xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/mathematica (revision 5ca8e32633c4ffbbcd6762e5888b6a4ba0708c6c)
3# $File: mathematica,v 1.17 2023/06/16 19:33:58 christos Exp $
4# mathematica:  file(1) magic for mathematica files
5# "H. Nanosecond" <aldomel@ix.netcom.com>
6# Mathematica a multi-purpose math program
7# versions 2.2 and 3.0
90	name	wolfram
10>0	string	x	Mathematica notebook version 2.x
11!:ext mb
12!:mime application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica
14#mathematica .mb
150	string	\064\024\012\000\035\000\000\000
16>0	use	wolfram
170	string	\064\024\011\000\035\000\000\000
18>0	use	wolfram
210	search/1000	Content-type:\040application/mathematica	Mathematica notebook version 2.x
22!:ext nb
23!:mime application/mathematica
26# .ma
27# multiple possibilities:
290	string	(*^\n\n::[\011frontEndVersion\ =
30#>41	string	>\0	%s
31>0	use	wolfram
33#0	string	(*^\n\n::[\011palette
35#0	string	(*^\n\n::[\011Information
36#>675	string	>\0	%s #doesn't work well
38# there may be 'cr' instead of 'nl' in some does this matter?
40# generic:
410	string	(*^\r\r::[\011
42>0	use	wolfram
430	string	(*^\r\n\r\n::[\011
44>0	use	wolfram
450	string	(*^\015
46>0	use	wolfram
470	string	(*^\n\r\n\r::[\011
48>0	use	wolfram
490	string	(*^\r::[\011
50>0	use	wolfram
510	string	(*^\r\n::[\011
52>0	use	wolfram
530	string	(*^\n\n::[\011
54>0	use	wolfram
550	string	(*^\n::[\011
56>0	use	wolfram
59# Mathematica .mx files
61#0	string	(*This\ is\ a\ Mathematica\ binary\ dump\ file.\ It\ can\ be\ loaded\ with\ Get.*)	Mathematica binary file
620	string	(*This\ is\ a\ Mathematica\ binary\ 	Mathematica binary file
63#>71	string \000\010\010\010\010\000\000\000\000\000\000\010\100\010\000\000\000
64# >71... is optional
65>88	string	>\0	from %s
68# Mathematica files PBF:
69# 115 115 101 120 102 106 000 001 000 000 000 203 000 001 000
700	string	MMAPBF\000\001\000\000\000\203\000\001\000	Mathematica PBF (fonts I think)
72# .ml files  These are menu resources I think
73# these start with "[0-9][0-9][0-9]\ A~[0-9][0-9][0-9]\
74# how to put that into a magic rule?
754	string	\ A~	MAthematica .ml file
77# .nb files
78#too long 0	string	(***********************************************************************\n\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mathematica-Compatible Notebook	Mathematica 3.0 notebook
790	string	(***********************	Mathematica 3.0 notebook
81# other (* matches it is a comment start in these langs
82# GRR: Too weak; also matches other languages e.g. ML
83#0	string	(*	Mathematica, or Pascal, Modula-2 or 3 code text
86# MatLab v5
87# URL:		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/MAT
88# Reference:	https://www.mathworks.com/help/pdf_doc/matlab/matfile_format.pdf
89# first 116 bytes of header contain text in human-readable form
900       string  MATLAB  Matlab v
91#>11	string/T	x	\b, at 11 "%.105s"
92#!:mime	application/octet-stream
93!:mime	application/x-matlab-data
94!:ext	mat
95#	https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/mat-file-versions.html
96# level of the MAT-file like: 5.0 7.0 or maybe 7.3
97#>7	string	x	LEVEL "%.3s"
98>7	ubyte	=0x35	\b5 mat-file
99>7	ubyte	!0x35
100>>7	string	x	\b%.3s mat-file
101>126    short   0x494d  (big endian)
102>>124   beshort x       version %#04x
103>126    short   0x4d49  (little endian)
104# 0x0100 for level 5.0 and 0x0200 for level 7.0
105>>124   leshort x       version %#04x
106# test again so that default clause works
107>126	short	x
108# created by MATLAB include Platform sometimes without leading comma (0x2C) or missing
109# like: GLNX86 PCWIN PCWIN64 SOL2 Windows\0407 nt posix
110>>20	search/2	Platform:\040	\b, platform
111>>>&0	string		x		%-0.2s
112>>>&2		ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
113>>>>&0		ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
114>>>>>&0		ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
115>>>>>>&0	ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
116>>>>>>>&0	ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
117>>>>>>>>&0	ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
118>>>>>>>>>&0	ubyte	!0x2C		\b%c
119# examples without Platform tag like one_by_zero_char.mat
120>>20	default		x
121>>>11	string		x	"%s"
122# created by MATLAB include time like: Fri Feb 20 15:26:59 2009
123>34	search/9/c	created\040on:\040	\b, created
124>>&0	string	x		%-.24s
125#	MatLab v4
126# From:	Joerg Jenderek
127# check for valid imaginary flag of Matlab matrix version 4
12813	ushort	0
129# check for valid ASCII matrix name
130>20	ubyte	>0x1F
131# skip PreviousEntries.dat with "invalid high" name \304P\344@\001
132>>20	ubyte	<0304
133# skip some Netwfw*.dat and $I3KREPH.dat by checking for non zero number of rows
134>>>4	ulong		!0
135# skip some CD-ROM filesystem like test-hfs.iso by looking for valid big endian type flag
136>>>>0	ubelong&0xFFffFF00	0x00000300
137>>>>>0	use	matlab4
138# no example for 8-bit and 16-bit integers matrix
139>>>>0	ubelong&0xFFffFF00	0x00000400
140>>>>>0	use	matlab4
141#	branch for Little-Endian variant of Matlab MATrix version 4
142# skip big endian variant by looking for valid low lttle endian type flag
143>>>>0	ulelong		<53
144# skip tokens.dat and some Netwfw*.dat by check for valid imaginary flag value of MAT version 4
145>>>>>12	ulelong		<2
146# no misidentified little endian MATrix example with "short" matrix name
147>>>>>>16	ulelong		<3
148# skip radeon firmware BONAIRE_sdma.bin HAWAII_sdma.bin KABINI_sdma.bin KAVERI_sdma.bin MULLINS_sdma.bin
149# by check for non zero matrix name length
150>>>>>>>16	ubelong		>0
151>>>>>>>>0	use	\^matlab4
152# little endian MATrix with "long" matrix name or some misidentified samples
153>>>>>>16	ulelong		>2
154# skip TileCacheLogo-*.dat with invalid 2nd character \001 of matrix name with length 96
155>>>>>>>21 ubyte	>0x1F
156>>>>>>>>0 use	\^matlab4
157# Note:		called 	"MATLAB Mat File" with version "Level 4" by DROID via PUID fmt/1550
158#	display information of Matlab v4 mat-file
1590	name	matlab4		Matlab v4 mat-file
160#!:mime	application/octet-stream
161!:mime	application/x-matlab-data
162!:ext	mat
163# 20-byte header with 5 long integers that contains information describing certain attributes of the Matrix
164# type flag decimal MOPT; maximal 4052=FD4h; maximal 52=34h for little endian
165#>0	ubelong		x	\b, type flag %u
166#>0	ubelong		x	(%#x)
167# M: 0~little endian 1~Big Endian 2~VAX D-float 3~VAX G-float 4~Cray
168#>0	ubelong/1000	x	\b, M=%u
169>0	ubelong/1000	0	(little endian)
170>0	ubelong/1000	1	(big endian)
171>0	ubelong/1000	2	(VAX D-float)
172>0	ubelong/1000	3	(VAX G-float)
173>0	ubelong/1000	4	(Cray)
174# namlen; the length of the matrix name
175#>16	ubelong		x	\b, name length %u
176#>(16.L+19)	ubyte	x	\b, TERMINATING NAME CHARACTER=%#x
177# nul terminated matrix name like: fit_params testmatrix testsparsecomplex teststringarray
178#>20	string		x	\b, MATRIX NAME="%s"
179#>21		ubyte	x	\b, MAYBE 2ND CHAR=%c
180>16	pstring/L	x	%s
181# T indicates the matrix type: 0~numeric 1~text 2~sparse
182#>0	ubelong%10	x	\b, T=%u
183>0	ubelong%10	0	\b, numeric
184>0	ubelong%10	1	\b, text
185>0	ubelong%10	2	\b, sparse
186# mrows; number of rows in the matrix like: 1 3 8
187>4	ubelong		x	\b, rows %u
188# ncols; number of columns in the matrix like: 1 3 4 5 9 43
189>8	ubelong		x	\b, columns %u
190# imagf; imaginary flag; 1~matrix has an imaginary part 0~only real data
191>12	ubelong		!0	\b, imaginary (%u)
192# real; Real part of the matrix consists of mrows * ncols numbers