xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/audio (revision 5bf5ca772c6de2d53344a78cf461447cc322ccea)
3# $File: audio,v 1.80 2017/08/13 00:21:47 christos Exp $
4# audio:  file(1) magic for sound formats (see also "iff")
6# Jan Nicolai Langfeldt (janl@ifi.uio.no), Dan Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com),
7# and others
10# Sun/NeXT audio data
110	string		.snd		Sun/NeXT audio data:
12>12	belong		1		8-bit ISDN mu-law,
13!:mime	audio/basic
14>12	belong		2		8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],
15!:mime	audio/basic
16>12	belong		3		16-bit linear PCM,
17!:mime	audio/basic
18>12	belong		4		24-bit linear PCM,
19!:mime	audio/basic
20>12	belong		5		32-bit linear PCM,
21!:mime	audio/basic
22>12	belong		6		32-bit IEEE floating point,
23!:mime	audio/basic
24>12	belong		7		64-bit IEEE floating point,
25!:mime	audio/basic
26>12	belong		8		Fragmented sample data,
27>12	belong		10		DSP program,
28>12	belong		11		8-bit fixed point,
29>12	belong		12		16-bit fixed point,
30>12	belong		13		24-bit fixed point,
31>12	belong		14		32-bit fixed point,
32>12	belong		18		16-bit linear with emphasis,
33>12	belong		19		16-bit linear compressed,
34>12	belong		20		16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,
35>12	belong		21		Music kit DSP commands,
36>12	belong		23		8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),
37!:mime  audio/x-adpcm
38>12	belong		24		compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)
39>12	belong		25		compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),
40>12	belong		26		compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),
41>12	belong		27		8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),
42>20	belong		1		mono,
43>20	belong		2		stereo,
44>20	belong		4		quad,
45>16	belong		>0		%d Hz
47# DEC systems (e.g. DECstation 5000) use a variant of the Sun/NeXT format
48# that uses little-endian encoding and has a different magic number
490	lelong		0x0064732E	DEC audio data:
50>12	lelong		1		8-bit ISDN mu-law,
51!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
52>12	lelong		2		8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],
53!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
54>12	lelong		3		16-bit linear PCM,
55!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
56>12	lelong		4		24-bit linear PCM,
57!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
58>12	lelong		5		32-bit linear PCM,
59!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
60>12	lelong		6		32-bit IEEE floating point,
61!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
62>12	lelong		7		64-bit IEEE floating point,
63!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
64>12	belong		8		Fragmented sample data,
65>12	belong		10		DSP program,
66>12	belong		11		8-bit fixed point,
67>12	belong		12		16-bit fixed point,
68>12	belong		13		24-bit fixed point,
69>12	belong		14		32-bit fixed point,
70>12	belong		18		16-bit linear with emphasis,
71>12	belong		19		16-bit linear compressed,
72>12	belong		20		16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,
73>12	belong		21		Music kit DSP commands,
74>12	lelong		23		8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),
75!:mime	audio/x-dec-basic
76>12	belong		24		compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)
77>12	belong		25		compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),
78>12	belong		26		compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),
79>12	belong		27		8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),
80>20	lelong		1		mono,
81>20	lelong		2		stereo,
82>20	lelong		4		quad,
83>16	lelong		>0		%d Hz
85# Creative Labs AUDIO stuff
860	string	MThd			Standard MIDI data
87!:mime	audio/midi
88>8 	beshort	x			(format %d)
89>10	beshort	x			using %d track
90>10	beshort		>1		\bs
91>12	beshort&0x7fff	x		at 1/%d
92>12	beshort&0x8000	>0		SMPTE
940	string	CTMF			Creative Music (CMF) data
95!:mime	audio/x-unknown
960	string	SBI			SoundBlaster instrument data
97!:mime	audio/x-unknown
980	string	Creative\ Voice\ File	Creative Labs voice data
99!:mime	audio/x-unknown
100# is this next line right?  it came this way...
101>19	byte	0x1A
102>23	byte	>0			- version %d
103>22	byte	>0			\b.%d
105# first entry is also the string "NTRK"
1060	belong		0x4e54524b	MultiTrack sound data
107>4	belong		x		- version %d
109# Extended MOD format (*.emd) (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu); NOT TESTED
110# [based on posting 940824 by "Dirk/Elastik", husberg@lehtori.cc.tut.fi]
1110	string		EMOD		Extended MOD sound data,
112>4	byte&0xf0	x		version %d
113>4	byte&0x0f	x		\b.%d,
114>45	byte		x		%d instruments
115>83	byte		0		(module)
116>83	byte		1		(song)
118# Real Audio (Magic .ra\0375)
1190	belong		0x2e7261fd	RealAudio sound file
120!:mime	audio/x-pn-realaudio
1210	string		.RMF\0\0\0	RealMedia file
122!:mime	application/vnd.rn-realmedia
126#	sigh, there are many mimes for that but the above are the most common.
128# MTM/669/FAR/S3M/ULT/XM format checking [Aaron Eppert, aeppert@dialin.ind.net]
129# Oct 31, 1995
130# fixed by <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24
131# Too short...
132#0	string		MTM		MultiTracker Module sound file
133#0	string		if		Composer 669 Module sound data
134#0	string		JN		Composer 669 Module sound data (extended format)
1350	string		MAS_U		ULT(imate) Module sound data
137#0	string		FAR		Module sound data
138#>4	string		>\15		Title: "%s"
1400x2c	string		SCRM		ScreamTracker III Module sound data
141>0	string		>\0		Title: "%s"
143# Gravis UltraSound patches
144# From <ache@nagual.ru>
1460	string		GF1PATCH110\0ID#000002\0	GUS patch
1470	string		GF1PATCH100\0ID#000002\0	Old GUS	patch
149# mime types according to http://www.geocities.com/nevilo/mod.htm:
150#	audio/it	.it
151#	audio/x-zipped-it	.itz
152#	audio/xm	fasttracker modules
153#	audio/x-s3m	screamtracker modules
154#	audio/s3m	screamtracker modules
155#	audio/x-zipped-mod	mdz
156#	audio/mod	mod
157#	audio/x-mod	All modules (mod, s3m, 669, mtm, med, xm, it, mdz, stm, itz, xmz, s3z)
160# Taken from loader code from mikmod version 2.14
161# by Steve McIntyre (stevem@chiark.greenend.org.uk)
162# <doj@cubic.org> added title printing on 2003-06-24
1630	string	MAS_UTrack_V00
164>14	string	>/0		ultratracker V1.%.1s module sound data
165!:mime	audio/x-mod
1680	string	UN05		MikMod UNI format module sound data
1700	string	Extended\ Module: Fasttracker II module sound data
171!:mime	audio/x-mod
173>17	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
17521	string/c	=!SCREAM!	Screamtracker 2 module sound data
176!:mime	audio/x-mod
17821	string	BMOD2STM	Screamtracker 2 module sound data
179!:mime	audio/x-mod
1811080	string	M.K.		4-channel Protracker module sound data
182!:mime	audio/x-mod
184>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
1851080	string	M!K!		4-channel Protracker module sound data
186!:mime	audio/x-mod
188>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
1891080	string	FLT4		4-channel Startracker module sound data
190!:mime	audio/x-mod
192>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
1931080	string	FLT8		8-channel Startracker module sound data
194!:mime	audio/x-mod
196>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
1971080	string	4CHN		4-channel Fasttracker module sound data
198!:mime	audio/x-mod
200>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
2011080	string	6CHN		6-channel Fasttracker module sound data
202!:mime	audio/x-mod
204>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
2051080	string	8CHN		8-channel Fasttracker module sound data
206!:mime	audio/x-mod
208>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
2091080	string	CD81		8-channel Octalyser module sound data
210!:mime	audio/x-mod
212>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
2131080	string	OKTA		8-channel Octalyzer module sound data
214!:mime	audio/x-mod
216>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
217# Not good enough.
218#1082	string	CH
219#>1080	string	>/0		%.2s-channel Fasttracker "oktalyzer" module sound data
2201080	string	16CN		16-channel Taketracker module sound data
221!:mime	audio/x-mod
223>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
2241080	string	32CN		32-channel Taketracker module sound data
225!:mime	audio/x-mod
227>0	string	>\0		Title: "%s"
229# TOC sound files -Trevor Johnson <trevor@jpj.net>
2310       string          TOC             TOC sound file
233# sidfiles <pooka@iki.fi>
234# added name,author,(c) and new RSID type by <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24
2350	string		SIDPLAY\ INFOFILE	Sidplay info file
2370	string		PSID			PlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune
238>4	beshort		>0			w/ header v%d,
239>14	beshort		=1			single song,
240>14	beshort		>1			%d songs,
241>16	beshort		>0			default song: %d
242>0x16	string		>\0			name: "%s"
243>0x36	string		>\0			author: "%s"
244>0x56	string		>\0			copyright: "%s"
2460	string		RSID			RSID sidtune PlaySID compatible
247>4	beshort		>0			w/ header v%d,
248>14	beshort		=1			single song,
249>14	beshort		>1			%d songs,
250>16	beshort		>0			default song: %d
251>0x16	string		>\0			name: "%s"
252>0x36	string		>\0			author: "%s"
253>0x56	string		>\0			copyright: "%s"
255# IRCAM sound files - Michael Pruett <michael@68k.org>
256# http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/documents/AudioFormats/IRCAM/IRCAM.html
2570	belong		0x64a30100		IRCAM file (VAX little-endian)
2580	belong		0x0001a364		IRCAM file (VAX big-endian)
2590	belong		0x64a30200		IRCAM file (Sun big-endian)
2600	belong		0x0002a364		IRCAM file (Sun little-endian)
2610	belong		0x64a30300		IRCAM file (MIPS little-endian)
2620	belong		0x0003a364		IRCAM file (MIPS big-endian)
2630	belong		0x64a30400		IRCAM file (NeXT big-endian)
2640	belong		0x64a30400		IRCAM file (NeXT big-endian)
2650	belong		0x0004a364		IRCAM file (NeXT little-endian)
267# NIST SPHERE <mpruett@sgi.com>
2680	string		NIST_1A\n\ \ \ 1024\n	NIST SPHERE file
270# Sample Vision <mpruett@sgi.com>
2710	string		SOUND\ SAMPLE\ DATA\ 	Sample Vision file
273# Audio Visual Research <tonigonenstein@users.sourceforge.net>
2740	string		2BIT			Audio Visual Research file,
275>12	beshort		=0			mono,
276>12	beshort		=-1			stereo,
277>14	beshort		x			%d bits
278>16	beshort		=0			unsigned,
279>16	beshort		=-1			signed,
280>22	belong&0x00ffffff	x		%d Hz,
281>18	beshort		=0			no loop,
282>18	beshort		=-1			loop,
283>21	ubyte		<128			note %d,
284>22	byte		=0			replay 5.485 KHz
285>22	byte		=1			replay 8.084 KHz
286>22	byte		=2			replay 10.971 KHz
287>22	byte		=3			replay 16.168 KHz
288>22	byte		=4			replay 21.942 KHz
289>22	byte		=5			replay 32.336 KHz
290>22	byte		=6			replay 43.885 KHz
291>22	byte		=7			replay 47.261 KHz
293# SGI SoundTrack <mpruett@sgi.com>
2940	string		_SGI_SoundTrack		SGI SoundTrack project file
295# ID3 version 2 tags <waschk@informatik.uni-rostock.de>
2960	string		ID3	Audio file with ID3 version 2
297>3	byte		x	\b.%d
298>4	byte		x	\b.%d
299>>5	byte		&0x80	\b, unsynchronized frames
300>>5	byte		&0x40	\b, extended header
301>>5	byte		&0x20	\b, experimental
302>>5	byte		&0x10	\b, footer present
303>(6.I+10)	indirect	x	\b, contains:
305# NSF (NES sound file) magic
3060	string		NESM\x1a	NES Sound File
307>14	string		>\0		("%s" by
308>46	string		>\0		%s, copyright
309>78	string		>\0		%s),
310>5	byte		x		version %d,
311>6	byte		x		%d tracks,
312>122	byte&0x2	=1		dual PAL/NTSC
313>122	byte&0x1	=1		PAL
314>122	byte&0x1	=0		NTSC
316# NSFE (Extended NES sound file) magic
317# http://slickproductions.org/docs/NSF/nsfespec.txt
318# From: David Pflug <david@pflug.email>
3190	string		NSFE		Extended NES Sound File
320>48	search/0x1000	auth
321>>&0	string		>\0		("%s"
322>>>&1	string		>\0		by %s
323>>>>&1	string		>\0		\b, copyright %s
324>>>>>&1	string		>\0		\b, ripped by %s
325>20	byte		x		\b), %d tracks,
326>18	byte&0x2	=1		dual PAL/NTSC
327>18     byte&0x2	=0
328>>18	byte&0x1	=1		PAL
329>>18	byte&0x1	=0		NTSC
331# Type: SNES SPC700 sound files
332# From: Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org>
3330	string	SNES-SPC700\ Sound\ File\ Data\ v	SNES SPC700 sound file
334>&0	string	0.30					\b, version %s
335>>0x23	byte	0x1B					\b, without ID666 tag
336>>0x23	byte	0x1A					\b, with ID666 tag
337>>>0x2E	string	>\0					\b, song "%.32s"
338>>>0x4E	string	>\0					\b, game "%.32s"
340# Impulse tracker module (audio/x-it)
3410	string		IMPM		Impulse Tracker module sound data -
342!:mime	audio/x-mod
343>4	string		>\0		"%s"
344>40	leshort		!0		compatible w/ITv%x
345>42	leshort		!0		created w/ITv%x
347# Imago Orpheus module (audio/x-imf)
34860	string		IM10		Imago Orpheus module sound data -
349>0	string		>\0		"%s"
351# From <collver1@attbi.com>
352# These are the /etc/magic entries to decode modules, instruments, and
353# samples in Impulse Tracker's native format.
3550	string		IMPS		Impulse Tracker Sample
356>18	byte		&2		16 bit
357>18	byte		^2		8 bit
358>18	byte		&4		stereo
359>18	byte		^4		mono
3600	string		IMPI		Impulse Tracker Instrument
361>28	leshort		!0		ITv%x
362>30	byte		!0		%d samples
364# Yamaha TX Wave:  file(1) magic for Yamaha TX Wave audio files
365# From <collver1@attbi.com>
3660	string		LM8953		Yamaha TX Wave
367>22	byte		0x49		looped
368>22	byte		0xC9		non-looped
369>23	byte		1		33kHz
370>23	byte		2		50kHz
371>23	byte		3		16kHz
373# scream tracker:  file(1) magic for Scream Tracker sample files
375# From <collver1@attbi.com>
37676	string		SCRS		Scream Tracker Sample
377>0	byte		1		sample
378>0	byte		2		adlib melody
379>0	byte		>2		adlib drum
380>31	byte		&2		stereo
381>31	byte		^2		mono
382>31	byte		&4		16bit little endian
383>31	byte		^4		8bit
384>30	byte		0		unpacked
385>30	byte		1		packed
387# audio
388# From: Cory Dikkers <cdikkers@swbell.net>
3890	string		MMD0		MED music file, version 0
3900	string		MMD1		OctaMED Pro music file, version 1
3910	string		MMD3		OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3
3920	string		OctaMEDCmpr	OctaMED Soundstudio compressed file
3930	string		MED		MED_Song
3940	string		SymM		Symphonie SymMOD music file
3960	string		THX		AHX version
397>3	byte		=0		1 module data
398>3	byte		=1		2 module data
4000	string		OKTASONG	Oktalyzer module data
4020	string		DIGI\ Booster\ module\0	%s
403>20	byte		>0		%c
404>>21	byte		>0		\b%c
405>>>22	byte		>0		\b%c
406>>>>23	byte		>0		\b%c
407>610	string		>\0		\b, "%s"
4090	string		DBM0	   	DIGI Booster Pro Module
410>4	byte		>0		V%X.
411>>5	byte		x		\b%02X
412>16	string		>\0		\b, "%s"
4140	string		FTMN		FaceTheMusic module
415>16	string		>\0d		\b, "%s"
417# From: <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24
4180	string		AMShdr\32	Velvet Studio AMS Module v2.2
4190	string		Extreme		Extreme Tracker AMS Module v1.3
4200	string		DDMF		Xtracker DMF Module
421>4	byte		x		v%i
422>0xD	string		>\0		Title: "%s"
423>0x2B	string		>\0		Composer: "%s"
4240	string		DSM\32		Dynamic Studio Module DSM
4250	string		SONG		DigiTrekker DTM Module
4260	string		DMDL		DigiTrakker MDL Module
4270	string		PSM\32		Protracker Studio PSM Module
42844	string		PTMF		Poly Tracker PTM Module
429>0	string		>\32		Title: "%s"
4300	string		MT20		MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2
4310	string		RAD\40by\40REALiTY!! RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD
4320	string		RTMM		RTM Module
4330x426	string		MaDoKaN96	XMS Adlib Module
434>0	string		>\0		Composer: "%s"
4350	string		AMF		AMF Module
436>4	string		>\0		Title: "%s"
4370	string		MODINFO1	Open Cubic Player Module Inforation MDZ
4380	string		Extended\40Instrument: Fast Tracker II Instrument
440# From: Takeshi Hamasaki <hma@syd.odn.ne.jp>
441# NOA Nancy Codec file
4420	string		\210NOA\015\012\032	NOA Nancy Codec Movie file
443# Yamaha SMAF format
4440	string		MMMD		Yamaha SMAF file
445# Sharp Jisaku Melody format for PDC
4460	string		\001Sharp\040JisakuMelody	SHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody
447>20	string		Ver01.00	Ver. 1.00
448>>32	byte		x		, %d tracks
450# Free lossless audio codec <http://flac.sourceforge.net>
451# From: Przemyslaw Augustyniak <silvathraec@rpg.pl>
4520	string			fLaC		FLAC audio bitstream data
453!:mime	audio/x-flac
454>4	byte&0x7f		>0		\b, unknown version
455>4	byte&0x7f		0		\b
456# some common bits/sample values
457>>20	beshort&0x1f0		0x030		\b, 4 bit
458>>20	beshort&0x1f0		0x050		\b, 6 bit
459>>20	beshort&0x1f0		0x070		\b, 8 bit
460>>20	beshort&0x1f0		0x0b0		\b, 12 bit
461>>20	beshort&0x1f0		0x0f0		\b, 16 bit
462>>20	beshort&0x1f0		0x170		\b, 24 bit
463>>20	byte&0xe		0x0		\b, mono
464>>20	byte&0xe		0x2		\b, stereo
465>>20	byte&0xe		0x4		\b, 3 channels
466>>20	byte&0xe		0x6		\b, 4 channels
467>>20	byte&0xe		0x8		\b, 5 channels
468>>20	byte&0xe		0xa		\b, 6 channels
469>>20	byte&0xe		0xc		\b, 7 channels
470>>20	byte&0xe		0xe		\b, 8 channels
471# some common sample rates
472>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x2ee000	\b, 192 kHz
473>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x158880	\b, 88.2 kHz
474>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x0ac440	\b, 44.1 kHz
475>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x0bb800	\b, 48 kHz
476>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x07d000	\b, 32 kHz
477>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x056220	\b, 22.05 kHz
478>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x05dc00	\b, 24 kHz
479>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x03e800	\b, 16 kHz
480>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x02b110	\b, 11.025 kHz
481>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x02ee00	\b, 12 kHz
482>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x01f400	\b, 8 kHz
483>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x177000	\b, 96 kHz
484>>17	belong&0xfffff0		0x0fa000	\b, 64 kHz
485>>21	byte&0xf		>0		\b, >4G samples
486>>21	byte&0xf		0		\b
487>>>22	belong			>0		\b, %u samples
488>>>22	belong			0		\b, length unknown
490# (ISDN) VBOX voice message file (Wolfram Kleff)
4910       string          VBOX            VBOX voice message data
493# ReBorn Song Files (.rbs)
494# David J. Singer <doc@deadvirgins.org.uk>
4958       string          RB40             RBS Song file
496>29     string          ReBorn           created by ReBorn
497>37     string          Propellerhead    created by ReBirth
499# Synthesizer Generator and Kimwitu share their file format
5000	string		A#S#C#S#S#L#V#3	    Synthesizer Generator or Kimwitu data
501# Kimwitu++ uses a slightly different magic
5020	string		A#S#C#S#S#L#HUB	    Kimwitu++ data
504# From "Simon Hosie
5050       string  TFMX-SONG       TFMX module sound data
507# Monkey's Audio compressed audio format (.ape)
508# From danny.milo@gmx.net (Danny Milosavljevic)
509# New version from Abel Cheung <abel (@) oaka.org>
5100		string		MAC\040		Monkey's Audio compressed format
511!:mime audio/x-ape
512>4		uleshort	>0x0F8B		version %d
513>>(0x08.l)	uleshort	=1000		with fast compression
514>>(0x08.l)	uleshort	=2000		with normal compression
515>>(0x08.l)	uleshort	=3000		with high compression
516>>(0x08.l)	uleshort	=4000		with extra high compression
517>>(0x08.l)	uleshort	=5000		with insane compression
518>>(0x08.l+18)	uleshort	=1		\b, mono
519>>(0x08.l+18)	uleshort	=2		\b, stereo
520>>(0x08.l+20)	ulelong		x		\b, sample rate %d
521>4		uleshort	<0x0F8C		version %d
522>>6		uleshort	=1000		with fast compression
523>>6		uleshort	=2000		with normal compression
524>>6		uleshort	=3000		with high compression
525>>6		uleshort	=4000		with extra high compression
526>>6		uleshort	=5000		with insane compression
527>>10		uleshort	=1		\b, mono
528>>10		uleshort	=2		\b, stereo
529>>12		ulelong		x		\b, sample rate %d
531# adlib sound files
532# From Gurkan Sengun <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu>, http://www.linuks.mine.nu
5330    	string		RAWADATA	RdosPlay RAW
5351068	string		RoR		AMUSIC Adlib Tracker
5370	string		JCH		EdLib
5390	string		mpu401tr	MPU-401 Trakker
5410	string		SAdT		Surprise! Adlib Tracker
542>4	byte		x		Version %d
5440	string		XAD!		eXotic ADlib
5460	string		ofTAZ!		eXtra Simple Music
548# Spectrum 128 tunes (.ay files).
549# From: Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@critical.ch>
5500	string		ZXAYEMUL	Spectrum 128 tune
5520	string		\0BONK		BONK,
553#>5	byte		x		version %d
554>14	byte		x		%d channel(s),
555>15	byte		=1		lossless,
556>15	byte		=0		lossy,
557>16	byte		x		mid-side
559384	string		LockStream	LockStream Embedded file (mostly MP3 on old Nokia phones)
561# format VQF (proprietary codec for sound)
562# some infos on the header file available at :
563# http://www.twinvq.org/english/technology_format.html
5640	string		TWIN97012000	VQF data
565>27	short		0		\b, Mono
566>27	short		1		\b, Stereo
567>31	short 		>0		\b, %d kbit/s
568>35	short 		>0		\b, %d kHz
570# Nelson A. de Oliveira (naoliv@gmail.com)
571# .eqf
5720	string	Winamp\ EQ\ library\ file	%s
573# it will match only versions like v<digit>.<digit>
574# Since I saw only eqf files with version v1.1 I think that it's OK
575>23	string	x	\b%.4s
576# .preset
5770	string	[Equalizer\ preset]	XMMS equalizer preset
578# .m3u
5790	search/1	#EXTM3U 	M3U playlist text
580# .pls
5810	search/1	[playlist]	PLS playlist text
582# licq.conf
5831	string	[licq]			LICQ configuration file
585# Atari ST audio files by Dirk Jagdmann <doj@cubic.org>
5860	string		ICE!		SNDH Atari ST music
5870	string		SC68\ Music-file\ /\ (c)\ (BeN)jami	sc68 Atari ST music
589# musepak support From: "Jiri Pejchal" <jiri.pejchal@gmail.com>
5900       string          MP+     Musepack audio (MP+)
591!:mime	audio/x-musepack
592>3      byte            255     \b, SV pre8
593>3      byte&0xF        0x6     \b, SV 6
594>3      byte&0xF        0x8     \b, SV 8
595>3      byte&0xF        0x7     \b, SV 7
596>>3     byte&0xF0       0x0     \b.0
597>>3     byte&0xF0       0x10    \b.1
598>>3     byte&0xF0       240     \b.15
599>>10    byte&0xF0       0x0     \b, no profile
600>>10    byte&0xF0       0x10    \b, profile 'Unstable/Experimental'
601>>10    byte&0xF0       0x50    \b, quality 0
602>>10    byte&0xF0       0x60    \b, quality 1
603>>10    byte&0xF0       0x70    \b, quality 2 (Telephone)
604>>10    byte&0xF0       0x80    \b, quality 3 (Thumb)
605>>10    byte&0xF0       0x90    \b, quality 4 (Radio)
606>>10    byte&0xF0       0xA0    \b, quality 5 (Standard)
607>>10    byte&0xF0       0xB0    \b, quality 6 (Xtreme)
608>>10    byte&0xF0       0xC0    \b, quality 7 (Insane)
609>>10    byte&0xF0       0xD0    \b, quality 8 (BrainDead)
610>>10    byte&0xF0       0xE0    \b, quality 9
611>>10    byte&0xF0       0xF0    \b, quality 10
612>>27    byte            0x0     \b, Buschmann 1.7.0-9, Klemm 0.90-1.05
613>>27    byte            102     \b, Beta 1.02
614>>27    byte            104     \b, Beta 1.04
615>>27    byte            105     \b, Alpha 1.05
616>>27    byte            106     \b, Beta 1.06
617>>27    byte            110     \b, Release 1.1
618>>27    byte            111     \b, Alpha 1.11
619>>27    byte            112     \b, Beta 1.12
620>>27    byte            113     \b, Alpha 1.13
621>>27    byte            114     \b, Beta 1.14
622>>27    byte            115     \b, Alpha 1.15
6240       string          MPCK    Musepack audio (MPCK)
625!:mime	audio/x-musepack
627# IMY
628# from http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=IMY
629# http://cellphones.about.com/od/cellularfaqs/f/rf_imelody.htm
630# http://download.ncl.ie/doc/api/ie/ncl/media/music/IMelody.html
631# http://www.wx800.com/msg/download/irda/iMelody.pdf
6320	string	BEGIN:IMELODY	iMelody Ringtone Format
634# From: "Mateus Caruccio" <mateus@caruccio.com>
635# guitar pro v3,4,5 from http://filext.com/file-extension/gp3
6360	string	\030FICHIER\ GUITAR\ PRO\ v3.	Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature
638# From: "Leslie P. Polzer" <leslie.polzer@gmx.net>
63960	string	SONG		SoundFX Module sound file
641# Type: Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
642# URL:  http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=AMR
643# From: Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au>
6440	string	#!AMR		Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (GSM telephony)
646# Type: SuperCollider 3 Synth Definition File Format
647# From: Mario Lang <mlang@debian.org>
6480	string	SCgf	SuperCollider3 Synth Definition file,
649>4	belong	x	version %d
651# Type: True Audio Lossless Audio
652# URL:  http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=True_Audio
653# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx>
6540	string	TTA1	True Audio Lossless Audio
656# Type: WavPack Lossless Audio
657# URL:  http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=WavPack
658# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx>
6590	string	wvpk	WavPack Lossless Audio
661# From Fabio R. Schmidlin <frs@pop.com.br>
662# VGM music file
6630	string		Vgm\040
664>9	ubyte		>0	VGM Video Game Music dump v
665>>9	ubyte/16	>0	\b%d
666>>9	ubyte&0x0F	x	\b%d
667>>8	ubyte/16	x	\b.%d
668>>8	ubyte&0x0F	>0	\b%d
669#Get soundchips
670>>8	ubyte		x	\b, soundchip(s)=
671>>0x0C	ulelong		>0	SN76489,
672>>0x10	ulelong		>0	YM2413,
673>>0x2C	ulelong		>0	YM2612,
674>>0x30	ulelong		>0	YM2151,
675>>0x38	ulelong		>0	Sega PCM,
676>>0x34	ulelong		>0xC
677>>>0x40	ulelong		>0	RF5C68,
678>>0x34	ulelong		>0x10
679>>>0x44	ulelong		>0	YM2203,
680>>0x34	ulelong		>0x14
681>>>0x48	ulelong		>0	YM2608,
682>>0x34	ulelong		>0x18
683>>>0x4C	lelong		>0	YM2610,
684>>>0x4C	lelong		<0	YM2610B,
685>>0x34	ulelong		>0x1C
686>>>0x50	ulelong		>0	YM3812,
687>>0x34	ulelong		>0x20
688>>>0x54	ulelong		>0	YM3526,
689>>0x34	ulelong		>0x24
690>>>0x58	ulelong		>0	Y8950,
691>>0x34	ulelong		>0x28
692>>>0x5C	ulelong		>0	YMF262,
693>>0x34	ulelong		>0x2C
694>>>0x60	ulelong		>0	YMF278B,
695>>0x34	ulelong		>0x30
696>>>0x64	ulelong		>0	YMF271,
697>>0x34	ulelong		>0x34
698>>>0x68	ulelong		>0	YMZ280B,
699>>0x34	ulelong		>0x38
700>>>0x6C	ulelong		>0	RF5C164,
701>>0x34	ulelong		>0x3C
702>>>0x70	ulelong		>0	PWM,
703>>0x34	ulelong		>0x40
704>>>0x74	ulelong		>0
705>>>>0x78 ubyte		0x00	AY-3-8910,
706>>>>0x78 ubyte		0x01	AY-3-8912,
707>>>>0x78 ubyte		0x02	AY-3-8913,
708>>>>0x78 ubyte		0x03	AY-3-8930,
709>>>>0x78 ubyte		0x10	YM2149,
710>>>>0x78 ubyte		0x11	YM3439,
712# GVOX Encore file format
713# Since this is a proprietary file format and there is no publicly available
714# format specification, this is just based on induction
7160	string	SCOW
717>4	byte	0xc4	GVOX Encore music, version 5.0 or above
718>4	byte	0xc2	GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0
7200	string	ZBOT
721>4	byte	0xc5	GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0
723# Summary:	Garmin Voice Processing Module (WAVE audios)
724# From:		Joerg Jenderek
725# URL:		http://www.garmin.com/
726# Reference:	http://turboccc.wikispaces.com/share/view/28622555
727# NOTE:		there exist 2 other Garmin VPM formats
7280		string	AUDIMG
729# skip text files starting with string "AUDIMG"
730>13		ubyte		<13	Garmin Voice Processing Module
731!:mime	audio/x-vpm-wav-garmin
732!:ext	vpm
733# 3 bytes indicating the voice version (200,220)
734>>6		string		x	\b, version %3.3s
735# day of release (01-31)
736>>12		ubyte		x	\b, %.2d
737# month of release (01-12)
738>>13		ubyte		x	\b.%.2d
739# year of release (like 2006, 2007, 2008)
740>>14		uleshort	x	\b.%.4d
741# hour of release (0-23)
742>>11		ubyte		x	%.2d
743# minute of release (0-59)
744>>10		ubyte		x	\b:%.2d
745# second of release (0-59)
746>>9		ubyte		x	\b:%.2d
747# if you select a language like german on your garmin device
748# you can only select voice modules with corresponding language byte ID like 1
749>>18		ubyte		x	\b, language ID %d
750# pointer to 1st audio WAV sample
751>>16		uleshort	>0
752>>>(16.s)	ulelong		>0	\b, at offset 0x%x
753# WAV length
754>>>>(16.s+4)	ulelong		>0	%d Bytes
755# look for magic
756>>>>>(&-8.l)	string		RIFF
757# determine type by ./riff
758>>>>>>&-4	indirect	x	\b
759# 2 - ~ 131 WAV samples following same way
761# From Martin Mueller Skarbiniks Pedersen
7620		string		GDM
763>0x3		byte		0xFE	General Digital Music.
764>0x4		string		>\0	title: "%s"
765>0x24		string		>\0	musician: "%s"
766>>0x44		beshort		0x0D0A
767>>>0x46		byte		0x1A
768>>>>0x47	string		GMFS	Version
769>>>>0x4B	byte		x	%d.
770>>>>0x4C	byte		x	\b%02d
771>>>>0x4D	beshort		0x000	(2GDM v
772>>>>0x4F	byte		x	\b%d.
773>>>>>0x50	byte		x	\b%d)
7750		string		MTM	Multitracker
776>0x3		byte/16		x	Version %d.
777>0x3		byte&0x0F	x	\b%02d
778>>0x4		string		>\0	title: "%s"
7800		string		HVL
781>3		byte		<2	Hively Tracker Song
782>3		byte		0	1 module data
783>3		byte		1	2 module data
7850		string		MO3
786>3		ubyte		<6	MOdule with MP3
787>>3		byte		0	Version	0	(With MP3 and lossless)
788>>3		byte		1	Version	1	(With ogg and lossless)
789>>3		byte		3	Version 2.2
790>>3		byte		4	(With no LAME header)
791>>3		byte		5	Version 2.4
7930		string		ADRVPACK	AProSys	module
795# ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/documents/format_documentation/\
796# Art%20Of%20Noise%20(.aon).txt
7970		string		AON
798>4		string		"ArtOfNoise by Bastian Spiegel(twice/lego)"
799>0x2e		string		NAME	Art of Noise Tracker Song
800>3		string		<9
801>3		string		4	(4 voices)
802>3		string		8	(8 voices)
803>>0x36		string		>\0	Title: "%s"
8050		string		FAR
806>0x2c		byte		0x0d
807>0x2d		byte		0x0a
808>0x2e		byte		0x1a
809>>0x3		byte		0xFE	Farandole Tracker Song
810>>>0x31		byte/16		x	Version %d.
811>>>0x31		byte&0x0F	x	\b%02d
812>>>>0x4		string		>\0	\b, title: "%s"