986 		Bfree(bs);
987 		Bfree(delta);
988 		}
989 	if (!denorm && (j = nbits - rvbits)) {
990 		if (j > 0)
991 			rvb = lshift(rvb, j);
992 		else
993 			rshift(rvb, -j);
994 		rve -= j;
995 		}
996 	*exp = rve;
997 	Bfree(bb);
998 	Bfree(bd);
999 	Bfree(bs);
1000 	Bfree(bd0);
1001 	Bfree(delta);
1002 	if (rve > fpi->emax) {
1003 		switch(fpi->rounding & 3) {
1004 		  case FPI_Round_near:
1005 			goto huge;
1006 		  case FPI_Round_up:
1007 			if (!sign)
1008 				goto huge;
1009 			break;
1010 		  case FPI_Round_down:
1011 			if (sign)
1012 				goto huge;
1013 		  }
1014 		/* Round to largest representable magnitude */
1015 		Bfree(rvb);
1016 		rvb = 0;
1017 		irv = STRTOG_Normal | STRTOG_Inexlo;
1018 		*exp = fpi->emax;
1019 		b = bits;
1020 		be = b + ((fpi->nbits + 31) >> 5);
1021 		while(b < be)
1022 			*b++ = -1;
1023 		if ((j = fpi->nbits & 0x1f))
1024 			*--be >>= (32 - j);
1025 		goto ret;
1026  huge:
1027 		rvb->wds = 0;
1028 		irv = STRTOG_Infinite | STRTOG_Overflow | STRTOG_Inexhi;
1029 #ifndef NO_ERRNO
1030 		errno = ERANGE;
1031 #endif
1032  infnanexp:
1033 		*exp = fpi->emax + 1;
1034 		}
1035  ret:
1036 	if (denorm) {
1037 		if (sudden_underflow) {
1038 			rvb->wds = 0;
1039 			irv = STRTOG_Underflow | STRTOG_Inexlo;
1040 #ifndef NO_ERRNO
1041 			errno = ERANGE;
1042 #endif
1043 			}
1044 		else  {
1045 			irv = (irv & ~STRTOG_Retmask) |
1046 				(rvb->wds > 0 ? STRTOG_Denormal : STRTOG_Zero);
1047 			if (irv & STRTOG_Inexact) {
1048 				irv |= STRTOG_Underflow;
1049 #ifndef NO_ERRNO
1050 				errno = ERANGE;
1051 #endif
1052 				}
1053 			}
1054 		}
1055 	if (se)
1056 		*se = (char *)s;
1057 	if (sign)
1058 		irv |= STRTOG_Neg;
1059 	if (rvb) {
1060 		copybits(bits, nbits, rvb);
1061 		Bfree(rvb);
1062 		}
1063 	return irv;
1064 	}