xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/map (revision 094517119c62c23369d545a7475ae982d86330a3)
4# $File: map,v 1.9 2021/04/26 15:56:00 christos Exp $
5# map:  file(1) magic for Map data
8# Garmin .FIT files https://pub.ks-and-ks.ne.jp/cycling/edge500_fit.shtml
98	string	.FIT		FIT Map data
10>15	byte	0
11>>35	belong	x		\b, unit id %d
12>>39	lelong	x		\b, serial %u
13# https://pub.ks-and-ks.ne.jp/cycling/edge500_fit.shtml
14# 20 years after unix epoch
15# TZ=GMT date -d '1989-12-31 0:00' +%s
16>>43	leldate+631065600	x	\b, %s
18>>47	leshort x		\b, manufacturer %d
19>>47	leshort	1		\b (garmin)
20>>49	leshort x		\b, product %d
21>>53	byte	x		\b, type %d
22>>53	byte	1		\b (Device)
23>>53	byte	2		\b (Settings)
24>>53	byte	3		\b (Sports/Cycling)
25>>53	byte	4		\b (Activity)
26>>53	byte	8		\b (Elevations)
27>>53	byte	10		\b (Totals)
29# Summary: Garmin map
30# From:	Joerg Jenderek
31# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garmin_.img
32# Reference: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/IMG_File_Format
33# sourceforge.net/projects/garmin-img/files/IMG%20File%20Format/1.0/imgformat-1.0.pdf
34# GRR: similar to MBR boot sector handled by ./filesystems
350x1FE	leshort		=0xAA55
36# look for valid map signature
37>0x13	string		=IMG\0
38>>0	use		garmin-map
390	name				garmin-map
40>0	ubyte		x		Garmin
41!:mime	application/x-garmin-map
42# If non-zero, every byte of the entire .img file is to be XORed with this value
43>0	ubyte		!0		\b, %#x XORed
44# goto block before FAT
45>(0x40.b*512)	ubyte	x
46# 1st fat name "DLLINFO TXT" only found for vpm
47>>&512 		string	=DLLINFO\ TXT 	map (Voice Processing)
48# there exist 2 other Garmin VPM formats; see ./audio
49!:ext	vpm
50# Deutsch__Yannick_D4481-00_0210.vpm
51#>>>512	search/0x0116da60/s	RIFF	\b; with
52# determine type voice type by ./riff
53#>>>>&0	indirect	x	\b
54>>&512 		string	!DLLINFO\ TXT 	map
55!:ext	img
56# 9 zeros
57>1 	ubelong		!0 		\b, zeroes %#x
58# Map's version major
59>8	ubyte		x		v%u
60# Map's version minor
61>9	ubyte		x		\b.%.2u
62# Map description[20], 0x20 padded
63>0x49	string		x		%.20s
64# Map name, continued (0x20 padded, \0 terminated)
65>0x65	string		>\ 		\b%.31s
66# Update year (+1900 for val >= 0x63, +2000 for val <= 0x62)
67>0xB	ubyte		x		\b, updated
68>>0xB	ubyte		>0x62
69>>>0xB	ubyte-100	x		20%.2u
70>>0xB	ubyte		<0x63
71>>>0xB	ubyte		x		20%.2u
72# Update month (0-11)
73>0xA	ubyte		x		\b-%.2u
74# All zeroes
75>0xc 	uleshort	!0 		\b, zeroes %#x
76# Mapsource flag, 1 - file created by Mapsource, 0 - Garmin map visible in Basecamp and Homeport
77#>0xE	ubyte		!0		\b, Mapsource flag %#x
78>0xE	ubyte		1		\b, Mapsource
79# Checksum, sum of all bytes modulo 256 should be 0
80#>0xF	ubyte		x		\b, Checksum %#x
81# Signature: DSKIMG 0x00 or DSDIMG 0x00 for demo map
82>0x10	string		!DSKIMG		\b, signature "%.7s"
83>0x39	use		garmin-date
84# Map file identifier like GARMIN\0
85>0x41	string		!GARMIN		\b, id "%.7s"
86# Block size exponent, E1; appears to always be 0x09; minimum block size 512 bytes
87>0x61	ubyte		!0x09		\b, E1=%u
88# Block size exponent, E2 ; file blocksize=2**(E1+E2)
89>>0x62	ubyte		x		\b, E2=%u
90>0x61	ubyte		=0x09		\b, blocksize
91>>0x62	ubyte		0		512
92>>0x62	ubyte		1		1024
93>>0x62	ubyte		2		2048
94>>0x62	ubyte		3		4096
95>>0x62	ubyte		4		8192
96>>0x62	ubyte		5		16384
97>>0x62	default		x
98>>>0x62	ubyte		x		E2=%u
99# MBR signature
100>0x1FE	leshort		!0xAA55		\b, invalid MBR
101# 512 zeros
102>0x200 	uquad		!0		\b, zeroes %#llx
103# First sub-file offset (absolute); sometimes NO/UNKNOWN sub file!
104>0x40C	ulelong		>0		\b, at %#x
105# sub-file Header length
106#>>(0x40C.l)	uleshort	x	\b, header len %#x
107>>(0x40C.l)	uleshort	x	%u bytes
108# sub-file Type[10] like "GARMIN RGN" "GARMIN TRE", "GARMIN TYP", etc.
109>>(0x40C.l+2)	ubyte	>0x1F
110>>>(0x40C.l+2)	ubyte	<0xFF
111>>>>(0x40C.l+2)	string	x		"%.10s"
112# 0x00 for most maps, 0x80 for locked maps (City Nav, City Select, etc.)
113>>>>(0x40C.l+13)	ubyte	>0		\b, locked %#x
114# Block sequence numbers like 0000 0100 0200 ... FFFF
115# >0x420	ubequad		>0	\b, seq. %#16.16llx
116# >>0x428	ubequad		>0	\b%16.16llx
117# >>>0x430	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
118# >>>>0x438	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
119# >>>>>0x440	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
120# >>>>>>0x448	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
121# >>>>>>>0x450	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
122# >>>>>>>>0x458	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
123# >>>>>>>>>0x460	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
124# >>>>>>>>>>0x468	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
125# >>>>>>>>>>>0x470	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
126# >>>>>>>>>>>>0x478	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
127# >>>>>>>>>>>>>0x480	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
128# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>0x488	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
129# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0x490	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
130# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0x498	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
131# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0x4A0	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
132# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0x4A8	ubequad	>0	\b%16.16llx
133# look for end of FAT
134#>>0x420	search/512/s	\xff\xff	FAT END
135# Physical block number of FAT header
136#>0x40	ubyte		x		\b, FAT at phy. block %u
137>0x40	ubyte		x
138>>(0x40.b*512)	ubyte	x
139# 1st FAT block
140>>>&511 	use	garmin-fat
141# 2nd FAT block
142>>>&1023 	use	garmin-fat
143# 3th FAT block
144>>>&1535 	use	garmin-fat
145# 4th FAT block
146>>>&2047 	use	garmin-fat
147# ... xth FAT block
149# 314 zeros but not in vpm and also gmaptz.img
150>0x84 	uquad		!0		\b, at 0x84 %#llx
151# display FileAllocationTable block entry in garmin map
1520	name				garmin-fat
153>0	ubyte		x		\b;
154# sub file part; 0x0003 seems to be garbage
155>0x10	uleshort	!0		next %#4.4x
156>0x10	uleshort	=0
157# fat flag 0~dummy block 1~true sub file
158>>0	ubyte		!1		flag %u
159>>0	ubyte		=1
160# sub-file name like MAKEGMAP 12345678
161>>>0x1	string		x		%.8s
162# sub-file typ like RGN TRE MDR LBL
163>>>0x9	string		x		\b.%.3s
164# size of sub file
165>>>0xC	ulelong		x		\b, %u bytes
166# 32-bit block sequence numbers
167#>>>0x20	ubequad		x		\b, seq. %#16.16llx
169#	display date stored inside Garmin maps like yyyy-mm-dd h:mm:ss
1700	name				garmin-date
171# year like 2018
172>0 	uleshort	x 		\b, created %u
173# month (0-11)
174>2	ubyte		x		\b-%.2u
175# day (1-31)
176>3	ubyte		x		\b-%.2u
177# hour (0-23)
178>4	ubyte		x		%u
179# minute (0-59)
180>5	ubyte		x		\b:%.2u
181# second (0-59)
182>6	ubyte		x		\b:%.2u
184# Summary: Garmin Map subfiles
185# From:	Joerg Jenderek
186# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/IMG_File_Format
187# Garmin Common Header
1882	string	GARMIN\
189# skip ASCII text by checking for low header length
190>0	uleshort <0x1000	Garmin map,
191# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/GMP_Subfile_Format
192>>9	string	GMP				subtile
193!:mime			application/x-garmin-gpm
194!:ext			gmp
195# copyright message
196>>>(0.s)		string		x	%s
197>>>0x0E 		use		garmin-date
198# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/MDR_Subfile_Format
199# This contains the searchable address table used for finding routing destinations
200>>9	string	MDR				address table
201!:mime			application/x-garmin-mdr
202!:ext			mdr
203# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/NOD_Subfile_Format
204# http://svn.parabola.me.uk/display/trunk/doc/nod.txt
205# This contains the routing information
206>>9	string	NOD				routing
207!:mime			application/x-garmin-nod
208!:ext			nod
209>>>0x0E 		use		garmin-date
210#>>>0x15			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
211#>>>0x19			ulelong		x	%#x bytes NOD1
212#>>>0x25			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
213#>>>0x29			ulelong		x	%#x bytes NOD2
214#>>>0x31			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
215#>>>0x35			ulelong		x	%#x bytes NOD3
216# URL: http://www.pinns.co.uk/osm/net.html
217# routable highways (length, direction, allowed speed,house address information)
218>>9	string	NET				highways
219!:mime			application/x-garmin-net
220!:ext			net
221#>>>0x15			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
222#>>>0x19			ulelong		x	%#x bytes NET1
223#>>>0x22			ulelong		>0
224#>>>>0x1E		ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
225#>>>>0x22		ulelong		x	%#x bytes NET2
226#>>>0x2B			ulelong		>0
227#>>>>0x27		ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
228#>>>>0x2B		ulelong		x	%#x bytes NET3
229# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/LBL_Subfile_Format
230>>9	string	LBL				labels
231!:mime			application/x-garmin-lbl
232!:ext			lbl
233>>>(0.s)		string	x	%s
234# Label coding type 6h 9h and ah
235>>>0x1E			ubyte		x	\b, coding type %#x
236#>>>0x15			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
237#>>>0x19			ulelong		x	%#x bytes LBL1
238#>>>0x1F			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
239#>>>0x23			ulelong		x	%#x bytes LBL2
240#>>>0x2D			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
241#>>>0x31			ulelong		x	%#x bytes LBL3
242# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/SRT_Subfile_Format
243# A lookup table of the chars in the map's codepage, and their collating sequence
244>>9	string	SRT				sort table
245!:mime			application/x-garmin-srt
246!:ext			srt
247>>>0x0E 		use		garmin-date
248# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/TRE_Subfile_Format
249>>9	string	TRE				tree
250!:mime			application/x-garmin-tre
251!:ext			tre
252# title like City Nav Europe NTU 2019.2 Basemap
253# or OSM Street map
254>>>(0.s)		string		x	%s
255# 2nd title like Copyright 1995-2018 by GARMIN Corporation.
256# or http://www.openstreetmap.org/
257>>>>&1			string		x	%s
258>>>0x0E 		use		garmin-date
259#>>>0x21			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
260#>>>0x25			ulelong		x	%#x bytes TRE1
261#>>>0x29			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
262#>>>0x2D			ulelong		x	%#x bytes TRE2
263#>>>0x31			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
264#>>>0x35			ulelong		x	%#x bytes TRE3
265# Copyright record size
266#>>>0x39			uleshort	x	\b, copyright record size %u
267# Map ID
268>>>0x74			ulelong		x	\b, ID %#x
269# URL: https://www.gpspower.net/garmin-tutorials/353310-basecamp-installing-free-desktop-map.html
270# For road traffic information service (RDS/TMS/TMC). Commonly seen in City Navigator maps
271>>9	string	TRF				traffic,
272!:mime			application/x-garmin-trf
273!:ext			trf
274# city/region like Preitenegg
275>>>(0.s+1) 		string		x	1st %s
276# highway part like L606/L148
277>>>>&1			string		x	%s
278# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Format
279# Reference: http://www.pinns.co.uk/osm/typformat.html
280# customize the appearance of objects. For GPS and MapSource/Qlandkarte better looking maps
281>>9	string	TYP				types
282!:mime			application/x-garmin-typ
283!:ext			typ
284>>>0x0E 		use		garmin-date
285# character set 1252 65001~UTF8
286>>>0x15			uleshort	x	\b, code page %u
287# POIs
288#>>>0x17			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
289#>>>0x1B			ulelong		x	%#x bytes TYP1
290# extra pois
291#>>>0x5B			ulelong		x	\b, at %#x
292#>>>0x5F			ulelong		x	%#x bytes TYP8
293# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/RGN_Subfile_Format
294# http://www.pinns.co.uk/osm/RGN.html
295# region data used by the Garmin software
296>>9	string	RGN				region
297!:mime			application/x-garmin-rgn
298!:ext			rgn
299# POIs,Indexed POIs,Polylines or Polygons or first map level
300#>>>0x15			ulelong	       x	\b, at %#x
301#>>>0x19			ulelong	       x	%#x bytes RGN1
302# polygons with extended types
303#>>>0x21			ulelong	       >0
304#>>>>0x1D		ulelong	       x	\b, at %#x
305#>>>>0x21		ulelong	       x	%#x bytes RGN2
306# polylines with extended types
307#>>>0x3D			ulelong	       >0
308#>>>>0x39		ulelong	       x	\b, at %#x
309#>>>>0x3D		ulelong	       x	%#x bytes RGN3
310# extended POIs
311#>>>0x59			ulelong	       >0
312#>>>>0x55		ulelong	       x	\b, at %#x
313#>>>>0x59		ulelong	       x	%#x bytes RGN3
314#>>9	default		x		unknown map type
315# Header length; GMP:31h 35h 3Dh,MDR:11Eh 238h 2C4h 310h,NOD:3Fh 7Fh,NET:64h,
316# LBL:2A9h,SRT:1Dh 25h 27h,TRE:CFh 135h,TRF:5Ah,TYP:5Bh 6Eh 7Ch AEh,RGN:7Dh
317>>0	uleshort	x		\b, header length %#x
319# URL:		https://www.memotech.franken.de/FileFormats/
320# Reference:	https://www.memotech.franken.de/FileFormats/Garmin_RGN_Format.pdf
321# From:		Joerg Jenderek
3220	string		KpGr		Garmin update
323# format version like: 0064h~1.0
324>0x4	uleshort	!0x0064
325>>4	uleshort/100	x		\b, version %u
326>>4	uleshort%100	x		\b.%u
327# 1st Garmin entry
328>6	use	garmin-entry
329# 2nd Garmin entry
330>(0x6.l+10)	ubyte		x
331>>&0		use		garmin-entry
332# 3rd entry
333>(0x6.l+10)	ubyte		x
334>>&(&0.l+4)	ubyte		x
335>>>&0		use		garmin-entry
336# look again at version to use default clause
337>0x4	uleshort	x
338# test for region content by looking for
339# Garmin *.srf by ./images with normal builder name "SQA" or longer "hales"
340# 1 space after equal sign
341>>0x3a	search/5/s	GARMIN\ BITMAP	\b=
342!:mime	image/x-garmin-exe
343!:ext	exe
344>>>&0	indirect	x
345# if not bitmap *.srf then region; 1 space after equal sign
346>>0x3a	default		x		\b=
347!:mime	application/x-garmin-rgn
348!:ext	rgn
349# recursiv embedded
350>>>0x3a	search/5/s	KpGrd
351>>>>&0	indirect	x
352# look for ZIP or JAR archive by ./archive and ./zip
353>>>0x3a	search/5/s	PK\003\004
354>>>>&0	indirect	x
355# TODO: other garmin RGN record content like foo
356#>>0x3a	search/5/s	bar		BAR
357#		display information of Garmin RGN record
3580	name	garmin-entry
359# record length: 2 for Data, for Application often 1Bh sometimes 1Dh, "big" for Region
360#>0	ulelong		x		\b, length %#x
361# data record (ID='D') with version content like 0064h~1.0
362>4	ubyte		=0x44
363>>5	uleshort	!0x0064		\b; Data
364>>>5	uleshort/100	x		\b, version %u
365>>>5	uleshort%100	x		\b.%u
366# Application Record (ID='A')
367>4	ubyte		=0x41		\b; App
368# version content like 00c8h~2.0
369>>5	uleshort	!0x00C8
370>>>5	uleshort/100	x		\b, version %u
371>>>5	uleshort%100	x		\b.%u
372# builder name like: SQA sqa build hales
373>>7	string		x		\b, build by %s
374# build date like: Oct 25 1999, Oct 1 2008, Feb 23 2009, Dec 15 2009
375>>>&1	string		x		%s
376# build time like: 11:26:12, 11:45:54, 14:16:13, 18:23:01
377>>>>&1	string		x		%s
378# region record (ID='R')
379>4	ubyte		=0x52		\b; Region
380# region ID:14~fw_all.bin: 78~ZIP, RGN or SRF bitmap; 148~ZIP or JAR; 249~display firmware; 251~WiFi or GCD firmware; 255~ZIP
381>>5	uleshort	x		ID=%u
382# delay in ms: like 0, 500
383>>7	ulelong		!0		\b, %u ms
384# region size (is record length - 10)
385#>>11	ulelong		x		\b, length %#x
386# region content like:
387# "KpGr"~recursiv embedded,"GARMIN BITMAP"~Garmin Bitmap *.srf, "PK"~ZIP archive
388#>>15	string		x		\b, content "%s"
389>>15	ubequad		x		\b, content %#llx...
390# This does NOT WORK!
391#>>15	indirect	x		\b; contains
392>4	default		x		\b; other
393# garmin Record ID Identifies the record content like: D A R
394>>4	ubyte		x		ID '%c'
396# TOM TOM GPS watches ttbin files:
397# https://github.com/ryanbinns/ttwatch/tree/master/ttbin
398# From: Daniel Lenski
3990	byte	0x20
400>1	leshort	0x0007
401>>0x76	byte	0x20
402>>>0x77	leshort	0x0075		TomTom activity file, v7
403>>>>8	leldate	x		(%s,
404>>>>3	byte    x		device firmware %d.
405>>>>4	byte	x		\b%d.
406>>>>5	byte	x		\b%d,
407>>>>6	leshort	x		product ID %04d)