1# 2# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause 3# 4# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Gavin D. Howard and contributors. 5# 6# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 7# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 8# 9# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this 10# list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 11# 12# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 13# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 14# and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 15# 16# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 17# AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 18# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 19# ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 20# LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 21# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 22# SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 23# INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 24# CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 25# ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 26# POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 27# 28# %%WARNING%% 29# 30.POSIX: 31 32VERSION = 3.3.0 33 34SRC = %%SRC%% 35OBJ = %%OBJ%% 36GCDA = %%GCDA%% 37GCNO = %%GCNO%% 38 39BC_ENABLED_NAME = BC_ENABLED 40BC_ENABLED = %%BC_ENABLED%% 41DC_ENABLED_NAME = DC_ENABLED 42DC_ENABLED = %%DC_ENABLED%% 43 44HEADERS = include/args.h include/file.h include/lang.h include/lex.h include/num.h include/opt.h include/parse.h include/program.h include/read.h include/status.h include/vector.h include/vm.h 45BC_HEADERS = include/bc.h 46DC_HEADERS = include/dc.h 47HISTORY_HEADERS = include/history.h 48EXTRA_MATH_HEADERS = include/rand.h 49LIBRARY_HEADERS = include/bcl.h include/library.h 50 51GEN_DIR = gen 52GEN = %%GEN%% 53GEN_EXEC = $(GEN_DIR)/$(GEN) 54GEN_C = $(GEN_DIR)/$(GEN).c 55 56GEN_EMU = %%GEN_EMU%% 57 58BC_LIB = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.bc 59BC_LIB_C = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.c 60BC_LIB_O = %%BC_LIB_O%% 61BC_LIB_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.gcda 62BC_LIB_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/lib.gcno 63 64BC_LIB2 = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.bc 65BC_LIB2_C = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.c 66BC_LIB2_O = %%BC_LIB2_O%% 67BC_LIB2_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.gcda 68BC_LIB2_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/lib2.gcno 69 70BC_HELP = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.txt 71BC_HELP_C = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.c 72BC_HELP_O = %%BC_HELP_O%% 73BC_HELP_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.gcda 74BC_HELP_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.gcno 75 76DC_HELP = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.txt 77DC_HELP_C = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.c 78DC_HELP_O = %%DC_HELP_O%% 79DC_HELP_GCDA = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.gcda 80DC_HELP_GCNO = $(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.gcno 81 82BIN = bin 83LOCALES = locales 84EXEC_SUFFIX = %%EXECSUFFIX%% 85EXEC_PREFIX = %%EXECPREFIX%% 86 87BC = bc 88DC = dc 89BC_EXEC = $(BIN)/$(EXEC_PREFIX)$(BC) 90DC_EXEC = $(BIN)/$(EXEC_PREFIX)$(DC) 91 92BC_TEST_OUTPUTS = tests/bc_outputs 93BC_FUZZ_OUTPUTS = tests/fuzzing/bc_outputs1 tests/fuzzing/bc_outputs2 tests/fuzzing/bc_outputs3 94DC_TEST_OUTPUTS = tests/dc_outputs 95DC_FUZZ_OUTPUTS = tests/fuzzing/dc_outputs 96 97LIB = libbcl 98LIB_NAME = $(LIB).a 99LIBBC = $(BIN)/$(LIB_NAME) 100BCL = bcl 101BCL_TEST = $(BIN)/$(BCL) 102BCL_TEST_C = tests/$(BCL).c 103 104MANUALS = manuals 105BC_MANPAGE_NAME = $(EXEC_PREFIX)$(BC)$(EXEC_SUFFIX).1 106BC_MANPAGE = $(MANUALS)/$(BC).1 107BC_MD = $(BC_MANPAGE).md 108DC_MANPAGE_NAME = $(EXEC_PREFIX)$(DC)$(EXEC_SUFFIX).1 109DC_MANPAGE = $(MANUALS)/$(DC).1 110DC_MD = $(DC_MANPAGE).md 111BCL_MANPAGE_NAME = bcl.3 112BCL_MANPAGE = $(MANUALS)/$(BCL_MANPAGE_NAME) 113BCL_MD = $(BCL_MANPAGE).md 114 115MANPAGE_INSTALL_ARGS = -Dm644 116BINARY_INSTALL_ARGS = -Dm755 117 118BCL_HEADER_NAME = bcl.h 119BCL_HEADER = include/$(BCL_HEADER_NAME) 120 121%%DESTDIR%% 122BINDIR = %%BINDIR%% 123INCLUDEDIR = %%INCLUDEDIR%% 124LIBDIR = %%LIBDIR%% 125MAN1DIR = %%MAN1DIR%% 126MAN3DIR = %%MAN3DIR%% 127MAIN_EXEC = $(EXEC_PREFIX)$(%%MAIN_EXEC%%)$(EXEC_SUFFIX) 128EXEC = $(%%EXEC%%) 129NLSPATH = %%NLSPATH%% 130 131BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY = %%LIBRARY%% 132 133BC_ENABLE_HISTORY = %%HISTORY%% 134BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH_NAME = BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH 135BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH = %%EXTRA_MATH%% 136BC_ENABLE_NLS = %%NLS%% 137BC_ENABLE_PROMPT = %%PROMPT%% 138BC_LONG_BIT = %%LONG_BIT%% 139 140BC_ENABLE_AFL = %%FUZZ%% 141BC_ENABLE_MEMCHECK = %%MEMCHECK%% 142 143RM = rm 144MKDIR = mkdir 145 146INSTALL = ./exec-install.sh 147SAFE_INSTALL = ./safe-install.sh 148LINK = ./link.sh 149MANPAGE = ./manpage.sh 150KARATSUBA = ./karatsuba.py 151LOCALE_INSTALL = ./locale_install.sh 152LOCALE_UNINSTALL = ./locale_uninstall.sh 153 154VALGRIND_ARGS = --error-exitcode=100 --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --errors-for-leak-kinds=all 155 156TEST_STARS = "***********************************************************************" 157 158BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN = %%KARATSUBA_LEN%% 159 160CPPFLAGS1 = -D$(BC_ENABLED_NAME)=$(BC_ENABLED) -D$(DC_ENABLED_NAME)=$(DC_ENABLED) 161CPPFLAGS2 = $(CPPFLAGS1) -I./include/ -DVERSION=$(VERSION) %%LONG_BIT_DEFINE%% 162CPPFLAGS3 = $(CPPFLAGS2) -DEXECPREFIX=$(EXEC_PREFIX) -DMAINEXEC=$(MAIN_EXEC) 163CPPFLAGS4 = $(CPPFLAGS3) -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 164CPPFLAGS5 = $(CPPFLAGS4) -DBC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN=$(BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN) 165CPPFLAGS6 = $(CPPFLAGS5) -DBC_ENABLE_NLS=$(BC_ENABLE_NLS) -DBC_ENABLE_PROMPT=$(BC_ENABLE_PROMPT) 166CPPFLAGS7 = $(CPPFLAGS6) -D$(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH_NAME)=$(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH) 167CPPFLAGS8 = $(CPPFLAGS7) -DBC_ENABLE_HISTORY=$(BC_ENABLE_HISTORY) -DBC_ENABLE_LIBRARY=$(BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY) 168CPPFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS8) -DBC_ENABLE_MEMCHECK=$(BC_ENABLE_MEMCHECK) -DBC_ENABLE_AFL=$(BC_ENABLE_AFL) 169CFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS) %%CPPFLAGS%% %%CFLAGS%% 170LDFLAGS = %%LDFLAGS%% 171 172HOSTCFLAGS = %%HOSTCFLAGS%% 173 174CC = %%CC%% 175HOSTCC = %%HOSTCC%% 176 177BC_LIB_C_ARGS = bc_lib bc_lib_name $(BC_ENABLED_NAME) 1 178BC_LIB2_C_ARGS = bc_lib2 bc_lib2_name "$(BC_ENABLED_NAME) && $(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH_NAME)" 1 179 180OBJS = $(DC_HELP_O) $(BC_HELP_O) $(BC_LIB_O) $(BC_LIB2_O) $(OBJ) 181 182all: %%DEFAULT_TARGET%% 183 184%%DEFAULT_TARGET%%: %%DEFAULT_TARGET_PREREQS%% 185 %%DEFAULT_TARGET_CMD%% 186 187%%SECOND_TARGET%%: %%SECOND_TARGET_PREREQS%% 188 %%SECOND_TARGET_CMD%% 189 190$(GEN_EXEC): 191 %%GEN_EXEC_TARGET%% 192 193$(BC_LIB_C): $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_LIB) 194 $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_LIB) $(BC_LIB_C) $(BC_LIB_C_ARGS) 195 196$(BC_LIB_O): $(BC_LIB_C) 197 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< 198 199$(BC_LIB2_C): $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_LIB2) 200 $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_LIB2) $(BC_LIB2_C) $(BC_LIB2_C_ARGS) 201 202$(BC_LIB2_O): $(BC_LIB2_C) 203 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< 204 205$(BC_HELP_C): $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_HELP) 206 $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(BC_HELP) $(BC_HELP_C) bc_help "" $(BC_ENABLED_NAME) 207 208$(BC_HELP_O): $(BC_HELP_C) 209 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< 210 211$(DC_HELP_C): $(GEN_EXEC) $(DC_HELP) 212 $(GEN_EMU) $(GEN_EXEC) $(DC_HELP) $(DC_HELP_C) dc_help "" $(DC_ENABLED_NAME) 213 214$(DC_HELP_O): $(DC_HELP_C) 215 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< 216 217$(BIN): 218 $(MKDIR) -p $(BIN) 219 220headers: %%HEADERS%% 221 222help: 223 @printf 'available targets:\n' 224 @printf '\n' 225 @printf ' all (default) builds %%EXECUTABLES%%\n' 226 @printf ' check alias for `make test`\n' 227 @printf ' clean removes all build files\n' 228 @printf ' clean_config removes all build files as well as the generated Makefile\n' 229 @printf ' clean_tests removes all build files, the generated Makefile,\n' 230 @printf ' and generated tests\n' 231 @printf ' install installs binaries to "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(BINDIR)" 232 @printf ' and (if enabled) manpages to "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(MAN1DIR)" 233 @printf ' karatsuba runs the karatsuba script (requires Python 3)\n' 234 @printf ' karatsuba_test runs the karatsuba script while running tests\n' 235 @printf ' (requires Python 3)\n' 236 @printf ' uninstall uninstalls binaries from "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(BINDIR)" 237 @printf ' and (if enabled) manpages from "%s%s"\n' "$(DESTDIR)" "$(MAN1DIR)" 238 @printf ' test runs the test suite\n' 239 @printf ' test_bc runs the bc test suite, if bc has been built\n' 240 @printf ' test_dc runs the dc test suite, if dc has been built\n' 241 @printf ' time_test runs the test suite, displaying times for some things\n' 242 @printf ' time_test_bc runs the bc test suite, displaying times for some things\n' 243 @printf ' time_test_dc runs the dc test suite, displaying times for some things\n' 244 @printf ' timeconst runs the test on the Linux timeconst.bc script,\n' 245 @printf ' if it exists and bc has been built\n' 246 @printf ' valgrind runs the test suite through valgrind\n' 247 @printf ' valgrind_bc runs the bc test suite, if bc has been built,\n' 248 @printf ' through valgrind\n' 249 @printf ' valgrind_dc runs the dc test suite, if dc has been built,\n' 250 @printf ' through valgrind\n' 251 252run_all_tests: 253 %%BC_ALL_TESTS%% 254 %%TIMECONST_ALL_TESTS%% 255 %%DC_ALL_TESTS%% 256 257check: test 258 259test: %%TESTS%% 260 261test_bc: test_bc_header test_bc_tests test_bc_scripts test_bc_stdin test_bc_read test_bc_errors test_bc_other 262 @printf '\nAll bc tests passed.\n\n$(TEST_STARS)\n' 263 264test_bc_tests:%%BC_TESTS%% 265 266test_bc_scripts:%%BC_SCRIPT_TESTS%% 267 268test_bc_stdin: 269 @sh tests/stdin.sh bc %%BC_TEST_EXEC%% 270 271test_bc_read: 272 @sh tests/read.sh bc %%BC_TEST_EXEC%% 273 274test_bc_errors: 275 @sh tests/errors.sh bc %%BC_TEST_EXEC%% 276 277test_bc_other: 278 @sh tests/other.sh bc %%BC_TEST_EXEC%% 279 280test_bc_header: 281 @printf '$(TEST_STARS)\n\nRunning bc tests...\n\n' 282 283test_dc: test_dc_header test_dc_tests test_dc_scripts test_dc_stdin test_dc_read test_dc_errors test_dc_other 284 @printf '\nAll dc tests passed.\n\n$(TEST_STARS)\n' 285 286test_dc_tests:%%DC_TESTS%% 287 288test_dc_scripts:%%DC_SCRIPT_TESTS%% 289 290test_dc_stdin: 291 @sh tests/stdin.sh dc %%DC_TEST_EXEC%% 292 293test_dc_read: 294 @sh tests/read.sh dc %%DC_TEST_EXEC%% 295 296test_dc_errors: 297 @sh tests/errors.sh dc %%DC_TEST_EXEC%% 298 299test_dc_other: 300 @sh tests/other.sh dc %%DC_TEST_EXEC%% 301 302test_dc_header: 303 @printf '$(TEST_STARS)\n\nRunning dc tests...\n\n' 304 305timeconst: 306 %%TIMECONST%% 307 308library_test: $(LIBBC) 309 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(BCL_TEST_C) $(LIBBC) -o $(BCL_TEST) 310 311test_library: library_test 312 $(BCL_TEST) 313 314karatsuba: 315 %%KARATSUBA%% 316 317karatsuba_test: 318 %%KARATSUBA_TEST%% 319 320coverage_output: 321 %%COVERAGE_OUTPUT%% 322 323coverage:%%COVERAGE_PREREQS%% 324 325version: 326 @printf '%s' "$(VERSION)" 327 328libcname: 329 @printf '%s' "$(BC_LIB_C)" 330 331extra_math: 332 @printf '%s' "$(BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH)" 333 334manpages: 335 $(MANPAGE) bc 336 $(MANPAGE) dc 337 $(MANPAGE) bcl 338 339clean_gen: 340 @$(RM) -f $(GEN_EXEC) 341 342clean:%%CLEAN_PREREQS%% 343 @printf 'Cleaning files...\n' 344 @$(RM) -f $(OBJ) 345 @$(RM) -f $(BC_EXEC) 346 @$(RM) -f $(DC_EXEC) 347 @$(RM) -fr $(BIN) 348 @$(RM) -f $(LOCALES)/*.cat 349 @$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB_C) $(BC_LIB_O) 350 @$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB2_C) $(BC_LIB2_O) 351 @$(RM) -f $(BC_HELP_C) $(BC_HELP_O) 352 @$(RM) -f $(DC_HELP_C) $(DC_HELP_O) 353 @$(RM) -fr $(BC_TEST_OUTPUTS) $(DC_TEST_OUTPUTS) 354 @$(RM) -fr $(BC_FUZZ_OUTPUTS) $(DC_FUZZ_OUTPUTS) 355 356clean_config: clean 357 @printf 'Cleaning config...\n' 358 @$(RM) -f Makefile 359 @$(RM) -f $(BC_MD) $(DC_MD) 360 @$(RM) -f $(BC_MANPAGE) $(DC_MANPAGE) 361 362clean_coverage: 363 @printf 'Cleaning coverage files...\n' 364 @$(RM) -f *.gcov 365 @$(RM) -f *.html 366 @$(RM) -f *.gcda *.gcno 367 @$(RM) -f *.profraw 368 @$(RM) -f $(GCDA) $(GCNO) 369 @$(RM) -f $(BC_GCDA) $(BC_GCNO) 370 @$(RM) -f $(DC_GCDA) $(DC_GCNO) 371 @$(RM) -f $(HISTORY_GCDA) $(HISTORY_GCNO) 372 @$(RM) -f $(RAND_GCDA) $(RAND_GCNO) 373 @$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB_GCDA) $(BC_LIB_GCNO) 374 @$(RM) -f $(BC_LIB2_GCDA) $(BC_LIB2_GCNO) 375 @$(RM) -f $(BC_HELP_GCDA) $(BC_HELP_GCNO) 376 @$(RM) -f $(DC_HELP_GCDA) $(DC_HELP_GCNO) 377 378clean_tests: clean clean_config clean_coverage 379 @printf 'Cleaning test files...\n' 380 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/parse.txt tests/bc/parse_results.txt 381 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/print.txt tests/bc/print_results.txt 382 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/bessel.txt tests/bc/bessel_results.txt 383 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/bessel.txt 384 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/parse.txt 385 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/print.txt 386 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/add.txt 387 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/divide.txt 388 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/multiply.txt 389 @$(RM) -f tests/bc/scripts/subtract.txt 390 @$(RM) -f tests/dc/scripts/prime.txt tests/dc/scripts/stream.txt 391 @$(RM) -f .log_*.txt 392 @$(RM) -f .math.txt .results.txt .ops.txt 393 @$(RM) -f .test.txt 394 @$(RM) -f tags .gdbbreakpoints .gdb_history .gdbsetup 395 @$(RM) -f cscope.* 396 @$(RM) -f bc.old 397 398install_locales: 399 %%INSTALL_LOCALES%% 400 401install_bc_manpage: 402 $(SAFE_INSTALL) $(MANPAGE_INSTALL_ARGS) $(BC_MANPAGE) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1DIR)/$(BC_MANPAGE_NAME) 403 404install_dc_manpage: 405 $(SAFE_INSTALL) $(MANPAGE_INSTALL_ARGS) $(DC_MANPAGE) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1DIR)/$(DC_MANPAGE_NAME) 406 407install_bcl_manpage: 408 $(SAFE_INSTALL) $(MANPAGE_INSTALL_ARGS) $(BCL_MANPAGE) $(DESTDIR)$(MAN3DIR)/$(BCL_MANPAGE_NAME) 409 410install_bcl_header: 411 $(SAFE_INSTALL) $(MANPAGE_INSTALL_ARGS) $(BCL_HEADER) $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/$(BCL_HEADER_NAME) 412 413install_execs: 414 $(INSTALL) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) "$(EXEC_SUFFIX)" 415 416install_library: 417 $(SAFE_INSTALL) $(BINARY_INSTALL_ARGS) $(LIBBC) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_NAME) 418 419install:%%INSTALL_LOCALES_PREREQS%%%%INSTALL_MAN_PREREQS%%%%INSTALL_PREREQS%% 420 421uninstall_locales: 422 $(LOCALE_UNINSTALL) $(NLSPATH) $(MAIN_EXEC) $(DESTDIR) 423 424uninstall_bc_manpage: 425 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1DIR)/$(BC_MANPAGE_NAME) 426 427uninstall_bc: 428 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(EXEC_PREFIX)$(BC)$(EXEC_SUFFIX) 429 430uninstall_dc_manpage: 431 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1DIR)/$(DC_MANPAGE_NAME) 432 433uninstall_dc: 434 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(EXEC_PREFIX)$(DC)$(EXEC_SUFFIX) 435 436uninstall_library: 437 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_NAME) 438 439uninstall_bcl_header: 440 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/$(BCL_HEADER_NAME) 441 442uninstall_bcl_manpage: 443 $(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(MAN3DIR)/$(BCL_MANPAGE_NAME) 444 445uninstall:%%UNINSTALL_LOCALES_PREREQS%%%%UNINSTALL_MAN_PREREQS%%%%UNINSTALL_PREREQS%% 446