xref: /freebsd/contrib/elftoolchain/libelf/elf_open.3 (revision d003e0d7fe0d3a9b4b2c5835bb3f0f6faf3ab538)
12de3b87aSKai Wang.\" Copyright (c) 2012 Joseph Koshy.  All rights reserved.
22de3b87aSKai Wang.\"
32de3b87aSKai Wang.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
42de3b87aSKai Wang.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
52de3b87aSKai Wang.\" are met:
62de3b87aSKai Wang.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
72de3b87aSKai Wang.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
82de3b87aSKai Wang.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
92de3b87aSKai Wang.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
102de3b87aSKai Wang.\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
112de3b87aSKai Wang.\"
122de3b87aSKai Wang.\" This software is provided by Joseph Koshy ``as is'' and
132de3b87aSKai Wang.\" any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the
142de3b87aSKai Wang.\" implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
152de3b87aSKai Wang.\" are disclaimed.  in no event shall Joseph Koshy be liable
162de3b87aSKai Wang.\" for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
172de3b87aSKai Wang.\" damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods
182de3b87aSKai Wang.\" or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption)
192de3b87aSKai Wang.\" however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
202de3b87aSKai Wang.\" liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way
212de3b87aSKai Wang.\" out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of
222de3b87aSKai Wang.\" such damage.
232de3b87aSKai Wang.\"
24*d003e0d7SEd Maste.\" $Id: elf_open.3 3743 2019-06-12 19:36:30Z jkoshy $
252de3b87aSKai Wang.\"
26*d003e0d7SEd Maste.Dd June 12, 2019
272de3b87aSKai Wang.Dt ELF_OPEN 3
28ae500c1fSEd Maste.Os
292de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh NAME
302de3b87aSKai Wang.Nm elf_open
312de3b87aSKai Wang.Nd open ELF objects and ar(1) archives
322de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh LIBRARY
332de3b87aSKai Wang.Lb libelf
342de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh SYNOPSIS
352de3b87aSKai Wang.In libelf.h
362de3b87aSKai Wang.Ft "Elf *"
372de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_open "int fd"
382de3b87aSKai Wang.Ft "Elf *"
392de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_openmemory "char *image" "size_t sz"
402de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh DESCRIPTION
412de3b87aSKai Wang.Em Important :
422de3b87aSKai WangThe functions
432de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_open
442de3b87aSKai Wangand
452de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_openmemory
46*d003e0d7SEd Masteare extensions to the
47*d003e0d7SEd Maste.Xr elf 3
48*d003e0d7SEd MasteAPI, for the internal use of the
492de3b87aSKai WangElftoolchain project.
502de3b87aSKai WangPortable applications should not use these functions.
512de3b87aSKai Wang.Pp
522de3b87aSKai WangThe function
532de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_open
542de3b87aSKai Wangreturns an Elf descriptor opened with mode
552de3b87aSKai Wang.Dv ELF_C_READ
562de3b87aSKai Wangfor the ELF object or
572de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr ar 1
582de3b87aSKai Wangarchive referenced by the file descriptor in argument
592de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar fd .
602de3b87aSKai Wang.Pp
612de3b87aSKai WangThe function
622de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_openmemory
632de3b87aSKai Wangreturns an ELF descriptor opened with mode
642de3b87aSKai Wang.Dv ELF_C_READ
652de3b87aSKai Wangfor the ELF object or
662de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr ar 1
672de3b87aSKai Wangarchive contained in the memory area pointed to by the argument
682de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar image .
692de3b87aSKai WangThe argument
702de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar sz
712de3b87aSKai Wangspecifies the size of the memory area in bytes.
72ae500c1fSEd Maste.Sh RETURN VALUES
73ae500c1fSEd MasteThe function returns a pointer to a ELF descriptor if successful, or
74ae500c1fSEd MasteNULL if an error occurred.
752de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh COMPATIBILITY
76*d003e0d7SEd MasteThese functions are non-standard extensions to the
77*d003e0d7SEd Maste.Xr elf 3
78*d003e0d7SEd MasteAPI set.
792de3b87aSKai Wang.Pp
802de3b87aSKai WangThe behavior of these functions differs from their counterparts
812de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf_begin 3
822de3b87aSKai Wangand
832de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf_memory 3
842de3b87aSKai Wangin that these functions will successfully open malformed ELF objects
852de3b87aSKai Wangand
862de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr ar 1
872de3b87aSKai Wangarchives, returning an Elf descriptor of type
882de3b87aSKai Wang.Dv ELF_K_NONE .
892de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh ERRORS
902de3b87aSKai WangThese functions can fail with the following errors:
912de3b87aSKai Wang.Bl -tag -width "[ELF_E_RESOURCE]"
922de3b87aSKai Wang.It Bq Er ELF_E_ARGUMENT
932de3b87aSKai WangThe argument
942de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar fd
952de3b87aSKai Wangwas of an unsupported file type.
962de3b87aSKai Wang.It Bq Er ELF_E_ARGUMENT
972de3b87aSKai WangThe argument
982de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar sz
992de3b87aSKai Wangwas zero, or the argument
1002de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar image
1012de3b87aSKai Wangwas NULL.
1022de3b87aSKai Wang.It Bq Er ELF_E_IO
1032de3b87aSKai WangThe file descriptor in argument
1042de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar fd
1052de3b87aSKai Wangwas invalid.
1062de3b87aSKai Wang.It Bq Er ELF_E_IO
1072de3b87aSKai WangThe file descriptor in argument
1082de3b87aSKai Wang.Ar fd
1092de3b87aSKai Wangcould not be read.
1102de3b87aSKai Wang.It Bq Er ELF_E_RESOURCE
1112de3b87aSKai WangAn out of memory condition was encountered.
1122de3b87aSKai Wang.It Bq Er ELF_E_SEQUENCE
1132de3b87aSKai WangFunctions
1142de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_open
1152de3b87aSKai Wangor
1162de3b87aSKai Wang.Fn elf_openmemory
1172de3b87aSKai Wangwas called before a working version was established with
1182de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf_version 3 .
1192de3b87aSKai Wang.El
1202de3b87aSKai Wang.Sh SEE ALSO
1212de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf 3 ,
1222de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf_begin 3 ,
1232de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf_errno 3 ,
1242de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr elf_memory 3 ,
1252de3b87aSKai Wang.Xr gelf 3