1make: "var-op-shell.mk" line 32: warning: Command "echo "failed"; (exit 13)" exited with status 13 2make: "var-op-shell.mk" line 39: warning: Command "exit 13" exited with status 13 3make: "var-op-shell.mk" line 62: warning: "kill $$" exited on a signal 4/bin/no/such/command: not found 5make: "var-op-shell.mk" line 69: warning: Command "/bin/no/such/command" exited with status 127 6stderr 7Capturing the output of command "echo '$$$$'" 8Global: OUTPUT = $$$$ 9Global: .MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d v -d 10Global: .MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d v -d 0 11exit status 0 12