1# @(#)Makefile 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/5/95 2# $FreeBSD$ 3 4PROG= sh 5SHSRCS= alias.c arith.y arith_lex.l cd.c echo.c error.c eval.c exec.c expand.c \ 6 histedit.c input.c jobs.c mail.c main.c memalloc.c miscbltin.c \ 7 mystring.c options.c output.c parser.c redir.c show.c \ 8 test.c trap.c var.c 9GENSRCS= builtins.c init.c nodes.c syntax.c 10GENHDRS= builtins.h nodes.h syntax.h token.h y.tab.h 11SRCS= ${SHSRCS} ${GENSRCS} ${GENHDRS} y.tab.h 12 13# MLINKS for Shell built in commands for which there are no userland 14# utilities of the same name are handled with the associated manpage, 15# builtin.1 in share/man/man1/. 16 17DPADD+= ${LIBL} ${LIBEDIT} ${LIBTERMCAP} 18LDADD+= -ll -ledit -ltermcap 19 20LFLAGS= -8 # 8-bit lex scanner for arithmetic 21CFLAGS+=-DSHELL -I. -I${.CURDIR} 22# for debug: 23# CFLAGS+= -g -DDEBUG=2 24WARNS= 0 25WFORMAT=0 26 27.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/bltin \ 28 ${.CURDIR}/../../bin/test 29 30CLEANFILES+= mkinit mkinit.o mknodes mknodes.o \ 31 mksyntax mksyntax.o 32CLEANFILES+= ${GENSRCS} ${GENHDRS} 33 34build-tools: mkinit mknodes mksyntax 35 36.ORDER: builtins.c builtins.h 37builtins.c builtins.h: mkbuiltins builtins.def 38 cd ${.CURDIR}; sh mkbuiltins ${.OBJDIR} 39 40init.c: mkinit alias.c eval.c exec.c input.c jobs.c options.c parser.c \ 41 redir.c trap.c var.c 42 ./mkinit ${.ALLSRC:S/^mkinit$//} 43 44# XXX this is just to stop the default .c rule being used, so that the 45# intermediate object has a fixed name. 46# XXX we have a default .c rule, but no default .o rule. 47.o: 48 ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${.IMPSRC} ${LDLIBS} -o ${.TARGET} 49mkinit: mkinit.o 50mknodes: mknodes.o 51mksyntax: mksyntax.o 52 53.ORDER: nodes.c nodes.h 54nodes.c nodes.h: mknodes nodetypes nodes.c.pat 55 ./mknodes ${.CURDIR}/nodetypes ${.CURDIR}/nodes.c.pat 56 57.ORDER: syntax.c syntax.h 58syntax.c syntax.h: mksyntax 59 ./mksyntax 60 61token.h: mktokens 62 sh ${.CURDIR}/mktokens 63 64.include <bsd.prog.mk> 65