xref: /freebsd/contrib/bmake/parse.c (revision b5864e6de2f3aa8eb9bb269ec86282598b5201b1)
1 /*	$NetBSD: parse.c,v 1.214 2016/04/06 09:57:00 gson Exp $	*/
3 /*
4  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993
5  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
8  * Adam de Boor.
9  *
10  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
11  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
12  * are met:
13  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
14  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
15  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
16  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
17  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
18  * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
19  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
20  *    without specific prior written permission.
21  *
33  */
35 /*
36  * Copyright (c) 1989 by Berkeley Softworks
37  * All rights reserved.
38  *
39  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
40  * Adam de Boor.
41  *
42  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
43  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
44  * are met:
45  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
46  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
47  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
48  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
49  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
50  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
51  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
52  *	This product includes software developed by the University of
53  *	California, Berkeley and its contributors.
54  * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
55  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
56  *    without specific prior written permission.
57  *
69  */
71 #ifndef MAKE_NATIVE
72 static char rcsid[] = "$NetBSD: parse.c,v 1.214 2016/04/06 09:57:00 gson Exp $";
73 #else
74 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
75 #ifndef lint
76 #if 0
77 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)parse.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 3/19/94";
78 #else
79 __RCSID("$NetBSD: parse.c,v 1.214 2016/04/06 09:57:00 gson Exp $");
80 #endif
81 #endif /* not lint */
82 #endif
84 /*-
85  * parse.c --
86  *	Functions to parse a makefile.
87  *
88  *	One function, Parse_Init, must be called before any functions
89  *	in this module are used. After that, the function Parse_File is the
90  *	main entry point and controls most of the other functions in this
91  *	module.
92  *
93  *	Most important structures are kept in Lsts. Directories for
94  *	the .include "..." function are kept in the 'parseIncPath' Lst, while
95  *	those for the .include <...> are kept in the 'sysIncPath' Lst. The
96  *	targets currently being defined are kept in the 'targets' Lst.
97  *
98  *	The variables 'fname' and 'lineno' are used to track the name
99  *	of the current file and the line number in that file so that error
100  *	messages can be more meaningful.
101  *
102  * Interface:
103  *	Parse_Init	    	    Initialization function which must be
104  *	    	  	    	    called before anything else in this module
105  *	    	  	    	    is used.
106  *
107  *	Parse_End		    Cleanup the module
108  *
109  *	Parse_File	    	    Function used to parse a makefile. It must
110  *	    	  	    	    be given the name of the file, which should
111  *	    	  	    	    already have been opened, and a function
112  *	    	  	    	    to call to read a character from the file.
113  *
114  *	Parse_IsVar	    	    Returns TRUE if the given line is a
115  *	    	  	    	    variable assignment. Used by MainParseArgs
116  *	    	  	    	    to determine if an argument is a target
117  *	    	  	    	    or a variable assignment. Used internally
118  *	    	  	    	    for pretty much the same thing...
119  *
120  *	Parse_Error	    	    Function called when an error occurs in
121  *	    	  	    	    parsing. Used by the variable and
122  *	    	  	    	    conditional modules.
123  *	Parse_MainName	    	    Returns a Lst of the main target to create.
124  */
126 #include <sys/types.h>
127 #include <sys/stat.h>
128 #include <assert.h>
129 #include <ctype.h>
130 #include <errno.h>
131 #include <stdarg.h>
132 #include <stdio.h>
134 #include "make.h"
135 #include "hash.h"
136 #include "dir.h"
137 #include "job.h"
138 #include "buf.h"
139 #include "pathnames.h"
141 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
142 #include <sys/mman.h>
144 #ifndef MAP_COPY
146 #endif
147 #ifndef MAP_FILE
148 #define MAP_FILE 0
149 #endif
150 #endif
152 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
153 // types and constants
155 /*
156  * Structure for a file being read ("included file")
157  */
158 typedef struct IFile {
159     char      	    *fname;         /* name of file */
160     int             lineno;         /* current line number in file */
161     int             first_lineno;   /* line number of start of text */
162     int             cond_depth;     /* 'if' nesting when file opened */
163     Boolean         depending;      /* state of doing_depend on EOF */
164     char            *P_str;         /* point to base of string buffer */
165     char            *P_ptr;         /* point to next char of string buffer */
166     char            *P_end;         /* point to the end of string buffer */
167     char            *(*nextbuf)(void *, size_t *); /* Function to get more data */
168     void            *nextbuf_arg;   /* Opaque arg for nextbuf() */
169     struct loadedfile *lf;          /* loadedfile object, if any */
170 } IFile;
173 /*
174  * These values are returned by ParseEOF to tell Parse_File whether to
175  * CONTINUE parsing, i.e. it had only reached the end of an include file,
176  * or if it's DONE.
177  */
178 #define CONTINUE	1
179 #define DONE		0
181 /*
182  * Tokens for target attributes
183  */
184 typedef enum {
185     Begin,  	    /* .BEGIN */
186     Default,	    /* .DEFAULT */
187     End,    	    /* .END */
188     dotError,	    /* .ERROR */
189     Ignore,	    /* .IGNORE */
190     Includes,	    /* .INCLUDES */
191     Interrupt,	    /* .INTERRUPT */
192     Libs,	    /* .LIBS */
193     Meta,	    /* .META */
194     MFlags,	    /* .MFLAGS or .MAKEFLAGS */
195     Main,	    /* .MAIN and we don't have anything user-specified to
196 		     * make */
197     NoExport,	    /* .NOEXPORT */
198     NoMeta,	    /* .NOMETA */
199     NoMetaCmp,	    /* .NOMETA_CMP */
200     NoPath,	    /* .NOPATH */
201     Not,	    /* Not special */
202     NotParallel,    /* .NOTPARALLEL */
203     Null,   	    /* .NULL */
204     ExObjdir,	    /* .OBJDIR */
205     Order,  	    /* .ORDER */
206     Parallel,	    /* .PARALLEL */
207     ExPath,	    /* .PATH */
208     Phony,	    /* .PHONY */
209 #ifdef POSIX
210     Posix,	    /* .POSIX */
211 #endif
212     Precious,	    /* .PRECIOUS */
213     ExShell,	    /* .SHELL */
214     Silent,	    /* .SILENT */
215     SingleShell,    /* .SINGLESHELL */
216     Stale,	    /* .STALE */
217     Suffixes,	    /* .SUFFIXES */
218     Wait,	    /* .WAIT */
219     Attribute	    /* Generic attribute */
220 } ParseSpecial;
222 /*
223  * Other tokens
224  */
225 #define LPAREN	'('
226 #define RPAREN	')'
229 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
230 // result data
232 /*
233  * The main target to create. This is the first target on the first
234  * dependency line in the first makefile.
235  */
236 static GNode *mainNode;
238 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 // eval state
241 /* targets we're working on */
242 static Lst targets;
244 #ifdef CLEANUP
245 /* command lines for targets */
246 static Lst targCmds;
247 #endif
249 /*
250  * specType contains the SPECial TYPE of the current target. It is
251  * Not if the target is unspecial. If it *is* special, however, the children
252  * are linked as children of the parent but not vice versa. This variable is
253  * set in ParseDoDependency
254  */
255 static ParseSpecial specType;
257 /*
258  * Predecessor node for handling .ORDER. Initialized to NULL when .ORDER
259  * seen, then set to each successive source on the line.
260  */
261 static GNode	*predecessor;
263 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
264 // parser state
266 /* true if currently in a dependency line or its commands */
267 static Boolean inLine;
269 /* number of fatal errors */
270 static int fatals = 0;
272 /*
273  * Variables for doing includes
274  */
276 /* current file being read */
277 static IFile *curFile;
279 /* stack of IFiles generated by .includes */
280 static Lst includes;
282 /* include paths (lists of directories) */
283 Lst parseIncPath;	/* dirs for "..." includes */
284 Lst sysIncPath;		/* dirs for <...> includes */
285 Lst defIncPath;		/* default for sysIncPath */
287 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
288 // parser tables
290 /*
291  * The parseKeywords table is searched using binary search when deciding
292  * if a target or source is special. The 'spec' field is the ParseSpecial
293  * type of the keyword ("Not" if the keyword isn't special as a target) while
294  * the 'op' field is the operator to apply to the list of targets if the
295  * keyword is used as a source ("0" if the keyword isn't special as a source)
296  */
297 static const struct {
298     const char   *name;    	/* Name of keyword */
299     ParseSpecial  spec;	    	/* Type when used as a target */
300     int	    	  op;	    	/* Operator when used as a source */
301 } parseKeywords[] = {
302 { ".BEGIN", 	  Begin,    	0 },
303 { ".DEFAULT",	  Default,  	0 },
304 { ".END",   	  End,	    	0 },
305 { ".ERROR",   	  dotError,    	0 },
306 { ".EXEC",	  Attribute,   	OP_EXEC },
307 { ".IGNORE",	  Ignore,   	OP_IGNORE },
308 { ".INCLUDES",	  Includes, 	0 },
309 { ".INTERRUPT",	  Interrupt,	0 },
310 { ".INVISIBLE",	  Attribute,   	OP_INVISIBLE },
311 { ".JOIN",  	  Attribute,   	OP_JOIN },
312 { ".LIBS",  	  Libs,	    	0 },
313 { ".MADE",	  Attribute,	OP_MADE },
314 { ".MAIN",	  Main,		0 },
315 { ".MAKE",  	  Attribute,   	OP_MAKE },
316 { ".MAKEFLAGS",	  MFlags,   	0 },
317 { ".META",	  Meta,		OP_META },
318 { ".MFLAGS",	  MFlags,   	0 },
319 { ".NOMETA",	  NoMeta,	OP_NOMETA },
320 { ".NOMETA_CMP",  NoMetaCmp,	OP_NOMETA_CMP },
321 { ".NOPATH",	  NoPath,	OP_NOPATH },
322 { ".NOTMAIN",	  Attribute,   	OP_NOTMAIN },
323 { ".NOTPARALLEL", NotParallel,	0 },
324 { ".NO_PARALLEL", NotParallel,	0 },
325 { ".NULL",  	  Null,	    	0 },
326 { ".OBJDIR",	  ExObjdir,	0 },
327 { ".OPTIONAL",	  Attribute,   	OP_OPTIONAL },
328 { ".ORDER", 	  Order,    	0 },
329 { ".PARALLEL",	  Parallel,	0 },
330 { ".PATH",	  ExPath,	0 },
331 { ".PHONY",	  Phony,	OP_PHONY },
332 #ifdef POSIX
333 { ".POSIX",	  Posix,	0 },
334 #endif
335 { ".PRECIOUS",	  Precious, 	OP_PRECIOUS },
336 { ".RECURSIVE",	  Attribute,	OP_MAKE },
337 { ".SHELL", 	  ExShell,    	0 },
338 { ".SILENT",	  Silent,   	OP_SILENT },
339 { ".SINGLESHELL", SingleShell,	0 },
340 { ".STALE",	  Stale,	0 },
341 { ".SUFFIXES",	  Suffixes, 	0 },
342 { ".USE",   	  Attribute,   	OP_USE },
343 { ".USEBEFORE",   Attribute,   	OP_USEBEFORE },
344 { ".WAIT",	  Wait, 	0 },
345 };
347 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
348 // local functions
350 static int ParseIsEscaped(const char *, const char *);
351 static void ParseErrorInternal(const char *, size_t, int, const char *, ...)
353 static void ParseVErrorInternal(FILE *, const char *, size_t, int, const char *, va_list)
355 static int ParseFindKeyword(const char *);
356 static int ParseLinkSrc(void *, void *);
357 static int ParseDoOp(void *, void *);
358 static void ParseDoSrc(int, const char *);
359 static int ParseFindMain(void *, void *);
360 static int ParseAddDir(void *, void *);
361 static int ParseClearPath(void *, void *);
362 static void ParseDoDependency(char *);
363 static int ParseAddCmd(void *, void *);
364 static void ParseHasCommands(void *);
365 static void ParseDoInclude(char *);
366 static void ParseSetParseFile(const char *);
367 static void ParseSetIncludedFile(void);
368 #ifdef SYSVINCLUDE
369 static void ParseTraditionalInclude(char *);
370 #endif
371 #ifdef GMAKEEXPORT
372 static void ParseGmakeExport(char *);
373 #endif
374 static int ParseEOF(void);
375 static char *ParseReadLine(void);
376 static void ParseFinishLine(void);
377 static void ParseMark(GNode *);
379 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
380 // file loader
382 struct loadedfile {
383 	const char *path;		/* name, for error reports */
384 	char *buf;			/* contents buffer */
385 	size_t len;			/* length of contents */
386 	size_t maplen;			/* length of mmap area, or 0 */
387 	Boolean used;			/* XXX: have we used the data yet */
388 };
390 /*
391  * Constructor/destructor for loadedfile
392  */
393 static struct loadedfile *
394 loadedfile_create(const char *path)
395 {
396 	struct loadedfile *lf;
398 	lf = bmake_malloc(sizeof(*lf));
399 	lf->path = (path == NULL ? "(stdin)" : path);
400 	lf->buf = NULL;
401 	lf->len = 0;
402 	lf->maplen = 0;
403 	lf->used = FALSE;
404 	return lf;
405 }
407 static void
408 loadedfile_destroy(struct loadedfile *lf)
409 {
410 	if (lf->buf != NULL) {
411 		if (lf->maplen > 0) {
412 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
413 			munmap(lf->buf, lf->maplen);
414 #endif
415 		} else {
416 			free(lf->buf);
417 		}
418 	}
419 	free(lf);
420 }
422 /*
423  * nextbuf() operation for loadedfile, as needed by the weird and twisted
424  * logic below. Once that's cleaned up, we can get rid of lf->used...
425  */
426 static char *
427 loadedfile_nextbuf(void *x, size_t *len)
428 {
429 	struct loadedfile *lf = x;
431 	if (lf->used) {
432 		return NULL;
433 	}
434 	lf->used = TRUE;
435 	*len = lf->len;
436 	return lf->buf;
437 }
439 /*
440  * Try to get the size of a file.
441  */
442 static ReturnStatus
443 load_getsize(int fd, size_t *ret)
444 {
445 	struct stat st;
447 	if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
448 		return FAILURE;
449 	}
451 	if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
452 		return FAILURE;
453 	}
455 	/*
456 	 * st_size is an off_t, which is 64 bits signed; *ret is
457 	 * size_t, which might be 32 bits unsigned or 64 bits
458 	 * unsigned. Rather than being elaborate, just punt on
459 	 * files that are more than 2^31 bytes. We should never
460 	 * see a makefile that size in practice...
461 	 *
462 	 * While we're at it reject negative sizes too, just in case.
463 	 */
464 	if (st.st_size < 0 || st.st_size > 0x7fffffff) {
465 		return FAILURE;
466 	}
468 	*ret = (size_t) st.st_size;
469 	return SUCCESS;
470 }
472 /*
473  * Read in a file.
474  *
475  * Until the path search logic can be moved under here instead of
476  * being in the caller in another source file, we need to have the fd
477  * passed in already open. Bleh.
478  *
479  * If the path is NULL use stdin and (to insure against fd leaks)
480  * assert that the caller passed in -1.
481  */
482 static struct loadedfile *
483 loadfile(const char *path, int fd)
484 {
485 	struct loadedfile *lf;
486 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
487 	long pagesize;
488 #endif
489 	ssize_t result;
490 	size_t bufpos;
492 	lf = loadedfile_create(path);
494 	if (path == NULL) {
495 		assert(fd == -1);
496 		fd = STDIN_FILENO;
497 	} else {
498 #if 0 /* notyet */
499 		fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
500 		if (fd < 0) {
501 			...
502 			Error("%s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
503 			exit(1);
504 		}
505 #endif
506 	}
508 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
509 	if (load_getsize(fd, &lf->len) == SUCCESS) {
510 		/* found a size, try mmap */
511 #ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE
512 		pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
513 #else
514 		pagesize = 0;
515 #endif
516 		if (pagesize <= 0) {
517 			pagesize = 0x1000;
518 		}
519 		/* round size up to a page */
520 		lf->maplen = pagesize * ((lf->len + pagesize - 1)/pagesize);
522 		/*
523 		 * XXX hack for dealing with empty files; remove when
524 		 * we're no longer limited by interfacing to the old
525 		 * logic elsewhere in this file.
526 		 */
527 		if (lf->maplen == 0) {
528 			lf->maplen = pagesize;
529 		}
531 		/*
532 		 * FUTURE: remove PROT_WRITE when the parser no longer
533 		 * needs to scribble on the input.
534 		 */
535 		lf->buf = mmap(NULL, lf->maplen, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
536 			       MAP_FILE|MAP_COPY, fd, 0);
537 		if (lf->buf != MAP_FAILED) {
538 			/* succeeded */
539 			if (lf->len == lf->maplen && lf->buf[lf->len - 1] != '\n') {
540 				char *b = malloc(lf->len + 1);
541 				b[lf->len] = '\n';
542 				memcpy(b, lf->buf, lf->len++);
543 				munmap(lf->buf, lf->maplen);
544 				lf->maplen = 0;
545 				lf->buf = b;
546 			}
547 			goto done;
548 		}
549 	}
550 #endif
551 	/* cannot mmap; load the traditional way */
553 	lf->maplen = 0;
554 	lf->len = 1024;
555 	lf->buf = bmake_malloc(lf->len);
557 	bufpos = 0;
558 	while (1) {
559 		assert(bufpos <= lf->len);
560 		if (bufpos == lf->len) {
561 			lf->len *= 2;
562 			lf->buf = bmake_realloc(lf->buf, lf->len);
563 		}
564 		result = read(fd, lf->buf + bufpos, lf->len - bufpos);
565 		if (result < 0) {
566 			Error("%s: read error: %s", path, strerror(errno));
567 			exit(1);
568 		}
569 		if (result == 0) {
570 			break;
571 		}
572 		bufpos += result;
573 	}
574 	assert(bufpos <= lf->len);
575 	lf->len = bufpos;
577 	/* truncate malloc region to actual length (maybe not useful) */
578 	if (lf->len > 0) {
579 		lf->buf = bmake_realloc(lf->buf, lf->len);
580 	}
582 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP
583 done:
584 #endif
585 	if (path != NULL) {
586 		close(fd);
587 	}
588 	return lf;
589 }
591 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
592 // old code
594 /*-
595  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
596  * ParseIsEscaped --
597  *	Check if the current character is escaped on the current line
598  *
599  * Results:
600  *	0 if the character is not backslash escaped, 1 otherwise
601  *
602  * Side Effects:
603  *	None
604  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
605  */
606 static int
607 ParseIsEscaped(const char *line, const char *c)
608 {
609     int active = 0;
610     for (;;) {
611 	if (line == c)
612 	    return active;
613 	if (*--c != '\\')
614 	    return active;
615 	active = !active;
616     }
617 }
619 /*-
620  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
621  * ParseFindKeyword --
622  *	Look in the table of keywords for one matching the given string.
623  *
624  * Input:
625  *	str		String to find
626  *
627  * Results:
628  *	The index of the keyword, or -1 if it isn't there.
629  *
630  * Side Effects:
631  *	None
632  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
633  */
634 static int
635 ParseFindKeyword(const char *str)
636 {
637     int    start, end, cur;
638     int    diff;
640     start = 0;
641     end = (sizeof(parseKeywords)/sizeof(parseKeywords[0])) - 1;
643     do {
644 	cur = start + ((end - start) / 2);
645 	diff = strcmp(str, parseKeywords[cur].name);
647 	if (diff == 0) {
648 	    return (cur);
649 	} else if (diff < 0) {
650 	    end = cur - 1;
651 	} else {
652 	    start = cur + 1;
653 	}
654     } while (start <= end);
655     return (-1);
656 }
658 /*-
659  * ParseVErrorInternal  --
660  *	Error message abort function for parsing. Prints out the context
661  *	of the error (line number and file) as well as the message with
662  *	two optional arguments.
663  *
664  * Results:
665  *	None
666  *
667  * Side Effects:
668  *	"fatals" is incremented if the level is PARSE_FATAL.
669  */
670 /* VARARGS */
671 static void
672 ParseVErrorInternal(FILE *f, const char *cfname, size_t clineno, int type,
673     const char *fmt, va_list ap)
674 {
675 	static Boolean fatal_warning_error_printed = FALSE;
677 	(void)fprintf(f, "%s: ", progname);
679 	if (cfname != NULL) {
680 		(void)fprintf(f, "\"");
681 		if (*cfname != '/' && strcmp(cfname, "(stdin)") != 0) {
682 			char *cp;
683 			const char *dir;
685 			/*
686 			 * Nothing is more annoying than not knowing
687 			 * which Makefile is the culprit.
688 			 */
689 			dir = Var_Value(".PARSEDIR", VAR_GLOBAL, &cp);
690 			if (dir == NULL || *dir == '\0' ||
691 			    (*dir == '.' && dir[1] == '\0'))
692 				dir = Var_Value(".CURDIR", VAR_GLOBAL, &cp);
693 			if (dir == NULL)
694 				dir = ".";
696 			(void)fprintf(f, "%s/%s", dir, cfname);
697 		} else
698 			(void)fprintf(f, "%s", cfname);
700 		(void)fprintf(f, "\" line %d: ", (int)clineno);
701 	}
702 	if (type == PARSE_WARNING)
703 		(void)fprintf(f, "warning: ");
704 	(void)vfprintf(f, fmt, ap);
705 	(void)fprintf(f, "\n");
706 	(void)fflush(f);
707 	if (type == PARSE_FATAL || parseWarnFatal)
708 		fatals += 1;
709 	if (parseWarnFatal && !fatal_warning_error_printed) {
710 		Error("parsing warnings being treated as errors");
711 		fatal_warning_error_printed = TRUE;
712 	}
713 }
715 /*-
716  * ParseErrorInternal  --
717  *	Error function
718  *
719  * Results:
720  *	None
721  *
722  * Side Effects:
723  *	None
724  */
725 /* VARARGS */
726 static void
727 ParseErrorInternal(const char *cfname, size_t clineno, int type,
728     const char *fmt, ...)
729 {
730 	va_list ap;
732 	va_start(ap, fmt);
733 	(void)fflush(stdout);
734 	ParseVErrorInternal(stderr, cfname, clineno, type, fmt, ap);
735 	va_end(ap);
737 	if (debug_file != stderr && debug_file != stdout) {
738 		va_start(ap, fmt);
739 		ParseVErrorInternal(debug_file, cfname, clineno, type, fmt, ap);
740 		va_end(ap);
741 	}
742 }
744 /*-
745  * Parse_Error  --
746  *	External interface to ParseErrorInternal; uses the default filename
747  *	Line number.
748  *
749  * Results:
750  *	None
751  *
752  * Side Effects:
753  *	None
754  */
755 /* VARARGS */
756 void
757 Parse_Error(int type, const char *fmt, ...)
758 {
759 	va_list ap;
760 	const char *fname;
761 	size_t lineno;
763 	if (curFile == NULL) {
764 		fname = NULL;
765 		lineno = 0;
766 	} else {
767 		fname = curFile->fname;
768 		lineno = curFile->lineno;
769 	}
771 	va_start(ap, fmt);
772 	(void)fflush(stdout);
773 	ParseVErrorInternal(stderr, fname, lineno, type, fmt, ap);
774 	va_end(ap);
776 	if (debug_file != stderr && debug_file != stdout) {
777 		va_start(ap, fmt);
778 		ParseVErrorInternal(debug_file, fname, lineno, type, fmt, ap);
779 		va_end(ap);
780 	}
781 }
784 /*
785  * ParseMessage
786  *	Parse a .info .warning or .error directive
787  *
788  *	The input is the line minus the ".".  We substitute
789  *	variables, print the message and exit(1) (for .error) or just print
790  *	a warning if the directive is malformed.
791  */
792 static Boolean
793 ParseMessage(char *line)
794 {
795     int mtype;
797     switch(*line) {
798     case 'i':
799 	mtype = 0;
800 	break;
801     case 'w':
802 	mtype = PARSE_WARNING;
803 	break;
804     case 'e':
805 	mtype = PARSE_FATAL;
806 	break;
807     default:
808 	Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING, "invalid syntax: \".%s\"", line);
809 	return FALSE;
810     }
812     while (isalpha((unsigned char)*line))
813 	line++;
814     if (!isspace((unsigned char)*line))
815 	return FALSE;			/* not for us */
816     while (isspace((unsigned char)*line))
817 	line++;
819     line = Var_Subst(NULL, line, VAR_CMD, VARF_WANTRES);
820     Parse_Error(mtype, "%s", line);
821     free(line);
823     if (mtype == PARSE_FATAL) {
824 	/* Terminate immediately. */
825 	exit(1);
826     }
827     return TRUE;
828 }
830 /*-
831  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
832  * ParseLinkSrc  --
833  *	Link the parent node to its new child. Used in a Lst_ForEach by
834  *	ParseDoDependency. If the specType isn't 'Not', the parent
835  *	isn't linked as a parent of the child.
836  *
837  * Input:
838  *	pgnp		The parent node
839  *	cgpn		The child node
840  *
841  * Results:
842  *	Always = 0
843  *
844  * Side Effects:
845  *	New elements are added to the parents list of cgn and the
846  *	children list of cgn. the unmade field of pgn is updated
847  *	to reflect the additional child.
848  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
849  */
850 static int
851 ParseLinkSrc(void *pgnp, void *cgnp)
852 {
853     GNode          *pgn = (GNode *)pgnp;
854     GNode          *cgn = (GNode *)cgnp;
856     if ((pgn->type & OP_DOUBLEDEP) && !Lst_IsEmpty (pgn->cohorts))
857 	pgn = (GNode *)Lst_Datum(Lst_Last(pgn->cohorts));
858     (void)Lst_AtEnd(pgn->children, cgn);
859     if (specType == Not)
860 	    (void)Lst_AtEnd(cgn->parents, pgn);
861     pgn->unmade += 1;
862     if (DEBUG(PARSE)) {
863 	fprintf(debug_file, "# %s: added child %s - %s\n", __func__,
864 	    pgn->name, cgn->name);
865 	Targ_PrintNode(pgn, 0);
866 	Targ_PrintNode(cgn, 0);
867     }
868     return (0);
869 }
871 /*-
872  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
873  * ParseDoOp  --
874  *	Apply the parsed operator to the given target node. Used in a
875  *	Lst_ForEach call by ParseDoDependency once all targets have
876  *	been found and their operator parsed. If the previous and new
877  *	operators are incompatible, a major error is taken.
878  *
879  * Input:
880  *	gnp		The node to which the operator is to be applied
881  *	opp		The operator to apply
882  *
883  * Results:
884  *	Always 0
885  *
886  * Side Effects:
887  *	The type field of the node is altered to reflect any new bits in
888  *	the op.
889  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
890  */
891 static int
892 ParseDoOp(void *gnp, void *opp)
893 {
894     GNode          *gn = (GNode *)gnp;
895     int             op = *(int *)opp;
896     /*
897      * If the dependency mask of the operator and the node don't match and
898      * the node has actually had an operator applied to it before, and
899      * the operator actually has some dependency information in it, complain.
900      */
901     if (((op & OP_OPMASK) != (gn->type & OP_OPMASK)) &&
902 	!OP_NOP(gn->type) && !OP_NOP(op))
903     {
904 	Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, "Inconsistent operator for %s", gn->name);
905 	return (1);
906     }
908     if ((op == OP_DOUBLEDEP) && ((gn->type & OP_OPMASK) == OP_DOUBLEDEP)) {
909 	/*
910 	 * If the node was the object of a :: operator, we need to create a
911 	 * new instance of it for the children and commands on this dependency
912 	 * line. The new instance is placed on the 'cohorts' list of the
913 	 * initial one (note the initial one is not on its own cohorts list)
914 	 * and the new instance is linked to all parents of the initial
915 	 * instance.
916 	 */
917 	GNode	*cohort;
919 	/*
920 	 * Propagate copied bits to the initial node.  They'll be propagated
921 	 * back to the rest of the cohorts later.
922 	 */
923 	gn->type |= op & ~OP_OPMASK;
925 	cohort = Targ_FindNode(gn->name, TARG_NOHASH);
926 	if (doing_depend)
927 	    ParseMark(cohort);
928 	/*
929 	 * Make the cohort invisible as well to avoid duplicating it into
930 	 * other variables. True, parents of this target won't tend to do
931 	 * anything with their local variables, but better safe than
932 	 * sorry. (I think this is pointless now, since the relevant list
933 	 * traversals will no longer see this node anyway. -mycroft)
934 	 */
935 	cohort->type = op | OP_INVISIBLE;
936 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->cohorts, cohort);
937 	cohort->centurion = gn;
938 	gn->unmade_cohorts += 1;
939 	snprintf(cohort->cohort_num, sizeof cohort->cohort_num, "#%d",
940 		gn->unmade_cohorts);
941     } else {
942 	/*
943 	 * We don't want to nuke any previous flags (whatever they were) so we
944 	 * just OR the new operator into the old
945 	 */
946 	gn->type |= op;
947     }
949     return (0);
950 }
952 /*-
953  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
954  * ParseDoSrc  --
955  *	Given the name of a source, figure out if it is an attribute
956  *	and apply it to the targets if it is. Else decide if there is
957  *	some attribute which should be applied *to* the source because
958  *	of some special target and apply it if so. Otherwise, make the
959  *	source be a child of the targets in the list 'targets'
960  *
961  * Input:
962  *	tOp		operator (if any) from special targets
963  *	src		name of the source to handle
964  *
965  * Results:
966  *	None
967  *
968  * Side Effects:
969  *	Operator bits may be added to the list of targets or to the source.
970  *	The targets may have a new source added to their lists of children.
971  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
972  */
973 static void
974 ParseDoSrc(int tOp, const char *src)
975 {
976     GNode	*gn = NULL;
977     static int wait_number = 0;
978     char wait_src[16];
980     if (*src == '.' && isupper ((unsigned char)src[1])) {
981 	int keywd = ParseFindKeyword(src);
982 	if (keywd != -1) {
983 	    int op = parseKeywords[keywd].op;
984 	    if (op != 0) {
985 		Lst_ForEach(targets, ParseDoOp, &op);
986 		return;
987 	    }
988 	    if (parseKeywords[keywd].spec == Wait) {
989 		/*
990 		 * We add a .WAIT node in the dependency list.
991 		 * After any dynamic dependencies (and filename globbing)
992 		 * have happened, it is given a dependency on the each
993 		 * previous child back to and previous .WAIT node.
994 		 * The next child won't be scheduled until the .WAIT node
995 		 * is built.
996 		 * We give each .WAIT node a unique name (mainly for diag).
997 		 */
998 		snprintf(wait_src, sizeof wait_src, ".WAIT_%u", ++wait_number);
999 		gn = Targ_FindNode(wait_src, TARG_NOHASH);
1000 		if (doing_depend)
1001 		    ParseMark(gn);
1002 		gn->type = OP_WAIT | OP_PHONY | OP_DEPENDS | OP_NOTMAIN;
1003 		Lst_ForEach(targets, ParseLinkSrc, gn);
1004 		return;
1005 	    }
1006 	}
1007     }
1009     switch (specType) {
1010     case Main:
1011 	/*
1012 	 * If we have noted the existence of a .MAIN, it means we need
1013 	 * to add the sources of said target to the list of things
1014 	 * to create. The string 'src' is likely to be free, so we
1015 	 * must make a new copy of it. Note that this will only be
1016 	 * invoked if the user didn't specify a target on the command
1017 	 * line. This is to allow #ifmake's to succeed, or something...
1018 	 */
1019 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(create, bmake_strdup(src));
1020 	/*
1021 	 * Add the name to the .TARGETS variable as well, so the user can
1022 	 * employ that, if desired.
1023 	 */
1024 	Var_Append(".TARGETS", src, VAR_GLOBAL);
1025 	return;
1027     case Order:
1028 	/*
1029 	 * Create proper predecessor/successor links between the previous
1030 	 * source and the current one.
1031 	 */
1032 	gn = Targ_FindNode(src, TARG_CREATE);
1033 	if (doing_depend)
1034 	    ParseMark(gn);
1035 	if (predecessor != NULL) {
1036 	    (void)Lst_AtEnd(predecessor->order_succ, gn);
1037 	    (void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->order_pred, predecessor);
1038 	    if (DEBUG(PARSE)) {
1039 		fprintf(debug_file, "# %s: added Order dependency %s - %s\n",
1040 		    __func__, predecessor->name, gn->name);
1041 		Targ_PrintNode(predecessor, 0);
1042 		Targ_PrintNode(gn, 0);
1043 	    }
1044 	}
1045 	/*
1046 	 * The current source now becomes the predecessor for the next one.
1047 	 */
1048 	predecessor = gn;
1049 	break;
1051     default:
1052 	/*
1053 	 * If the source is not an attribute, we need to find/create
1054 	 * a node for it. After that we can apply any operator to it
1055 	 * from a special target or link it to its parents, as
1056 	 * appropriate.
1057 	 *
1058 	 * In the case of a source that was the object of a :: operator,
1059 	 * the attribute is applied to all of its instances (as kept in
1060 	 * the 'cohorts' list of the node) or all the cohorts are linked
1061 	 * to all the targets.
1062 	 */
1064 	/* Find/create the 'src' node and attach to all targets */
1065 	gn = Targ_FindNode(src, TARG_CREATE);
1066 	if (doing_depend)
1067 	    ParseMark(gn);
1068 	if (tOp) {
1069 	    gn->type |= tOp;
1070 	} else {
1071 	    Lst_ForEach(targets, ParseLinkSrc, gn);
1072 	}
1073 	break;
1074     }
1075 }
1077 /*-
1078  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1079  * ParseFindMain --
1080  *	Find a real target in the list and set it to be the main one.
1081  *	Called by ParseDoDependency when a main target hasn't been found
1082  *	yet.
1083  *
1084  * Input:
1085  *	gnp		Node to examine
1086  *
1087  * Results:
1088  *	0 if main not found yet, 1 if it is.
1089  *
1090  * Side Effects:
1091  *	mainNode is changed and Targ_SetMain is called.
1092  *
1093  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1094  */
1095 static int
1096 ParseFindMain(void *gnp, void *dummy)
1097 {
1098     GNode   	  *gn = (GNode *)gnp;
1099     if ((gn->type & OP_NOTARGET) == 0) {
1100 	mainNode = gn;
1101 	Targ_SetMain(gn);
1102 	return (dummy ? 1 : 1);
1103     } else {
1104 	return (dummy ? 0 : 0);
1105     }
1106 }
1108 /*-
1109  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1110  * ParseAddDir --
1111  *	Front-end for Dir_AddDir to make sure Lst_ForEach keeps going
1112  *
1113  * Results:
1114  *	=== 0
1115  *
1116  * Side Effects:
1117  *	See Dir_AddDir.
1118  *
1119  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1120  */
1121 static int
1122 ParseAddDir(void *path, void *name)
1123 {
1124     (void)Dir_AddDir((Lst) path, (char *)name);
1125     return(0);
1126 }
1128 /*-
1129  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1130  * ParseClearPath --
1131  *	Front-end for Dir_ClearPath to make sure Lst_ForEach keeps going
1132  *
1133  * Results:
1134  *	=== 0
1135  *
1136  * Side Effects:
1137  *	See Dir_ClearPath
1138  *
1139  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1140  */
1141 static int
1142 ParseClearPath(void *path, void *dummy)
1143 {
1144     Dir_ClearPath((Lst) path);
1145     return(dummy ? 0 : 0);
1146 }
1148 /*-
1149  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
1150  * ParseDoDependency  --
1151  *	Parse the dependency line in line.
1152  *
1153  * Input:
1154  *	line		the line to parse
1155  *
1156  * Results:
1157  *	None
1158  *
1159  * Side Effects:
1160  *	The nodes of the sources are linked as children to the nodes of the
1161  *	targets. Some nodes may be created.
1162  *
1163  *	We parse a dependency line by first extracting words from the line and
1164  * finding nodes in the list of all targets with that name. This is done
1165  * until a character is encountered which is an operator character. Currently
1166  * these are only ! and :. At this point the operator is parsed and the
1167  * pointer into the line advanced until the first source is encountered.
1168  * 	The parsed operator is applied to each node in the 'targets' list,
1169  * which is where the nodes found for the targets are kept, by means of
1170  * the ParseDoOp function.
1171  *	The sources are read in much the same way as the targets were except
1172  * that now they are expanded using the wildcarding scheme of the C-Shell
1173  * and all instances of the resulting words in the list of all targets
1174  * are found. Each of the resulting nodes is then linked to each of the
1175  * targets as one of its children.
1176  *	Certain targets are handled specially. These are the ones detailed
1177  * by the specType variable.
1178  *	The storing of transformation rules is also taken care of here.
1179  * A target is recognized as a transformation rule by calling
1180  * Suff_IsTransform. If it is a transformation rule, its node is gotten
1181  * from the suffix module via Suff_AddTransform rather than the standard
1182  * Targ_FindNode in the target module.
1183  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
1184  */
1185 static void
1186 ParseDoDependency(char *line)
1187 {
1188     char  	   *cp;		/* our current position */
1189     GNode 	   *gn = NULL;	/* a general purpose temporary node */
1190     int             op;		/* the operator on the line */
1191     char            savec;	/* a place to save a character */
1192     Lst    	    paths;   	/* List of search paths to alter when parsing
1193 				 * a list of .PATH targets */
1194     int	    	    tOp;    	/* operator from special target */
1195     Lst	    	    sources;	/* list of archive source names after
1196 				 * expansion */
1197     Lst 	    curTargs;	/* list of target names to be found and added
1198 				 * to the targets list */
1199     char	   *lstart = line;
1201     if (DEBUG(PARSE))
1202 	fprintf(debug_file, "ParseDoDependency(%s)\n", line);
1203     tOp = 0;
1205     specType = Not;
1206     paths = NULL;
1208     curTargs = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1210     /*
1211      * First, grind through the targets.
1212      */
1214     do {
1215 	/*
1216 	 * Here LINE points to the beginning of the next word, and
1217 	 * LSTART points to the actual beginning of the line.
1218 	 */
1220 	/* Find the end of the next word. */
1221 	for (cp = line; *cp && (ParseIsEscaped(lstart, cp) ||
1222 		     !(isspace((unsigned char)*cp) ||
1223 			 *cp == '!' || *cp == ':' || *cp == LPAREN));
1224 		 cp++) {
1225 	    if (*cp == '$') {
1226 		/*
1227 		 * Must be a dynamic source (would have been expanded
1228 		 * otherwise), so call the Var module to parse the puppy
1229 		 * so we can safely advance beyond it...There should be
1230 		 * no errors in this, as they would have been discovered
1231 		 * in the initial Var_Subst and we wouldn't be here.
1232 		 */
1233 		int 	length;
1234 		void    *freeIt;
1236 		(void)Var_Parse(cp, VAR_CMD, VARF_UNDEFERR|VARF_WANTRES,
1237 				&length, &freeIt);
1238 		free(freeIt);
1239 		cp += length-1;
1240 	    }
1241 	}
1243 	/*
1244 	 * If the word is followed by a left parenthesis, it's the
1245 	 * name of an object file inside an archive (ar file).
1246 	 */
1247 	if (!ParseIsEscaped(lstart, cp) && *cp == LPAREN) {
1248 	    /*
1249 	     * Archives must be handled specially to make sure the OP_ARCHV
1250 	     * flag is set in their 'type' field, for one thing, and because
1251 	     * things like "archive(file1.o file2.o file3.o)" are permissible.
1252 	     * Arch_ParseArchive will set 'line' to be the first non-blank
1253 	     * after the archive-spec. It creates/finds nodes for the members
1254 	     * and places them on the given list, returning SUCCESS if all
1255 	     * went well and FAILURE if there was an error in the
1256 	     * specification. On error, line should remain untouched.
1257 	     */
1258 	    if (Arch_ParseArchive(&line, targets, VAR_CMD) != SUCCESS) {
1259 		Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
1260 			     "Error in archive specification: \"%s\"", line);
1261 		goto out;
1262 	    } else {
1263 		/* Done with this word; on to the next. */
1264 		cp = line;
1265 		continue;
1266 	    }
1267 	}
1269 	if (!*cp) {
1270 	    /*
1271 	     * We got to the end of the line while we were still
1272 	     * looking at targets.
1273 	     *
1274 	     * Ending a dependency line without an operator is a Bozo
1275 	     * no-no.  As a heuristic, this is also often triggered by
1276 	     * undetected conflicts from cvs/rcs merges.
1277 	     */
1278 	    if ((strncmp(line, "<<<<<<", 6) == 0) ||
1279 		(strncmp(line, "======", 6) == 0) ||
1280 		(strncmp(line, ">>>>>>", 6) == 0))
1281 		Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
1282 		    "Makefile appears to contain unresolved cvs/rcs/??? merge conflicts");
1283 	    else
1284 		Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, lstart[0] == '.' ? "Unknown directive"
1285 				     : "Need an operator");
1286 	    goto out;
1287 	}
1289 	/* Insert a null terminator. */
1290 	savec = *cp;
1291 	*cp = '\0';
1293 	/*
1294 	 * Got the word. See if it's a special target and if so set
1295 	 * specType to match it.
1296 	 */
1297 	if (*line == '.' && isupper ((unsigned char)line[1])) {
1298 	    /*
1299 	     * See if the target is a special target that must have it
1300 	     * or its sources handled specially.
1301 	     */
1302 	    int keywd = ParseFindKeyword(line);
1303 	    if (keywd != -1) {
1304 		if (specType == ExPath && parseKeywords[keywd].spec != ExPath) {
1305 		    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, "Mismatched special targets");
1306 		    goto out;
1307 		}
1309 		specType = parseKeywords[keywd].spec;
1310 		tOp = parseKeywords[keywd].op;
1312 		/*
1313 		 * Certain special targets have special semantics:
1314 		 *	.PATH		Have to set the dirSearchPath
1315 		 *			variable too
1316 		 *	.MAIN		Its sources are only used if
1317 		 *			nothing has been specified to
1318 		 *			create.
1319 		 *	.DEFAULT    	Need to create a node to hang
1320 		 *			commands on, but we don't want
1321 		 *			it in the graph, nor do we want
1322 		 *			it to be the Main Target, so we
1323 		 *			create it, set OP_NOTMAIN and
1324 		 *			add it to the list, setting
1325 		 *			DEFAULT to the new node for
1326 		 *			later use. We claim the node is
1327 		 *	    	    	A transformation rule to make
1328 		 *	    	    	life easier later, when we'll
1329 		 *	    	    	use Make_HandleUse to actually
1330 		 *	    	    	apply the .DEFAULT commands.
1331 		 *	.PHONY		The list of targets
1332 		 *	.NOPATH		Don't search for file in the path
1333 		 *	.STALE
1334 		 *	.BEGIN
1335 		 *	.END
1336 		 *	.ERROR
1337 		 *	.INTERRUPT  	Are not to be considered the
1338 		 *			main target.
1339 		 *  	.NOTPARALLEL	Make only one target at a time.
1340 		 *  	.SINGLESHELL	Create a shell for each command.
1341 		 *  	.ORDER	    	Must set initial predecessor to NULL
1342 		 */
1343 		switch (specType) {
1344 		case ExPath:
1345 		    if (paths == NULL) {
1346 			paths = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1347 		    }
1348 		    (void)Lst_AtEnd(paths, dirSearchPath);
1349 		    break;
1350 		case Main:
1351 		    if (!Lst_IsEmpty(create)) {
1352 			specType = Not;
1353 		    }
1354 		    break;
1355 		case Begin:
1356 		case End:
1357 		case Stale:
1358 		case dotError:
1359 		case Interrupt:
1360 		    gn = Targ_FindNode(line, TARG_CREATE);
1361 		    if (doing_depend)
1362 			ParseMark(gn);
1363 		    gn->type |= OP_NOTMAIN|OP_SPECIAL;
1364 		    (void)Lst_AtEnd(targets, gn);
1365 		    break;
1366 		case Default:
1367 		    gn = Targ_NewGN(".DEFAULT");
1368 		    gn->type |= (OP_NOTMAIN|OP_TRANSFORM);
1369 		    (void)Lst_AtEnd(targets, gn);
1370 		    DEFAULT = gn;
1371 		    break;
1372 		case NotParallel:
1373 		    maxJobs = 1;
1374 		    break;
1375 		case SingleShell:
1376 		    compatMake = TRUE;
1377 		    break;
1378 		case Order:
1379 		    predecessor = NULL;
1380 		    break;
1381 		default:
1382 		    break;
1383 		}
1384 	    } else if (strncmp(line, ".PATH", 5) == 0) {
1385 		/*
1386 		 * .PATH<suffix> has to be handled specially.
1387 		 * Call on the suffix module to give us a path to
1388 		 * modify.
1389 		 */
1390 		Lst 	path;
1392 		specType = ExPath;
1393 		path = Suff_GetPath(&line[5]);
1394 		if (path == NULL) {
1395 		    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
1396 				 "Suffix '%s' not defined (yet)",
1397 				 &line[5]);
1398 		    goto out;
1399 		} else {
1400 		    if (paths == NULL) {
1401 			paths = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1402 		    }
1403 		    (void)Lst_AtEnd(paths, path);
1404 		}
1405 	    }
1406 	}
1408 	/*
1409 	 * Have word in line. Get or create its node and stick it at
1410 	 * the end of the targets list
1411 	 */
1412 	if ((specType == Not) && (*line != '\0')) {
1413 	    if (Dir_HasWildcards(line)) {
1414 		/*
1415 		 * Targets are to be sought only in the current directory,
1416 		 * so create an empty path for the thing. Note we need to
1417 		 * use Dir_Destroy in the destruction of the path as the
1418 		 * Dir module could have added a directory to the path...
1419 		 */
1420 		Lst	    emptyPath = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1422 		Dir_Expand(line, emptyPath, curTargs);
1424 		Lst_Destroy(emptyPath, Dir_Destroy);
1425 	    } else {
1426 		/*
1427 		 * No wildcards, but we want to avoid code duplication,
1428 		 * so create a list with the word on it.
1429 		 */
1430 		(void)Lst_AtEnd(curTargs, line);
1431 	    }
1433 	    /* Apply the targets. */
1435 	    while(!Lst_IsEmpty(curTargs)) {
1436 		char	*targName = (char *)Lst_DeQueue(curTargs);
1438 		if (!Suff_IsTransform (targName)) {
1439 		    gn = Targ_FindNode(targName, TARG_CREATE);
1440 		} else {
1441 		    gn = Suff_AddTransform(targName);
1442 		}
1443 		if (doing_depend)
1444 		    ParseMark(gn);
1446 		(void)Lst_AtEnd(targets, gn);
1447 	    }
1448 	} else if (specType == ExPath && *line != '.' && *line != '\0') {
1449 	    Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING, "Extra target (%s) ignored", line);
1450 	}
1452 	/* Don't need the inserted null terminator any more. */
1453 	*cp = savec;
1455 	/*
1456 	 * If it is a special type and not .PATH, it's the only target we
1457 	 * allow on this line...
1458 	 */
1459 	if (specType != Not && specType != ExPath) {
1460 	    Boolean warning = FALSE;
1462 	    while (*cp && (ParseIsEscaped(lstart, cp) ||
1463 		((*cp != '!') && (*cp != ':')))) {
1464 		if (ParseIsEscaped(lstart, cp) ||
1465 		    (*cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t')) {
1466 		    warning = TRUE;
1467 		}
1468 		cp++;
1469 	    }
1470 	    if (warning) {
1471 		Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING, "Extra target ignored");
1472 	    }
1473 	} else {
1474 	    while (*cp && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1475 		cp++;
1476 	    }
1477 	}
1478 	line = cp;
1479     } while (*line && (ParseIsEscaped(lstart, line) ||
1480 	((*line != '!') && (*line != ':'))));
1482     /*
1483      * Don't need the list of target names anymore...
1484      */
1485     Lst_Destroy(curTargs, NULL);
1486     curTargs = NULL;
1488     if (!Lst_IsEmpty(targets)) {
1489 	switch(specType) {
1490 	    default:
1491 		Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING, "Special and mundane targets don't mix. Mundane ones ignored");
1492 		break;
1493 	    case Default:
1494 	    case Stale:
1495 	    case Begin:
1496 	    case End:
1497 	    case dotError:
1498 	    case Interrupt:
1499 		/*
1500 		 * These four create nodes on which to hang commands, so
1501 		 * targets shouldn't be empty...
1502 		 */
1503 	    case Not:
1504 		/*
1505 		 * Nothing special here -- targets can be empty if it wants.
1506 		 */
1507 		break;
1508 	}
1509     }
1511     /*
1512      * Have now parsed all the target names. Must parse the operator next. The
1513      * result is left in  op .
1514      */
1515     if (*cp == '!') {
1516 	op = OP_FORCE;
1517     } else if (*cp == ':') {
1518 	if (cp[1] == ':') {
1519 	    op = OP_DOUBLEDEP;
1520 	    cp++;
1521 	} else {
1522 	    op = OP_DEPENDS;
1523 	}
1524     } else {
1525 	Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, lstart[0] == '.' ? "Unknown directive"
1526 		    : "Missing dependency operator");
1527 	goto out;
1528     }
1530     /* Advance beyond the operator */
1531     cp++;
1533     /*
1534      * Apply the operator to the target. This is how we remember which
1535      * operator a target was defined with. It fails if the operator
1536      * used isn't consistent across all references.
1537      */
1538     Lst_ForEach(targets, ParseDoOp, &op);
1540     /*
1541      * Onward to the sources.
1542      *
1543      * LINE will now point to the first source word, if any, or the
1544      * end of the string if not.
1545      */
1546     while (*cp && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1547 	cp++;
1548     }
1549     line = cp;
1551     /*
1552      * Several special targets take different actions if present with no
1553      * sources:
1554      *	a .SUFFIXES line with no sources clears out all old suffixes
1555      *	a .PRECIOUS line makes all targets precious
1556      *	a .IGNORE line ignores errors for all targets
1557      *	a .SILENT line creates silence when making all targets
1558      *	a .PATH removes all directories from the search path(s).
1559      */
1560     if (!*line) {
1561 	switch (specType) {
1562 	    case Suffixes:
1563 		Suff_ClearSuffixes();
1564 		break;
1565 	    case Precious:
1566 		allPrecious = TRUE;
1567 		break;
1568 	    case Ignore:
1569 		ignoreErrors = TRUE;
1570 		break;
1571 	    case Silent:
1572 		beSilent = TRUE;
1573 		break;
1574 	    case ExPath:
1575 		Lst_ForEach(paths, ParseClearPath, NULL);
1576 		Dir_SetPATH();
1577 		break;
1578 #ifdef POSIX
1579             case Posix:
1580                 Var_Set("%POSIX", "1003.2", VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
1581                 break;
1582 #endif
1583 	    default:
1584 		break;
1585 	}
1586     } else if (specType == MFlags) {
1587 	/*
1588 	 * Call on functions in main.c to deal with these arguments and
1589 	 * set the initial character to a null-character so the loop to
1590 	 * get sources won't get anything
1591 	 */
1592 	Main_ParseArgLine(line);
1593 	*line = '\0';
1594     } else if (specType == ExShell) {
1595 	if (Job_ParseShell(line) != SUCCESS) {
1596 	    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, "improper shell specification");
1597 	    goto out;
1598 	}
1599 	*line = '\0';
1600     } else if ((specType == NotParallel) || (specType == SingleShell)) {
1601 	*line = '\0';
1602     }
1604     /*
1606      */
1607     if ((specType == Suffixes) || (specType == ExPath) ||
1608 	(specType == Includes) || (specType == Libs) ||
1609 	(specType == Null) || (specType == ExObjdir))
1610     {
1611 	while (*line) {
1612 	    /*
1613 	     * If the target was one that doesn't take files as its sources
1614 	     * but takes something like suffixes, we take each
1615 	     * space-separated word on the line as a something and deal
1616 	     * with it accordingly.
1617 	     *
1618 	     * If the target was .SUFFIXES, we take each source as a
1619 	     * suffix and add it to the list of suffixes maintained by the
1620 	     * Suff module.
1621 	     *
1622 	     * If the target was a .PATH, we add the source as a directory
1623 	     * to search on the search path.
1624 	     *
1625 	     * If it was .INCLUDES, the source is taken to be the suffix of
1626 	     * files which will be #included and whose search path should
1627 	     * be present in the .INCLUDES variable.
1628 	     *
1629 	     * If it was .LIBS, the source is taken to be the suffix of
1630 	     * files which are considered libraries and whose search path
1631 	     * should be present in the .LIBS variable.
1632 	     *
1633 	     * If it was .NULL, the source is the suffix to use when a file
1634 	     * has no valid suffix.
1635 	     *
1636 	     * If it was .OBJDIR, the source is a new definition for .OBJDIR,
1637 	     * and will cause make to do a new chdir to that path.
1638 	     */
1639 	    while (*cp && !isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1640 		cp++;
1641 	    }
1642 	    savec = *cp;
1643 	    *cp = '\0';
1644 	    switch (specType) {
1645 		case Suffixes:
1646 		    Suff_AddSuffix(line, &mainNode);
1647 		    break;
1648 		case ExPath:
1649 		    Lst_ForEach(paths, ParseAddDir, line);
1650 		    break;
1651 		case Includes:
1652 		    Suff_AddInclude(line);
1653 		    break;
1654 		case Libs:
1655 		    Suff_AddLib(line);
1656 		    break;
1657 		case Null:
1658 		    Suff_SetNull(line);
1659 		    break;
1660 		case ExObjdir:
1661 		    Main_SetObjdir(line);
1662 		    break;
1663 		default:
1664 		    break;
1665 	    }
1666 	    *cp = savec;
1667 	    if (savec != '\0') {
1668 		cp++;
1669 	    }
1670 	    while (*cp && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1671 		cp++;
1672 	    }
1673 	    line = cp;
1674 	}
1675 	if (paths) {
1676 	    Lst_Destroy(paths, NULL);
1677 	}
1678 	if (specType == ExPath)
1679 	    Dir_SetPATH();
1680     } else {
1681 	while (*line) {
1682 	    /*
1683 	     * The targets take real sources, so we must beware of archive
1684 	     * specifications (i.e. things with left parentheses in them)
1685 	     * and handle them accordingly.
1686 	     */
1687 	    for (; *cp && !isspace ((unsigned char)*cp); cp++) {
1688 		if ((*cp == LPAREN) && (cp > line) && (cp[-1] != '$')) {
1689 		    /*
1690 		     * Only stop for a left parenthesis if it isn't at the
1691 		     * start of a word (that'll be for variable changes
1692 		     * later) and isn't preceded by a dollar sign (a dynamic
1693 		     * source).
1694 		     */
1695 		    break;
1696 		}
1697 	    }
1699 	    if (*cp == LPAREN) {
1700 		sources = Lst_Init(FALSE);
1701 		if (Arch_ParseArchive(&line, sources, VAR_CMD) != SUCCESS) {
1702 		    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
1703 				 "Error in source archive spec \"%s\"", line);
1704 		    goto out;
1705 		}
1707 		while (!Lst_IsEmpty (sources)) {
1708 		    gn = (GNode *)Lst_DeQueue(sources);
1709 		    ParseDoSrc(tOp, gn->name);
1710 		}
1711 		Lst_Destroy(sources, NULL);
1712 		cp = line;
1713 	    } else {
1714 		if (*cp) {
1715 		    *cp = '\0';
1716 		    cp += 1;
1717 		}
1719 		ParseDoSrc(tOp, line);
1720 	    }
1721 	    while (*cp && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1722 		cp++;
1723 	    }
1724 	    line = cp;
1725 	}
1726     }
1728     if (mainNode == NULL) {
1729 	/*
1730 	 * If we have yet to decide on a main target to make, in the
1731 	 * absence of any user input, we want the first target on
1732 	 * the first dependency line that is actually a real target
1733 	 * (i.e. isn't a .USE or .EXEC rule) to be made.
1734 	 */
1735 	Lst_ForEach(targets, ParseFindMain, NULL);
1736     }
1738 out:
1739     if (curTargs)
1740 	    Lst_Destroy(curTargs, NULL);
1741 }
1743 /*-
1744  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
1745  * Parse_IsVar  --
1746  *	Return TRUE if the passed line is a variable assignment. A variable
1747  *	assignment consists of a single word followed by optional whitespace
1748  *	followed by either a += or an = operator.
1749  *	This function is used both by the Parse_File function and main when
1750  *	parsing the command-line arguments.
1751  *
1752  * Input:
1753  *	line		the line to check
1754  *
1755  * Results:
1756  *	TRUE if it is. FALSE if it ain't
1757  *
1758  * Side Effects:
1759  *	none
1760  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
1761  */
1762 Boolean
1763 Parse_IsVar(char *line)
1764 {
1765     Boolean wasSpace = FALSE;	/* set TRUE if found a space */
1766     char ch;
1767     int level = 0;
1768 #define ISEQOPERATOR(c) \
1769 	(((c) == '+') || ((c) == ':') || ((c) == '?') || ((c) == '!'))
1771     /*
1772      * Skip to variable name
1773      */
1774     for (;(*line == ' ') || (*line == '\t'); line++)
1775 	continue;
1777     /* Scan for one of the assignment operators outside a variable expansion */
1778     while ((ch = *line++) != 0) {
1779 	if (ch == '(' || ch == '{') {
1780 	    level++;
1781 	    continue;
1782 	}
1783 	if (ch == ')' || ch == '}') {
1784 	    level--;
1785 	    continue;
1786 	}
1787 	if (level != 0)
1788 	    continue;
1789 	while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') {
1790 	    ch = *line++;
1791 	    wasSpace = TRUE;
1792 	}
1793 #ifdef SUNSHCMD
1794 	if (ch == ':' && strncmp(line, "sh", 2) == 0) {
1795 	    line += 2;
1796 	    continue;
1797 	}
1798 #endif
1799 	if (ch == '=')
1800 	    return TRUE;
1801 	if (*line == '=' && ISEQOPERATOR(ch))
1802 	    return TRUE;
1803 	if (wasSpace)
1804 	    return FALSE;
1805     }
1807     return FALSE;
1808 }
1810 /*-
1811  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
1812  * Parse_DoVar  --
1813  *	Take the variable assignment in the passed line and do it in the
1814  *	global context.
1815  *
1816  *	Note: There is a lexical ambiguity with assignment modifier characters
1817  *	in variable names. This routine interprets the character before the =
1818  *	as a modifier. Therefore, an assignment like
1819  *	    C++=/usr/bin/CC
1820  *	is interpreted as "C+ +=" instead of "C++ =".
1821  *
1822  * Input:
1823  *	line		a line guaranteed to be a variable assignment.
1824  *			This reduces error checks
1825  *	ctxt		Context in which to do the assignment
1826  *
1827  * Results:
1828  *	none
1829  *
1830  * Side Effects:
1831  *	the variable structure of the given variable name is altered in the
1832  *	global context.
1833  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
1834  */
1835 void
1836 Parse_DoVar(char *line, GNode *ctxt)
1837 {
1838     char	   *cp;	/* pointer into line */
1839     enum {
1841     }	    	    type;   	/* Type of assignment */
1842     char            *opc;	/* ptr to operator character to
1843 				 * null-terminate the variable name */
1844     Boolean	   freeCp = FALSE; /* TRUE if cp needs to be freed,
1845 				    * i.e. if any variable expansion was
1846 				    * performed */
1847     int depth;
1849     /*
1850      * Skip to variable name
1851      */
1852     while ((*line == ' ') || (*line == '\t')) {
1853 	line++;
1854     }
1856     /*
1857      * Skip to operator character, nulling out whitespace as we go
1858      * XXX Rather than counting () and {} we should look for $ and
1859      * then expand the variable.
1860      */
1861     for (depth = 0, cp = line + 1; depth != 0 || *cp != '='; cp++) {
1862 	if (*cp == '(' || *cp == '{') {
1863 	    depth++;
1864 	    continue;
1865 	}
1866 	if (*cp == ')' || *cp == '}') {
1867 	    depth--;
1868 	    continue;
1869 	}
1870 	if (depth == 0 && isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1871 	    *cp = '\0';
1872 	}
1873     }
1874     opc = cp-1;		/* operator is the previous character */
1875     *cp++ = '\0';	/* nuke the = */
1877     /*
1878      * Check operator type
1879      */
1880     switch (*opc) {
1881 	case '+':
1882 	    type = VAR_APPEND;
1883 	    *opc = '\0';
1884 	    break;
1886 	case '?':
1887 	    /*
1888 	     * If the variable already has a value, we don't do anything.
1889 	     */
1890 	    *opc = '\0';
1891 	    if (Var_Exists(line, ctxt)) {
1892 		return;
1893 	    } else {
1894 		type = VAR_NORMAL;
1895 	    }
1896 	    break;
1898 	case ':':
1899 	    type = VAR_SUBST;
1900 	    *opc = '\0';
1901 	    break;
1903 	case '!':
1904 	    type = VAR_SHELL;
1905 	    *opc = '\0';
1906 	    break;
1908 	default:
1909 #ifdef SUNSHCMD
1910 	    while (opc > line && *opc != ':')
1911 		opc--;
1913 	    if (strncmp(opc, ":sh", 3) == 0) {
1914 		type = VAR_SHELL;
1915 		*opc = '\0';
1916 		break;
1917 	    }
1918 #endif
1919 	    type = VAR_NORMAL;
1920 	    break;
1921     }
1923     while (isspace ((unsigned char)*cp)) {
1924 	cp++;
1925     }
1927     if (type == VAR_APPEND) {
1928 	Var_Append(line, cp, ctxt);
1929     } else if (type == VAR_SUBST) {
1930 	/*
1931 	 * Allow variables in the old value to be undefined, but leave their
1932 	 * invocation alone -- this is done by forcing oldVars to be false.
1933 	 * XXX: This can cause recursive variables, but that's not hard to do,
1934 	 * and this allows someone to do something like
1935 	 *
1936 	 *  CFLAGS = $(.INCLUDES)
1937 	 *  CFLAGS := -I.. $(CFLAGS)
1938 	 *
1939 	 * And not get an error.
1940 	 */
1941 	Boolean	  oldOldVars = oldVars;
1943 	oldVars = FALSE;
1945 	/*
1946 	 * make sure that we set the variable the first time to nothing
1947 	 * so that it gets substituted!
1948 	 */
1949 	if (!Var_Exists(line, ctxt))
1950 	    Var_Set(line, "", ctxt, 0);
1952 	cp = Var_Subst(NULL, cp, ctxt, VARF_WANTRES|VARF_ASSIGN);
1953 	oldVars = oldOldVars;
1954 	freeCp = TRUE;
1956 	Var_Set(line, cp, ctxt, 0);
1957     } else if (type == VAR_SHELL) {
1958 	char *res;
1959 	const char *error;
1961 	if (strchr(cp, '$') != NULL) {
1962 	    /*
1963 	     * There's a dollar sign in the command, so perform variable
1964 	     * expansion on the whole thing. The resulting string will need
1965 	     * freeing when we're done, so set freeCmd to TRUE.
1966 	     */
1967 	    cp = Var_Subst(NULL, cp, VAR_CMD, VARF_UNDEFERR|VARF_WANTRES);
1968 	    freeCp = TRUE;
1969 	}
1971 	res = Cmd_Exec(cp, &error);
1972 	Var_Set(line, res, ctxt, 0);
1973 	free(res);
1975 	if (error)
1976 	    Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING, error, cp);
1977     } else {
1978 	/*
1979 	 * Normal assignment -- just do it.
1980 	 */
1981 	Var_Set(line, cp, ctxt, 0);
1982     }
1983     if (strcmp(line, MAKEOVERRIDES) == 0)
1984 	Main_ExportMAKEFLAGS(FALSE);	/* re-export MAKEFLAGS */
1985     else if (strcmp(line, ".CURDIR") == 0) {
1986 	/*
1987 	 * Somone is being (too?) clever...
1988 	 * Let's pretend they know what they are doing and
1989 	 * re-initialize the 'cur' Path.
1990 	 */
1991 	Dir_InitCur(cp);
1992 	Dir_SetPATH();
1993     } else if (strcmp(line, MAKE_JOB_PREFIX) == 0) {
1994 	Job_SetPrefix();
1995     } else if (strcmp(line, MAKE_EXPORTED) == 0) {
1996 	Var_Export(cp, 0);
1997     }
1998     if (freeCp)
1999 	free(cp);
2000 }
2003 /*
2004  * ParseMaybeSubMake --
2005  * 	Scan the command string to see if it a possible submake node
2006  * Input:
2007  *	cmd		the command to scan
2008  * Results:
2009  *	TRUE if the command is possibly a submake, FALSE if not.
2010  */
2011 static Boolean
2012 ParseMaybeSubMake(const char *cmd)
2013 {
2014     size_t i;
2015     static struct {
2016 	const char *name;
2017 	size_t len;
2018     } vals[] = {
2019 #define MKV(A)	{	A, sizeof(A) - 1	}
2020 	MKV("${MAKE}"),
2021 	MKV("${.MAKE}"),
2022 	MKV("$(MAKE)"),
2023 	MKV("$(.MAKE)"),
2024 	MKV("make"),
2025     };
2026     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vals)/sizeof(vals[0]); i++) {
2027 	char *ptr;
2028 	if ((ptr = strstr(cmd, vals[i].name)) == NULL)
2029 	    continue;
2030 	if ((ptr == cmd || !isalnum((unsigned char)ptr[-1]))
2031 	    && !isalnum((unsigned char)ptr[vals[i].len]))
2032 	    return TRUE;
2033     }
2034     return FALSE;
2035 }
2037 /*-
2038  * ParseAddCmd  --
2039  *	Lst_ForEach function to add a command line to all targets
2040  *
2041  * Input:
2042  *	gnp		the node to which the command is to be added
2043  *	cmd		the command to add
2044  *
2045  * Results:
2046  *	Always 0
2047  *
2048  * Side Effects:
2049  *	A new element is added to the commands list of the node,
2050  *	and the node can be marked as a submake node if the command is
2051  *	determined to be that.
2052  */
2053 static int
2054 ParseAddCmd(void *gnp, void *cmd)
2055 {
2056     GNode *gn = (GNode *)gnp;
2058     /* Add to last (ie current) cohort for :: targets */
2059     if ((gn->type & OP_DOUBLEDEP) && !Lst_IsEmpty (gn->cohorts))
2060 	gn = (GNode *)Lst_Datum(Lst_Last(gn->cohorts));
2062     /* if target already supplied, ignore commands */
2063     if (!(gn->type & OP_HAS_COMMANDS)) {
2064 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->commands, cmd);
2065 	if (ParseMaybeSubMake(cmd))
2066 	    gn->type |= OP_SUBMAKE;
2067 	ParseMark(gn);
2068     } else {
2069 #ifdef notyet
2070 	/* XXX: We cannot do this until we fix the tree */
2071 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(gn->commands, cmd);
2072 	Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING,
2073 		     "overriding commands for target \"%s\"; "
2074 		     "previous commands defined at %s: %d ignored",
2075 		     gn->name, gn->fname, gn->lineno);
2076 #else
2077 	Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING,
2078 		     "duplicate script for target \"%s\" ignored",
2079 		     gn->name);
2080 	ParseErrorInternal(gn->fname, gn->lineno, PARSE_WARNING,
2081 			    "using previous script for \"%s\" defined here",
2082 			    gn->name);
2083 #endif
2084     }
2085     return(0);
2086 }
2088 /*-
2089  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2090  * ParseHasCommands --
2091  *	Callback procedure for Parse_File when destroying the list of
2092  *	targets on the last dependency line. Marks a target as already
2093  *	having commands if it does, to keep from having shell commands
2094  *	on multiple dependency lines.
2095  *
2096  * Input:
2097  *	gnp		Node to examine
2098  *
2099  * Results:
2100  *	None
2101  *
2102  * Side Effects:
2103  *	OP_HAS_COMMANDS may be set for the target.
2104  *
2105  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2106  */
2107 static void
2108 ParseHasCommands(void *gnp)
2109 {
2110     GNode *gn = (GNode *)gnp;
2111     if (!Lst_IsEmpty(gn->commands)) {
2112 	gn->type |= OP_HAS_COMMANDS;
2113     }
2114 }
2116 /*-
2117  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2118  * Parse_AddIncludeDir --
2119  *	Add a directory to the path searched for included makefiles
2120  *	bracketed by double-quotes. Used by functions in main.c
2121  *
2122  * Input:
2123  *	dir		The name of the directory to add
2124  *
2125  * Results:
2126  *	None.
2127  *
2128  * Side Effects:
2129  *	The directory is appended to the list.
2130  *
2131  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2132  */
2133 void
2134 Parse_AddIncludeDir(char *dir)
2135 {
2136     (void)Dir_AddDir(parseIncPath, dir);
2137 }
2139 /*-
2140  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2141  * ParseDoInclude  --
2142  *	Push to another file.
2143  *
2144  *	The input is the line minus the `.'. A file spec is a string
2145  *	enclosed in <> or "". The former is looked for only in sysIncPath.
2146  *	The latter in . and the directories specified by -I command line
2147  *	options
2148  *
2149  * Results:
2150  *	None
2151  *
2152  * Side Effects:
2153  *	A structure is added to the includes Lst and readProc, lineno,
2154  *	fname and curFILE are altered for the new file
2155  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2156  */
2158 static void
2159 Parse_include_file(char *file, Boolean isSystem, Boolean depinc, int silent)
2160 {
2161     struct loadedfile *lf;
2162     char          *fullname;	/* full pathname of file */
2163     char          *newName;
2164     char          *prefEnd, *incdir;
2165     int           fd;
2166     int           i;
2168     /*
2169      * Now we know the file's name and its search path, we attempt to
2170      * find the durn thing. A return of NULL indicates the file don't
2171      * exist.
2172      */
2173     fullname = file[0] == '/' ? bmake_strdup(file) : NULL;
2175     if (fullname == NULL && !isSystem) {
2176 	/*
2177 	 * Include files contained in double-quotes are first searched for
2178 	 * relative to the including file's location. We don't want to
2179 	 * cd there, of course, so we just tack on the old file's
2180 	 * leading path components and call Dir_FindFile to see if
2181 	 * we can locate the beast.
2182 	 */
2184 	incdir = bmake_strdup(curFile->fname);
2185 	prefEnd = strrchr(incdir, '/');
2186 	if (prefEnd != NULL) {
2187 	    *prefEnd = '\0';
2188 	    /* Now do lexical processing of leading "../" on the filename */
2189 	    for (i = 0; strncmp(file + i, "../", 3) == 0; i += 3) {
2190 		prefEnd = strrchr(incdir + 1, '/');
2191 		if (prefEnd == NULL || strcmp(prefEnd, "/..") == 0)
2192 		    break;
2193 		*prefEnd = '\0';
2194 	    }
2195 	    newName = str_concat(incdir, file + i, STR_ADDSLASH);
2196 	    fullname = Dir_FindFile(newName, parseIncPath);
2197 	    if (fullname == NULL)
2198 		fullname = Dir_FindFile(newName, dirSearchPath);
2199 	    free(newName);
2200 	}
2201 	free(incdir);
2203 	if (fullname == NULL) {
2204 	    /*
2205     	     * Makefile wasn't found in same directory as included makefile.
2206 	     * Search for it first on the -I search path,
2207 	     * then on the .PATH search path, if not found in a -I directory.
2208 	     * If we have a suffix specific path we should use that.
2209 	     */
2210 	    char *suff;
2211 	    Lst	suffPath = NULL;
2213 	    if ((suff = strrchr(file, '.'))) {
2214 		suffPath = Suff_GetPath(suff);
2215 		if (suffPath != NULL) {
2216 		    fullname = Dir_FindFile(file, suffPath);
2217 		}
2218 	    }
2219 	    if (fullname == NULL) {
2220 		fullname = Dir_FindFile(file, parseIncPath);
2221 		if (fullname == NULL) {
2222 		    fullname = Dir_FindFile(file, dirSearchPath);
2223 		}
2224 	    }
2225 	}
2226     }
2228     /* Looking for a system file or file still not found */
2229     if (fullname == NULL) {
2230 	/*
2231 	 * Look for it on the system path
2232 	 */
2233 	fullname = Dir_FindFile(file,
2234 		    Lst_IsEmpty(sysIncPath) ? defIncPath : sysIncPath);
2235     }
2237     if (fullname == NULL) {
2238 	if (!silent)
2239 	    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, "Could not find %s", file);
2240 	return;
2241     }
2243     /* Actually open the file... */
2244     fd = open(fullname, O_RDONLY);
2245     if (fd == -1) {
2246 	if (!silent)
2247 	    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, "Cannot open %s", fullname);
2248 	free(fullname);
2249 	return;
2250     }
2252     /* load it */
2253     lf = loadfile(fullname, fd);
2255     ParseSetIncludedFile();
2256     /* Start reading from this file next */
2257     Parse_SetInput(fullname, 0, -1, loadedfile_nextbuf, lf);
2258     curFile->lf = lf;
2259     if (depinc)
2260 	doing_depend = depinc;		/* only turn it on */
2261 }
2263 static void
2264 ParseDoInclude(char *line)
2265 {
2266     char          endc;	    	/* the character which ends the file spec */
2267     char          *cp;		/* current position in file spec */
2268     int		  silent = (*line != 'i') ? 1 : 0;
2269     char	  *file = &line[7 + silent];
2271     /* Skip to delimiter character so we know where to look */
2272     while (*file == ' ' || *file == '\t')
2273 	file++;
2275     if (*file != '"' && *file != '<') {
2276 	Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
2277 	    ".include filename must be delimited by '\"' or '<'");
2278 	return;
2279     }
2281     /*
2282      * Set the search path on which to find the include file based on the
2283      * characters which bracket its name. Angle-brackets imply it's
2284      * a system Makefile while double-quotes imply it's a user makefile
2285      */
2286     if (*file == '<') {
2287 	endc = '>';
2288     } else {
2289 	endc = '"';
2290     }
2292     /* Skip to matching delimiter */
2293     for (cp = ++file; *cp && *cp != endc; cp++)
2294 	continue;
2296     if (*cp != endc) {
2297 	Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
2298 		     "Unclosed %cinclude filename. '%c' expected",
2299 		     '.', endc);
2300 	return;
2301     }
2302     *cp = '\0';
2304     /*
2305      * Substitute for any variables in the file name before trying to
2306      * find the thing.
2307      */
2308     file = Var_Subst(NULL, file, VAR_CMD, VARF_WANTRES);
2310     Parse_include_file(file, endc == '>', (*line == 'd'), silent);
2311     free(file);
2312 }
2315 /*-
2316  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2317  * ParseSetIncludedFile  --
2318  *	Set the .INCLUDEDFROMFILE variable to the contents of .PARSEFILE
2319  *	and the .INCLUDEDFROMDIR variable to the contents of .PARSEDIR
2320  *
2321  * Results:
2322  *	None
2323  *
2324  * Side Effects:
2325  *	The .INCLUDEDFROMFILE variable is overwritten by the contents
2326  *	of .PARSEFILE and the .INCLUDEDFROMDIR variable is overwriten
2327  *	by the contents of .PARSEDIR
2328  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2329  */
2330 static void
2331 ParseSetIncludedFile(void)
2332 {
2333     char *pf, *fp = NULL;
2334     char *pd, *dp = NULL;
2336     pf = Var_Value(".PARSEFILE", VAR_GLOBAL, &fp);
2337     Var_Set(".INCLUDEDFROMFILE", pf, VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
2338     pd = Var_Value(".PARSEDIR", VAR_GLOBAL, &dp);
2339     Var_Set(".INCLUDEDFROMDIR", pd, VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
2341     if (DEBUG(PARSE))
2342 	fprintf(debug_file, "%s: ${.INCLUDEDFROMDIR} = `%s' "
2343 	    "${.INCLUDEDFROMFILE} = `%s'\n", __func__, pd, pf);
2345     free(fp);
2346     free(dp);
2347 }
2348 /*-
2349  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2350  * ParseSetParseFile  --
2351  *	Set the .PARSEDIR and .PARSEFILE variables to the dirname and
2352  *	basename of the given filename
2353  *
2354  * Results:
2355  *	None
2356  *
2357  * Side Effects:
2358  *	The .PARSEDIR and .PARSEFILE variables are overwritten by the
2359  *	dirname and basename of the given filename.
2360  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2361  */
2362 static void
2363 ParseSetParseFile(const char *filename)
2364 {
2365     char *slash, *dirname;
2366     const char *pd, *pf;
2367     int len;
2369     slash = strrchr(filename, '/');
2370     if (slash == NULL) {
2371 	Var_Set(".PARSEDIR", pd = curdir, VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
2372 	Var_Set(".PARSEFILE", pf = filename, VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
2373 	dirname= NULL;
2374     } else {
2375 	len = slash - filename;
2376 	dirname = bmake_malloc(len + 1);
2377 	memcpy(dirname, filename, len);
2378 	dirname[len] = '\0';
2379 	Var_Set(".PARSEDIR", pd = dirname, VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
2380 	Var_Set(".PARSEFILE", pf = slash + 1, VAR_GLOBAL, 0);
2381     }
2382     if (DEBUG(PARSE))
2383 	fprintf(debug_file, "%s: ${.PARSEDIR} = `%s' ${.PARSEFILE} = `%s'\n",
2384 	    __func__, pd, pf);
2385     free(dirname);
2386 }
2388 /*
2389  * Track the makefiles we read - so makefiles can
2390  * set dependencies on them.
2391  * Avoid adding anything more than once.
2392  */
2394 static void
2395 ParseTrackInput(const char *name)
2396 {
2397     char *old;
2398     char *ep;
2399     char *fp = NULL;
2400     size_t name_len = strlen(name);
2402     old = Var_Value(MAKE_MAKEFILES, VAR_GLOBAL, &fp);
2403     if (old) {
2404 	ep = old + strlen(old) - name_len;
2405 	/* does it contain name? */
2406 	for (; old != NULL; old = strchr(old, ' ')) {
2407 	    if (*old == ' ')
2408 		old++;
2409 	    if (old >= ep)
2410 		break;			/* cannot contain name */
2411 	    if (memcmp(old, name, name_len) == 0
2412 		    && (old[name_len] == 0 || old[name_len] == ' '))
2413 		goto cleanup;
2414 	}
2415     }
2416     Var_Append (MAKE_MAKEFILES, name, VAR_GLOBAL);
2417  cleanup:
2418     if (fp) {
2419 	free(fp);
2420     }
2421 }
2424 /*-
2425  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2426  * Parse_setInput  --
2427  *	Start Parsing from the given source
2428  *
2429  * Results:
2430  *	None
2431  *
2432  * Side Effects:
2433  *	A structure is added to the includes Lst and readProc, lineno,
2434  *	fname and curFile are altered for the new file
2435  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2436  */
2437 void
2438 Parse_SetInput(const char *name, int line, int fd,
2439 	char *(*nextbuf)(void *, size_t *), void *arg)
2440 {
2441     char *buf;
2442     size_t len;
2444     if (name == NULL)
2445 	name = curFile->fname;
2446     else
2447 	ParseTrackInput(name);
2449     if (DEBUG(PARSE))
2450 	fprintf(debug_file, "%s: file %s, line %d, fd %d, nextbuf %p, arg %p\n",
2451 	    __func__, name, line, fd, nextbuf, arg);
2453     if (fd == -1 && nextbuf == NULL)
2454 	/* sanity */
2455 	return;
2457     if (curFile != NULL)
2458 	/* Save exiting file info */
2459 	Lst_AtFront(includes, curFile);
2461     /* Allocate and fill in new structure */
2462     curFile = bmake_malloc(sizeof *curFile);
2464     /*
2465      * Once the previous state has been saved, we can get down to reading
2466      * the new file. We set up the name of the file to be the absolute
2467      * name of the include file so error messages refer to the right
2468      * place.
2469      */
2470     curFile->fname = bmake_strdup(name);
2471     curFile->lineno = line;
2472     curFile->first_lineno = line;
2473     curFile->nextbuf = nextbuf;
2474     curFile->nextbuf_arg = arg;
2475     curFile->lf = NULL;
2476     curFile->depending = doing_depend;	/* restore this on EOF */
2478     assert(nextbuf != NULL);
2480     /* Get first block of input data */
2481     buf = curFile->nextbuf(curFile->nextbuf_arg, &len);
2482     if (buf == NULL) {
2483         /* Was all a waste of time ... */
2484 	if (curFile->fname)
2485 	    free(curFile->fname);
2486 	free(curFile);
2487 	return;
2488     }
2489     curFile->P_str = buf;
2490     curFile->P_ptr = buf;
2491     curFile->P_end = buf+len;
2493     curFile->cond_depth = Cond_save_depth();
2494     ParseSetParseFile(name);
2495 }
2497 #ifdef SYSVINCLUDE
2498 /*-
2499  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2500  * ParseTraditionalInclude  --
2501  *	Push to another file.
2502  *
2503  *	The input is the current line. The file name(s) are
2504  *	following the "include".
2505  *
2506  * Results:
2507  *	None
2508  *
2509  * Side Effects:
2510  *	A structure is added to the includes Lst and readProc, lineno,
2511  *	fname and curFILE are altered for the new file
2512  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2513  */
2514 static void
2515 ParseTraditionalInclude(char *line)
2516 {
2517     char          *cp;		/* current position in file spec */
2518     int		   done = 0;
2519     int		   silent = (line[0] != 'i') ? 1 : 0;
2520     char	  *file = &line[silent + 7];
2521     char	  *all_files;
2523     if (DEBUG(PARSE)) {
2524 	    fprintf(debug_file, "%s: %s\n", __func__, file);
2525     }
2527     /*
2528      * Skip over whitespace
2529      */
2530     while (isspace((unsigned char)*file))
2531 	file++;
2533     /*
2534      * Substitute for any variables in the file name before trying to
2535      * find the thing.
2536      */
2537     all_files = Var_Subst(NULL, file, VAR_CMD, VARF_WANTRES);
2539     if (*file == '\0') {
2540 	Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
2541 		     "Filename missing from \"include\"");
2542 	return;
2543     }
2545     for (file = all_files; !done; file = cp + 1) {
2546 	/* Skip to end of line or next whitespace */
2547 	for (cp = file; *cp && !isspace((unsigned char) *cp); cp++)
2548 	    continue;
2550 	if (*cp)
2551 	    *cp = '\0';
2552 	else
2553 	    done = 1;
2555 	Parse_include_file(file, FALSE, FALSE, silent);
2556     }
2557     free(all_files);
2558 }
2559 #endif
2561 #ifdef GMAKEEXPORT
2562 /*-
2563  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2564  * ParseGmakeExport  --
2565  *	Parse export <variable>=<value>
2566  *
2567  *	And set the environment with it.
2568  *
2569  * Results:
2570  *	None
2571  *
2572  * Side Effects:
2573  *	None
2574  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2575  */
2576 static void
2577 ParseGmakeExport(char *line)
2578 {
2579     char	  *variable = &line[6];
2580     char	  *value;
2582     if (DEBUG(PARSE)) {
2583 	    fprintf(debug_file, "%s: %s\n", __func__, variable);
2584     }
2586     /*
2587      * Skip over whitespace
2588      */
2589     while (isspace((unsigned char)*variable))
2590 	variable++;
2592     for (value = variable; *value && *value != '='; value++)
2593 	continue;
2595     if (*value != '=') {
2596 	Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
2597 		     "Variable/Value missing from \"export\"");
2598 	return;
2599     }
2600     *value++ = '\0';			/* terminate variable */
2602     /*
2603      * Expand the value before putting it in the environment.
2604      */
2605     value = Var_Subst(NULL, value, VAR_CMD, VARF_WANTRES);
2606     setenv(variable, value, 1);
2607 }
2608 #endif
2610 /*-
2611  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2612  * ParseEOF  --
2613  *	Called when EOF is reached in the current file. If we were reading
2614  *	an include file, the includes stack is popped and things set up
2615  *	to go back to reading the previous file at the previous location.
2616  *
2617  * Results:
2618  *	CONTINUE if there's more to do. DONE if not.
2619  *
2620  * Side Effects:
2621  *	The old curFILE, is closed. The includes list is shortened.
2622  *	lineno, curFILE, and fname are changed if CONTINUE is returned.
2623  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2624  */
2625 static int
2626 ParseEOF(void)
2627 {
2628     char *ptr;
2629     size_t len;
2631     assert(curFile->nextbuf != NULL);
2633     doing_depend = curFile->depending;	/* restore this */
2634     /* get next input buffer, if any */
2635     ptr = curFile->nextbuf(curFile->nextbuf_arg, &len);
2636     curFile->P_ptr = ptr;
2637     curFile->P_str = ptr;
2638     curFile->P_end = ptr + len;
2639     curFile->lineno = curFile->first_lineno;
2640     if (ptr != NULL) {
2641 	/* Iterate again */
2642 	return CONTINUE;
2643     }
2645     /* Ensure the makefile (or loop) didn't have mismatched conditionals */
2646     Cond_restore_depth(curFile->cond_depth);
2648     if (curFile->lf != NULL) {
2649 	    loadedfile_destroy(curFile->lf);
2650 	    curFile->lf = NULL;
2651     }
2653     /* Dispose of curFile info */
2654     /* Leak curFile->fname because all the gnodes have pointers to it */
2655     free(curFile->P_str);
2656     free(curFile);
2658     curFile = Lst_DeQueue(includes);
2660     if (curFile == NULL) {
2661 	/* We've run out of input */
2662 	Var_Delete(".PARSEDIR", VAR_GLOBAL);
2663 	Var_Delete(".PARSEFILE", VAR_GLOBAL);
2666 	return DONE;
2667     }
2669     if (DEBUG(PARSE))
2670 	fprintf(debug_file, "ParseEOF: returning to file %s, line %d\n",
2671 	    curFile->fname, curFile->lineno);
2673     /* Restore the PARSEDIR/PARSEFILE variables */
2674     ParseSetParseFile(curFile->fname);
2675     return (CONTINUE);
2676 }
2678 #define PARSE_RAW 1
2679 #define PARSE_SKIP 2
2681 static char *
2682 ParseGetLine(int flags, int *length)
2683 {
2684     IFile *cf = curFile;
2685     char *ptr;
2686     char ch;
2687     char *line;
2688     char *line_end;
2689     char *escaped;
2690     char *comment;
2691     char *tp;
2693     /* Loop through blank lines and comment lines */
2694     for (;;) {
2695 	cf->lineno++;
2696 	line = cf->P_ptr;
2697 	ptr = line;
2698 	line_end = line;
2699 	escaped = NULL;
2700 	comment = NULL;
2701 	for (;;) {
2702 	    if (cf->P_end != NULL && ptr == cf->P_end) {
2703 		/* end of buffer */
2704 		ch = 0;
2705 		break;
2706 	    }
2707 	    ch = *ptr;
2708 	    if (ch == 0 || (ch == '\\' && ptr[1] == 0)) {
2709 		if (cf->P_end == NULL)
2710 		    /* End of string (aka for loop) data */
2711 		    break;
2712 		/* see if there is more we can parse */
2713 		while (ptr++ < cf->P_end) {
2714 		    if ((ch = *ptr) == '\n') {
2715 			if (ptr > line && ptr[-1] == '\\')
2716 			    continue;
2717 			Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING,
2718 			    "Zero byte read from file, skipping rest of line.");
2719 			break;
2720 		    }
2721 		}
2722 		if (cf->nextbuf != NULL) {
2723 		    /*
2724 		     * End of this buffer; return EOF and outer logic
2725 		     * will get the next one. (eww)
2726 		     */
2727 		    break;
2728 		}
2729 		Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL, "Zero byte read from file");
2730 		return NULL;
2731 	    }
2733 	    if (ch == '\\') {
2734 		/* Don't treat next character as special, remember first one */
2735 		if (escaped == NULL)
2736 		    escaped = ptr;
2737 		if (ptr[1] == '\n')
2738 		    cf->lineno++;
2739 		ptr += 2;
2740 		line_end = ptr;
2741 		continue;
2742 	    }
2743 	    if (ch == '#' && comment == NULL) {
2744 		/* Remember first '#' for comment stripping */
2745 		/* Unless previous char was '[', as in modifier :[#] */
2746 		if (!(ptr > line && ptr[-1] == '['))
2747 		    comment = line_end;
2748 	    }
2749 	    ptr++;
2750 	    if (ch == '\n')
2751 		break;
2752 	    if (!isspace((unsigned char)ch))
2753 		/* We are not interested in trailing whitespace */
2754 		line_end = ptr;
2755 	}
2757 	/* Save next 'to be processed' location */
2758 	cf->P_ptr = ptr;
2760 	/* Check we have a non-comment, non-blank line */
2761 	if (line_end == line || comment == line) {
2762 	    if (ch == 0)
2763 		/* At end of file */
2764 		return NULL;
2765 	    /* Parse another line */
2766 	    continue;
2767 	}
2769 	/* We now have a line of data */
2770 	*line_end = 0;
2772 	if (flags & PARSE_RAW) {
2773 	    /* Leave '\' (etc) in line buffer (eg 'for' lines) */
2774 	    *length = line_end - line;
2775 	    return line;
2776 	}
2778 	if (flags & PARSE_SKIP) {
2779 	    /* Completely ignore non-directives */
2780 	    if (line[0] != '.')
2781 		continue;
2782 	    /* We could do more of the .else/.elif/.endif checks here */
2783 	}
2784 	break;
2785     }
2787     /* Brutally ignore anything after a non-escaped '#' in non-commands */
2788     if (comment != NULL && line[0] != '\t') {
2789 	line_end = comment;
2790 	*line_end = 0;
2791     }
2793     /* If we didn't see a '\\' then the in-situ data is fine */
2794     if (escaped == NULL) {
2795 	*length = line_end - line;
2796 	return line;
2797     }
2799     /* Remove escapes from '\n' and '#' */
2800     tp = ptr = escaped;
2801     escaped = line;
2802     for (; ; *tp++ = ch) {
2803 	ch = *ptr++;
2804 	if (ch != '\\') {
2805 	    if (ch == 0)
2806 		break;
2807 	    continue;
2808 	}
2810 	ch = *ptr++;
2811 	if (ch == 0) {
2812 	    /* Delete '\\' at end of buffer */
2813 	    tp--;
2814 	    break;
2815 	}
2817 	if (ch == '#' && line[0] != '\t')
2818 	    /* Delete '\\' from before '#' on non-command lines */
2819 	    continue;
2821 	if (ch != '\n') {
2822 	    /* Leave '\\' in buffer for later */
2823 	    *tp++ = '\\';
2824 	    /* Make sure we don't delete an escaped ' ' from the line end */
2825 	    escaped = tp + 1;
2826 	    continue;
2827 	}
2829 	/* Escaped '\n' replace following whitespace with a single ' ' */
2830 	while (ptr[0] == ' ' || ptr[0] == '\t')
2831 	    ptr++;
2832 	ch = ' ';
2833     }
2835     /* Delete any trailing spaces - eg from empty continuations */
2836     while (tp > escaped && isspace((unsigned char)tp[-1]))
2837 	tp--;
2839     *tp = 0;
2840     *length = tp - line;
2841     return line;
2842 }
2844 /*-
2845  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2846  * ParseReadLine --
2847  *	Read an entire line from the input file. Called only by Parse_File.
2848  *
2849  * Results:
2850  *	A line w/o its newline
2851  *
2852  * Side Effects:
2853  *	Only those associated with reading a character
2854  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2855  */
2856 static char *
2857 ParseReadLine(void)
2858 {
2859     char 	  *line;    	/* Result */
2860     int	    	  lineLength;	/* Length of result */
2861     int	    	  lineno;	/* Saved line # */
2862     int	    	  rval;
2864     for (;;) {
2865 	line = ParseGetLine(0, &lineLength);
2866 	if (line == NULL)
2867 	    return NULL;
2869 	if (line[0] != '.')
2870 	    return line;
2872 	/*
2873 	 * The line might be a conditional. Ask the conditional module
2874 	 * about it and act accordingly
2875 	 */
2876 	switch (Cond_Eval(line)) {
2877 	case COND_SKIP:
2878 	    /* Skip to next conditional that evaluates to COND_PARSE.  */
2879 	    do {
2880 		line = ParseGetLine(PARSE_SKIP, &lineLength);
2881 	    } while (line && Cond_Eval(line) != COND_PARSE);
2882 	    if (line == NULL)
2883 		break;
2884 	    continue;
2885 	case COND_PARSE:
2886 	    continue;
2887 	case COND_INVALID:    /* Not a conditional line */
2888 	    /* Check for .for loops */
2889 	    rval = For_Eval(line);
2890 	    if (rval == 0)
2891 		/* Not a .for line */
2892 		break;
2893 	    if (rval < 0)
2894 		/* Syntax error - error printed, ignore line */
2895 		continue;
2896 	    /* Start of a .for loop */
2897 	    lineno = curFile->lineno;
2898 	    /* Accumulate loop lines until matching .endfor */
2899 	    do {
2900 		line = ParseGetLine(PARSE_RAW, &lineLength);
2901 		if (line == NULL) {
2902 		    Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
2903 			     "Unexpected end of file in for loop.");
2904 		    break;
2905 		}
2906 	    } while (For_Accum(line));
2907 	    /* Stash each iteration as a new 'input file' */
2908 	    For_Run(lineno);
2909 	    /* Read next line from for-loop buffer */
2910 	    continue;
2911 	}
2912 	return (line);
2913     }
2914 }
2916 /*-
2917  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2918  * ParseFinishLine --
2919  *	Handle the end of a dependency group.
2920  *
2921  * Results:
2922  *	Nothing.
2923  *
2924  * Side Effects:
2925  *	inLine set FALSE. 'targets' list destroyed.
2926  *
2927  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2928  */
2929 static void
2930 ParseFinishLine(void)
2931 {
2932     if (inLine) {
2933 	Lst_ForEach(targets, Suff_EndTransform, NULL);
2934 	Lst_Destroy(targets, ParseHasCommands);
2935 	targets = NULL;
2936 	inLine = FALSE;
2937     }
2938 }
2941 /*-
2942  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2943  * Parse_File --
2944  *	Parse a file into its component parts, incorporating it into the
2945  *	current dependency graph. This is the main function and controls
2946  *	almost every other function in this module
2947  *
2948  * Input:
2949  *	name		the name of the file being read
2950  *	fd		Open file to makefile to parse
2951  *
2952  * Results:
2953  *	None
2954  *
2955  * Side Effects:
2956  *	closes fd.
2957  *	Loads. Nodes are added to the list of all targets, nodes and links
2958  *	are added to the dependency graph. etc. etc. etc.
2959  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
2960  */
2961 void
2962 Parse_File(const char *name, int fd)
2963 {
2964     char	  *cp;		/* pointer into the line */
2965     char          *line;	/* the line we're working on */
2966     struct loadedfile *lf;
2968     lf = loadfile(name, fd);
2970     inLine = FALSE;
2971     fatals = 0;
2973     if (name == NULL) {
2974 	    name = "(stdin)";
2975     }
2977     Parse_SetInput(name, 0, -1, loadedfile_nextbuf, lf);
2978     curFile->lf = lf;
2980     do {
2981 	for (; (line = ParseReadLine()) != NULL; ) {
2982 	    if (DEBUG(PARSE))
2983 		fprintf(debug_file, "ParseReadLine (%d): '%s'\n",
2984 			curFile->lineno, line);
2985 	    if (*line == '.') {
2986 		/*
2987 		 * Lines that begin with the special character may be
2988 		 * include or undef directives.
2989 		 * On the other hand they can be suffix rules (.c.o: ...)
2990 		 * or just dependencies for filenames that start '.'.
2991 		 */
2992 		for (cp = line + 1; isspace((unsigned char)*cp); cp++) {
2993 		    continue;
2994 		}
2995 		if (strncmp(cp, "include", 7) == 0 ||
2996 			((cp[0] == 'd' || cp[0] == 's' || cp[0] == '-') &&
2997 			    strncmp(&cp[1], "include", 7) == 0)) {
2998 		    ParseDoInclude(cp);
2999 		    continue;
3000 		}
3001 		if (strncmp(cp, "undef", 5) == 0) {
3002 		    char *cp2;
3003 		    for (cp += 5; isspace((unsigned char) *cp); cp++)
3004 			continue;
3005 		    for (cp2 = cp; !isspace((unsigned char) *cp2) &&
3006 				   (*cp2 != '\0'); cp2++)
3007 			continue;
3008 		    *cp2 = '\0';
3009 		    Var_Delete(cp, VAR_GLOBAL);
3010 		    continue;
3011 		} else if (strncmp(cp, "export", 6) == 0) {
3012 		    for (cp += 6; isspace((unsigned char) *cp); cp++)
3013 			continue;
3014 		    Var_Export(cp, 1);
3015 		    continue;
3016 		} else if (strncmp(cp, "unexport", 8) == 0) {
3017 		    Var_UnExport(cp);
3018 		    continue;
3019 		} else if (strncmp(cp, "info", 4) == 0 ||
3020 			   strncmp(cp, "error", 5) == 0 ||
3021 			   strncmp(cp, "warning", 7) == 0) {
3022 		    if (ParseMessage(cp))
3023 			continue;
3024 		}
3025 	    }
3027 	    if (*line == '\t') {
3028 		/*
3029 		 * If a line starts with a tab, it can only hope to be
3030 		 * a creation command.
3031 		 */
3032 		cp = line + 1;
3033 	      shellCommand:
3034 		for (; isspace ((unsigned char)*cp); cp++) {
3035 		    continue;
3036 		}
3037 		if (*cp) {
3038 		    if (!inLine)
3039 			Parse_Error(PARSE_FATAL,
3040 				     "Unassociated shell command \"%s\"",
3041 				     cp);
3042 		    /*
3043 		     * So long as it's not a blank line and we're actually
3044 		     * in a dependency spec, add the command to the list of
3045 		     * commands of all targets in the dependency spec
3046 		     */
3047 		    if (targets) {
3048 			cp = bmake_strdup(cp);
3049 			Lst_ForEach(targets, ParseAddCmd, cp);
3050 #ifdef CLEANUP
3051 			Lst_AtEnd(targCmds, cp);
3052 #endif
3053 		    }
3054 		}
3055 		continue;
3056 	    }
3058 #ifdef SYSVINCLUDE
3059 	    if (((strncmp(line, "include", 7) == 0 &&
3060 		    isspace((unsigned char) line[7])) ||
3061 			((line[0] == 's' || line[0] == '-') &&
3062 			    strncmp(&line[1], "include", 7) == 0 &&
3063 			    isspace((unsigned char) line[8]))) &&
3064 		    strchr(line, ':') == NULL) {
3065 		/*
3066 		 * It's an S3/S5-style "include".
3067 		 */
3068 		ParseTraditionalInclude(line);
3069 		continue;
3070 	    }
3071 #endif
3072 #ifdef GMAKEEXPORT
3073 	    if (strncmp(line, "export", 6) == 0 &&
3074 		isspace((unsigned char) line[6]) &&
3075 		strchr(line, ':') == NULL) {
3076 		/*
3077 		 * It's a Gmake "export".
3078 		 */
3079 		ParseGmakeExport(line);
3080 		continue;
3081 	    }
3082 #endif
3083 	    if (Parse_IsVar(line)) {
3084 		ParseFinishLine();
3085 		Parse_DoVar(line, VAR_GLOBAL);
3086 		continue;
3087 	    }
3089 #ifndef POSIX
3090 	    /*
3091 	     * To make life easier on novices, if the line is indented we
3092 	     * first make sure the line has a dependency operator in it.
3093 	     * If it doesn't have an operator and we're in a dependency
3094 	     * line's script, we assume it's actually a shell command
3095 	     * and add it to the current list of targets.
3096 	     */
3097 	    cp = line;
3098 	    if (isspace((unsigned char) line[0])) {
3099 		while ((*cp != '\0') && isspace((unsigned char) *cp))
3100 		    cp++;
3101 		while (*cp && (ParseIsEscaped(line, cp) ||
3102 			(*cp != ':') && (*cp != '!'))) {
3103 		    cp++;
3104 		}
3105 		if (*cp == '\0') {
3106 		    if (inLine) {
3107 			Parse_Error(PARSE_WARNING,
3108 				     "Shell command needs a leading tab");
3109 			goto shellCommand;
3110 		    }
3111 		}
3112 	    }
3113 #endif
3114 	    ParseFinishLine();
3116 	    /*
3117 	     * For some reason - probably to make the parser impossible -
3118 	     * a ';' can be used to separate commands from dependencies.
3119 	     * Attempt to avoid ';' inside substitution patterns.
3120 	     */
3121 	    {
3122 		int level = 0;
3124 		for (cp = line; *cp != 0; cp++) {
3125 		    if (*cp == '\\' && cp[1] != 0) {
3126 			cp++;
3127 			continue;
3128 		    }
3129 		    if (*cp == '$' &&
3130 			(cp[1] == '(' || cp[1] == '{')) {
3131 			level++;
3132 			continue;
3133 		    }
3134 		    if (level > 0) {
3135 			if (*cp == ')' || *cp == '}') {
3136 			    level--;
3137 			    continue;
3138 			}
3139 		    } else if (*cp == ';') {
3140 			break;
3141 		    }
3142 		}
3143 	    }
3144 	    if (*cp != 0)
3145 		/* Terminate the dependency list at the ';' */
3146 		*cp++ = 0;
3147 	    else
3148 		cp = NULL;
3150 	    /*
3151 	     * We now know it's a dependency line so it needs to have all
3152 	     * variables expanded before being parsed. Tell the variable
3153 	     * module to complain if some variable is undefined...
3154 	     */
3155 	    line = Var_Subst(NULL, line, VAR_CMD, VARF_UNDEFERR|VARF_WANTRES);
3157 	    /*
3158 	     * Need a non-circular list for the target nodes
3159 	     */
3160 	    if (targets)
3161 		Lst_Destroy(targets, NULL);
3163 	    targets = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3164 	    inLine = TRUE;
3166 	    ParseDoDependency(line);
3167 	    free(line);
3169 	    /* If there were commands after a ';', add them now */
3170 	    if (cp != NULL) {
3171 		goto shellCommand;
3172 	    }
3173 	}
3174 	/*
3175 	 * Reached EOF, but it may be just EOF of an include file...
3176 	 */
3177     } while (ParseEOF() == CONTINUE);
3179     if (fatals) {
3180 	(void)fflush(stdout);
3181 	(void)fprintf(stderr,
3182 	    "%s: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue",
3183 	    progname);
3184 	PrintOnError(NULL, NULL);
3185 	exit(1);
3186     }
3187 }
3189 /*-
3190  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
3191  * Parse_Init --
3192  *	initialize the parsing module
3193  *
3194  * Results:
3195  *	none
3196  *
3197  * Side Effects:
3198  *	the parseIncPath list is initialized...
3199  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
3200  */
3201 void
3202 Parse_Init(void)
3203 {
3204     mainNode = NULL;
3205     parseIncPath = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3206     sysIncPath = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3207     defIncPath = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3208     includes = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3209 #ifdef CLEANUP
3210     targCmds = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3211 #endif
3212 }
3214 void
3215 Parse_End(void)
3216 {
3217 #ifdef CLEANUP
3218     Lst_Destroy(targCmds, (FreeProc *)free);
3219     if (targets)
3220 	Lst_Destroy(targets, NULL);
3221     Lst_Destroy(defIncPath, Dir_Destroy);
3222     Lst_Destroy(sysIncPath, Dir_Destroy);
3223     Lst_Destroy(parseIncPath, Dir_Destroy);
3224     Lst_Destroy(includes, NULL);	/* Should be empty now */
3225 #endif
3226 }
3229 /*-
3230  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3231  * Parse_MainName --
3232  *	Return a Lst of the main target to create for main()'s sake. If
3233  *	no such target exists, we Punt with an obnoxious error message.
3234  *
3235  * Results:
3236  *	A Lst of the single node to create.
3237  *
3238  * Side Effects:
3239  *	None.
3240  *
3241  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3242  */
3243 Lst
3244 Parse_MainName(void)
3245 {
3246     Lst           mainList;	/* result list */
3248     mainList = Lst_Init(FALSE);
3250     if (mainNode == NULL) {
3251 	Punt("no target to make.");
3252     	/*NOTREACHED*/
3253     } else if (mainNode->type & OP_DOUBLEDEP) {
3254 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(mainList, mainNode);
3255 	Lst_Concat(mainList, mainNode->cohorts, LST_CONCNEW);
3256     }
3257     else
3258 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(mainList, mainNode);
3259     Var_Append(".TARGETS", mainNode->name, VAR_GLOBAL);
3260     return (mainList);
3261 }
3263 /*-
3264  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3265  * ParseMark --
3266  *	Add the filename and lineno to the GNode so that we remember
3267  *	where it was first defined.
3268  *
3269  * Side Effects:
3270  *	None.
3271  *
3272  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3273  */
3274 static void
3275 ParseMark(GNode *gn)
3276 {
3277     gn->fname = curFile->fname;
3278     gn->lineno = curFile->lineno;
3279 }