xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/firmware (revision 59c8e88e72633afbc47a4ace0d2170d00d51f7dc)
2# $File: firmware,v 1.7 2023/03/11 18:52:03 christos Exp $
3# firmware:  file(1) magic for firmware files
6# https://github.com/MatrixEditor/frontier-smart-api/blob/main/docs/firmware-2.0.md#11-header-structure
7# examples: https://github.com/cweiske/frontier-silicon-firmwares
80	lelong		0x00001176
9>4	lelong		0x7c		Frontier Silicon firmware download
10>>8	lelong		x		\b, MeOS version %x
11>>12	string/32/T	x		\b, version %s
12>>40	string/64/T	x		\b, customization %s
14# HPE iLO firmware update image
15# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
16# URL: https://www.sstic.org/2018/presentation/backdooring_your_server_through_its_bmc_the_hpe_ilo4_case/
17# iLO1 (ilo1*.bin) or iLO2 (ilo2_*.bin) images
180               string                  \x20\x36\xc1\xce\x60\x37\x62\xf0\x3f\x06\xde\x00\x00\x03\x7f\x00
19>16             ubeshort                =0xCFDD         HPE iLO2 firmware update image
20>16             ubeshort                =0x6444         HPE iLO1 firmware update image
21# iLO3 images (ilo3_*.bin) start directly with image name
220               string                  iLO3\x20v\x20   HPE iLO3 firmware update image,
23>7              string                  x               version %s
24# iLO4 images (ilo4_*.bin) start with a signature and a certificate
250               string                  --=</Begin\x20HP\x20Signed
26>75             string                  label_HPBBatch
27>>5828          string                  iLO\x204
28>>>5732         string                  HPIMAGE\x00     HPE iLO4 firmware update image,
29>>>6947         string                  x               version %s
30# iLO5 images (ilo5_*.bin) start with a signature
31>75             string                  label_HPE-HPB-BMC-ILO5-4096
32>>880           string                  HPIMAGE\x00     HPE iLO5 firmware update image,
33>>944           string                  x               version %s
35# IBM POWER Secure Boot Container
36# from https://github.com/open-power/skiboot/blob/master/libstb/container.h
370	belong	0x17082011	POWER Secure Boot Container,
38>4	beshort	x		version %u
39>6	bequad	x		container size %llu
40# These are always zero
41# >14	bequad	x		target HRMOR %llx
42# >22	bequad  x		stack pointer %llx
43>4096	ustring \xFD7zXZ\x00    XZ compressed
440	belong	0x1bad1bad	POWER boot firmware
45>256	belong	0x48002030	(PHYP entry point)
47# ARM Cortex-M vector table
48# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
49# URL: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100701/0200/Exception-properties
50# Match stack MSB
513		byte			0x20
52# Function pointers must be in Thumb-mode and before 0x20000000 (4*5 bits match)
53>4		ulelong&0xE0000001	1
54>>8		ulelong&0xE0000001	1
55>>>12		ulelong&0xE0000001	1
56>>>>44		ulelong&0xE0000001	1
57>>>>>56		ulelong&0xE0000001	1
58# Match Cortex-M reserved sections (0x00000000 or 0xFFFFFFFF)
59>>>>>>28	ulelong+1		<2
60>>>>>>>32	ulelong+1		<2
61>>>>>>>>36	ulelong+1		<2
62>>>>>>>>>40	ulelong+1		<2
63>>>>>>>>>>52	ulelong+1		<2	ARM Cortex-M firmware
64>>>>>>>>>>>0	ulelong			>0	\b, initial SP at 0x%08x
65>>>>>>>>>>>4	ulelong^1		x	\b, reset at 0x%08x
66>>>>>>>>>>>8	ulelong^1		x	\b, NMI at 0x%08x
67>>>>>>>>>>>12	ulelong^1		x	\b, HardFault at 0x%08x
68>>>>>>>>>>>44	ulelong^1		x	\b, SVCall at 0x%08x
69>>>>>>>>>>>56	ulelong^1		x	\b, PendSV at 0x%08x
71# ESP-IDF partition table entry
72# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
73# URL: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/v5.0/components/esp_partition/include/esp_partition.h
740	string		\xAA\x50
75>2	ubyte		<2		ESP-IDF partition table entry
76>>12	string/16	x		\b, label: "%s"
77>>2	ubyte		0
78>>>3	ubyte		0x00		\b, factory app
79>>>3	ubyte		0x10		\b, OTA_0 app
80>>>3	ubyte		0x11		\b, OTA_1 app
81>>>3	ubyte		0x12		\b, OTA_2 app
82>>>3	ubyte		0x13		\b, OTA_3 app
83>>>3	ubyte		0x14		\b, OTA_4 app
84>>>3	ubyte		0x15		\b, OTA_5 app
85>>>3	ubyte		0x16		\b, OTA_6 app
86>>>3	ubyte		0x17		\b, OTA_7 app
87>>>3	ubyte		0x18		\b, OTA_8 app
88>>>3	ubyte		0x19		\b, OTA_9 app
89>>>3	ubyte		0x1A		\b, OTA_10 app
90>>>3	ubyte		0x1B		\b, OTA_11 app
91>>>3	ubyte		0x1C		\b, OTA_12 app
92>>>3	ubyte		0x1D		\b, OTA_13 app
93>>>3	ubyte		0x1E		\b, OTA_14 app
94>>>3	ubyte		0x1F		\b, OTA_15 app
95>>>3	ubyte		0x20		\b, test app
96>>2	ubyte		1
97>>>3	ubyte		0x00		\b, OTA selection data
98>>>3	ubyte		0x01		\b, PHY init data
99>>>3	ubyte		0x02		\b, NVS data
100>>>3	ubyte		0x03		\b, coredump data
101>>>3	ubyte		0x04		\b, NVS keys
102>>>3	ubyte		0x05		\b, emulated eFuse data
103>>>3	ubyte		0x06		\b, undefined data
104>>>3	ubyte		0x80		\b, ESPHTTPD partition
105>>>3	ubyte		0x81		\b, FAT partition
106>>>3	ubyte		0x82		\b, SPIFFS partition
107>>>3	ubyte		0xFF		\b, any data
108>>4	ulelong		x		\b, offset: 0x%X
109>>8	ulelong		x		\b, size: 0x%X
110>>28	ulelong&0x1	1		\b, encrypted
112# ESP-IDF application image
113# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
114# URL: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/v5.0/components/bootloader_support/include/esp_app_format.h
115# Note: Concatenation of esp_image_header_t, esp_image_segment_header_t and esp_app_desc_t
116# 	First segment contains esp_app_desc_t
1170	ubyte		0xE9
118>32	ulelong		0xABCD5432	ESP-IDF application image
119>>12	uleshort	0x0000		for ESP32
120>>12	uleshort	0x0002		for ESP32-S2
121>>12	uleshort	0x0005		for ESP32-C3
122>>12	uleshort	0x0009		for ESP32-S3
123>>12	uleshort	0x000A		for ESP32-H2 Beta1
124>>12	uleshort	0x000C		for ESP32-C2
125>>12	uleshort	0x000D		for ESP32-C6
126>>12	uleshort	0x000E		for ESP32-H2 Beta2
127>>12	uleshort	0x0010		for ESP32-H2
128>>80	string/32	x		\b, project name: "%s"
129>>48	string/32	x		\b, version %s
130>>128	string/16	x		\b, compiled on %s
131>>>112	string/16	x		%s
132>>144	string/32	x		\b, IDF version: %s
133>>4	ulelong		x		\b, entry address: 0x%08X