xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/games (revision 7ef62cebc2f965b0f640263e179276928885e33d)
3# $File: games,v 1.25 2022/05/31 18:40:20 christos Exp $
4# games:  file(1) for games
6# Fabio Bonelli <fabiobonelli@libero.it>
7# Quake II - III data files
80       string  IDP2        	Quake II 3D Model file,
9>20     long    x               %u skin(s),
10>8      long    x               (%u x
11>12     long    x 		%u),
12>40     long    x               %u frame(s),
13>16     long    x               Frame size %u bytes,
14>24     long  	x               %u vertices/frame,
15>28     long    x            	%u texture coordinates,
16>32     long    x               %u triangles/frame
180       string  IBSP            Quake
19>4      long    0x26            II Map file (BSP)
20>4      long    0x2E      	III Map file (BSP)
220       string  IDS2            Quake II SP2 sprite file
25# Doom and Quake
26# submitted by Nicolas Patrois
280       string  \xcb\x1dBoom\xe6\xff\x03\x01    Boom or linuxdoom demo
29# some doom lmp files don't match, I've got one beginning with \x6d\x02\x01\x01
3124      string  LxD\ 203        Linuxdoom save
32>0      string  x       , name=%s
33>44     string  x       , world=%s
35# Quake
37# Update: Joerg Jenderek
38# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/PAK
39# reference: https://quakewiki.org/wiki/.pak
40# GRR: line below is too general as it matches also Acorn PackDir compressed Archive
41# and Git pack ./revision
420       string  PACK
43# real Quake examples like pak0.pak have only some hundreds like 150 files
44# So test for few files
45>8	ulelong <0x01000000
46# in file version 5.32 test for null terminator is only true for
47# offset ~< FILE_BYTES_MAX = 1 MB defined in ../../src/file.h
48# look for null terminator of 1st entry name
49>>(4.l+55)	ubyte	0	Quake I or II world or extension
50!:mime	application/x-dzip
51!:ext	pak
52#>>>8	ulelong	x	\b, table size %u
53# dividing this by entry size (64) gives number of files
54>>>8	ulelong/64 x	\b, %u files
55# offset to the beginning of the file table
56>>>4	ulelong	x	\b, offset %#x
57# 1st file entry
58>>>(4.l)	use	pak-entry
59# 2nd file entry
60#>>>4	ulelong+64	x	\b, offset %#x
61#>>>(4.l+64)	use	pak-entry
63#	display file table entry of Quake PAK archive
640	name		pak-entry
65# normally entry start after header which implies offset 12 or higher
66>56	ulelong	>11
67# the offset from the beginning of pak to beginning of this entry file contents
68>>56	ulelong	x	at %#x
69# the size of file for this entry
70>>60	ulelong	x	%u bytes
71# 56 byte null-terminated entry name string includes path like maps/e1m1.bsp
72>>0	string	x	'%-.56s'
73# inspect entry content by jumping to entry offset
74>>(56)	indirect x	\b:
76#0       string  -1\x0a  Quake I demo
77#>30     string  x        version %.4s
78#>61     string  x        level %s
80#0       string  5\x0a   Quake I save
82# The levels
84# Quake 1
860	string	5\x0aIntroduction             Quake I save: start Introduction
870	string	5\x0athe_Slipgate_Complex     Quake I save: e1m1 The slipgate complex
880	string	5\x0aCastle_of_the_Damned     Quake I save: e1m2 Castle of the damned
890	string	5\x0athe_Necropolis           Quake I save: e1m3 The necropolis
900	string	5\x0athe_Grisly_Grotto        Quake I save: e1m4 The grisly grotto
910	string	5\x0aZiggurat_Vertigo         Quake I save: e1m8 Ziggurat vertigo (secret)
920	string	5\x0aGloom_Keep               Quake I save: e1m5 Gloom keep
930	string	5\x0aThe_Door_To_Chthon       Quake I save: e1m6 The door to Chthon
940	string	5\x0aThe_House_of_Chthon      Quake I save: e1m7 The house of Chthon
950	string	5\x0athe_Installation         Quake I save: e2m1 The installation
960	string	5\x0athe_Ogre_Citadel         Quake I save: e2m2 The ogre citadel
970	string	5\x0athe_Crypt_of_Decay       Quake I save: e2m3 The crypt of decay (dopefish lives!)
980	string	5\x0aUnderearth               Quake I save: e2m7 Underearth (secret)
990	string	5\x0athe_Ebon_Fortress        Quake I save: e2m4 The ebon fortress
1000	string	5\x0athe_Wizard's_Manse       Quake I save: e2m5 The wizard's manse
1010	string	5\x0athe_Dismal_Oubliette     Quake I save: e2m6 The dismal oubliette
1020	string	5\x0aTermination_Central      Quake I save: e3m1 Termination central
1030	string	5\x0aVaults_of_Zin            Quake I save: e3m2 Vaults of Zin
1040	string	5\x0athe_Tomb_of_Terror       Quake I save: e3m3 The tomb of terror
1050	string	5\x0aSatan's_Dark_Delight     Quake I save: e3m4 Satan's dark delight
1060	string	5\x0athe_Haunted_Halls        Quake I save: e3m7 The haunted halls (secret)
1070	string	5\x0aWind_Tunnels             Quake I save: e3m5 Wind tunnels
1080	string	5\x0aChambers_of_Torment      Quake I save: e3m6 Chambers of torment
1090	string	5\x0athe_Sewage_System        Quake I save: e4m1 The sewage system
1100	string	5\x0aThe_Tower_of_Despair     Quake I save: e4m2 The tower of despair
1110	string	5\x0aThe_Elder_God_Shrine     Quake I save: e4m3 The elder god shrine
1120	string	5\x0athe_Palace_of_Hate       Quake I save: e4m4 The palace of hate
1130	string	5\x0aHell's_Atrium            Quake I save: e4m5 Hell's atrium
1140	string	5\x0athe_Nameless_City        Quake I save: e4m8 The nameless city (secret)
1150	string	5\x0aThe_Pain_Maze            Quake I save: e4m6 The pain maze
1160	string	5\x0aAzure_Agony              Quake I save: e4m7 Azure agony
1170	string	5\x0aShub-Niggurath's_Pit     Quake I save: end Shub-Niggurath's pit
119# Quake DeathMatch levels
1210	string	5\x0aPlace_of_Two_Deaths	 Quake I save: dm1 Place of two deaths
1220	string	5\x0aClaustrophobopolis		 Quake I save: dm2 Claustrophobopolis
1230	string	5\x0aThe_Abandoned_Base		 Quake I save: dm3 The abandoned base
1240	string	5\x0aThe_Bad_Place		 Quake I save: dm4 The bad place
1250	string	5\x0aThe_Cistern		 Quake I save: dm5 The cistern
1260	string	5\x0aThe_Dark_Zone		 Quake I save: dm6 The dark zone
128# Scourge of Armagon
1300	string	5\x0aCommand_HQ               Quake I save: start Command HQ
1310	string	5\x0aThe_Pumping_Station      Quake I save: hip1m1 The pumping station
1320	string	5\x0aStorage_Facility         Quake I save: hip1m2 Storage facility
1330	string	5\x0aMilitary_Complex         Quake I save: hip1m5 Military complex (secret)
1340	string	5\x0athe_Lost_Mine            Quake I save: hip1m3 The lost mine
1350	string	5\x0aResearch_Facility        Quake I save: hip1m4 Research facility
1360	string	5\x0aAncient_Realms           Quake I save: hip2m1 Ancient realms
1370	string	5\x0aThe_Gremlin's_Domain     Quake I save: hip2m6 The gremlin's domain (secret)
1380	string	5\x0aThe_Black_Cathedral      Quake I save: hip2m2 The black cathedral
1390	string	5\x0aThe_Catacombs            Quake I save: hip2m3 The catacombs
1400	string	5\x0athe_Crypt__              Quake I save: hip2m4 The crypt
1410	string	5\x0aMortum's_Keep            Quake I save: hip2m5 Mortum's keep
1420	string	5\x0aTur_Torment              Quake I save: hip3m1 Tur torment
1430	string	5\x0aPandemonium              Quake I save: hip3m2 Pandemonium
1440	string	5\x0aLimbo                    Quake I save: hip3m3 Limbo
1450	string	5\x0athe_Edge_of_Oblivion     Quake I save: hipdm1 The edge of oblivion (secret)
1460	string	5\x0aThe_Gauntlet             Quake I save: hip3m4 The gauntlet
1470	string	5\x0aArmagon's_Lair           Quake I save: hipend Armagon's lair
149# Malice
1510	string	5\x0aThe_Academy      Quake I save: start The academy
1520	string	5\x0aThe_Lab          Quake I save: d1 The lab
1530	string	5\x0aArea_33          Quake I save: d1b Area 33
1540	string	5\x0aSECRET_MISSIONS  Quake I save: d3b Secret missions
1550	string	5\x0aThe_Hospital     Quake I save: d10 The hospital (secret)
1560	string	5\x0aThe_Genetics_Lab Quake I save: d11 The genetics lab (secret)
1570	string	5\x0aBACK_2_MALICE    Quake I save: d4b Back to Malice
1580	string	5\x0aArea44           Quake I save: d1c Area 44
1590	string	5\x0aTakahiro_Towers  Quake I save: d2 Takahiro towers
1600	string	5\x0aA_Rat's_Life     Quake I save: d3 A rat's life
1610	string	5\x0aInto_The_Flood   Quake I save: d4 Into the flood
1620	string	5\x0aThe_Flood        Quake I save: d5 The flood
1630	string	5\x0aNuclear_Plant    Quake I save: d6 Nuclear plant
1640	string	5\x0aThe_Incinerator_Plant    Quake I save: d7 The incinerator plant
1650	string	5\x0aThe_Foundry              Quake I save: d7b The foundry
1660	string	5\x0aThe_Underwater_Base      Quake I save: d8 The underwater base
1670	string	5\x0aTakahiro_Base            Quake I save: d9 Takahiro base
1680	string	5\x0aTakahiro_Laboratories    Quake I save: d12 Takahiro laboratories
1690	string	5\x0aStayin'_Alive    Quake I save: d13 Stayin' alive
1700	string	5\x0aB.O.S.S._HQ      Quake I save: d14 B.O.S.S. HQ
1710	string	5\x0aSHOWDOWN!        Quake I save: d15 Showdown!
173# Malice DeathMatch levels
1750	string	5\x0aThe_Seventh_Precinct	 Quake I save: ddm1 The seventh precinct
1760	string	5\x0aSub_Station		 Quake I save: ddm2 Sub station
1770	string	5\x0aCrazy_Eights!		 Quake I save: ddm3 Crazy eights!
1780	string	5\x0aEast_Side_Invertationa	 Quake I save: ddm4 East side invertationa
1790	string	5\x0aSlaughterhouse		 Quake I save: ddm5 Slaughterhouse
1800	string	5\x0aDOMINO			 Quake I save: ddm6 Domino
1810	string	5\x0aSANDRA'S_LADDER		 Quake I save: ddm7 Sandra's ladder
1840	string	MComprHD	MAME CHD compressed hard disk image,
185>12	belong	x		version %u
187# doom - submitted by Jon Dowland
1890	string	=IWAD		doom main IWAD data
190>4	lelong	x		containing %d lumps
1910	string	=PWAD		doom patch PWAD data
192>4	lelong	x		containing %d lumps
194# Build engine group files (Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, ...)
195# Extension: .grp
196# Created by: "Ganael Laplanche" <ganael.laplanche@martymac.org>
1970	string	KenSilverman	Build engine group file
198>12	lelong	x		containing %d files
200# Summary: Warcraft 3 save
201# Extension: .w3g
202# Created by: "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv@gmail.com>
2030	string		Warcraft\ III\ recorded\ game	%s
206# Summary: Warcraft 3 map
207# Extension: .w3m
208# Created by: "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv@gmail.com>
2090	string		HM3W		Warcraft III map file
212# Summary: SGF Smart Game Format
213# Extension: .sgf
214# Reference: https://www.red-bean.com/sgf/
215# Created by: Eduardo Sabbatella <eduardo_sabbatella@yahoo.com.ar>
216# Modified by (1): Abel Cheung (regex, more game format)
217# FIXME: Some games don't have GM (game type)
2180	regex		\\(;.*GM\\[[0-9]{1,2}\\]	Smart Game Format
219>2	search/0x200/b	GM[
220>>&0	string		1]	(Go)
221>>&0	string		2]	(Othello)
222>>&0	string		3]	(chess)
223>>&0	string		4]	(Gomoku+Renju)
224>>&0	string		5]	(Nine Men's Morris)
225>>&0	string		6]	(Backgammon)
226>>&0	string		7]	(Chinese chess)
227>>&0	string		8]	(Shogi)
228>>&0	string		9]	(Lines of Action)
229>>&0	string		10]	(Ataxx)
230>>&0	string		11]	(Hex)
231>>&0	string		12]	(Jungle)
232>>&0	string		13]	(Neutron)
233>>&0	string		14]	(Philosopher's Football)
234>>&0	string		15]	(Quadrature)
235>>&0	string		16]	(Trax)
236>>&0	string		17]	(Tantrix)
237>>&0	string		18]	(Amazons)
238>>&0	string		19]	(Octi)
239>>&0	string		20]	(Gess)
240>>&0	string		21]	(Twixt)
241>>&0	string		22]	(Zertz)
242>>&0	string		23]	(Plateau)
243>>&0	string		24]	(Yinsh)
244>>&0	string		25]	(Punct)
245>>&0	string		26]	(Gobblet)
246>>&0	string		27]	(hive)
247>>&0	string		28]	(Exxit)
248>>&0	string		29]	(Hnefatal)
249>>&0	string		30]	(Kuba)
250>>&0	string		31]	(Tripples)
251>>&0	string		32]	(Chase)
252>>&0	string		33]	(Tumbling Down)
253>>&0	string		34]	(Sahara)
254>>&0	string		35]	(Byte)
255>>&0	string		36]	(Focus)
256>>&0	string		37]	(Dvonn)
257>>&0	string		38]	(Tamsk)
258>>&0	string		39]	(Gipf)
259>>&0	string		40]	(Kropki)
262# NetImmerse/Gamebryo game engine entries
264# Summary: Gamebryo game engine file
265# Extension: .nif, .kf
266# Created by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
2670		string		Gamebryo\ File\ Format,\ Version\ 	Gamebryo game engine file
268>&0		regex		[0-9a-z.]+				\b, version %s
270# Summary: Gamebryo game engine file
271# Extension: .kfm
272# Created by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
2730		string		;Gamebryo\ KFM\ File\ Version\ 		Gamebryo game engine animation File
274>&0		regex		[0-9a-z.]+				\b, version %s
276# Summary: NetImmerse game engine file
277# Extension .nif
278# Created by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
2790		string		NetImmerse\ File\ Format,\ Version
280>&0		string		n\ 					NetImmerse game engine file
281>>&0		regex		[0-9a-z.]+				\b, version %s
283# Type:	SGF Smart Game Format
284# URL:	https://www.red-bean.com/sgf/
285# From:	Eduardo Sabbatella <eduardo_sabbatella@yahoo.com.ar>
2862	regex/c	\\(;.*GM\\[[0-9]{1,2}\\]	Smart Game Format
287>2	regex/c	GM\\[1\\]			- Go Game
288>2	regex/c	GM\\[6\\]			- BackGammon Game
289>2	regex/c	GM\\[11\\]			- Hex Game
290>2	regex/c	GM\\[18\\]			- Amazons Game
291>2	regex/c	GM\\[19\\]			- Octi Game
292>2	regex/c	GM\\[20\\]			- Gess Game
293>2	regex/c	GM\\[21\\]			- twix Game
295# Epic Games/Unreal Engine Package
2970	lelong		0x9E2A83C1	Unreal Engine Package,
298>4	leshort		x		version: %i
299>12	lelong		!0		\b, names: %i
300>28	lelong		!0		\b, imports: %i
301>20	lelong		!0		\b, exports: %i
3030	string		ESVG
304>4	lelong		0x00160000
305>10	string		TOC\020		Empire Deluxe for DOS saved game
307# Sid Meier's Civilization V/VI
308# From: Benjamin Lowry <ben@ben.gmbh>
3090	string	CIV5
310>4	byte	0x08		Sid Meier's Civilization V saved game,
311>>12	regex	[0-9a-z.]+	saved by game version %s
312>4	byte	0x01		Sid Meier's Civilization V replay data,
313>>12	regex	[0-9a-z.]+	saved by game version %s
3150	string	CIV6		Sid Meier's Civilization VI saved game
317# https://syzygy-tables.info/
318# From Michel Van den Bergh
3190	string	\327f\f\245	Syzygy DTZ tablebase
320!:mime	application/syzygy
3210	string	q\350#]		Syzygy WDL tablebase
322!:mime	application/syzygy
325# Grand Theft Auto (GTA) file formats.
327# Summary:
328# Includes GTA-specific formats used in all games from 1997 to present. Games
329# and formats were created by Rockstar North, formerly DMA Design. Magic tests
330# were written based on a combination of official and community documentation.
332# Created by: Oliver Galvin <odg@riseup.net>
334# References:
335# * Classic GTA documentation and research:
336#    <https://gitlab.com/classic-gta/gta-data>
337# * Official RenderWare documentation available from EA:
338#    <https://github.com/electronicarts/RenderWare3Docs>
339# * Lots of community research in the GTAMods wiki:
340#    <https://gtamods.com/wiki>
342# GTA 2D-Era data - 'Classic' top down games (1/L/2)
344## GTA text
3460	string	\xbf\xf8\xbd\x49\x62\xbe	GTA1 in-game text (FXT),
3470	string	GBL	GTA2 in-game text (GXT),
348>3	string  	E	English,
349>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
350>3	string  	F	French,
351>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
352>3	string  	G	German,
353>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
354>3	string  	I	Italian,
355>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
356>3	string  	S	Spanish,
357>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
358>3	string  	J	Japanese,
359>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
361## GTA maps
3630	ulelong 	331	GTA1 map layout (CMP),
364>4	byte    	1	Level 1
365>4	byte    	2	Level 2
366>4	byte    	3	Level 3
3670	string  	GBMP	GTA2/GBH map layout (GMP),
368>4	uleshort	x	version %d
3690	string/t	[MapFiles]	GTA2 multiplayer map metadata (MMP)
3700	string/t	MainOrBonus\ =\ MAIN	GTA2 single player map listing (test1.seq)
372## GTA 2D sprites and textures
3740	ulelong 	290	GTA1 style data (GRX), 8 bit editor graphics
3750	ulelong 	325	GTA1 style data (GRY), 8 bit in-game graphics
3760	ulelong 	336	GTA1 style data (G24), 24 bit in-game graphics
3770	string  	GBST	GTA2/GBH style data (STY), in-game graphics,
378>4	uleshort	x	version %d
380## GTA audio index
3820	ulelong	0
383>4	ulelong	<0x40000
384>>8	ulelong	>4500
385>>>8	ulelong	<45000	GTA audio index data (SDT)
387## GTA scripts
3890	ulelong 	0x00080000
390>4	uleshort	0x0024    	GTA2 binary main script (SCR)
3920	uleshort	0x063c    	GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Residential area (ste)
3930	uleshort	0x055b    	GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Downtown area (wil)
3940	uleshort	0x0469    	GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Industrial area (bil)
3960	string   	v9.6\0\0 	GTA2 replay file (REP),
397>8	regex/30c	[a-z0-9:\ ]+\0\0	created on %s
399# GTA 3D-Era (III/VC/SA/LCS/VCS) - used by the RenderWare engine by Criterion Games
401## GTA 3D models and textures - RenderWare binary streams
4038	ulelong	0x00000310	RenderWare data, v3.1.0.0, used in GTA III on PS2,
404>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
405>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4068	ulelong	0x0401ffff	RenderWare data, v3.1.0.1, used in GTA III on PC/PS2,
407>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
408>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4098	ulelong	0x0800ffff	RenderWare data, v3.2.0.0, used in GTA III on PC,
410>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
411>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4128	ulelong	0x0c00ffff	RenderWare data, v3.3.0.0,
413>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
414>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4158	ulelong	0x0c02ffff	RenderWare data, v3.3.0.2, used in GTA III PC and GTA VC PS2,
416>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
417>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4188	ulelong	0x1000ffff	RenderWare data, v3.4.0.0,
419>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
420>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4218	ulelong	0x1003ffff	RenderWare data, v3.4.0.3, used in GTA VC PC,
422>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
423>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4248	ulelong	0x1005ffff	RenderWare data, v3.4.0.5, used in GTA III/VC on Android,
425>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
426>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4278	ulelong	0x1400ffff	RenderWare data, v3.5.0.0, used in GTA III/VC on Xbox,
428>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
429>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4308	ulelong	0x1803ffff	RenderWare data, v3.6.0.3, used in GTA SA,
431>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
432>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
4340	string	COL	RenderWare collision data (COL),
435>3	string	L	version 1, used in GTA III/VC/SA
436>3	string	2	version 2, used in GTA SA
437>3	string	3	version 3, used in GTA SA
438>3	string	4	version 4, used in GTA SA
440## GTA items and animations
4420	string/c	#\ ipl\ generated\ from\ max\ file	GTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA III/VC
4430	string/b	bnry	GTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA SA/IV,
444>4	ulelong 	x	%d items
4460	string	ANP	GTA animation data (IFP),
447>3	string	K	version 1, used in GTA III/VC
448>3	string	3	version 2, used in GTA SA
4500	string	GtaSA29	GTA Replay data (REP), used in GTA SA
452## GTA text
4540	string	TKEY	GTA in-game text (GXT), version 2, used in GTA III
4550	string	TABL	GTA in-game text (GXT), version 3, used in GTA VC/LS/VCS
457## GTA scripts
4590	string	\x02\x00\x01	GTA script (SCM), used in GTA III/VC/SA
461## GTA archives
4630	string	VER2	GTA archive (IMG), version 2, used in GTA SA,
464>4	ulelong	x	%d items
466# GTA HD-Era (IV/V) - used by the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE)
468## GTA models and textures - RAGE resources
469# Note: GTA IV formats not yet documented - WAD, WBD, WBN, WHM, WPL
4710	ulelong	0x00695254	GTA Drawable data (WDR), model and weapon data, used in GTA IV
4720	ulelong	0x00695238	GTA Windows Frag Type (WFT), vehicle models, used in GTA IV
4730	ulelong	0x006953A4	GTA Ped and LOD models (WDD), used in GTA IV
4740	ulelong	0x00695384	GTA Windows Texture Dictionary (WTD), used in GTA IV
476## GTA text
4784	string  	TABL	GTA in-game text (GXT),
479>0	uleshort	x	version %d, used in GTA SA/IV
4800	string  	2GXT	GTA in-game text (GXT2), used in GTA V
482## GTA scripts
4840	ulelong	0x0d524353	GTA script (SCO), unencrypted, used in GTA IV,
485>4	ulelong	x         	%d code bytes,
486>>8	ulelong	x         	%d static variables,
487>>>12	ulelong	x         	%d global variables
4880	ulelong	0x0e726373	GTA script (SCO), encrypted, used in GTA IV
489>4	ulelong	x         	%d code bytes,
490>>8	ulelong	x         	%d static variables,
491>>>12	ulelong	x         	%d global variables
493## GTA archives
4950	ulelong	0xa94e2a52	GTA archive (IMG),
496>4	ulelong	x        	version %d, used in GTA IV,
497>>8	ulelong	x        	%d items
499# RPF[0-8]
5000	ulelong&0xfffffff0 =0x52504630
501>0	ulelong&0xf	<9	RAGE Package Format (RPF), version %d, used in
502>>0	ulelong&0xf	=0	Rockstar Table Tennis,
503>>0	ulelong&0xf	=1	*unknown*
504>>0	ulelong&0xf	=2	GTA IV,
505>>0	ulelong&0xf	=3	GTA IV Audio & Midnight Club: LA,
506>>0	ulelong&0xf	=4	Max Payne 3,
507>>0	ulelong&0xf	=5	*unknown*
508>>0	ulelong&0xf	=6	RDR,
509>>0	ulelong&0xf	=7	GTA V,
510>>0	ulelong&0xf	=8	RDR 2,
511>>4	ulelong 	x	%d bytes,
512>>>8	ulelong 	x	%d entries