1*06b9b3e0SSimon J. Gerraty# $NetBSD: varmod-extension.mk,v 1.4 2020/12/20 22:57:40 rillig Exp $ 22c3632d1SSimon J. Gerraty# 32c3632d1SSimon J. Gerraty# Tests for the :E variable modifier, which returns the filename extension 42c3632d1SSimon J. Gerraty# of each word in the variable. 52c3632d1SSimon J. Gerraty 62c3632d1SSimon J. Gerratyall: 7*06b9b3e0SSimon J. Gerraty.for path in a/b/c def a.b.c a.b/c a a.a .gitignore a a.a trailing/ 82c3632d1SSimon J. Gerraty @echo "extension of '"${path:Q}"' is '"${path:E:Q}"'" 92c3632d1SSimon J. Gerraty.endfor 10