xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/virtual (revision f18976136625a7d016e97bfd9eabddf640b3e06d)
3# $File: virtual,v 1.6 2014/05/07 21:25:41 christos Exp $
4# From: James Nobis <quel@quelrod.net>
5# Microsoft hard disk images for:
6# Virtual Server
7# Virtual PC
8# http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualserver/bb676673.aspx
9# .vhd
100	string	conectix	Microsoft Disk Image, Virtual Server or Virtual PC
12# libvirt
13# From: Philipp Hahn <hahn@univention.de>
140	string	LibvirtQemudSave	Libvirt QEMU Suspend Image
15>0x10	lelong	x	\b, version %u
16>0x14	lelong	x	\b, XML length %u
17>0x18	lelong	1	\b, running
18>0x1c	lelong	1	\b, compressed
200	string	LibvirtQemudPart	Libvirt QEMU partial Suspend Image
21# From: Alex Beregszaszi <alex@fsn.hu>
220	string/b	COWD		VMWare3
23>4	byte	3		disk image
24>>32	lelong	x		(%d/
25>>36	lelong	x		\b%d/
26>>40	lelong	x		\b%d)
27>4	byte	2		undoable disk image
28>>32	string	>\0		(%s)
300	string/b	VMDK		 VMware4 disk image
310	string/b	KDMV		 VMware4 disk image
34# Qemu Emulator Images
35# Lines written by Friedrich Schwittay (f.schwittay@yousable.de)
36# Updated by Adam Buchbinder (adam.buchbinder@gmail.com)
37# Made by reading sources, reading documentation, and doing trial and error
38# on existing QCOW files
390	string/b	QFI\xFB	QEMU QCOW Image
41# Uncomment the following line to display Magic (only used for debugging
42# this magic number)
43#>0	string/b	x	, Magic: %s
45# There are currently 2 Versions: "1" and "2".
46# http://www.gnome.org/~markmc/qcow-image-format-version-1.html
47>4	belong	1	(v1)
49# Using the existence of the Backing File Offset to determine whether
50# to read Backing File Information
51>>12	belong	 >0	 \b, has backing file (
52# Note that this isn't a null-terminated string; the length is actually
53# (16.L). Assuming a null-terminated string happens to work usually, but it
54# may spew junk until it reaches a \0 in some cases.
55>>>(12.L)	 string >\0	\bpath %s
57# Modification time of the Backing File
58# Really useful if you want to know if your backing
59# file is still usable together with this image
60>>>>20	bedate >0	\b, mtime %s)
61>>>>20	default x	\b)
63# Size is stored in bytes in a big-endian u64.
64>>24	bequad	x	 \b, %lld bytes
66# 1 for AES encryption, 0 for none.
67>>36	belong	1	\b, AES-encrypted
69# http://www.gnome.org/~markmc/qcow-image-format.html
70>4	belong	2	(v2)
71# Using the existence of the Backing File Offset to determine whether
72# to read Backing File Information
73>>8	bequad  >0	 \b, has backing file
74# Note that this isn't a null-terminated string; the length is actually
75# (16.L). Assuming a null-terminated string happens to work usually, but it
76# may spew junk until it reaches a \0 in some cases. Also, since there's no
77# .Q modifier, we just use the bottom four bytes as an offset. Note that if
78# the file is over 4G, and the backing file path is stored after the first 4G,
79# the wrong filename will be printed. (This should be (8.Q), when that syntax
80# is introduced.)
81>>>(12.L)	 string >\0	(path %s)
82>>24	bequad	x	\b, %lld bytes
83>>32	belong	1	\b, AES-encrypted
85>4	belong	3	(v3)
86# Using the existence of the Backing File Offset to determine whether
87# to read Backing File Information
88>>8	bequad  >0	 \b, has backing file
89# Note that this isn't a null-terminated string; the length is actually
90# (16.L). Assuming a null-terminated string happens to work usually, but it
91# may spew junk until it reaches a \0 in some cases. Also, since there's no
92# .Q modifier, we just use the bottom four bytes as an offset. Note that if
93# the file is over 4G, and the backing file path is stored after the first 4G,
94# the wrong filename will be printed. (This should be (8.Q), when that syntax
95# is introduced.)
96>>>(12.L)	 string >\0	(path %s)
97>>24	bequad	x	\b, %lld bytes
98>>32	belong	1	\b, AES-encrypted
100>4	default x	(unknown version)
1020	string/b	QEVM		QEMU suspend to disk image
104# QEMU QED Image
105# http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/QED/Specification
1060	string/b	QED\0		QEMU QED Image
108# VDI Image
109# Sun xVM VirtualBox Disk Image
110# From: Richard W.M. Jones <rich@annexia.org>
111# VirtualBox Disk Image
1120x40	ulelong		0xbeda107f	VirtualBox Disk Image
113>0x44	uleshort	>0		\b, major %u
114>0x46	uleshort	>0		\b, minor %u
115>0	string		>\0		(%s)
116>368	lequad		x		 \b, %lld bytes
1180	string/b	Bochs\ Virtual\ HD\ Image	Bochs disk image,
119>32	string	x				type %s,
120>48	string	x				subtype %s
1220	lelong	0x02468ace			Bochs Sparse disk image