1Global:RELEVANT = yes (load-time part) 2Global:COUNTER = 3Global:NEXT = ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} 4Global:A = 5Var_Parse: ${NEXT} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 6Var_Parse: ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 7Applying ${COUNTER::...} to "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 8Var_Parse: ${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES 9Modifier part: " a" 10Global:COUNTER = a 11Result of ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 12Var_Parse: ${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 13Var_Parse: ${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 14Applying ${COUNTER:[...} to " a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 15Modifier part: "#" 16Result of ${COUNTER:[#]} is "1" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 17Global:A = ${COUNTER::= a a}1 18Global:B = 19Var_Parse: ${NEXT} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 20Var_Parse: ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 21Applying ${COUNTER::...} to " a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 22Var_Parse: ${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES 23Modifier part: " a a" 24Global:COUNTER = a a 25Result of ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 26Var_Parse: ${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 27Var_Parse: ${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 28Applying ${COUNTER:[...} to " a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 29Modifier part: "#" 30Result of ${COUNTER:[#]} is "2" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 31Global:B = ${COUNTER::= a a a}2 32Global:C = 33Var_Parse: ${NEXT} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 34Var_Parse: ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 35Applying ${COUNTER::...} to " a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 36Var_Parse: ${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES 37Modifier part: " a a a" 38Global:COUNTER = a a a 39Result of ${COUNTER::=${COUNTER} a} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 40Var_Parse: ${COUNTER} a}${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 41Var_Parse: ${COUNTER:[#]} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN 42Applying ${COUNTER:[...} to " a a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 43Modifier part: "#" 44Result of ${COUNTER:[#]} is "3" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES|VARE_ASSIGN, vflags = none) 45Global:C = ${COUNTER::= a a a a}3 46Global:RELEVANT = no 47Global:RELEVANT = yes (run-time part) 48Result of ${RELEVANT::=yes (run-time part)} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 49Var_Parse: ${A:Q} B=${B:Q} C=${C:Q} COUNTER=${COUNTER:[#]:Q} with VARE_WANTRES 50Var_Parse: ${COUNTER::= a a}1 with VARE_WANTRES 51Applying ${COUNTER::...} to " a a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 52Modifier part: " a a" 53Global:COUNTER = a a 54Result of ${COUNTER::= a a} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 55Applying ${A:Q} to "1" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 56QuoteMeta: [1] 57Result of ${A:Q} is "1" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 58Var_Parse: ${B:Q} C=${C:Q} COUNTER=${COUNTER:[#]:Q} with VARE_WANTRES 59Var_Parse: ${COUNTER::= a a a}2 with VARE_WANTRES 60Applying ${COUNTER::...} to " a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 61Modifier part: " a a a" 62Global:COUNTER = a a a 63Result of ${COUNTER::= a a a} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 64Applying ${B:Q} to "2" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 65QuoteMeta: [2] 66Result of ${B:Q} is "2" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 67Var_Parse: ${C:Q} COUNTER=${COUNTER:[#]:Q} with VARE_WANTRES 68Var_Parse: ${COUNTER::= a a a a}3 with VARE_WANTRES 69Applying ${COUNTER::...} to " a a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 70Modifier part: " a a a a" 71Global:COUNTER = a a a a 72Result of ${COUNTER::= a a a a} is "" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 73Applying ${C:Q} to "3" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 74QuoteMeta: [3] 75Result of ${C:Q} is "3" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 76Var_Parse: ${COUNTER:[#]:Q} with VARE_WANTRES 77Applying ${COUNTER:[...} to " a a a a" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 78Modifier part: "#" 79Result of ${COUNTER:[#]} is "4" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 80Applying ${COUNTER:Q} to "4" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 81QuoteMeta: [4] 82Result of ${COUNTER:Q} is "4" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 83A=1 B=2 C=3 COUNTER=4 84Var_Parse: ${RELEVANT::=no} with VARE_WANTRES 85Applying ${RELEVANT::...} to "yes (run-time part)" (eflags = VARE_WANTRES, vflags = none) 86Modifier part: "no" 87Global:RELEVANT = no 88exit status 0 89