xref: /freebsd/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/archive (revision 994297b01b98816bea1abf45ae4bac1bc69ee7a0)
2# $File: archive,v 1.151 2021/08/16 10:19:56 christos Exp $
3# archive:  file(1) magic for archive formats (see also "msdos" for self-
4#           extracting compressed archives)
6# cpio, ar, arc, arj, hpack, lha/lharc, rar, squish, uc2, zip, zoo, etc.
7# pre-POSIX "tar" archives are also handled in the C code ../../src/is_tar.c.
9# POSIX tar archives
10# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(computing)
11# Reference: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=tar&sektion=5&manpath=FreeBSD+8-current
12# header mainly padded with nul bytes
13500	quad		0
14!:strength /2
15# filename or extended attribute printable strings in range space null til umlaut ue
16>0	ubeshort	>0x1F00
17>>0	ubeshort	<0xFCFD
18# last 4 header bytes often null but tar\0 in gtarfail2.tar gtarfail.tar-bad
19# at https://sourceforge.net/projects/s-tar/files/testscripts/
20>>>508	ubelong&0x8B9E8DFF	0
21# nul, space or ascii digit 0-7 at start of mode
22>>>>100	ubyte&0xC8	=0
23>>>>>101 ubyte&0xC8	=0
24# nul, space at end of check sum
25>>>>>>155 ubyte&0xDF	=0
26# space or ascii digit 0 at start of check sum
27>>>>>>>148	ubyte&0xEF	=0x20
28>>>>>>>>0	use	tar-file
29#	minimal check and then display tar archive information which can also be
30#	embedded inside others like Android Backup, Clam AntiVirus database
310	name		tar-file
32>257	string		!ustar
33# header padded with nuls
34>>257	ulong		=0
35# GNU tar version 1.29 with non pax format option without refusing
36# creates misleading V7 header for Long path, Multi-volume, Volume type
37>>>156	ubyte		0x4c		GNU tar archive
38!:mime	application/x-gtar
39!:ext	tar/gtar
40>>>156	ubyte		0x4d		GNU tar archive
41!:mime	application/x-gtar
42!:ext	tar/gtar
43>>>156	ubyte		0x56		GNU tar archive
44!:mime	application/x-gtar
45!:ext	tar/gtar
46>>>156	default		x		tar archive (V7)
47!:mime	application/x-tar
48!:ext	tar
49# other stuff in padding
50# some implementations add new fields to the blank area at the end of the header record
51# created for example by DOS TAR 3.20g 1994 Tim V.Shapore with -j option
52>>257	ulong		!0		tar archive (old)
53!:mime	application/x-tar
54!:ext	tar
55# magic in newer, GNU, posix variants
56>257	string		=ustar
57# 2 last char of magic and UStar version because string expression does not work
58# 2 space characters followed by a null for GNU variant
59>>261	ubelong		=0x72202000	POSIX tar archive (GNU)
60!:mime	application/x-gtar
61!:ext	tar/gtar
62# UStar version with ASCII "00"
63>>261	ubelong		0x72003030	POSIX
64# gLOBAL and ExTENSION type only found in POSIX.1-2001 format
65>>>156	ubyte		0x67		\b.1-2001
66>>>156	ubyte		0x78		\b.1-2001
67>>>156	ubyte		x		tar archive
68!:mime	application/x-ustar
69!:ext	tar/ustar
70# version with 2 binary nuls embedded in Android Backup like com.android.settings.ab
71>>261	ubelong		0x72000000	tar archive (ustar)
72!:mime	application/x-ustar
73!:ext	tar/ustar
74# not seen ustar variant with garbish version
75>>261	default		x		tar archive (unknown ustar)
76!:mime	application/x-ustar
77!:ext	tar/ustar
78# type flag of 1st tar archive member
79#>156	ubyte		x		\b, %c-type
80>156	ubyte		x
81>>156	ubyte		0		\b, file
82>>156	ubyte		0x30		\b, file
83>>156	ubyte		0x31		\b, hard link
84>>156	ubyte		0x32		\b, symlink
85>>156	ubyte		0x33		\b, char device
86>>156	ubyte		0x34		\b, block device
87>>156	ubyte		0x35		\b, directory
88>>156	ubyte		0x36		\b, fifo
89>>156	ubyte		0x37		\b, reserved
90>>156	ubyte		0x4c		\b, long path
91>>156	ubyte		0x4d		\b, multi volume
92>>156	ubyte		0x56		\b, volume
93>>156	ubyte		0x67		\b, global
94>>156	ubyte		0x78		\b, extension
95>>156	default		x		\b, type
96>>>156	ubyte		x		'%c'
97# name[100]
98>0	string		>\0		%-.60s
99# mode mainly stored as an octal number in ASCII null or space terminated
100>100	string		>\0		\b, mode %-.7s
101# user id mainly as octal numbers in ASCII null or space terminated
102>108	string		>\0		\b, uid %-.7s
103# group id mainly as octal numbers in ASCII null or space terminated
104>116	string		>\0		\b, gid %-.7s
105# size mainly as octal number in ASCII
106>124	ubyte		<0x38
107>>124	string		>\0		\b, size %-.12s
108# coding indicated by setting the high-order bit of the leftmost byte
109>124	ubyte		>0xEF		\b, size 0x
110>>124	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
111>>125	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
112>>126	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
113>>127	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
114>>128	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
115>>129	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
116>>130	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
117>>131	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
118>>132	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
119>>133	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
120>>134	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
121>>135	ubyte		!0xff		\b%2.2x
122# seconds since 0:0:0 1 jan 1970 UTC as octal number mainly in ASCII null or space terminated
123>136	string		>\0		\b, seconds %-.11s
124# header checksum stored as an octal number in ASCII null or space terminated
125#>148	string		x		\b, cksum %.7s
126# linkname[100]
127>157	string		>\0		\b, linkname %-.40s
128# additional fields for ustar
129>257	string		=ustar
130# owner user name null terminated
131>>265	string		>\0		\b, user %-.32s
132# group name null terminated
133>>297	string		>\0		\b, group %-.32s
134# device major minor if not zero
135>>329	ubequad&0xCFCFCFCFcFcFcFdf	!0
136>>>329	string		x		\b, devmaj %-.7s
137>>337	ubequad&0xCFCFCFCFcFcFcFdf	!0
138>>>337	string		x		\b, devmin %-.7s
139# prefix[155]
140>>345	string		>\0		\b, prefix %-.155s
141# old non ustar/POSIX tar
142>257	string		!ustar
143>>508	string		=tar\0
144# padding[255] in old star
145>>>257	string		>\0		\b, padding: %-.40s
146>>508	default		x
147# padding[255] in old tar sometimes comment field
148>>>257	string		>\0		\b, comment: %-.40s
150# Incremental snapshot gnu-tar format from:
151# https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/Snapshot-Files.html
1520	string		GNU\ tar-	GNU tar incremental snapshot data
153>&0	regex		[0-9]\.[0-9]+-[0-9]+	version %s
155# cpio archives
157# Yes, the top two "cpio archive" formats *are* supposed to just be "short".
158# The idea is to indicate archives produced on machines with the same
159# byte order as the machine running "file" with "cpio archive", and
160# to indicate archives produced on machines with the opposite byte order
161# from the machine running "file" with "byte-swapped cpio archive".
163# The SVR4 "cpio(4)" hints that there are additional formats, but they
164# are defined as "short"s; I think all the new formats are
165# character-header formats and thus are strings, not numbers.
1660	short		070707		cpio archive
167!:mime	application/x-cpio
1680	short		0143561		byte-swapped cpio archive
169!:mime	application/x-cpio # encoding: swapped
1700	string		070707		ASCII cpio archive (pre-SVR4 or odc)
171!:mime	application/x-cpio
1720	string		070701		ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)
173!:mime	application/x-cpio
1740	string		070702		ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with CRC)
175!:mime	application/x-cpio
178# Various archive formats used by various versions of the "ar"
179# command.
183# Original UNIX archive formats.
184# They were written with binary values in host byte order, and
185# the magic number was a host "int", which might have been 16 bits
186# or 32 bits.  We don't say "PDP-11" or "VAX", as there might have
187# been ports to little-endian 16-bit-int or 32-bit-int platforms
188# (x86?) using some of those formats; if none existed, feel free
189# to use "PDP-11" for little-endian 16-bit and "VAX" for little-endian
190# 32-bit.  There might have been big-endian ports of that sort as
191# well.
1930	leshort		0177555		very old 16-bit-int little-endian archive
1940	beshort		0177555		very old 16-bit-int big-endian archive
1950	lelong		0177555		very old 32-bit-int little-endian archive
1960	belong		0177555		very old 32-bit-int big-endian archive
1980	leshort		0177545		old 16-bit-int little-endian archive
199>2	string		__.SYMDEF	random library
2000	beshort		0177545		old 16-bit-int big-endian archive
201>2	string		__.SYMDEF	random library
2020	lelong		0177545		old 32-bit-int little-endian archive
203>4	string		__.SYMDEF	random library
2040	belong		0177545		old 32-bit-int big-endian archive
205>4	string		__.SYMDEF	random library
208# From "pdp" (but why a 4-byte quantity?)
2100	lelong		0x39bed		PDP-11 old archive
2110	lelong		0x39bee		PDP-11 4.0 archive
214# XXX - what flavor of APL used this, and was it a variant of
215# some ar archive format?  It's similar to, but not the same
216# as, the APL workspace magic numbers in pdp.
2180	long		0100554		apl workspace
221# System V Release 1 portable(?) archive format.
2230	string		=<ar>		System V Release 1 ar archive
224!:mime	application/x-archive
227# Debian package; it's in the portable archive format, and needs to go
228# before the entry for regular portable archives, as it's recognized as
229# a portable archive whose first member has a name beginning with
230# "debian".
232# Update: Joerg Jenderek
233# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deb_(file_format)
2340	string		=!<arch>\ndebian
235# https://manpages.debian.org/testing/dpkg/dpkg-split.1.en.html
236>14	string		-split	part of multipart Debian package
237!:mime	application/vnd.debian.binary-package
238# udeb is used for stripped down deb file
239!:ext	deb/udeb
240>14	string		-binary	Debian binary package
241!:mime	application/vnd.debian.binary-package
242# For ipk packager see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opkg
243!:ext	deb/udeb/ipk
244# This should not happen
245>14	default		x	Unknown Debian package
246# NL terminated version; for most Debian cases this is 2.0 or 2.1 for split
247>68	string		>\0		(format %s)
248#>68	string		!2.0\n
249#>>68	string		x		(format %.3s)
250>68	string		=2.0\n
251# 2nd archive name=control archive name like control.tar.gz or control.tar.xz
252>>72	string		>\0		\b, with %.14s
253# look for 3rd archive name=data archive name like data.tar.{gz,xz,bz2,lzma}
254>>0	search/0x93e4f	data.tar.	\b, data compression
255# the above line only works if FILE_BYTES_MAX in ../../src/file.h is raised
256# for example like libreoffice-dev-doc_1%3a5.2.7-1+rpi1+deb9u3_all.deb
257>>>&0	string		x		%.2s
258# skip space (0x20 BSD) and slash (0x2f System V) character marking end of name
259>>>&2	ubyte		!0x20
260>>>>&-1	ubyte		!0x2f
261# display 3rd character of file name extension like 2 of bz2 or m of lzma
262>>>>>&-1	ubyte	x		\b%c
263>>>>>>&0	ubyte	!0x20
264>>>>>>>&-1	ubyte	!0x2f
265# display 4th character of file name extension like a of lzma
266>>>>>>>>&-1	ubyte	x		\b%c
267# split debian package case
268>68	string		=2.1\n
269# dpkg-1.18.25/dpkg-split/info.c
270# NL terminated ASCII package name like ckermit
271>>&0	string		x		\b, %s
272# NL terminated package version like 302-5.3
273>>>&1	string		x		%s
274# NL terminated MD5 checksum
275>>>>&1	string		x		\b, MD5 %s
276# NL terminated original package length
277>>>>>&1	string		x		\b, unsplitted size %s
278# NL terminated part length
279>>>>>>&1	string	x		\b, part length %s
280# NL terminated package part like n/m
281>>>>>>>&1	string	x		\b, part %s
282# NL terminated package architecture like armhf since dpkg 1.16.1 or later
283>>>>>>>>&1	string	x		\b, %s
286# MIPS archive; they're in the portable archive format, and need to go
287# before the entry for regular portable archives, as it's recognized as
288# a portable archive whose first member has a name beginning with
289# "__________E".
2910	string	=!<arch>\n__________E	MIPS archive
292!:mime	application/x-archive
293>20	string	U			with MIPS Ucode members
294>21	string	L			with MIPSEL members
295>21	string	B			with MIPSEB members
296>19	string	L			and an EL hash table
297>19	string	B			and an EB hash table
298>22	string	X			-- out of date
301# BSD/SVR2-and-later portable archive formats.
303# Update: Joerg Jenderek
304# URL:		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/AR
305# Reference:	https://www.unix.com/man-page/opensolaris/3HEAD/ar.h/
306# Note:		Mach-O universal binary in ./cafebabe is dependent
307# TODO:		unify current ar archive, MIPS archive, Debian package
308#		distinguish BSD, SVR; 32, 64 bit; HP from other 32-bit SVR;
309#		*.ar packages from *.a libraries. handle empty archive
3100	string		=!<arch>\n		current ar archive
311# print first and possibly second ar_name[16] for debugging purpose
312#>8			string	x	\b, 1st "%.16s"
313#>68			string	x	\b, 2nd "%.16s"
314!:mime	application/x-archive
315# a in most case for libraries; lib for Microsoft libraries; ar else cases
316!:ext	a/lib/ar
317>8	string		__.SYMDEF	random library
318# first member with long marked name __.SYMDEF SORTED implies BSD library
319>68	string		__.SYMDEF\ SORTED	random library
320# Reference: https://parisc.wiki.kernel.org/images-parisc/b/b2/Rad_11_0_32.pdf
321# "archive file" entry moved from ./hp
322# LST header system_id 0210h~PA-RISC 1.1,... identifies the target architecture
323# LST header a_magic 0619h~relocatable library
324>68	belong 		0x020b0619	- PA-RISC1.0 relocatable library
325>68	belong	 	0x02100619	- PA-RISC1.1 relocatable library
326>68	belong 		0x02110619	- PA-RISC1.2 relocatable library
327>68	belong 		0x02140619	- PA-RISC2.0 relocatable library
328#EOF for common ar archives
331# "Thin" archive, as can be produced by GNU ar.
3330	string		=!<thin>\n	thin archive with
334>68	belong		0		no symbol entries
335>68	belong		1		%d symbol entry
336>68	belong		>1		%d symbol entries
3380	search/1	-h-		Software Tools format archive text
340# ARC archiver, from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com)
342# The first byte is the magic (0x1a), byte 2 is the compression type for
343# the first file (0x01 through 0x09), and bytes 3 to 15 are the MS-DOS
344# filename of the first file (null terminated).  Since some types collide
345# we only test some types on basis of frequency: 0x08 (83%), 0x09 (5%),
346# 0x02 (5%), 0x03 (3%), 0x04 (2%), 0x06 (2%).  0x01 collides with terminfo.
3470	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000081a	ARC archive data, dynamic LZW
348!:mime	application/x-arc
3490	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000091a	ARC archive data, squashed
350!:mime	application/x-arc
3510	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000021a	ARC archive data, uncompressed
352!:mime	application/x-arc
3530	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000031a	ARC archive data, packed
354!:mime	application/x-arc
3550	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000041a	ARC archive data, squeezed
356!:mime	application/x-arc
3570	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000061a	ARC archive data, crunched
358!:mime	application/x-arc
359# [JW] stuff taken from idarc, obviously ARC successors:
3600	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x00000a1a	PAK archive data
361!:mime	application/x-arc
3620	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000141a	ARC+ archive data
363!:mime	application/x-arc
3640	lelong&0x8080ffff	0x0000481a	HYP archive data
365!:mime	application/x-arc
367# Acorn archive formats (Disaster prone simpleton, m91dps@ecs.ox.ac.uk)
368# I can't create either SPARK or ArcFS archives so I have not tested this stuff
369# [GRR:  the original entries collide with ARC, above; replaced with combined
370#  version (not tested)]
371#0	byte		0x1a		RISC OS archive (spark format)
3720	string		\032archive	RISC OS archive (ArcFS format)
3730       string          Archive\000     RISC OS archive (ArcFS format)
375# All these were taken from idarc, many could not be verified. Unfortunately,
376# there were many low-quality sigs, i.e. easy to trigger false positives.
377# Please notify me of any real-world fishy/ambiguous signatures and I'll try
378# to get my hands on the actual archiver and see if I find something better. [JW]
379# probably many can be enhanced by finding some 0-byte or control char near the start
381# idarc calls this Crush/Uncompressed... *shrug*
3820	string	CRUSH Crush archive data
383# Squeeze It (.sqz)
3840	string	HLSQZ Squeeze It archive data
385# SQWEZ
3860	string	SQWEZ SQWEZ archive data
387# HPack (.hpk)
3880	string	HPAK HPack archive data
389# HAP
3900	string	\x91\x33HF HAP archive data
391# MD/MDCD
3920	string	MDmd MDCD archive data
393# LIM
3940	string	LIM\x1a LIM archive data
395# SAR
3963	string	LH5 SAR archive data
397# BSArc/BS2
3980	string	\212\3SB\020\0	BSArc/BS2 archive data
399# Bethesda Softworks Archive (Oblivion)
4000	string	BSA\0 		BSArc archive data
401>4	lelong	x		version %d
402# MAR
4032	string	=-ah MAR archive data
404# ACB
405#0	belong&0x00f800ff	0x00800000 ACB archive data
406# CPZ
407# TODO, this is what idarc says: 0	string	\0\0\0 CPZ archive data
408# JRC
4090	string	JRchive JRC archive data
410# Quantum
4110	string	DS\0 Quantum archive data
412# ReSOF
4130	string	PK\3\6 ReSOF archive data
414# QuArk
4150	string	7\4 QuArk archive data
416# YAC
41714	string	YC YAC archive data
418# X1
4190	string	X1 X1 archive data
4200	string	XhDr X1 archive data
421# CDC Codec (.dqt)
4220	belong&0xffffe000	0x76ff2000 CDC Codec archive data
423# AMGC
4240	string	\xad6" AMGC archive data
425# NuLIB
4260	string	N\xc3\xb5F\xc3\xa9lx\xc3\xa5 NuLIB archive data
427# PakLeo
4280	string	LEOLZW PAKLeo archive data
429# ChArc
4300	string	SChF ChArc archive data
431# PSA
4320	string	PSA PSA archive data
433# CrossePAC
4340	string	DSIGDCC CrossePAC archive data
435# Freeze
4360	string	\x1f\x9f\x4a\x10\x0a Freeze archive data
437# KBoom
4380	string	\xc2\xa8MP\xc2\xa8 KBoom archive data
439# NSQ, must go after CDC Codec
4400	string	\x76\xff NSQ archive data
441# DPA
4420	string	Dirk\ Paehl DPA archive data
443# BA
444# TODO: idarc says "bytes 0-2 == bytes 3-5"
445# TTComp
446# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/TTComp_archive
447# Update: Joerg Jenderek
448# GRR: line below is too general as it matches also Panorama database "TCDB 2003-10 demo.pan", others
4490	string	\0\6
450# look for first keyword of Panorama database *.pan
451>12	search/261	DESIGN
452# skip keyword with low entropy
453>12	default		x
454# skip DOS 2.0 backup id file, sequence 6 with many nils like BACKUPID_xx6.@@@ handled by ./msdos
455>>8	quad		!0
456>>>0	use	ttcomp
457# variant ASCII, 4K dictionary (strength=48=50-2). With strength=49 wrong order! WHY?
4580	string	\1\6
459# TODO:
460# skip VAX-order 68k Blit mpx/mux executable (strength=50) handled by ./blit
461!:strength	-2
462>0	use	ttcomp
4630	string	\0\5
464# skip some DOS 2.0 backup id file, sequence 5 with many nils like BACKUPID_075.@@@ handled by ./msdos
465>8	quad	!0
466>>0	use	ttcomp
4670	string	\1\5
468# TODO:
469# variant ASCII, 2K dictionary (strength=48=50-2). With strength=49 wrong order! WHY?
470# skip ctab data (strength=50) handled by ./ibm6000
471# skip locale data table (strength=50) handled by ./digital
472!:strength	-2
473>0	use	ttcomp
4740	string	\0\4
475# skip many Maple help database *.hdb with version tag handled by ./maple
476>1028	string	!version
477# skip veclib maple.hdb by looking for Mable keyword
478>>4	search/1091	Maple\040
479#>4	search/34090	Maple\040
480>>4	default		x
481# skip DOS 2.0-3.2 backed up sequence 4 with many nils like LOTUS5.RAR handled by ./msdos
482# skip xBASE Compound Index file *.CDX with many nils
483>>>0x54	quad		!0
484>>>>0	use	ttcomp
4850	string	\1\4
486# TODO:
487# skip Commodore PET BASIC 4.0 program *.prg
488# variant ASCII, 1K dictionary (strength=48=50-2). With strength=49 wrong order! WHY?
489# skip shared library (strength=50) handled by ./ibm6000
490!:strength	-2
491>0	use	ttcomp
492#	display information of TTComp archive
4930	name	ttcomp
494# (version 5.25) labeled the entry as "TTComp archive data"
495>0	ubyte	x	TTComp archive data
496!:mime	application/x-compress-ttcomp
498!:ext	$xe/$ts/pi1/__d
499# compression type: 0~binary compression 1~ASCII compression
500>0	ubyte	0	\b, binary
501>0	ubyte	1	\b, ASCII
502# size of the dictionary:  4~1024 bytes 5~2048 bytes 6~4096 bytes
503>1	ubyte	4	\b, 1K
504>1	ubyte	5	\b, 2K
505>1	ubyte	6	\b, 4K
506>1	ubyte	x	dictionary
507#	https://mark0.net/forum/index.php?topic=848
508# last 3 bytes probably have only 8 possible bit sequences
509# xxxxxxxx 0000000x 11111111	____FFh
510# xxxxxxxx 10000000 01111111	__807Fh
511# 0xxxxxxx 11000000 00111111	__C03Fh
512# 00xxxxxx 11100000 00011111	__E01Fh
513# 000xxxxx 11110000 00001111	__F00Fh
514# 0000xxxx 11111000 00000111	__F807h
515# 00000xxx 11111100 00000011	__FC03h
516# 000000xx 11111110 00000001	__FE01h
517# but for quickgif.__d 0A7DD4h
518#>-3	ubyte		x	\b, last 3 bytes 0x%2.2x
519#>-2	ubeshort	x	\b%4.4x
520# From:		Joerg Jenderek
521# URL:		https://wiki.68kmla.org/DiskCopy_4.2_format_specification
522# reference:	http://nulib.com/library/FTN.e00005.htm
5230x52	ubeshort	0x0100
524# test for disk image size equal or above 400k
525>0x40	ubelong		>409599
526# test also for disk image size equal or below 1440k to skip
527# windows7en.mbr UNICODE.DAT
528>>0x40	ubelong		<1474561
529# To skip Flags$StringJoiner.class with size 00106A61h test also for only 4 disk image sizes
530# 00064000 for  400k GCR disks
531# 000c8000 for  800k GCR disks
532# 000b4000 for  720k MFM disks
533# 00168000 for 1440k MFM disks
534>>>0x40	ubelong&0xffE03fFF	0
535>>>>0	use	dc42-floppy
536#	display information of Apple DiskCopy 4.2 floppy image
5370	name		dc42-floppy
538# image pascal name padded with NULs like Microsoft Mail
539>00	pstring/B	x	Apple DiskCopy 4.2 image %s
540#!:mime	application/octet-stream
541!:mime	application/x-dc42-floppy-image
542!:apple	dCpydImg
543!:ext	image/dc42
544# data size in bytes like 409600
545>0x40	ubelong		x	\b, %u bytes
546# for debugging purpose size in hexadecimal
547#>0x40	ubelong		x	(%#8.8x)
548# tag size in bytes
549>0x44	ubelong		>0	\b, %#x tag size
550# data checksum
551#>0x48	ubelong		x	\b, %#x checksum
552# tag checksum
553#>0x4c	ubelong		x	\b, %#x tag checksum
554# disk encoding
555>0x50	ubyte		0	\b, GCR CLV ssdd (400k)
556>0x50	ubyte		1	\b, GCR CLV dsdd (800k)
557>0x50	ubyte		2	\b, MFM CAV dsdd (720k)
558>0x50	ubyte		3	\b, MFM CAV dshd (1440k)
559>0x50	ubyte		>3	\b, %#x encoding
560# format byte
561>0x51	ubyte		x	\b, %#x format
562#>0x54	ubequad		x	\b, data %#16.16llx
563# ESP, could this conflict with Easy Software Products' (e.g.ESP ghostscript) documentation?
5640	string	ESP ESP archive data
565# ZPack
5660	string	\1ZPK\1 ZPack archive data
567# Sky
5680	string	\xbc\x40 Sky archive data
569# UFA
5700	string	UFA UFA archive data
571# Dry
5720	string	=-H2O DRY archive data
573# FoxSQZ
5740	string	FOXSQZ FoxSQZ archive data
575# AR7
5760	string	,AR7 AR7 archive data
577# PPMZ
5780	string	PPMZ PPMZ archive data
579# MS Compress
580# Update: Joerg Jenderek
581# URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/MS-DOS_installation_compression
582# Reference: https://hwiegman.home.xs4all.nl/fileformats/compress/szdd_kwaj_format.html
583# Note: use correct version of extracting tool like EXPAND, UNPACK, DECOMP or 7Z
5844	string	\x88\xf0\x27
585#		KWAJ variant
586>0	string	KWAJ		MS Compress archive data, KWAJ variant
587!:mime	application/x-ms-compress-kwaj
588# extension not working in version 5.32
589# magic/Magdir/archive, 284: Warning: EXTENSION type ` ??_' has bad char '?'
590# file: line 284: Bad magic entry '   ??_'
591!:ext	??_
592# compression method (0-4)
593>>8	uleshort	x	\b, %u method
594# offset of compressed data
595>>10	uleshort	x	\b, %#x offset
596#>>(10.s)	uleshort	x
597#>>>&-6		string	x	\b, TEST extension %-.3s
598# header flags to mark header extensions
599>>12	uleshort	>0	\b, %#x flags
600# 4 bytes: decompressed length of file
601>>12	uleshort	&0x01
602>>>14	ulelong		x	\b, original size: %u bytes
603# 2 bytes: unknown purpose
604# 2 bytes: length of unknown data + mentioned bytes
605# 1-9 bytes: null-terminated file name
606# 1-4 bytes: null-terminated file extension
607>>12	uleshort	&0x08
608>>>12	uleshort				^0x01
609>>>>12		uleshort			^0x02
610>>>>>12			uleshort		^0x04
611>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
612>>>>>>>14				string	x	\b, %-.8s
613>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
614>>>>>>>14				string	x	\b, %-.8s
615>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
616>>>>>12			uleshort		&0x04
617>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
618>>>>>>>(14.s)			uleshort	x
619>>>>>>>>&14				string	x	\b, %-.8s
620>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
621>>>>>>>(14.s)			uleshort	x
622>>>>>>>>&14				string	x	\b, %-.8s
623>>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
624>>>>12		uleshort			&0x02
625>>>>>12			uleshort		^0x04
626>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
627>>>>>>>16				string	x	\b, %-.8s
628>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
629>>>>>>>16				string	x	\b, %-.8s
630>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
631>>>>>12			uleshort		&0x04
632>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
633>>>>>>>(16.s)			uleshort	x
634>>>>>>>>&16				string	x	\b, %-.8s
635>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
636>>>>>>>(16.s)			uleshort	x
637>>>>>>>&16				string	x	%-.8s
638>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
639>>>12	uleshort				&0x01
640>>>>12		uleshort			^0x02
641>>>>>12			uleshort		^0x04
642>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
643>>>>>>>18				string	x	\b, %-.8s
644>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
645>>>>>>>18				string	x	\b, %-.8s
646>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
647>>>>>12			uleshort		&0x04
648>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
649>>>>>>>(18.s)			uleshort	x
650>>>>>>>>&18				string	x	\b, %-.8s
651>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
652>>>>>>>(18.s)			uleshort	x
653>>>>>>>>&18				string	x	\b, %-.8s
654>>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
655>>>>12		uleshort			&0x02
656>>>>>12			uleshort		^0x04
657>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
658>>>>>>>20				string	x	\b, %-.8s
659>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
660>>>>>>>20				string	x	\b, %-.8s
661>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
662>>>>>12			uleshort		&0x04
663>>>>>>12			uleshort	^0x10
664>>>>>>>(20.s)			uleshort	x
665>>>>>>>>&20				string	x	\b, %-.8s
666>>>>>>12			uleshort	&0x10
667>>>>>>>(20.s)			uleshort	x
668>>>>>>>>&20				string	x	\b, %-.8s
669>>>>>>>>>&1				string	x	\b.%-.3s
670# 2 bytes: length of data + mentioned bytes
672#		SZDD variant Haruhiko Okumura's LZSS or 7z type MsLZ
673>0	string	SZDD		MS Compress archive data, SZDD variant
674!:mime	application/x-ms-compress-szdd
675!:ext	??_
676# The character missing from the end of the filename (0=unknown)
677>>9	string	>\0		\b, %-.1s is last character of original name
678# https://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26161
679# Compression mode: "A" (0x41) found but sometimes "B" in Windows 3.1 builds 026 and 034e
680>>8	string	!A		\b, %-.1s method
681>>10	ulelong	>0		\b, original size: %u bytes
682#		QBasic SZDD variant
6833	string	\x88\xf0\x27
684>0	string	SZ\x20		MS Compress archive data, QBasic variant
685!:mime	application/x-ms-compress-sz
686!:ext	??$
687>>8	ulelong	>0		\b, original size: %u bytes
689# Summary:	FTCOMP compressed archive
690# From:		Joerg Jenderek
691# URL:		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/FTCOMP
692# Reference:    http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/a/ark-ftcomp.trid.xml
693# Note:		called by TrID "FTCOMP compressed archive"
694#		extracted by `unpack seahelp.hl_`
69524	string/b	FTCOMP		FTCOMP compressed archive
696#!:mime	application/octet-stream
697!:mime	application/x-compress-ftcomp
698!:ext	??_/??@/dll/drv/pk2/
699# probably A596FDFF magic at the beginning
700>0	ubelong		!0xA596FDFF	\b, at beginning %#x
701# probably original file name with directory like: \OS2\unpack.exe \SYSTEM\8514.DRV MAHJONGG.EXE
702>41	string		x		"%s"
704# MP3 (archiver, not lossy audio compression)
7050	string	MP3\x1a MP3-Archiver archive data
706# ZET
7070	string	OZ\xc3\x9d ZET archive data
708# TSComp
7090	string	\x65\x5d\x13\x8c\x08\x01\x03\x00 TSComp archive data
710# ARQ
7110	string	gW\4\1 ARQ archive data
712# Squash
7133	string	OctSqu Squash archive data
714# Terse
7150	string	\5\1\1\0 Terse archive data
716# PUCrunch
7170	string	\x01\x08\x0b\x08\xef\x00\x9e\x32\x30\x36\x31 PUCrunch archive data
718# UHarc
7190	string	UHA UHarc archive data
720# ABComp
7210	string	\2AB ABComp archive data
7220	string	\3AB2 ABComp archive data
723# CMP
7240	string	CO\0 CMP archive data
725# Splint
7260	string	\x93\xb9\x06 Splint archive data
727# InstallShield
7280	string	\x13\x5d\x65\x8c InstallShield Z archive Data
729# Gather
7301	string	GTH Gather archive data
731# BOA
7320	string	BOA BOA archive data
733# RAX
7340	string	ULEB\xa RAX archive data
735# Xtreme
7360	string	ULEB\0 Xtreme archive data
737# Pack Magic
7380	string	@\xc3\xa2\1\0 Pack Magic archive data
739# BTS
7400	belong&0xfeffffff	0x1a034465 BTS archive data
741# ELI 5750
7420	string	Ora\  ELI 5750 archive data
743# QFC
7440	string	\x1aFC\x1a QFC archive data
7450	string	\x1aQF\x1a QFC archive data
7470	string	RNC PRO-PACK archive data
748# 777
7490	string	777 777 archive data
750# LZS221
7510	string	sTaC LZS221 archive data
752# HPA
7530	string	HPA HPA archive data
754# Arhangel
7550	string	LG Arhangel archive data
756# EXP1, uses bzip2
7570	string	0123456789012345BZh EXP1 archive data
758# IMP
7590	string	IMP\xa IMP archive data
760# NRV
7610	string	\x00\x9E\x6E\x72\x76\xFF NRV archive data
762# Squish
7630	string	\x73\xb2\x90\xf4 Squish archive data
764# Par
7650	string	PHILIPP Par archive data
7660	string	PAR Par archive data
767# HIT
7680	string	UB HIT archive data
769# SBX
7700	belong&0xfffff000	0x53423000 SBX archive data
771# NaShrink
7720	string	NSK NaShrink archive data
7740	string	#\ CAR\ archive\ header SAPCAR archive data
7750	string	CAR\ 2.00RG SAPCAR archive data
776# Disintegrator
7770	string	DST Disintegrator archive data
778# ASD
7790	string	ASD ASD archive data
780# InstallShield CAB
7810	string	ISc( InstallShield CAB
782# TOP4
7830	string	T4\x1a TOP4 archive data
784# BatComp left out: sig looks like COM executable
785# so TODO: get real 4dos batcomp file and find sig
786# BlakHole
7870	string	BH\5\7 BlakHole archive data
788# BIX
7890	string	BIX0 BIX archive data
790# ChiefLZA
7910	string	ChfLZ ChiefLZA archive data
792# Blink
7930	string	Blink Blink archive data
794# Logitech Compress
7950	string	\xda\xfa Logitech Compress archive data
796# ARS-Sfx (FIXME: really a SFX? then goto COM/EXE)
7971	string	(C)\ STEPANYUK ARS-Sfx archive data
798# AKT/AKT32
7990	string	AKT32 AKT32 archive data
8000	string	AKT AKT archive data
801# NPack
8020	string	MSTSM NPack archive data
803# PFT
8040	string	\0\x50\0\x14 PFT archive data
805# SemOne
8060	string	SEM SemOne archive data
807# PPMD
8080	string	\x8f\xaf\xac\x84 PPMD archive data
809# FIZ
8100	string	FIZ FIZ archive data
811# MSXiE
8120	belong&0xfffff0f0	0x4d530000 MSXiE archive data
813# DeepFreezer
8140	belong&0xfffffff0	0x797a3030 DeepFreezer archive data
815# DC
8160	string	=<DC- DC archive data
817# TPac
8180	string	\4TPAC\3 TPac archive data
819# Ai
8200	string	Ai\1\1\0 Ai archive data
8210	string	Ai\1\0\0 Ai archive data
822# Ai32
8230	string	Ai\2\0 Ai32 archive data
8240	string	Ai\2\1 Ai32 archive data
825# SBC
8260	string	SBC SBC archive data
827# Ybs
8280	string	YBS Ybs archive data
829# DitPack
8300	string	\x9e\0\0 DitPack archive data
831# DMS
8320	string	DMS! DMS archive data
833# EPC
8340	string	\x8f\xaf\xac\x8c EPC archive data
835# VSARC
8360	string	VS\x1a VSARC archive data
837# PDZ
8380	string	PDZ PDZ archive data
839# ReDuq
8400	string	rdqx ReDuq archive data
841# GCA
8420	string	GCAX GCA archive data
843# PPMN
8440	string	pN PPMN archive data
845# WinImage
8463	string	WINIMAGE WinImage archive data
847# Compressia
8480	string	CMP0CMP Compressia archive data
849# UHBC
8500	string	UHB UHBC archive data
851# WinHKI
8520	string	\x61\x5C\x04\x05 WinHKI archive data
853# WWPack data file
8540	string	WWP WWPack archive data
8560	string	\xffBSG BSN archive data
8571	string	\xffBSG BSN archive data
8583	string	\xffBSG BSN archive data
8591	string	\0\xae\2 BSN archive data
8601	string	\0\xae\3 BSN archive data
8611	string	\0\xae\7 BSN archive data
862# AIN
8630	string	\x33\x18 AIN archive data
8640	string	\x33\x17 AIN archive data
865# XPA32 test moved and merged with XPA by Joerg Jenderek at Sep 2015
866# SZip (TODO: doesn't catch all versions)
8670	string	SZ\x0a\4 SZip archive data
868# XPack DiskImage
869# *.XDI updated by Joerg Jenderek Sep 2015
870# ftp://ftp.sac.sk/pub/sac/pack/0index.txt
871# GRR: this test is still too general as it catches also text files starting with jm
8720	string	jm
873# only found examples with this additional characteristic 2 bytes
874>2	string	\x2\x4	Xpack DiskImage archive data
875#!:ext xdi
876# XPack Data
877# *.xpa updated by Joerg Jenderek Sep 2015
878# ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack/
8790	string	xpa	XPA
880!:ext	xpa
881# XPA32
882# ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack/xpa32.zip
883# created by XPA32.EXE version 1.0.2 for Windows
884>0	string	xpa\0\1 \b32 archive data
885# created by XPACK.COM version 1.67m or 1.67r with short 0x1800
886>3	ubeshort	!0x0001	\bck archive data
887# XPack Single Data
888# changed by Joerg Jenderek Sep 2015 back to like in version 5.12
889# letter 'I'+ acute accent is equivalent to \xcd
8900	string	\xcd\ jm	Xpack single archive data
891#!:mime	application/x-xpa-compressed
892!:ext xpa
894# TODO: missing due to unknown magic/magic at end of file:
902#XPack Diskimage
904# These were inspired by idarc, but actually verified
905# Dzip archiver (.dz)
906# Update: Joerg Jenderek
907# URL: http://speeddemosarchive.com/dzip/
908# reference: http://speeddemosarchive.com/dzip/dz29src.zip/main.c
909# GRR: line below is too general as it matches also ASCII texts like Doszip commander help dz.txt
9100	string	DZ
911# latest version is 2.9 dated 7 may 2003
912>2	byte	<4 Dzip archive data
913!:mime	application/x-dzip
914!:ext	dz
915>>2	byte	x \b, version %i
916>>3	byte	x \b.%i
917>>4	ulelong	x \b, offset %#x
918>>8	ulelong	x \b, %u files
919# ZZip archiver (.zz)
9200	string	ZZ\ \0\0 ZZip archive data
9210	string	ZZ0 ZZip archive data
922# PAQ archiver (.paq)
9230	string	\xaa\x40\x5f\x77\x1f\xe5\x82\x0d PAQ archive data
9240	string	PAQ PAQ archive data
925>3	byte&0xf0	0x30
926>>3	byte	x (v%c)
927# JAR archiver (.j), this is the successor to ARJ, not Java's JAR (which is essentially ZIP)
9280xe	string	\x1aJar\x1b JAR (ARJ Software, Inc.) archive data
9290	string	JARCS JAR (ARJ Software, Inc.) archive data
931# ARJ archiver (jason@jarthur.Claremont.EDU)
9320	leshort		0xea60		ARJ archive data
933!:mime	application/x-arj
934>5	byte		x		\b, v%d,
935>8	byte		&0x04		multi-volume,
936>8	byte		&0x10		slash-switched,
937>8	byte		&0x20		backup,
938>34	string		x		original name: %s,
939>7	byte		0		os: MS-DOS
940>7	byte		1		os: PRIMOS
941>7	byte		2		os: Unix
942>7	byte		3		os: Amiga
943>7	byte		4		os: Macintosh
944>7	byte		5		os: OS/2
945>7	byte		6		os: Apple ][ GS
946>7	byte		7		os: Atari ST
947>7	byte		8		os: NeXT
948>7	byte		9		os: VAX/VMS
949>3	byte		>0		%d]
950# [JW] idarc says this is also possible
9512	leshort		0xea60		ARJ archive data
953# HA archiver (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
954# This is a really bad format. A file containing HAWAII will match this...
955#0	string		HA		HA archive data,
956#>2	leshort		=1		1 file,
957#>2	leshort		>1		%hu files,
958#>4	byte&0x0f	=0		first is type CPY
959#>4	byte&0x0f	=1		first is type ASC
960#>4	byte&0x0f	=2		first is type HSC
961#>4	byte&0x0f	=0x0e		first is type DIR
962#>4	byte&0x0f	=0x0f		first is type SPECIAL
963# suggestion: at least identify small archives (<1024 files)
9640  belong&0xffff00fc 0x48410000 HA archive data
965>2	leshort		=1		1 file,
966>2	leshort		>1		%u files,
967>4	byte&0x0f	=0		first is type CPY
968>4	byte&0x0f	=1		first is type ASC
969>4	byte&0x0f	=2		first is type HSC
970>4	byte&0x0f	=0x0e		first is type DIR
971>4	byte&0x0f	=0x0f		first is type SPECIAL
973# HPACK archiver (Peter Gutmann, pgut1@cs.aukuni.ac.nz)
9740	string		HPAK		HPACK archive data
976# JAM Archive volume format, by Dmitry.Kohmanyuk@UA.net
9770	string		\351,\001JAM\ 		JAM archive,
978>7	string		>\0			version %.4s
979>0x26	byte		=0x27			-
980>>0x2b	string          >\0			label %.11s,
981>>0x27	lelong		x			serial %08x,
982>>0x36	string		>\0			fstype %.8s
984# LHARC/LHA archiver (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
985# Update: Joerg Jenderek
986# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LHA_(file_format)
987# Reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20021005080911/http://www.osirusoft.com/joejared/lzhformat.html
989#	check and display information of lharc (LHa,PMarc) file
9900	name				lharc-file
991# check 1st character of method id like -lz4- -lh5- or -pm2-
992>2	string		-
993# check 5th character of method id
994>>6	string		-
995# check header level 0 1 2 3
996>>>20	ubyte		<4
997# check 2nd, 3th and 4th character of method id
998>>>>3	regex		\^(lh[0-9a-ex]|lz[s2-8]|pm[012]|pc1)		\b
999!:mime	application/x-lzh-compressed
1000# creator type "LHA "
1001!:apple	????LHA
1002# display archive type name like "LHa/LZS archive data" or "LArc archive"
1003>>>>>2	string		-lz		\b
1004!:ext	lzs
1005# already known  -lzs- -lz4- -lz5- with old names
1006>>>>>>2	string	-lzs		LHa/LZS archive data
1007>>>>>>3	regex	\^lz[45]	LHarc 1.x archive data
1008# missing -lz?- with wikipedia names
1009>>>>>>3	regex	\^lz[2378]	LArc archive
1010# display archive type name like "LHa (2.x) archive data"
1011>>>>>2	string		-lh		\b
1012# already known -lh0- -lh1- -lh2- -lh3-  -lh4- -lh5- -lh6- -lh7- -lhd- variants with old names
1013>>>>>>3	regex		\^lh[01]	LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data
1014# LHice archiver use ".ICE" as name extension instead usual one ".lzh"
1015# FOOBAR archiver use ".foo" as name extension instead usual one
1016# "Florain Orjanov's and Olga Bachetska's ARchiver" not found at the moment
1017>>>>>>>2	string	-lh1		\b
1018!:ext lha/lzh/ice
1019>>>>>>3	regex		\^lh[23d]	LHa 2.x? archive data
1020>>>>>>3	regex		\^lh[7]		LHa (2.x)/LHark archive data
1021>>>>>>3	regex		\^lh[456]	LHa (2.x) archive data
1022>>>>>>>2	string	-lh5		\b
1023# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS
1024# Some mainboard BIOS like Award use LHa compression. So archives with unusual extension are found like
1025# bios.rom , kd7_v14.bin, 1010.004, ...
1026!:ext lha/lzh/rom/bin
1027# missing -lh?- variants (Joe Jared)
1028>>>>>>3	regex		\^lh[89a-ce]	LHa (Joe Jared) archive
1029# UNLHA32 2.67a
1030>>>>>>2	string		-lhx		LHa (UNLHA32) archive
1031# lha archives with standard file name extensions ".lha" ".lzh"
1032>>>>>>3	regex		!\^(lh1|lh5)	\b
1033!:ext lha/lzh
1034# this should not happen if all -lh variants are described
1035>>>>>>2	default		x		LHa (unknown) archive
1036#!:ext	lha
1037# PMarc
1038>>>>>3	regex		\^pm[012]	PMarc archive data
1039!:ext pma
1040# append method id without leading and trailing minus character
1041>>>>>3	string		x		[%3.3s]
1042>>>>>>0	use	lharc-header
1044#	check and display information of lharc header
10450	name				lharc-header
1046# header size 0x4 , 0x1b-0x61
1047>0	ubyte		x
1048# compressed data size != compressed file size
1049#>7	ulelong		x		\b, data size %d
1050# attribute: 0x2~?? 0x10~symlink|target 0x20~normal
1051#>19	ubyte		x		\b, 19_%#x
1052# level identifier 0 1 2 3
1053#>20	ubyte		x		\b, level %d
1054# time stamp
1055#>15		ubelong	x		DATE %#8.8x
1056# OS ID for level 1
1057>20	ubyte		1
1058# 0x20 types find for *.rom files
1059>>(21.b+24)	ubyte	<0x21		\b, %#x OS
1060# ascii type like M for MSDOS
1061>>(21.b+24)	ubyte	>0x20		\b, '%c' OS
1062# OS ID for level 2
1063>20	ubyte		2
1064#>>23	ubyte		x		\b, OS ID %#x
1065>>23	ubyte		<0x21		\b, %#x OS
1066>>23	ubyte		>0x20		\b, '%c' OS
1067# filename only for level 0 and 1
1068>20	ubyte		<2
1069# length of filename
1070>>21		ubyte	>0		\b, with
1071# filename
1072>>>21		pstring	x		"%s"
1074#2	string		-lh0-		LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data [lh0]
1075#!:mime	application/x-lharc
10762	string		-lh0-
1077>0	use	lharc-file
1078#2	string		-lh1-		LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data [lh1]
1079#!:mime	application/x-lharc
10802	string		-lh1-
1081>0	use	lharc-file
1082# NEW -lz2- ... -lz8-
10832	string		-lz2-
1084>0	use	lharc-file
10852	string		-lz3-
1086>0	use	lharc-file
10872	string		-lz4-
1088>0	use	lharc-file
10892	string		-lz5-
1090>0	use	lharc-file
10912	string		-lz7-
1092>0	use	lharc-file
10932	string		-lz8-
1094>0	use	lharc-file
1095#	[never seen any but the last; -lh4- reported in comp.compression:]
1096#2	string		-lzs-		LHa/LZS archive data [lzs]
10972	string		-lzs-
1098>0	use	lharc-file
1099# According to wikipedia and others such a version does not exist
1100#2	string		-lh\40-		LHa 2.x? archive data [lh ]
1101#2	string		-lhd-		LHa 2.x? archive data [lhd]
11022	string		-lhd-
1103>0	use	lharc-file
1104#2	string		-lh2-		LHa 2.x? archive data [lh2]
11052	string		-lh2-
1106>0	use	lharc-file
1107#2	string		-lh3-		LHa 2.x? archive data [lh3]
11082	string		-lh3-
1109>0	use	lharc-file
1110#2	string		-lh4-		LHa (2.x) archive data [lh4]
11112	string		-lh4-
1112>0	use	lharc-file
1113#2	string		-lh5-		LHa (2.x) archive data [lh5]
11142	string		-lh5-
1115>0	use	lharc-file
1116#2	string		-lh6-		LHa (2.x) archive data [lh6]
11172	string		-lh6-
1118>0	use	lharc-file
1119#2	string		-lh7-		LHa (2.x)/LHark archive data [lh7]
11202	string		-lh7-
1121# !:mime	application/x-lha
1122# >20	byte		x		- header level %d
1123>0	use	lharc-file
1124# NEW -lh8- ... -lhe- , -lhx-
11252	string		-lh8-
1126>0	use	lharc-file
11272	string		-lh9-
1128>0	use	lharc-file
11292	string		-lha-
1130>0	use	lharc-file
11312	string		-lhb-
1132>0	use	lharc-file
11332	string		-lhc-
1134>0	use	lharc-file
11352	string		-lhe-
1136>0	use	lharc-file
11372	string		-lhx-
1138>0	use	lharc-file
1139# taken from idarc [JW]
11402   string      -lZ         PUT archive data
1141# already done by LHarc magics
1142# this should never happen if all sub types of LZS archive are identified
1143#2   string      -lz         LZS archive data
11442   string      -sw1-       Swag archive data
11460	name		rar-file-header
1147>24	byte		15		\b, v1.5
1148>24	byte		20		\b, v2.0
1149>24	byte		29		\b, v4
1150>15	byte		0		\b, os: MS-DOS
1151>15	byte		1		\b, os: OS/2
1152>15	byte		2		\b, os: Win32
1153>15	byte		3		\b, os: Unix
1154>15	byte		4		\b, os: Mac OS
1155>15	byte		5		\b, os: BeOS
11570	name		rar-archive-header
1158>3	leshort&0x1ff	>0		\b, flags:
1159>>3	leshort		&0x01		ArchiveVolume
1160>>3	leshort		&0x02		Commented
1161>>3	leshort		&0x04		Locked
1162>>3	leshort		&0x10		NewVolumeNaming
1163>>3	leshort		&0x08		Solid
1164>>3	leshort		&0x20		Authenticated
1165>>3	leshort		&0x40		RecoveryRecordPresent
1166>>3	leshort		&0x80		EncryptedBlockHeader
1167>>3	leshort		&0x100		FirstVolume
1169# RAR (Roshal Archive) archive
11700	string		Rar!\x1a\7\0		RAR archive data
1171!:mime	application/x-rar
1172!:ext	rar/cbr
1173# file header
1174>(0xc.l+9)	byte	0x74
1175>>(0xc.l+7)	use	rar-file-header
1176# subblock seems to share information with file header
1177>(0xc.l+9)	byte	0x7a
1178>>(0xc.l+7)	use	rar-file-header
1179>9		byte	0x73
1180>>7		use	rar-archive-header
11820	string		Rar!\x1a\7\1\0		RAR archive data, v5
1183!:mime	application/x-rar
1184!:ext	rar
1186# Very old RAR archive
1187# https://jasonblanks.com/wp-includes/images/papers/KnowyourarchiveRAR.pdf
11880	string		RE\x7e\x5e  RAR archive data (<v1.5)
1189!:mime	application/x-rar
1190!:ext	rar/cbr
1192# SQUISH archiver (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
11930	string		SQSH		squished archive data (Acorn RISCOS)
1195# UC2 archiver (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu)
1196# [JW] see exe section for self-extracting version
11970	string		UC2\x1a		UC2 archive data
1199# PKZIP multi-volume archive
12000	string		PK\x07\x08PK\x03\x04	Zip multi-volume archive data, at least PKZIP v2.50 to extract
1201!:mime	application/zip
1202!:ext zip/cbz
1204# Zip archives (Greg Roelofs, c/o zip-bugs@wkuvx1.wku.edu)
12050	string		PK\005\006	Zip archive data (empty)
1206!:mime application/zip
1207!:ext zip/cbz
1208!:strength +1
12090	string		PK\003\004
1210!:strength +1
1212# Specialised zip formats which start with a member named 'mimetype'
1213# (stored uncompressed, with no 'extra field') containing the file's MIME type.
1214# Check for have 8-byte name, 0-byte extra field, name "mimetype", and
1215#  contents starting with "application/":
1216>26	string		\x8\0\0\0mimetypeapplication/
1218#  KOffice / OpenOffice & StarOffice / OpenDocument formats
1219#    From: Abel Cheung <abel@oaka.org>
1221#   KOffice (1.2 or above) formats
1222#    (mimetype contains "application/vnd.kde.<SUBTYPE>")
1223>>50	string	vnd.kde.		KOffice (>=1.2)
1224>>>58	string	karbon			Karbon document
1225>>>58	string	kchart			KChart document
1226>>>58	string	kformula		KFormula document
1227>>>58	string	kivio			Kivio document
1228>>>58	string	kontour			Kontour document
1229>>>58	string	kpresenter		KPresenter document
1230>>>58	string	kspread			KSpread document
1231>>>58	string	kword			KWord document
1233#   OpenOffice formats (for OpenOffice 1.x / StarOffice 6/7)
1234#    (mimetype contains "application/vnd.sun.xml.<SUBTYPE>")
1235# URL:		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org_XML
1236# reference:	http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org_XML
1237>>50	string	vnd.sun.xml.		OpenOffice.org 1.x
1238>>>62	string	writer			Writer
1239>>>>68	byte	!0x2e			document
1240!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
1241!:ext	sxw
1242>>>>68	string	.template		template
1243!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template
1244!:ext	stw
1245>>>>68	string	.web			Web template
1246!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.web
1247!:ext	stw
1248>>>>68	string	.global			global document
1249!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global
1250!:ext	sxg
1251>>>62	string	calc			Calc
1252>>>>66	byte	!0x2e			spreadsheet
1253!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
1254!:ext	sxc
1255>>>>66	string	.template		template
1256!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
1257!:ext	stc
1258>>>62	string	draw			Draw
1259>>>>66	byte	!0x2e			document
1260!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
1261!:ext	sxd
1262>>>>66	string	.template		template
1263!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
1264!:ext	std
1265>>>62	string	impress			Impress
1266>>>>69	byte	!0x2e			presentation
1267!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
1268!:ext	sxi
1269>>>>69	string	.template		template
1270!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
1271!:ext	sti
1272>>>62	string	math			Math document
1273!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.math
1274!:ext	sxm
1275>>>62	string	base			Database file
1276!:mime	application/vnd.sun.xml.base
1277!:ext	sdb
1279#   OpenDocument formats (for OpenOffice 2.x / StarOffice >= 8)
1280#   URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/OpenDocument
1281#    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200505/msg00006.html
1282#    (mimetype contains "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.<SUBTYPE>")
1283>>50	string	vnd.oasis.opendocument.	OpenDocument
1284>>>73	string	text
1285>>>>77	byte	!0x2d			Text
1286!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
1287!:ext	odt
1288>>>>77	string	-template		Text Template
1289!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template
1290!:ext	ott
1291>>>>77	string	-web			HTML Document Template
1292!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web
1293!:ext	oth
1294>>>>77	string	-master			Master Document
1295!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master
1296!:ext	odm
1297>>>73	string	graphics
1298>>>>81	byte	!0x2d			Drawing
1299!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics
1300!:ext	odg
1301>>>>81	string	-template		Drawing Template
1302!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template
1303!:ext	otg
1304>>>73	string	presentation
1305>>>>85	byte	!0x2d			Presentation
1306!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
1307!:ext	odp
1308>>>>85	string	-template		Presentation Template
1309!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template
1310!:ext	otp
1311>>>73	string	spreadsheet
1312>>>>84	byte	!0x2d			Spreadsheet
1313!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
1314!:ext	ods
1315>>>>84	string	-template		Spreadsheet Template
1316!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template
1317!:ext	ots
1318>>>73	string	chart
1319>>>>78	byte	!0x2d			Chart
1320!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart
1321!:ext	odc
1322>>>>78	string	-template		Chart Template
1323!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart-template
1324!:ext	otc
1325>>>73	string	formula
1326>>>>80	byte	!0x2d			Formula
1327!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula
1328!:ext	odf
1329>>>>80	string	-template		Formula Template
1330!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template
1331!:ext	otf
1332# https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000441.shtml
1333>>>73	string	database		Database
1334!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database
1335!:ext	odb
1336# Valid for LibreOffice Base at least
1337>>>73	string	base 			Database
1338# https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45854
1339!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database
1340#!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.base
1341!:ext	odb
1342>>>73	string	image
1343>>>>78	byte	!0x2d			Image
1344!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image
1345!:ext	odi
1346>>>>78	string	-template		Image Template
1347!:mime	application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image-template
1348!:ext	oti
1350#  EPUB (OEBPS) books using OCF (OEBPS Container Format)
1351#    https://www.idpf.org/ocf/ocf1.0/download/ocf10.htm, section 4.
1352#    From: Ralf Brown <ralf.brown@gmail.com>
1353>>50	string	epub+zip	EPUB document
1354!:mime application/epub+zip
1356# From:	Joerg Jenderek
1357# URL:	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CorelDRAW
1358# NOTE:	version; til 2 WL-based; from 3 til 13 by ./riff; from 14 zip based
1359>>50	string	x-vnd.corel.	 Corel
1360>>>62	string	draw.document+zip	Draw drawing, version 14-16
1361!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.draw.document+zip
1362!:ext	cdr
1363>>>62	string	draw.template+zip	Draw template, version 14-16
1364!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.draw.template+zip
1365!:ext	cdrt
1366>>>62	string	zcf.draw.document+zip	Draw drawing, version 17-22
1367!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.zcf.draw.document+zip
1368!:ext	cdr
1369>>>62	string	zcf.draw.template+zip	Draw template, version 17-22
1370!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.zcf.draw.template+zip
1371!:ext	cdt/cdrt
1372# URL:	http://product.corel.com/help/CorelDRAW/540240626/Main/EN/Doc/CorelDRAW-Other-file-formats.html
1373>>>62	string	zcf.pattern+zip		Draw pattern, version 22
1374!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.zcf.pattern+zip
1375!:ext	pat
1376# URL:		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corel_Designer
1377# Reference:	http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Corel_Designer
1378# Note:		called by TrID "Corel DESIGN graphics"
1379>>>62	string	designer.document+zip		DESIGNER graphics, version 14-16
1380!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.designer.document+zip
1381!:ext	des
1382>>>62	string	zcf.designer.document+zip	DESIGNER graphics, version 17-21
1383!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.zcf.designer.document+zip
1384!:ext	des
1385# URL:	http://product.corel.com/help/CorelDRAW/540223850/Main/EN/Documentation/
1386#	CorelDRAW-Corel-Symbol-Library-CSL.html
1387>>>62	string	symbol.library+zip		Symbol Library, version 6-16.3
1388!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.symbol.library+zip
1389!:ext	csl
1390>>>62	string	zcf.symbol.library+zip		Symbol Library, version 17-22
1391!:mime	application/x-vnd.corel.zcf.symbol.library+zip
1392!:ext	csl
1394#  Catch other ZIP-with-mimetype formats
1395#	In a ZIP file, the bytes immediately after a member's contents are
1396#	always "PK". The 2 regex rules here print the "mimetype" member's
1397#	contents up to the first 'P'. Luckily, most MIME types don't contain
1398#	any capital 'P's. This is a kludge.
1399#    (mimetype contains "application/<OTHER>")
1400>>50		default	x			Zip data
1401>>>38		regex	[!-OQ-~]+		(MIME type "%s"?)
1402!:mime	application/zip
1403#    (mimetype contents other than "application/*")
1404>26		string	\x8\0\0\0mimetype
1405>>38		string	!application/
1406>>>38		regex	[!-OQ-~]+		Zip data (MIME type "%s"?)
1407!:mime	application/zip
1409# Java Jar files
1410>(26.s+30)	leshort	0xcafe		Java archive data (JAR)
1411!:mime	application/java-archive
1413# iOS App
1414>(26.s+30)	leshort	!0xcafe
1415>>26		string	!\x8\0\0\0mimetype
1416>>>30		string	Payload/
1417>>>>38		search/64       .app/   iOS App
1418!:mime application/x-ios-app
1420# Dup, see above.
1421#>30	search/100/b application/epub+zip	EPUB document
1422#!:mime application/epub+zip
1424# Generic zip archives (Greg Roelofs, c/o zip-bugs@wkuvx1.wku.edu)
1425#   Next line excludes specialized formats:
1426>(26.s+30)	leshort	!0xcafe
1427>>30	search/100/b !application/epub+zip
1428>>>26    string          !\x8\0\0\0mimetype	Zip archive data
1429!:mime	application/zip
1430>>>>4	beshort		x			\b, at least
1431>>>>4	use		zipversion
1432>>>>4	beshort		x			to extract
1433>>>>8	beshort		x			\b, compression method=
1434>>>>8	use		zipcompression
1435>>>>0x161	string		WINZIP		\b, WinZIP self-extracting
1437# StarView Metafile
1438# From Pierre Ducroquet <pinaraf@pinaraf.info>
14390	string	VCLMTF	StarView MetaFile
1440>6	beshort	x	\b, version %d
1441>8	belong	x	\b, size %d
1443# Zoo archiver
144420	lelong		0xfdc4a7dc	Zoo archive data
1445!:mime	application/x-zoo
1446>4	byte		>48		\b, v%c.
1447>>6	byte		>47		\b%c
1448>>>7	byte		>47		\b%c
1449>32	byte		>0		\b, modify: v%d
1450>>33	byte		x		\b.%d+
1451>42	lelong		0xfdc4a7dc	\b,
1452>>70	byte		>0		extract: v%d
1453>>>71	byte		x		\b.%d+
1455# Shell archives
145610	string		#\ This\ is\ a\ shell\ archive	shell archive text
1457!:mime	application/octet-stream
1460# LBR. NB: May conflict with the questionable
1461#          "binary Computer Graphics Metafile" format.
14630       string  \0\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \0\0    LBR archive data
1465# PMA (CP/M derivative of LHA)
1466# Update: Joerg Jenderek
1467# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LHA_(file_format)
1469#2       string          -pm0-           PMarc archive data [pm0]
14702	string		-pm0-
1471>0	use	lharc-file
1472#2       string          -pm1-           PMarc archive data [pm1]
14732	string		-pm1-
1474>0	use	lharc-file
1475#2       string          -pm2-           PMarc archive data [pm2]
14762	string		-pm2-
1477>0	use	lharc-file
14782       string          -pms-           PMarc SFX archive (CP/M, DOS)
1479#!:mime	application/x-foobar-exec
1480!:ext com
14815       string          -pc1-           PopCom compressed executable (CP/M)
1482#!:mime	application/x-
1483#!:ext com
1485# From Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@laboissiere.net>
1486# The Project Revision Control System (see
1487# http://prcs.sourceforge.net) generates a packaged project
1488# file which is recognized by the following entry:
14890	leshort		0xeb81	PRCS packaged project
1491# Microsoft cabinets
1492# by David Necas (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
1493#0	string	MSCF\0\0\0\0	Microsoft cabinet file data,
1494#>25	byte	x		v%d
1495#>24	byte	x		\b.%d
1496# MPi: All CABs have version 1.3, so this is pointless.
1497# Better magic in debian-additions.
1499# GTKtalog catalogs
1500# by David Necas (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
15014	string	gtktalog\ 	GTKtalog catalog data,
1502>13	string	3		version 3
1503>>14	beshort	0x677a		(gzipped)
1504>>14	beshort	!0x677a		(not gzipped)
1505>13	string	>3		version %s
1508# Parity archive reconstruction file, the 'par' file format now used on Usenet.
15090       string          PAR\0	PARity archive data
1510>48	leshort		=0	- Index file
1511>48	leshort		>0	- file number %d
1513# Felix von Leitner <felix-file@fefe.de>
15140	string	d8:announce	BitTorrent file
1515!:mime	application/x-bittorrent
1516# Durval Menezes, <jmgthbfile at durval dot com>
15170	string	d13:announce-list	BitTorrent file
1518!:mime	application/x-bittorrent
15190	string	d7:comment	BitTorrent file
1520!:mime	application/x-bittorrent
15210	string	d4:info		BitTorrent file
1522!:mime	application/x-bittorrent
1524# Atari MSA archive - Teemu Hukkanen <tjhukkan@iki.fi>
15250	beshort 0x0e0f		Atari MSA archive data
1526>2	beshort x		\b, %d sectors per track
1527>4	beshort 0		\b, 1 sided
1528>4	beshort 1		\b, 2 sided
1529>6	beshort x		\b, starting track: %d
1530>8	beshort x		\b, ending track: %d
1532# Alternate ZIP string (amc@arwen.cs.berkeley.edu)
15330	string	PK00PK\003\004	Zip archive data
1534!:mime	application/zip
1535!:ext zip/cbz
1537# ACE archive (from http://www.wotsit.org/download.asp?f=ace)
1538# by Stefan `Sec` Zehl <sec@42.org>
15397	string		**ACE**		ACE archive data
1540>15	byte	>0		version %d
1541>16	byte	=0x00		\b, from MS-DOS
1542>16	byte	=0x01		\b, from OS/2
1543>16	byte	=0x02		\b, from Win/32
1544>16	byte	=0x03		\b, from Unix
1545>16	byte	=0x04		\b, from MacOS
1546>16	byte	=0x05		\b, from WinNT
1547>16	byte	=0x06		\b, from Primos
1548>16	byte	=0x07		\b, from AppleGS
1549>16	byte	=0x08		\b, from Atari
1550>16	byte	=0x09		\b, from Vax/VMS
1551>16	byte	=0x0A		\b, from Amiga
1552>16	byte	=0x0B		\b, from Next
1553>14	byte	x		\b, version %d to extract
1554>5	leshort &0x0080		\b, multiple volumes,
1555>>17	byte	x		\b (part %d),
1556>5	leshort &0x0002		\b, contains comment
1557>5	leshort	&0x0200		\b, sfx
1558>5	leshort	&0x0400		\b, small dictionary
1559>5	leshort	&0x0800		\b, multi-volume
1560>5	leshort	&0x1000		\b, contains AV-String
1561>>30	string	\x16*UNREGISTERED\x20VERSION*	(unregistered)
1562>5	leshort &0x2000		\b, with recovery record
1563>5	leshort &0x4000		\b, locked
1564>5	leshort &0x8000		\b, solid
1565# Date in MS-DOS format (whatever that is)
1566#>18	lelong	x		Created on
1568# sfArk : compression program for Soundfonts (sf2) by Dirk Jagdmann
1569# <doj@cubic.org>
15700x1A	string	sfArk		sfArk compressed Soundfont
1571>0x15	string	2
1572>>0x1	string	>\0		Version %s
1573>>0x2A	string	>\0		: %s
1575# DR-DOS 7.03 Packed File *.??_
1576# Reference: http://www.antonis.de/dos/dos-tuts/mpdostip/html/nwdostip.htm
1577# Note:	unpacked by PNUNPACK.EXE
15780	string	Packed\ File\
1579# by looking for Control-Z skip ASCII text starting with Packed File
1580>0x18	ubyte	0x1a		Personal NetWare Packed File
1581!:mime	application/x-novell-compress
1582!:ext	??_
1583>>12	string	x		\b, was "%.12s"
1584# 1 or 2
1585#>>0x19	ubyte	x		\b, at 0x19 %u
1586>>0x1b	ulelong	x		with %u bytes
1588# EET archive
1589# From: Tilman Sauerbeck <tilman@code-monkey.de>
15900	belong	0x1ee7ff00	EET archive
1591!:mime	application/x-eet
1593# rzip archives
15940	string	RZIP		rzip compressed data
1595>4	byte	x		- version %d
1596>5	byte	x		\b.%d
1597>6	belong	x		(%d bytes)
1599# From:		Joerg Jenderek
1600# URL:		https://help.foxitsoftware.com/kb/install-fzip-file.php
1601# reference:	http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/
1602#		defs/f/fzip.trid.xml
1603# Note: unknown compression; No "PK" zip magic; normally in directory like
1604#	"%APPDATA%\Foxit Software\Addon\Foxit Reader\Install"
16050	ubequad	0x2506781901010000	Foxit add-on/update
1606!:mime	application/x-fzip
1607!:ext	fzip
1609# From: "Robert Dale" <robdale@gmail.com>
16100	belong	123		dar archive,
1611>4	belong	x		label "%.8x
1612>>8	belong	x		%.8x
1613>>>12	beshort	x		%.4x"
1614>14	byte	0x54		end slice
1615>14	beshort	0x4e4e		multi-part
1616>14	beshort	0x4e53		multi-part, with -S
1618# Symbian installation files
1619#  https://www.thouky.co.uk/software/psifs/sis.html
1620#  http://developer.symbian.com/main/downloads/papers/SymbianOSv91/softwareinstallsis.pdf
16218	lelong	0x10000419	Symbian installation file
1622!:mime	application/vnd.symbian.install
1623>4	lelong	0x1000006D	(EPOC release 3/4/5)
1624>4	lelong	0x10003A12	(EPOC release 6)
16250	lelong	0x10201A7A	Symbian installation file (Symbian OS 9.x)
1626!:mime	x-epoc/x-sisx-app
1628# From "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv@gmail.com>
16290	string	MPQ\032		MoPaQ (MPQ) archive
1631# From: "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv@gmail.com>
1632# .kgb
16330	string KGB_arch		KGB Archiver file
1634>10	string x		with compression level %.1s
1636# xar (eXtensible ARchiver) archive
1637# URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xar_(archiver)
1638# xar archive format: https://code.google.com/p/xar/
1639# From: "David Remahl" <dremahl@apple.com>
1640# Update: Joerg Jenderek
1641# TODO: lzma compression; X509Data for pkg and xip
1642# Note: verified by `xar --dump-header -f FullBundleUpdate.xar` or
1643# 7z t -txar Xcode_10.2_beta_4.xip`
16440	string	xar!		xar archive
1645!:mime	application/x-xar
1646# pkg for Mac OSX installer package like FullBundleUpdate.pkg
1647# xip for signed Apple software like Xcode_10.2_beta_4.xip
1648!:ext	xar/pkg/xip
1649# always 28 in older archives
1650>4	ubeshort >28		\b, header size %u
1651# currently there exit only version 1 since about 2014
1652>6	ubeshort >1		version %u,
1653>8	ubequad	x		compressed TOC: %llu,
1654#>16	ubequad	x		uncompressed TOC: %llu,
1655# cksum_alg 0-2 in older and also 3-4 in newer
1656>24	belong	0		no checksum
1657>24	belong	1		SHA-1 checksum
1658>24	belong	2		MD5 checksum
1659>24	belong	3		SHA-256 checksum
1660>24	belong	4		SHA-512 checksum
1661>24	belong	>4		unknown %#x checksum
1662#>24	belong	>4		checksum
1663#			For no compression jump 0 bytes
1664>24	belong	0
1665>>0		ubyte	x
1666# jump more bytes forward by header size
1667>>>&(4.S)	ubyte	x
1668# jump more bytes forward by compressed table of contents size
1669#>>>>&(8.Q)	ubequad	x	\b, heap data %#llx
1670>>>>&(8.Q)	ubyte	x
1671# look for data by ./compress after message with 1 space at end
1672>>>>>&-3	indirect x	\b, contains
1673#			For SHA-1 jump 20 minus 2 bytes
1674>24	belong	1
1675>>18		ubyte	x
1676# jump more bytes forward by header size
1677>>>&(4.S)	ubyte	x
1678# jump more bytes forward by compressed table of contents size
1679>>>>&(8.Q)	ubyte	x
1680# data compressed by gzip, bzip, lzma or none
1681>>>>>&-1	indirect x	\b, contains
1682#			For SHA-256 jump 32 minus 2 bytes
1683>24	belong	3
1684>>30		ubyte	x
1685# jump more bytes forward by header size
1686>>>&(4.S)	ubyte	x
1687# jump more bytes forward by compressed table of contents size
1688>>>>&(8.Q)	ubyte	x
1689>>>>>&-1	indirect x	\b, contains
1690#			For SHA-512 jump 64 minus 2 bytes
1691>24	belong	4
1692>>62		ubyte	x
1693# jump more bytes forward by header size
1694>>>&(4.S)	ubyte	x
1695# jump more bytes forward by compressed table of contents size
1696>>>>&(8.Q)	ubyte	x
1697>>>>>&-1	indirect x	\b, contains
1699# Type: Parity Archive
1700# From: Daniel van Eeden <daniel_e@dds.nl>
17010	string	PAR2		Parity Archive Volume Set
1703# Bacula volume format. (Volumes always start with a block header.)
1704# URL: https://bacula.org/3.0.x-manuals/en/developers/developers/Block_Header.html
1705# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
170612	string	BB02		Bacula volume
1707>20	bedate	x		\b, started %s
1709# ePub is XHTML + XML inside a ZIP archive.  The first member of the
1710#   archive must be an uncompressed file called 'mimetype' with contents
1711#   'application/epub+zip'
1714# From: "Michael Gorny" <mgorny@gentoo.org>
1715# ZPAQ: http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html
17160	string	zPQ	ZPAQ stream
1717>3	byte	x	\b, level %d
1718# From: Barry Carter <carter.barry@gmail.com>
1719# https://encode.ru/threads/456-zpaq-updates/page32
17200	string	7kSt	ZPAQ file
1722# BBeB ebook, unencrypted (LRF format)
1723# URL: https://www.sven.de/librie/Librie/LrfFormat
1724# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com>
17250	string	L\0R\0F\0\0\0	BBeB ebook data, unencrypted
1726>8	beshort	x		\b, version %d
1727>36	byte	1		\b, front-to-back
1728>36	byte	16		\b, back-to-front
1729>42	beshort	x		\b, (%dx,
1730>44	beshort	x		%d)
1732# Symantec GHOST image by Joerg Jenderek at May 2014
1733# https://us.norton.com/ghost/
1734# https://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html
17350		ubelong&0xFFFFf7f0	0xFEEF0100	Norton GHost image
1736# *.GHO
1737>2		ubyte&0x08		0x00		\b, first file
1738# *.GHS or *.[0-9] with cns program option
1739>2		ubyte&0x08		0x08		\b, split file
1740# part of split index interesting for *.ghs
1741>>4		ubyte			x		id=%#x
1742# compression tag minus one equals numeric compression command line switch z[1-9]
1743>3		ubyte			0		\b, no compression
1744>3		ubyte			2		\b, fast compression (Z1)
1745>3		ubyte			3		\b, medium compression (Z2)
1746>3		ubyte			>3
1747>>3		ubyte			<11		\b, compression (Z%d-1)
1748>2		ubyte&0x08		0x00
1749# ~ 30 byte password field only for *.gho
1750>>12		ubequad			!0		\b, password protected
1751>>44		ubyte			!1
1752# 1~Image All, sector-by-sector only for *.gho
1753>>>10		ubyte			1		\b, sector copy
1754# 1~Image Boot track only for *.gho
1755>>>43		ubyte			1		\b, boot track
1756# 1~Image Disc only for *.gho implies Image Boot track and sector copy
1757>>44		ubyte			1		\b, disc sector copy
1758# optional image description only *.gho
1759>>0xff		string			>\0		"%-.254s"
1760# look for DOS sector end sequence
1761>0xE08	search/7776		\x55\xAA
1762>>&-512	indirect		x		\b; contains
1764# Google Chrome extensions
1765# https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/crx
1766# https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/hosting
17670	string	Cr24	Google Chrome extension
1768!:mime	application/x-chrome-extension
1769>4	ulong	x	\b, version %u
1771# SeqBox - Sequenced container
1772# ext: sbx, seqbox
1773# Marco Pontello marcopon@gmail.com
1774# reference: https://github.com/MarcoPon/SeqBox
17750	string	SBx	SeqBox,
1776>3	byte	x	version %d
1778# LyNX archive
177956	string	USE\040LYNX\040TO\040DISSOLVE\040THIS\040FILE	 LyNX archive
1781# From: Joerg Jenderek
1782# URL: https://www.acronis.com/
1783# Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TIB_(file_format)
1784# Note: only tested with True Image 2013 Build 5962 and 2019 Build 14110
17850	ubequad		0xce24b9a220000000	Acronis True Image backup
1786!:mime	application/x-acronis-tib
1787!:ext	tib
1788# 01000000
1789#>20	ubelong		x			\b, at 20 %#x
1790# 20000000
1791#>28	ubelong		x			\b, at 28 %#x
1792# strings like "Generic- SD/MMC 1.00" "Unknown Disk" "Msft Virtual Disk 1.0"
1793# ???
1794# strings like "\Device\0000011e" "\Device\0000015a"
1795#>0	search/0x6852300/cs	\\Device\\
1796#>>&-1	pstring		x			\b, %s
1797# "\Device\HarddiskVolume30" "\Device\HarddiskVolume39"
1798#>>>&1	search/180/cs	\\Device\\
1799#>>>>&-1	pstring		x			\b, %s
1800#>>>>>&0	search/29/cs	\0\0\xc8\0
1801# disk label
1802#>>>>>>&10	lestring16	x		\b, disk label %11.11s
1803#>>>>>>&9	plestring16	x		\b, disk label "%11.11s"
1804#>>>>>>&10	ubequad	x			%16.16llx
1807# Gentoo XPAK binary package
1808# by Michal Gorny <mgorny@gentoo.org>
1809# https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/portage.git/tree/man/xpak.5
1810-4	string	STOP
1811>-16	string	XPAKSTOP	Gentoo binary package (XPAK)
1813# From:		Joerg Jenderek
1814# URL:		https://kodi.wiki/view/TexturePacker
1815# Reference:	https://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/source/17.3-Krypton.tar.gz
1816# /xbmc-Krypton/xbmc/guilib/XBTF.h
1817# /xbmc-Krypton/xbmc/guilib/XBTF.cpp
18180	string	XBTF
1819# skip ASCII text by looking for terminating \0 of path
1820>264	ubyte	0		XBMC texture package
1821!:mime	application/x-xbmc-xbt
1822!:ext	xbt
1824>>4	string	!2		\b, version %-.1s
1825# nofFiles /xbmc-Krypton/xbmc/guilib/XBTFReader.cpp
1826>>5	ulelong	x		\b, %u file
1827# plural s
1828>>5	ulelong	>1		\bs
1829# path[CXBTFFile[MaximumPathLength=256]
1830>>9	string	x		\b, 1st %s
1832# ALZIP archive
1833# by Hyungjun Park <hyungjun.park@worksmobile.com>, Hajin Jang <hajin_jang@worksmobile.com>
1834# http://kippler.com/win/unalz/
1835# https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-korean-team/unalz
18360	string	ALZ\001		ALZ archive data
1837!:ext   alz
1839# https://cf-aldn.altools.co.kr/setup/EGG_Specification.zip
18400	string	EGGA		EGG archive data,
1841!:ext   egg
1842>5	byte	x		version %u
1843>4	byte	x		\b.%u
1844>>0x0E	ulelong	=0x08E28222
1845>>0x0E	ulelong	=0x24F5A262	\b, split
1846>>0x0E	ulelong	=0x24E5A060	\b, solid
1847>>0x0E	default	x		\b, unknown
1849# PAQ9A archive
1850# URL: http://mattmahoney.net/dc/#paq9a
1851# Note: Line 1186 of paq9a.cpp gives the magic bytes
18520	string	pQ9\001		PAQ9A archive