1*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# Example configuration file for compiling for an Atmel SAM D20 Xplained 2*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# Pro evaluation kit, on a Unix-like system, with a GNU toolchain. 3*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty 4*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# We are on a Unix system so we assume a Single Unix compatible 'make' 5*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# utility, and Unix defaults. 6*0957b409SSimon J. Gerratyinclude conf/Unix.mk 7*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty 8*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# We override the build directory. 9*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyBUILD = samd20 10*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty 11*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# C compiler, linker, and static library builder. 12*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyCC = arm-none-eabi-gcc 13*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyCFLAGS = -W -Wall -Os -mthumb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -DBR_ARMEL_CORTEXM_GCC 14*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyLD = arm-none-eabi-gcc 15*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyAR = arm-none-eabi-ar 16*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty 17*0957b409SSimon J. Gerraty# We compile only the static library. 18*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyDLL = no 19*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyTOOLS = no 20*0957b409SSimon J. GerratyTESTS = no 21