xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/ssh (revision f9fd7337f63698f33239c58c07bf430198235a22)
1# Type:	OpenSSH key files
2# From:	Nicolas Collignon <tsointsoin@gmail.com>
40	string	SSH\ PRIVATE\ KEY	OpenSSH RSA1 private key,
5>28	string	>\0			version %s
60	string	-----BEGIN\ OPENSSH\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----	OpenSSH private key
80	string	ssh-dss\ 		OpenSSH DSA public key
90	string	ssh-rsa\ 		OpenSSH RSA public key
100	string	ecdsa-sha2-nistp256	OpenSSH ECDSA public key
110	string	ecdsa-sha2-nistp384	OpenSSH ECDSA public key
120	string	ecdsa-sha2-nistp521	OpenSSH ECDSA public key
130	string	ssh-ed25519		OpenSSH ED25519 public key
150	string	SSHKRL\n\0
16>8	ubelong	1		OpenSSH key/certificate revocation list, format %u
17>>12	ubequad	x		\b, version %llx
18>>>20	beqdate	x		\b, generated %s
20# From:		Joerg Jenderek
21# URL:		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY
22# Reference:	https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/putty-0.73.tar.gz
23#		/sshpubk.c
240	string		PuTTY-User-Key-File-	PuTTY Private Key File
25#!:mime	text/plain
26# https://github.com/github/putty/blob/master/windows/installer.wxs
27!:mime	application/x-putty-private-key
28!:ext	ppk
29# version 1 or 2
30>20	string		x			\b, version %.1s
31# name of the algorithm like: ssh-dss ssh-rsa ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ssh-ed25519
32>23	string		x			\b, algorithm %s
33# next line says "Encryption: " plus an encryption type like aes256-cbc or none
34>32	search/13	Encryption:\040		\b, Encryption
35>>&0	string		x			%s
36# next line says "Comment: " plus the comment string
37>>>&0	search/3	Comment:\040
38>>>>&0	string		x			"%s"