xref: /freebsd/contrib/bearssl/T0/kern.t0 (revision f92d9b1aad73fc47f8f0b960808ca2c1a938e9e7)
1: \ `\n parse drop ; immediate
3\ This file defines the core non-native functions (mainly used for
4\ parsing words, i.e. not part of the generated output). The line above
5\ defines the syntax for comments.
7\ Define parenthesis comments.
8\ : ( `) parse drop ; immediate
10: else postpone ahead 1 cs-roll postpone then ; immediate
11: while postpone if 1 cs-roll ; immediate
12: repeat postpone again postpone then ; immediate
14: ['] ' ; immediate
15: [compile] compile ; immediate
17: 2drop drop drop ;
18: dup2 over over ;
20\ Local variables are defined with the native word '(local)'. We define
21\ a helper construction that mimics what is found in Apple's Open Firmware
22\ implementation. The syntax is: { a b ... ; c d ... }
23\ I.e. there is an opening brace, then some names. Names appearing before
24\ the semicolon are locals that are both defined and then filled with the
25\ values on stack (in stack order: { a b } fills 'b' with the top-of-stack,
26\ and 'a' with the value immediately below). Names appearing after the
27\ semicolon are not initialized.
28: __deflocal ( from_stack name -- )
29	dup (local) swap if
30		compile-local-write
31	else
32		drop
33	then ;
34: __deflocals ( from_stack -- )
35	next-word
36	dup "}" eqstr if
37		2drop ret
38	then
39	dup ";" eqstr if
40		2drop 0 __deflocals ret
41	then
42	over __deflocals
43	__deflocal ;
44: {
45	-1 __deflocals ; immediate
47\ Data building words.
48: data:
49	new-data-block next-word define-data-word ;
50: hexb|
51	0 0 { acc z }
52	begin
53		char
54		dup `| = if
55			z if "Truncated hexadecimal byte" puts cr exitvm then
56			ret
57		then
58		dup 0x20 > if
59			hexval
60			z if acc 4 << + data-add8 else >acc then
61			z not >z
62		then
63	again ;
65\ Convert hexadecimal character to number. Complain loudly if conversion
66\ is not possible.
67: hexval ( char -- x )
68	hexval-nf dup 0 < if "Not an hex digit: " puts . cr exitvm then ;
70\ Convert hexadecimal character to number. If not an hexadecimal digit,
71\ return -1.
72: hexval-nf ( char -- x )
73	dup dup `0 >= swap `9 <= and if `0 - ret then
74	dup dup `A >= swap `F <= and if `A - 10 + ret then
75	dup dup `a >= swap `f <= and if `a - 10 + ret then
76	drop -1 ;
78\ Convert decimal character to number. Complain loudly if conversion
79\ is not possible.
80: decval ( char -- x )
81	decval-nf dup 0 < if "Not a decimal digit: " puts . cr exitvm then ;
83\ Convert decimal character to number. If not a decimal digit,
84\ return -1.
85: decval-nf ( char -- x )
86	dup dup `0 >= swap `9 <= and if `0 - ret then
87	drop -1 ;
89\ Commonly used shorthands.
90: 1+ 1 + ;
91: 2+ 2 + ;
92: 1- 1 - ;
93: 2- 2 - ;
94: 0= 0 = ;
95: 0<> 0 <> ;
96: 0< 0 < ;
97: 0> 0 > ;
99\ Get a 16-bit value from the constant data block. This uses big-endian
100\ encoding.
101: data-get16 ( addr -- x )
102	dup data-get8 8 << swap 1+ data-get8 + ;
104\ The case..endcase construction is the equivalent of 'switch' is C.
105\ Usage:
106\     case
107\         E1 of C1 endof
108\         E2 of C2 endof
109\         ...
110\         CN
111\     endcase
113\ Upon entry, it considers the TOS (let's call it X). It will then evaluate
114\ E1, which should yield a single value Y1; at that point, the X value is
115\ still on the stack, just below Y1, and must remain untouched. The 'of'
116\ word compares X with Y1; if they are equal, C1 is executed, and then
117\ control jumps to after the 'endcase'. The X value is popped from the
118\ stack immediately before evaluating C1.
120\ If X and Y1 are not equal, flow proceeds to E2, to obtain a value Y2 to
121\ compare with X. And so on.
123\ If none of the 'of' clauses found a match, then CN is evaluated. When CN
124\ is evaluated, the X value is on the TOS, and CN must either leave it on
125\ the stack, or replace it with exactly one value; the 'endcase' word
126\ expects (and drops) one value.
128\ Implementation: this is mostly copied from ANS Forth specification,
129\ although simplified a bit because we know that our control-flow stack
130\ is independent of the data stack. During compilation, the number of
131\ clauses is maintained on the stack; each of..endof clause really is
132\ an 'if..else' that must be terminated with a matching 'then' in 'endcase'.
134: case 0 ; immediate
135: of 1+ postpone over postpone = postpone if postpone drop ; immediate
136: endof postpone else ; immediate
137: endcase
138	postpone drop
139	begin dup while 1- postpone then repeat drop ; immediate
141\ A simpler and more generic "case": there is no management for a value
142\ on the stack, and each test is supposed to come up with its own boolean
143\ value.
144: choice 0 ; immediate
145: uf 1+ postpone if ; immediate
146: ufnot 1+ postpone ifnot ; immediate
147: enduf postpone else ; immediate
148: endchoice begin dup while 1- postpone then repeat drop ; immediate
150\ C implementations for native words that can be used in generated code.
151add-cc: co { T0_CO(); }
152add-cc: execute { T0_ENTER(ip, rp, T0_POP()); }
153add-cc: drop { (void)T0_POP(); }
154add-cc: dup { T0_PUSH(T0_PEEK(0)); }
155add-cc: swap { T0_SWAP(); }
156add-cc: over { T0_PUSH(T0_PEEK(1)); }
157add-cc: rot { T0_ROT(); }
158add-cc: -rot { T0_NROT(); }
159add-cc: roll { T0_ROLL(T0_POP()); }
160add-cc: pick { T0_PICK(T0_POP()); }
161add-cc: + {
162	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
163	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
164	T0_PUSH(a + b);
166add-cc: - {
167	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
168	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
169	T0_PUSH(a - b);
171add-cc: neg {
172	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
173	T0_PUSH(-a);
175add-cc: * {
176	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
177	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
178	T0_PUSH(a * b);
180add-cc: / {
181	int32_t b = T0_POPi();
182	int32_t a = T0_POPi();
183	T0_PUSHi(a / b);
185add-cc: u/ {
186	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
187	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
188	T0_PUSH(a / b);
190add-cc: % {
191	int32_t b = T0_POPi();
192	int32_t a = T0_POPi();
193	T0_PUSHi(a % b);
195add-cc: u% {
196	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
197	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
198	T0_PUSH(a % b);
200add-cc: < {
201	int32_t b = T0_POPi();
202	int32_t a = T0_POPi();
203	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a < b));
205add-cc: <= {
206	int32_t b = T0_POPi();
207	int32_t a = T0_POPi();
208	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a <= b));
210add-cc: > {
211	int32_t b = T0_POPi();
212	int32_t a = T0_POPi();
213	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a > b));
215add-cc: >= {
216	int32_t b = T0_POPi();
217	int32_t a = T0_POPi();
218	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a >= b));
220add-cc: = {
221	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
222	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
223	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a == b));
225add-cc: <> {
226	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
227	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
228	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a != b));
230add-cc: u< {
231	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
232	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
233	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a < b));
235add-cc: u<= {
236	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
237	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
238	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a <= b));
240add-cc: u> {
241	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
242	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
243	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a > b));
245add-cc: u>= {
246	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
247	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
248	T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a >= b));
250add-cc: and {
251	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
252	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
253	T0_PUSH(a & b);
255add-cc: or {
256	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
257	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
258	T0_PUSH(a | b);
260add-cc: xor {
261	uint32_t b = T0_POP();
262	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
263	T0_PUSH(a ^ b);
265add-cc: not {
266	uint32_t a = T0_POP();
267	T0_PUSH(~a);
269add-cc: << {
270	int c = (int)T0_POPi();
271	uint32_t x = T0_POP();
272	T0_PUSH(x << c);
274add-cc: >> {
275	int c = (int)T0_POPi();
276	int32_t x = T0_POPi();
277	T0_PUSHi(x >> c);
279add-cc: u>> {
280	int c = (int)T0_POPi();
281	uint32_t x = T0_POP();
282	T0_PUSH(x >> c);
284add-cc: data-get8 {
285	size_t addr = T0_POP();
286	T0_PUSH(t0_datablock[addr]);
289add-cc: . {
290	extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
291	printf(" %ld", (long)T0_POPi());
293add-cc: putc {
294	extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
295	printf("%c", (char)T0_POPi());
297add-cc: puts {
298	extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
299	printf("%s", &t0_datablock[T0_POPi()]);
301add-cc: cr {
302	extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
303	printf("\n");
305add-cc: eqstr {
306	const void *b = &t0_datablock[T0_POPi()];
307	const void *a = &t0_datablock[T0_POPi()];
308	T0_PUSH(-(int32_t)(strcmp(a, b) == 0));