1 2#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3# $File: animation,v 1.74 2019/10/29 01:06:20 christos Exp $ 4# animation: file(1) magic for animation/movie formats 5# 6# animation formats 7# MPEG, FLI, DL originally from vax@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (VaX#n8) 8# FLC, SGI, Apple originally from Daniel Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com) 9 10# SGI and Apple formats 110 string MOVI Silicon Graphics movie file 12!:mime video/x-sgi-movie 134 string moov Apple QuickTime 14!:mime video/quicktime 15>12 string mvhd \b movie (fast start) 16>12 string mdra \b URL 17>12 string cmov \b movie (fast start, compressed header) 18>12 string rmra \b multiple URLs 194 string mdat Apple QuickTime movie (unoptimized) 20!:mime video/quicktime 21#4 string wide Apple QuickTime movie (unoptimized) 22#!:mime video/quicktime 23#4 string skip Apple QuickTime movie (modified) 24#!:mime video/quicktime 25#4 string free Apple QuickTime movie (modified) 26#!:mime video/quicktime 274 string idsc Apple QuickTime image (fast start) 28!:mime image/x-quicktime 29#4 string idat Apple QuickTime image (unoptimized) 30#!:mime image/x-quicktime 314 string pckg Apple QuickTime compressed archive 32!:mime application/x-quicktime-player 334 string/W jP JPEG 2000 image 34!:mime image/jp2 35# https://www.ftyps.com/ with local additions 364 string ftyp ISO Media 37# https://aeroquartet.com/wordpress/2016/03/05/3-xavc-s/ 38>8 string XAVC \b, MPEG v4 system, Sony XAVC Codec 39>>96 string x \b, Audio "%.4s" 40>>118 beshort x at %dHz 41>>140 string x \b, Video "%.4s" 42>>168 beshort x %d 43>>170 beshort x \bx%d 44>8 string 3g2 \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP2 45!:mime video/3gpp2 46>>11 byte 4 \b v4 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10) 47>>11 byte 5 \b v5 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10) 48>>11 byte 6 \b v6 (ITU H.264/AMR GSM 6.10) 49# https://www.3gpp2.org/Public_html/Specs/C.S0050-B_v1.0_070521.pdf 50# Section 8.1.1, corresponds to a, b, c 51>>11 byte 0x61 \b C.S0050-0 V1.0 52>>11 byte 0x62 \b C.S0050-0-A V1.0.0 53>>11 byte 0x63 \b C.S0050-0-B V1.0 54>8 string 3ge \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP 55!:mime video/3gpp 56>>11 byte 6 \b, Release 6 MBMS Extended Presentations 57>>11 byte 7 \b, Release 7 MBMS Extended Presentations 58>8 string 3gg \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP 59!:mime video/3gpp 60>>11 byte 6 \b, Release 6 General Profile 61>8 string 3gp \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP 62!:mime video/3gpp 63>>11 byte 1 \b, Release %d (non existent) 64>>11 byte 2 \b, Release %d (non existent) 65>>11 byte 3 \b, Release %d (non existent) 66>>11 byte 4 \b, Release %d 67>>11 byte 5 \b, Release %d 68>>11 byte 6 \b, Release %d 69>>11 byte 7 \b, Release %d Streaming Servers 70>8 string 3gs \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP 71!:mime video/3gpp 72>>11 byte 7 \b, Release %d Streaming Servers 73>8 string avc1 \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP JVT AVC [ISO 14496-12:2005] 74!:mime video/mp4 75>8 string/W qt \b, Apple QuickTime movie 76!:mime video/quicktime 77>8 string CAEP \b, Canon Digital Camera 78>8 string caqv \b, Casio Digital Camera 79>8 string CDes \b, Convergent Design 80>8 string da0a \b, DMB MAF w/ MPEG Layer II aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG 81>8 string da0b \b, DMB MAF, ext DA0A, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 82>8 string da1a \b, DMB MAF audio with ER-BSAC audio, JPG/PNG/MNG images 83>8 string da1b \b, DMB MAF, ext da1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 84>8 string da2a \b, DMB MAF aud w/ HE-AAC v2 aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG 85>8 string da2b \b, DMB MAF, ext da2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 86>8 string da3a \b, DMB MAF aud with HE-AAC aud, JPG/PNG/MNG images 87>8 string da3b \b, DMB MAF, ext da3a w/ BIFS, 3GPP, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 88>8 string dash \b, MPEG v4 system, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP 89!:mime video/mp4 90>8 string dmb1 \b, DMB MAF supporting all the components defined in the spec 91>8 string dmpf \b, Digital Media Project 92>8 string drc1 \b, Dirac (wavelet compression), encap in ISO base media (MP4) 93>8 string dv1a \b, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, ER-BSAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS 94>8 string dv1b \b, DMB MAF, ext dv1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 95>8 string dv2a \b, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC v2 aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS 96>8 string dv2b \b, DMB MAF, ext dv2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 97>8 string dv3a \b, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS 98>8 string dv3b \b, DMB MAF, ext dv3a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP 99>8 string dvr1 \b, DVB (.DVB) over RTP 100!:mime video/vnd.dvb.file 101>8 string dvt1 \b, DVB (.DVB) over MPEG-2 Transport Stream 102!:mime video/vnd.dvb.file 103>8 string F4V \b, Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4V) 104!:mime video/mp4 105>8 string F4P \b, Protected Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4P) 106!:mime video/mp4 107>8 string F4A \b, Audio for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4A) 108!:mime audio/mp4 109>8 string F4B \b, Audio Book for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4B) 110!:mime audio/mp4 111>8 string isc2 \b, ISMACryp 2.0 Encrypted File 112# ?/enc-isoff-generic 113>8 string iso2 \b, MP4 Base Media v2 [ISO 14496-12:2005] 114!:mime video/mp4 115>8 string isom \b, MP4 Base Media v1 [IS0 14496-12:2003] 116!:mime video/mp4 117>8 string/W jp2 \b, JPEG 2000 118!:mime image/jp2 119>8 string JP2 \b, JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2) [ISO 15444-1 ?] 120!:mime image/jp2 121>8 string JP20 \b, Unknown, from GPAC samples (prob non-existent) 122>8 string jpm \b, JPEG 2000 Compound Image (.JPM) [ISO 15444-6] 123!:mime image/jpm 124>8 string jpx \b, JPEG 2000 w/ extensions (.JPX) [ISO 15444-2] 125!:mime image/jpx 126>8 string KDDI \b, 3GPP2 EZmovie for KDDI 3G cellphones 127!:mime video/3gpp2 128>8 string M4A \b, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4A) Audio 129!:mime audio/x-m4a 130>8 string M4B \b, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4B) Audio Book 131!:mime audio/mp4 132>8 string M4P \b, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4P) AES Protected Audio 133!:mime video/mp4 134>8 string M4V \b, Apple iTunes Video (.M4V) Video 135!:mime video/x-m4v 136>8 string M4VH \b, Apple TV (.M4V) 137!:mime video/x-m4v 138>8 string M4VP \b, Apple iPhone (.M4V) 139!:mime video/x-m4v 140>8 string mj2s \b, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] Simple Profile 141!:mime video/mj2 142>8 string mjp2 \b, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] General Profile 143!:mime video/mj2 144>8 string mmp4 \b, MPEG-4/3GPP Mobile Profile (.MP4 / .3GP) (for NTT) 145!:mime video/mp4 146>8 string mobi \b, MPEG-4, MOBI format 147!:mime video/mp4 148>8 string mp21 \b, MPEG-21 [ISO/IEC 21000-9] 149>8 string mp41 \b, MP4 v1 [ISO 14496-1:ch13] 150!:mime video/mp4 151>8 string mp42 \b, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14] 152!:mime video/mp4 153>8 string mp71 \b, MP4 w/ MPEG-7 Metadata [per ISO 14496-12] 154>8 string mp7t \b, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 XML 155>8 string mp7b \b, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 binary XML 156>8 string mmp4 \b, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP Mobile 157!:mime video/mp4 158>8 string MPPI \b, Photo Player, MAF [ISO/IEC 23000-3] 159>8 string mqt \b, Sony / Mobile QuickTime (.MQV) US Pat 7,477,830 160!:mime video/quicktime 161>8 string MSNV \b, MPEG-4 (.MP4) for SonyPSP 162!:mime audio/mp4 163>8 string NDAS \b, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14] Nero Digital AAC Audio 164!:mime audio/mp4 165>8 string NDSC \b, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profile 166!:mime video/mp4 167>8 string NDSH \b, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profile 168!:mime video/mp4 169>8 string NDSM \b, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profile 170!:mime video/mp4 171>8 string NDSP \b, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Portable Profile 172!:mime video/mp4 173>8 string NDSS \b, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Standard Profile 174!:mime video/mp4 175>8 string NDXC \b, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profile 176!:mime video/mp4 177>8 string NDXH \b, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profile 178!:mime video/mp4 179>8 string NDXM \b, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profile 180!:mime video/mp4 181>8 string NDXP \b, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Portable Profile 182!:mime video/mp4 183>8 string NDXS \b, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Standard Profile 184!:mime video/mp4 185>8 string odcf \b, OMA DCF DRM Format 2.0 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_0-20060303-A) 186>8 string opf2 \b, OMA PDCF DRM Format 2.1 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_1-20070724-C) 187>8 string opx2 \b, OMA PDCF DRM + XBS ext (OMA-TS-DRM_XBS-V1_0-20070529-C) 188>8 string pana \b, Panasonic Digital Camera 189>8 string qt \b, Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT) 190!:mime video/quicktime 191# HEIF image format 192# see https://nokiatech.github.io/heif/technical.html 193>8 string mif1 \b, HEIF Image 194!:mime image/heif 195>8 string msf1 \b, HEIF Image Sequence 196!:mime image/heif-sequence 197>8 string heic \b, HEIF Image HEVC Main or Main Still Picture Profile 198!:mime image/heic 199>8 string heix \b, HEIF Image HEVC Main 10 Profile 200!:mime image/heic 201>8 string hevc \b, HEIF Image Sequenz HEVC Main or Main Still Picture Profile 202!:mime image/heic-sequence 203>8 string hevx \b, HEIF Image Sequence HEVC Main 10 Profile 204!:mime image/heic-sequence 205# following HEIF brands are not mentioned in the heif technical info currently (Oct 2017) 206# but used in the reference implementation: 207# https://github.com/nokiatech/heif/blob/d5e9a21c8ba8df712bdf643021dd9f6518134776/Srcs/reader/hevcimagefilereader.cpp 208>8 string heim \b, HEIF Image L-HEVC 209!:mime image/heif 210>8 string heis \b, HEIF Image L-HEVC 211!:mime image/heif 212>8 string avic \b, HEIF Image AVC 213!:mime image/heif 214>8 string hevm \b, HEIF Image Sequence L-HEVC 215!:mime image/heif-sequence 216>8 string hevs \b, HEIF Image Sequence L-HEVC 217!:mime image/heif-sequence 218>8 string avcs \b, HEIF Image Sequence AVC 219!:mime image/heif-sequence 220 221>8 string ROSS \b, Ross Video 222>8 string sdv \b, SD Memory Card Video 223>8 string ssc1 \b, Samsung stereo, single stream (patent pending) 224>8 string ssc2 \b, Samsung stereo, dual stream (patent pending) 225 226# MPEG sequences 227# Scans for all common MPEG header start codes 2280 belong 0x00000001 229>4 byte&0x1F 0x07 JVT NAL sequence, H.264 video 230>>5 byte 66 \b, baseline 231>>5 byte 77 \b, main 232>>5 byte 88 \b, extended 233>>7 byte x \b @ L %u 2340 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x00000100 235>3 byte 0xBA MPEG sequence 236!:mime video/mpeg 237>>4 byte &0x40 \b, v2, program multiplex 238>>4 byte ^0x40 \b, v1, system multiplex 239>3 byte 0xBB MPEG sequence, v1/2, multiplex (missing pack header) 240>3 byte&0x1F 0x07 MPEG sequence, H.264 video 241>>4 byte 66 \b, baseline 242>>4 byte 77 \b, main 243>>4 byte 88 \b, extended 244>>6 byte x \b @ L %u 245# GRR too general as it catches also FoxPro Memo example NG.FPT 246>3 byte 0xB0 MPEG sequence, v4 247# TODO: maybe this extra line exclude FoxPro Memo example NG.FPT starting with 000001b0 00000100 00000000 248#>>4 byte !0 MPEG sequence, v4 249!:mime video/mpeg4-generic 250>>5 belong 0x000001B5 251>>>9 byte &0x80 252>>>>10 byte&0xF0 16 \b, video 253>>>>10 byte&0xF0 32 \b, still texture 254>>>>10 byte&0xF0 48 \b, mesh 255>>>>10 byte&0xF0 64 \b, face 256>>>9 byte&0xF8 8 \b, video 257>>>9 byte&0xF8 16 \b, still texture 258>>>9 byte&0xF8 24 \b, mesh 259>>>9 byte&0xF8 32 \b, face 260>>4 byte 1 \b, simple @ L1 261>>4 byte 2 \b, simple @ L2 262>>4 byte 3 \b, simple @ L3 263>>4 byte 4 \b, simple @ L0 264>>4 byte 17 \b, simple scalable @ L1 265>>4 byte 18 \b, simple scalable @ L2 266>>4 byte 33 \b, core @ L1 267>>4 byte 34 \b, core @ L2 268>>4 byte 50 \b, main @ L2 269>>4 byte 51 \b, main @ L3 270>>4 byte 53 \b, main @ L4 271>>4 byte 66 \b, n-bit @ L2 272>>4 byte 81 \b, scalable texture @ L1 273>>4 byte 97 \b, simple face animation @ L1 274>>4 byte 98 \b, simple face animation @ L2 275>>4 byte 99 \b, simple face basic animation @ L1 276>>4 byte 100 \b, simple face basic animation @ L2 277>>4 byte 113 \b, basic animation text @ L1 278>>4 byte 114 \b, basic animation text @ L2 279>>4 byte 129 \b, hybrid @ L1 280>>4 byte 130 \b, hybrid @ L2 281>>4 byte 145 \b, advanced RT simple @ L! 282>>4 byte 146 \b, advanced RT simple @ L2 283>>4 byte 147 \b, advanced RT simple @ L3 284>>4 byte 148 \b, advanced RT simple @ L4 285>>4 byte 161 \b, core scalable @ L1 286>>4 byte 162 \b, core scalable @ L2 287>>4 byte 163 \b, core scalable @ L3 288>>4 byte 177 \b, advanced coding efficiency @ L1 289>>4 byte 178 \b, advanced coding efficiency @ L2 290>>4 byte 179 \b, advanced coding efficiency @ L3 291>>4 byte 180 \b, advanced coding efficiency @ L4 292>>4 byte 193 \b, advanced core @ L1 293>>4 byte 194 \b, advanced core @ L2 294>>4 byte 209 \b, advanced scalable texture @ L1 295>>4 byte 210 \b, advanced scalable texture @ L2 296>>4 byte 211 \b, advanced scalable texture @ L3 297>>4 byte 225 \b, simple studio @ L1 298>>4 byte 226 \b, simple studio @ L2 299>>4 byte 227 \b, simple studio @ L3 300>>4 byte 228 \b, simple studio @ L4 301>>4 byte 229 \b, core studio @ L1 302>>4 byte 230 \b, core studio @ L2 303>>4 byte 231 \b, core studio @ L3 304>>4 byte 232 \b, core studio @ L4 305>>4 byte 240 \b, advanced simple @ L0 306>>4 byte 241 \b, advanced simple @ L1 307>>4 byte 242 \b, advanced simple @ L2 308>>4 byte 243 \b, advanced simple @ L3 309>>4 byte 244 \b, advanced simple @ L4 310>>4 byte 245 \b, advanced simple @ L5 311>>4 byte 247 \b, advanced simple @ L3b 312>>4 byte 248 \b, FGS @ L0 313>>4 byte 249 \b, FGS @ L1 314>>4 byte 250 \b, FGS @ L2 315>>4 byte 251 \b, FGS @ L3 316>>4 byte 252 \b, FGS @ L4 317>>4 byte 253 \b, FGS @ L5 318>3 byte 0xB5 MPEG sequence, v4 319!:mime video/mpeg4-generic 320>>4 byte &0x80 321>>>5 byte&0xF0 16 \b, video (missing profile header) 322>>>5 byte&0xF0 32 \b, still texture (missing profile header) 323>>>5 byte&0xF0 48 \b, mesh (missing profile header) 324>>>5 byte&0xF0 64 \b, face (missing profile header) 325>>4 byte&0xF8 8 \b, video (missing profile header) 326>>4 byte&0xF8 16 \b, still texture (missing profile header) 327>>4 byte&0xF8 24 \b, mesh (missing profile header) 328>>4 byte&0xF8 32 \b, face (missing profile header) 329>3 byte 0xB3 MPEG sequence 330!:mime video/mpeg 331>>12 belong 0x000001B8 \b, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 332>>12 belong 0x000001B2 \b, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 333>>12 belong 0x000001B5 \b, v2, 334>>>16 byte&0x0F 1 \b HP 335>>>16 byte&0x0F 2 \b Spt 336>>>16 byte&0x0F 3 \b SNR 337>>>16 byte&0x0F 4 \b MP 338>>>16 byte&0x0F 5 \b SP 339>>>17 byte&0xF0 64 \b@HL 340>>>17 byte&0xF0 96 \b@H-14 341>>>17 byte&0xF0 128 \b@ML 342>>>17 byte&0xF0 160 \b@LL 343>>>17 byte &0x08 \b progressive 344>>>17 byte ^0x08 \b interlaced 345>>>17 byte&0x06 2 \b Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 346>>>17 byte&0x06 4 \b Y'CbCr 4:2:2 video 347>>>17 byte&0x06 6 \b Y'CbCr 4:4:4 video 348>>11 byte &0x02 349>>>75 byte &0x01 350>>>>140 belong 0x000001B8 \b, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 351>>>>140 belong 0x000001B2 \b, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 352>>>>140 belong 0x000001B5 \b, v2, 353>>>>>144 byte&0x0F 1 \b HP 354>>>>>144 byte&0x0F 2 \b Spt 355>>>>>144 byte&0x0F 3 \b SNR 356>>>>>144 byte&0x0F 4 \b MP 357>>>>>144 byte&0x0F 5 \b SP 358>>>>>145 byte&0xF0 64 \b@HL 359>>>>>145 byte&0xF0 96 \b@H-14 360>>>>>145 byte&0xF0 128 \b@ML 361>>>>>145 byte&0xF0 160 \b@LL 362>>>>>145 byte &0x08 \b progressive 363>>>>>145 byte ^0x08 \b interlaced 364>>>>>145 byte&0x06 2 \b Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 365>>>>>145 byte&0x06 4 \b Y'CbCr 4:2:2 video 366>>>>>145 byte&0x06 6 \b Y'CbCr 4:4:4 video 367>>76 belong 0x000001B8 \b, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 368>>76 belong 0x000001B2 \b, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 369>>76 belong 0x000001B5 \b, v2, 370>>>80 byte&0x0F 1 \b HP 371>>>80 byte&0x0F 2 \b Spt 372>>>80 byte&0x0F 3 \b SNR 373>>>80 byte&0x0F 4 \b MP 374>>>80 byte&0x0F 5 \b SP 375>>>81 byte&0xF0 64 \b@HL 376>>>81 byte&0xF0 96 \b@H-14 377>>>81 byte&0xF0 128 \b@ML 378>>>81 byte&0xF0 160 \b@LL 379>>>81 byte &0x08 \b progressive 380>>>81 byte ^0x08 \b interlaced 381>>>81 byte&0x06 2 \b Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video 382>>>81 byte&0x06 4 \b Y'CbCr 4:2:2 video 383>>>81 byte&0x06 6 \b Y'CbCr 4:4:4 video 384>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x78043800 \b, HD-TV 1920P 385>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 16:9 386>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x50002D00 \b, SD-TV 1280I 387>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 16:9 388>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x30024000 \b, PAL Capture 389>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 4:3 390>>4 beshort&0xFFF0 0x2C00 \b, 4CIF 391>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x01E0 \b NTSC 392>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x0240 \b PAL 393>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 4:3 394>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 16:9 395>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 11:5 396>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, PAL 4:3 397>>>7 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, NTSC 4:3 398>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x2801E000 \b, LD-TV 640P 399>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 4:3 400>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x1400F000 \b, 320x240 401>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 4:3 402>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x0F00A000 \b, 240x160 403>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 4:3 404>>4 belong&0xFFFFFF00 0x0A007800 \b, 160x120 405>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 4:3 406>>4 beshort&0xFFF0 0x1600 \b, CIF 407>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x00F0 \b NTSC 408>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x0120 \b PAL 409>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 4:3 410>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 16:9 411>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 11:5 412>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, PAL 4:3 413>>>7 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, NTSC 4:3 414>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x0240 \b PAL 625 415>>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 4:3 416>>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 16:9 417>>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 11:5 418>>4 beshort&0xFFF0 0x2D00 \b, CCIR/ITU 419>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x01E0 \b NTSC 525 420>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x0240 \b PAL 625 421>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 4:3 422>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 16:9 423>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 11:5 424>>4 beshort&0xFFF0 0x1E00 \b, SVCD 425>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x01E0 \b NTSC 525 426>>>5 beshort&0x0FFF 0x0240 \b PAL 625 427>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 4:3 428>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 16:9 429>>>7 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 11:5 430>>7 byte&0x0F 1 \b, 23.976 fps 431>>7 byte&0x0F 2 \b, 24 fps 432>>7 byte&0x0F 3 \b, 25 fps 433>>7 byte&0x0F 4 \b, 29.97 fps 434>>7 byte&0x0F 5 \b, 30 fps 435>>7 byte&0x0F 6 \b, 50 fps 436>>7 byte&0x0F 7 \b, 59.94 fps 437>>7 byte&0x0F 8 \b, 60 fps 438>>11 byte &0x04 \b, Constrained 439 440# MPEG ADTS Audio (*.mpx/mxa/aac) 441# from dreesen@math.fu-berlin.de 442# modified to fully support MPEG ADTS 443 444# MP3, M1A 445# modified by Joerg Jenderek 446# GRR the original test are too common for many DOS files 447# so don't accept as MP3 until we've tested the rate 448# But also beat GEMDOS fonts 4490 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFFA 450# rates 451>2 byte&0xF0 !0 452>>2 byte&0xF0 !0xF0 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1 453!:strength +20 454!:mime audio/mpeg 455>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 32 kbps 456>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 40 kbps 457>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 48 kbps 458>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 56 kbps 459>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 64 kbps 460>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 80 kbps 461>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 96 kbps 462>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 112 kbps 463>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 128 kbps 464>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 160 kbps 465>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 192 kbps 466>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 224 kbps 467>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 256 kbps 468>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 320 kbps 469# timing 470>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 44.1 kHz 471>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 48 kHz 472>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 32 kHz 473# channels/options 474>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 475>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 476>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 477>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 478#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 479#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 480#>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 481#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 482#>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 483#>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 484#>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 485 486# MP2, M1A 4870 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFFC MPEG ADTS, layer II, v1 488!:mime audio/mpeg 489# rates 490>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 32 kbps 491>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 48 kbps 492>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 56 kbps 493>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 64 kbps 494>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 80 kbps 495>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 96 kbps 496>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 112 kbps 497>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 128 kbps 498>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 160 kbps 499>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 192 kbps 500>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 224 kbps 501>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 256 kbps 502>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 320 kbps 503>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 384 kbps 504# timing 505>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 44.1 kHz 506>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 48 kHz 507>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 32 kHz 508# channels/options 509>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 510>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 511>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 512>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 513#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 514#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 515#>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 516#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 517#>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 518#>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 519#>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 520 521# MPA, M1A 522# updated by Joerg Jenderek 523# GRR the original test are too common for many DOS files, so test 32 <= kbits <= 448 524# GRR this test is still too general as it catches a BOM of UTF-16 files (0xFFFE) 525# FIXME: Almost all little endian UTF-16 text with BOM are clobbered by these entries 526#0 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFFE 527#>2 ubyte&0xF0 >0x0F 528#>>2 ubyte&0xF0 <0xE1 MPEG ADTS, layer I, v1 529## rate 530#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 32 kbps 531#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 64 kbps 532#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 96 kbps 533#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 128 kbps 534#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 160 kbps 535#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 192 kbps 536#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 224 kbps 537#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 256 kbps 538#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 288 kbps 539#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 320 kbps 540#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 352 kbps 541#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 384 kbps 542#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 416 kbps 543#>>>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 448 kbps 544## timing 545#>>>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 44.1 kHz 546#>>>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 48 kHz 547#>>>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 32 kHz 548## channels/options 549#>>>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 550#>>>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 551#>>>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 552#>>>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 553##>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 554##>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 555##>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 556##>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 557##>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 558##>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 559##>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 560 561# MP3, M2A 5620 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFF2 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2 563!:mime audio/mpeg 564# rate 565>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 8 kbps 566>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 16 kbps 567>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 24 kbps 568>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 32 kbps 569>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 40 kbps 570>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 48 kbps 571>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 56 kbps 572>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 64 kbps 573>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 80 kbps 574>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 96 kbps 575>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 112 kbps 576>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 128 kbps 577>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 144 kbps 578>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 160 kbps 579# timing 580>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 22.05 kHz 581>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 24 kHz 582>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 16 kHz 583# channels/options 584>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 585>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 586>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 587>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 588#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 589#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 590#>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 591#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 592#>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 593#>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 594#>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 595 596# MP2, M2A 5970 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFF4 MPEG ADTS, layer II, v2 598!:mime audio/mpeg 599# rate 600>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 8 kbps 601>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 16 kbps 602>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 24 kbps 603>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 32 kbps 604>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 40 kbps 605>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 48 kbps 606>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 56 kbps 607>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 64 kbps 608>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 80 kbps 609>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 96 kbps 610>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 112 kbps 611>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 128 kbps 612>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 144 kbps 613>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 160 kbps 614# timing 615>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 22.05 kHz 616>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 24 kHz 617>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 16 kHz 618# channels/options 619>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 620>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 621>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 622>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 623#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 624#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 625#>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 626#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 627#>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 628#>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 629#>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 630 631# MPA, M2A 6320 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFF6 MPEG ADTS, layer I, v2 633!:mime audio/mpeg 634# rate 635>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 32 kbps 636>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 48 kbps 637>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 56 kbps 638>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 64 kbps 639>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 80 kbps 640>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 96 kbps 641>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 112 kbps 642>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 128 kbps 643>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 144 kbps 644>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 160 kbps 645>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 176 kbps 646>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 192 kbps 647>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 224 kbps 648>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 256 kbps 649# timing 650>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 22.05 kHz 651>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 24 kHz 652>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 16 kHz 653# channels/options 654>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 655>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 656>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 657>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 658#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 659#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 660#>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 661#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 662#>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 663#>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 664#>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 665 666# MP3, M25A 6670 beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFE2 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2.5 668!:mime audio/mpeg 669# rate 670>2 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, 8 kbps 671>2 byte&0xF0 0x20 \b, 16 kbps 672>2 byte&0xF0 0x30 \b, 24 kbps 673>2 byte&0xF0 0x40 \b, 32 kbps 674>2 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, 40 kbps 675>2 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, 48 kbps 676>2 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, 56 kbps 677>2 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, 64 kbps 678>2 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, 80 kbps 679>2 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, 96 kbps 680>2 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, 112 kbps 681>2 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, 128 kbps 682>2 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, 144 kbps 683>2 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, 160 kbps 684# timing 685>2 byte&0x0C 0x00 \b, 11.025 kHz 686>2 byte&0x0C 0x04 \b, 12 kHz 687>2 byte&0x0C 0x08 \b, 8 kHz 688# channels/options 689>3 byte&0xC0 0x00 \b, Stereo 690>3 byte&0xC0 0x40 \b, JntStereo 691>3 byte&0xC0 0x80 \b, 2x Monaural 692>3 byte&0xC0 0xC0 \b, Monaural 693#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 694#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Packet Pad 695#>2 byte &0x01 \b, Custom Flag 696#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 697#>3 byte &0x04 \b, Original Source 698#>3 byte&0x03 1 \b, NR: 50/15 ms 699#>3 byte&0x03 3 \b, NR: CCIT J.17 700 701# AAC (aka MPEG-2 NBC audio) and MPEG-4 audio 702 703# Stored AAC streams (instead of the MP4 format) 7040 string ADIF MPEG ADIF, AAC 705!:mime audio/x-hx-aac-adif 706>4 byte &0x80 707>>13 byte &0x10 \b, VBR 708>>13 byte ^0x10 \b, CBR 709>>16 byte&0x1E 0x02 \b, single stream 710>>16 byte&0x1E 0x04 \b, 2 streams 711>>16 byte&0x1E 0x06 \b, 3 streams 712>>16 byte &0x08 \b, 4 or more streams 713>>16 byte &0x10 \b, 8 or more streams 714>>4 byte &0x80 \b, Copyrighted 715>>13 byte &0x40 \b, Original Source 716>>13 byte &0x20 \b, Home Flag 717>4 byte ^0x80 718>>4 byte &0x10 \b, VBR 719>>4 byte ^0x10 \b, CBR 720>>7 byte&0x1E 0x02 \b, single stream 721>>7 byte&0x1E 0x04 \b, 2 streams 722>>7 byte&0x1E 0x06 \b, 3 streams 723>>7 byte &0x08 \b, 4 or more streams 724>>7 byte &0x10 \b, 8 or more streams 725>>4 byte &0x40 \b, Original Stream(s) 726>>4 byte &0x20 \b, Home Source 727 728# Live or stored single AAC stream (used with MPEG-2 systems) 7290 beshort&0xFFF6 0xFFF0 MPEG ADTS, AAC 730!:mime audio/x-hx-aac-adts 731>1 byte &0x08 \b, v2 732>1 byte ^0x08 \b, v4 733# profile 734>>2 byte &0xC0 \b LTP 735>2 byte&0xc0 0x00 \b Main 736>2 byte&0xc0 0x40 \b LC 737>2 byte&0xc0 0x80 \b SSR 738# timing 739>2 byte&0x3c 0x00 \b, 96 kHz 740>2 byte&0x3c 0x04 \b, 88.2 kHz 741>2 byte&0x3c 0x08 \b, 64 kHz 742>2 byte&0x3c 0x0c \b, 48 kHz 743>2 byte&0x3c 0x10 \b, 44.1 kHz 744>2 byte&0x3c 0x14 \b, 32 kHz 745>2 byte&0x3c 0x18 \b, 24 kHz 746>2 byte&0x3c 0x1c \b, 22.05 kHz 747>2 byte&0x3c 0x20 \b, 16 kHz 748>2 byte&0x3c 0x24 \b, 12 kHz 749>2 byte&0x3c 0x28 \b, 11.025 kHz 750>2 byte&0x3c 0x2c \b, 8 kHz 751# channels 752>2 beshort&0x01c0 0x0040 \b, monaural 753>2 beshort&0x01c0 0x0080 \b, stereo 754>2 beshort&0x01c0 0x00c0 \b, stereo + center 755>2 beshort&0x01c0 0x0100 \b, stereo+center+LFE 756>2 beshort&0x01c0 0x0140 \b, surround 757>2 beshort&0x01c0 0x0180 \b, surround + LFE 758>2 beshort &0x01C0 \b, surround + side 759#>1 byte ^0x01 \b, Data Verify 760#>2 byte &0x02 \b, Custom Flag 761#>3 byte &0x20 \b, Original Stream 762#>3 byte &0x10 \b, Home Source 763#>3 byte &0x08 \b, Copyrighted 764 765# Live MPEG-4 audio streams (instead of RTP FlexMux) 7660 beshort&0xFFE0 0x56E0 MPEG-4 LOAS 767!:mime audio/x-mp4a-latm 768#>1 beshort&0x1FFF x \b, %hu byte packet 769>3 byte&0xE0 0x40 770>>4 byte&0x3C 0x04 \b, single stream 771>>4 byte&0x3C 0x08 \b, 2 streams 772>>4 byte&0x3C 0x0C \b, 3 streams 773>>4 byte &0x08 \b, 4 or more streams 774>>4 byte &0x20 \b, 8 or more streams 775>3 byte&0xC0 0 776>>4 byte&0x78 0x08 \b, single stream 777>>4 byte&0x78 0x10 \b, 2 streams 778>>4 byte&0x78 0x18 \b, 3 streams 779>>4 byte &0x20 \b, 4 or more streams 780>>4 byte &0x40 \b, 8 or more streams 781# This magic isn't strong enough (matches plausible ISO-8859-1 text) 782#0 beshort 0x4DE1 MPEG-4 LO-EP audio stream 783#!:mime audio/x-mp4a-latm 784 785# Summary: FLI animation format 786# Created by: Daniel Quinlan <quinlan@yggdrasil.com> 787# Modified by (1): Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com> (avoid over-generic detection) 7884 leshort 0xAF11 789# standard FLI always has 320x200 resolution and 8 bit color 790>8 leshort 320 791>>10 leshort 200 792>>>12 leshort 8 FLI animation, 320x200x8 793!:mime video/x-fli 794>>>>6 leshort x \b, %d frames 795# frame speed is multiple of 1/70s 796>>>>16 leshort x \b, %d/70s per frame 797 798# Summary: FLC animation format 799# Created by: Daniel Quinlan <quinlan@yggdrasil.com> 800# Modified by (1): Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com> (avoid over-generic detection) 8014 leshort 0xAF12 802# standard FLC always use 8 bit color 803>12 leshort 8 FLC animation 804!:mime video/x-flc 805>>8 leshort x \b, %d 806>>10 leshort x \bx%dx8 807>>6 uleshort x \b, %d frames 808>>16 uleshort x \b, %dms per frame 809 810# DL animation format 811# XXX - collision with most `mips' magic 812# 813# I couldn't find a real magic number for these, however, this 814# -appears- to work. Note that it might catch other files, too, so be 815# careful! 816# 817# Note that title and author appear in the two 20-byte chunks 818# at decimal offsets 2 and 22, respectively, but they are XOR'ed with 819# 255 (hex FF)! The DL format is really bad. 820# 821#0 byte 1 DL version 1, medium format (160x100, 4 images/screen) 822#!:mime video/x-unknown 823#>42 byte x - %d screens, 824#>43 byte x %d commands 825#0 byte 2 DL version 2 826#!:mime video/x-unknown 827#>1 byte 1 - large format (320x200,1 image/screen), 828#>1 byte 2 - medium format (160x100,4 images/screen), 829#>1 byte >2 - unknown format, 830#>42 byte x %d screens, 831#>43 byte x %d commands 832# Based on empirical evidence, DL version 3 have several nulls following the 833# \003. Most of them start with non-null values at hex offset 0x34 or so. 834#0 string \3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 DL version 3 835 836# iso 13818 transport stream 837# 838# from Oskar Schirmer <schirmer@scara.com> Feb 3, 2001 (ISO 13818.1) 839# syncbyte 8 bit 0x47 840# error_ind 1 bit - 841# payload_start 1 bit 1 842# priority 1 bit - 843# PID 13 bit 0x0000 844# scrambling 2 bit - 845# adaptfld_ctrl 2 bit 1 or 3 846# conti_count 4 bit - 8470 belong&0xFF5FFF10 0x47400010 848>188 byte 0x47 MPEG transport stream data 849!:mime video/MP2T 850 851# DIF digital video file format <mpruett@sgi.com> 8520 belong&0xffffff00 0x1f070000 DIF 853>4 byte &0x01 (DVCPRO) movie file 854>4 byte ^0x01 (DV) movie file 855>3 byte &0x80 (PAL) 856>3 byte ^0x80 (NTSC) 857 858# Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) <mpruett@sgi.com> 8590 belong 0x3026b275 Microsoft ASF 860!:mime video/x-ms-asf 861 862# MNG Video Format, <URL:http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/spec/> 8630 string \x8aMNG MNG video data, 864!:mime video/x-mng 865>4 belong !0x0d0a1a0a CORRUPTED, 866>4 belong 0x0d0a1a0a 867>>16 belong x %d x 868>>20 belong x %d 869 870# JNG Video Format, <URL:http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/spec/> 8710 string \x8bJNG JNG video data, 872!:mime video/x-jng 873>4 belong !0x0d0a1a0a CORRUPTED, 874>4 belong 0x0d0a1a0a 875>>16 belong x %d x 876>>20 belong x %d 877 878# Vivo video (Wolfram Kleff) 8793 string \x0D\x0AVersion:Vivo Vivo video data 880 881# ABC (alembic.io 3d models) 8820 string 0gawa ABC 3d model 883 884# VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) 8850 string/w #VRML\ V1.0\ ascii VRML 1 file 886!:mime model/vrml 8870 string/w #VRML\ V2.0\ utf8 ISO/IEC 14772 VRML 97 file 888!:mime model/vrml 889 890# X3D (Extensible 3D) [https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.0.dtd] 891# From Michel Briand <michelbriand@free.fr> 892# mimetype from https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/model/x3d+xml 893# Example https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/course/CreateX3DFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d 8940 string/w \<?xml\ version= 895!:strength + 5 896>20 search/1000/w \<!DOCTYPE\ X3D X3D (Extensible 3D) model xml text 897!:mime model/x3d+xml 898 899#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 900# HVQM4: compressed movie format designed by Hudson for Nintendo GameCube 901# From Mark Sheppard <msheppard@climax.co.uk>, 2002-10-03 902# 9030 string HVQM4 %s 904>6 string >\0 v%s 905>0 byte x GameCube movie, 906>0x34 ubeshort x %d x 907>0x36 ubeshort x %d, 908>0x26 ubeshort x %dus, 909>0x42 ubeshort 0 no audio 910>0x42 ubeshort >0 %dHz audio 911 912# From: "Stefan A. Haubenthal" <polluks@web.de> 9130 string DVDVIDEO-VTS Video title set, 914>0x21 byte x v%x 9150 string DVDVIDEO-VMG Video manager, 916>0x21 byte x v%x 917 918# From: Behan Webster <behanw@websterwood.com> 919# NuppelVideo used by Mythtv (*.nuv) 920# Note: there are two identical stanzas here differing only in the 921# initial string matched. It used to be done with a regex, but we're 922# trying to get rid of those. 9230 string NuppelVideo MythTV NuppelVideo 924>12 string x v%s 925>20 lelong x (%d 926>24 lelong x \bx%d), 927>36 string P \bprogressive, 928>36 string I \binterlaced, 929>40 ledouble x \baspect:%.2f, 930>48 ledouble x \bfps:%.2f 9310 string MythTV MythTV NuppelVideo 932>12 string x v%s 933>20 lelong x (%d 934>24 lelong x \bx%d), 935>36 string P \bprogressive, 936>36 string I \binterlaced, 937>40 ledouble x \baspect:%.2f, 938>48 ledouble x \bfps:%.2f 939 940# MPEG file 941# MPEG sequences 942# FIXME: This section is from the old magic.mime file and needs 943# integrating with the rest 944#0 belong 0x000001BA 945#>4 byte &0x40 946#!:mime video/mp2p 947#>4 byte ^0x40 948#!:mime video/mpeg 949#0 belong 0x000001BB 950#!:mime video/mpeg 951#0 belong 0x000001B0 952#!:mime video/mp4v-es 953#0 belong 0x000001B5 954#!:mime video/mp4v-es 955#0 belong 0x000001B3 956#!:mime video/mpv 957#0 belong&0xFF5FFF10 0x47400010 958#!:mime video/mp2t 959#0 belong 0x00000001 960#>4 byte&0x1F 0x07 961#!:mime video/h264 962 963# Type: Bink Video 964# Extension: .bik 965# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Bink_Container 966# From: <hoehle@users.sourceforge.net> 2008-07-18 9670 name bik 968#>4 ulelong x size %d 969>20 ulelong x \b, %d 970>24 ulelong x \bx%d 971>8 ulelong x \b, %d frames 972>32 ulelong x at rate %d/ 973>28 ulelong >1 \b%d 974>40 ulelong =0 \b, no audio 975>40 ulelong !0 \b, %d audio track 976>>40 ulelong !1 \bs 977# follow properties of the first audio track only 978>>48 uleshort x %dHz 979>>51 byte&0x20 0 mono 980>>51 byte&0x20 !0 stereo 981#>>51 byte&0x10 0 FFT 982#>>51 byte&0x10 !0 DCT 983 9840 string BIK 985>3 regex =[bdfghi] Bink Video rev.%s 986>>0 use bik 987 9880 string KB2 989>3 regex =[adfghi] Bink Video 2 rev.%s 990>>0 use bik 991 992# Type: NUT Container 993# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=NUT 994# From: Adam Buchbinder <adam.buchbinder@gmail.com> 9950 string nut/multimedia\ container\0 NUT multimedia container 996 997# Type: Nullsoft Video (NSV) 998# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Nullsoft_Video 999# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10000 string NSVf Nullsoft Video 1001 1002# Type: REDCode Video 1003# URL: https://www.red.com/ ; https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=REDCode 1004# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10054 string RED1 REDCode Video 1006 1007# Type: MTV Multimedia File 1008# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=MTV 1009# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10100 string AMVS MTV Multimedia File 1011 1012# Type: ARMovie 1013# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=ARMovie 1014# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10150 string ARMovie\012 ARMovie 1016 1017# Type: Interplay MVE Movie 1018# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Interplay_MVE 1019# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10200 string Interplay\040MVE\040File\032 Interplay MVE Movie 1021 1022# Type: Windows Television DVR File 1023# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=WTV 1024# From: Mike Melanson <mike@mutlimedia.cx> 1025# This takes the form of a Windows-style GUID 10260 bequad 0xB7D800203749DA11 1027>8 bequad 0xA64E0007E95EAD8D Windows Television DVR Media 1028 1029# Type: Sega FILM/CPK Multimedia 1030# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Sega_FILM 1031# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10320 string FILM Sega FILM/CPK Multimedia, 1033>32 belong x %d x 1034>28 belong x %d 1035 1036# Type: Nintendo THP Multimedia 1037# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=THP 1038# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10390 string THP\0 Nintendo THP Multimedia 1040 1041# Type: BBC Dirac Video 1042# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Dirac 1043# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10440 string BBCD BBC Dirac Video 1045 1046# Type: RAD Game Tools Smacker Multimedia 1047# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Smacker 1048# From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 10490 string SMK RAD Game Tools Smacker Multimedia 1050>3 byte x version %c, 1051>4 lelong x %d x 1052>8 lelong x %d, 1053>12 lelong x %d frames 1054 1055# Material Exchange Format 1056# More information: 1057# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_Exchange_Format 1058# http://www.freemxf.org/ 10590 string \x06\x0e\x2b\x34\x02\x05\x01\x01\x0d\x01\x02\x01\x01\x02 Material exchange container format 1060!:ext mxf 1061!:mime application/mxf 1062 1063# Recognize LucasArts Smush video files (cf. 1064# https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/Smush) 10650 string ANIM 1066>8 string AHDR LucasArts Smush Animation Format (SAN) video 10670 string SANM 1068>8 string SHDR LucasArts Smush v2 (SANM) video 1069 1070# Type: Scaleform video 1071# Extension: .usm 1072# URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/USM 1073# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 10740 string CRID 1075>32 string @UTF Scaleform video 1076