1aa9009bfSDavid E. O'Brien$FreeBSD$ 2aa9009bfSDavid E. O'Brien 3072f68a7SPeter WemmPlease note that the content of this file is strictly advisory. 4072f68a7SPeter WemmNo locks listed here are valid. The only strict review requirements 547b4fb40SPeter Wemmare granted by core. These are documented in head/LOCKS and enforced 6072f68a7SPeter Wemmby CVSROOT/approvers. 7072f68a7SPeter Wemm 8072f68a7SPeter WemmThe source tree is a community effort. However, some folks go to the 9072f68a7SPeter Wemmtrouble of looking after particular areas of the tree. In return for 10072f68a7SPeter Wemmtheir active caretaking of the code it is polite to coordinate changes 11072f68a7SPeter Wemmwith them. This is a list of people who have expressed an interest in 12072f68a7SPeter Wemmpart of the code or listed their active caretaking role so that other 13072f68a7SPeter Wemmcommitters can easily find somebody who is familiar with it. The notes 14072f68a7SPeter Wemmshould specify if there is a 3rd party source tree involved or other 15072f68a7SPeter Wemmthings that should be kept in mind. 16072f68a7SPeter Wemm 17072f68a7SPeter WemmHowever, this is not a 'big stick', it is an offer to help and a source 18072f68a7SPeter Wemmof guidance. It does not override the communal nature of the tree. 19072f68a7SPeter WemmIt is not a registry of 'turf' or private property. 20072f68a7SPeter Wemm 21aa9009bfSDavid E. O'Briensubsystem login notes 2233e8d2d1SRuslan Ermilov----------------------------- 2307691dc0SJohn-Mark Gurneykqueue jmg Pre-commit review requested. 24aa9009bfSDavid E. O'Brienmergemaster dougb Prefers to pre-approve commits 254ec3f323SRobert Watsonlibc/posix1e rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 264ec3f323SRobert WatsonPOSIX.1e ACLs rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 274ec3f323SRobert WatsonUFS EAs rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 2882b583d6SRobert WatsonMAC Framework rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 2982b583d6SRobert WatsonMAC Modules rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 305a8199e1SRobert Watsoncontrib/openbsm rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 315a8199e1SRobert Watsonsys/security/audit rwatson Pre-commit review requested. 327b74a303SWarner Loshahc(4) gibbs Pre-commit review requested. 3357f5e24fSDavid E. O'Brienahd(4) gibbs Pre-commit review requested. 347b74a303SWarner LoshNEWCARD imp Pre-commit review requested. 35474a2ca9SWarner Loshpci bus imp,jhb Pre-commit review requested. 3685c17fe7SJohn Baldwincdboot jhb Pre-commit review requested. 3785c17fe7SJohn Baldwinpxeboot jhb Pre-commit review requested. 3885c17fe7SJohn Baldwinwitness jhb Pre-commit review requested. 3909c0425eSKenneth D. MerryCAM gibbs, 408a6d0ed2SMatt Jacob ken Pre-commit review requested. send to scsi@freebsd.org 4109c0425eSKenneth D. Merrydevstat(9) ken Pre-commit review requested. 4209c0425eSKenneth D. Merrycamcontrol(8) ken Pre-commit review requested. 4309c0425eSKenneth D. Merrylibcam ken Pre-commit review requested. 4409c0425eSKenneth D. Merrylibdevstat ken Pre-commit review requested. 4509c0425eSKenneth D. Merryiostat(8) ken Pre-commit review requested. 4609c0425eSKenneth D. Merrycd(4) ken Pre-commit review requested. 4709c0425eSKenneth D. Merrypass(4) ken Pre-commit review requested. 4809c0425eSKenneth D. Merrych(4) ken Pre-commit review requested. 499fc2ffa2SJack F Vogelem(4) jfv Pre-commit review requested. 50dd46ab31SDavid Christensenbxe(4) davidch Pre-commit review requested. 515e4252f5SColeman Kanetdfx(4) cokane Just keep me informed of changes, try not to break it. 52cfa8611cSGregory Neil Shapirosendmail gshapiro Pre-commit review requested. 53cfa8611cSGregory Neil Shapiroetc/mail gshapiro Pre-commit review requested. 54cfa8611cSGregory Neil Shapiro Keep in sync with -STABLE. 55cfa8611cSGregory Neil Shapiroetc/sendmail gshapiro Pre-commit review requested. 56cfa8611cSGregory Neil Shapiro Keep in sync with -STABLE. 5775c3973aSDag-Erling Smørgravlibfetch des Advance notification requested. 5875c3973aSDag-Erling Smørgravfetch des Advance notification requested. 59523ca9d7SDag-Erling Smørgravlibpam des Pre-commit review requested. 60c81d70a7SDag-Erling Smørgravopenssh des Pre-commit review requested. 61344523acSDag-Erling Smørgravpseudofs des Pre-commit review requested. 62344523acSDag-Erling Smørgravprocfs des Pre-commit review requested. 63344523acSDag-Erling Smørgravlinprocfs des Pre-commit review requested. 642b6eac05SGarance A Drosehnlpr gad Pre-commit review requested, particularly for 652b6eac05SGarance A Drosehn lpd/recvjob.c and lpd/printjob.c. 66d392a163SGarance A Drosehnnewsyslog(8) gad Heads-up appreciated. I'm going thru the PR's for it. 67ec5b87c7SPeter Wemmcvs peter Heads-up appreciated, try not to break it. 68ec5b87c7SPeter Wemmnvi peter Try not to break it. 69ec5b87c7SPeter Wemmlibz peter Try not to break it. 70a66c7b85SRuslan Ermilovgroff ru Recommends pre-commit review. 71a46b53b3SRuslan Ermilovshare/mk ru This is a vital component of the build system, so I 72a46b53b3SRuslan Ermilov offer a pre-commit review for anything non-trivial. 7382e65462SBill Fumerolaipfw ipfw Pre-commit review preferred. send to ipfw@freebsd.org 748302ce44SRobert Nolanddrm rnoland Just keep me informed of changes, try not to break it. 757dd825c4STony Finchunifdef(1) fanf Pre-commit review requested. 76b6bf7843SOllivier Robertntp roberto Pre-commit review requested. 77936664b1SDavid Maloneinetd dwmalone Recommends pre-commit review. 78177f5441SBoris Popovnwfs bp In case of functional changes pre-commit review 79177f5441SBoris Popov requested. 80177f5441SBoris Popovcontrib/smbfs bp Open for in-tree committs. In case of functional 81177f5441SBoris Popov changes pre-commit review requested. 828c267233SMax Laiercontrib/pf mlaier Pre-commit review requested. 8357f5e24fSDavid E. O'Brienbinutils obrien Insists on BU blocked from unapproved commits 84d27006c8SDavid E. O'Brienfile obrien Insists to keep file blocked from other's unapproved 85d27006c8SDavid E. O'Brien commits 86d27006c8SDavid E. O'Briencontrib/bzip2 obrien Pre-commit review required. 87d27006c8SDavid E. O'Brienlukemftpd obrien Pre-commit review required. 8899130297SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_concat pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 89a113a8ddSPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_eli pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9099130297SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_gate pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9199130297SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_label pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9299130297SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_mirror pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9399130297SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_nop pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 94816659f6SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_raid3 pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 951c4bb408SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_shsec pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9699130297SPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_stripe pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 97a113a8ddSPawel Jakub Dawidekgeom_zero pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9899130297SPawel Jakub Dawideksbin/geom pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 9953279dddSPawel Jakub Dawidekzfs pjd Pre-commit review preferred. 10008b9aa31SAlfred Perlsteinnfs alfred Will be happy to review code, but not mandatory. 10108b9aa31SAlfred Perlsteinrpc.lockd alfred Will be happy to review code, but not mandatory. 10208b9aa31SAlfred Perlsteintruss alfred Will be happy to review code, but not mandatory. 103881848b9SAlfred Perlsteinrpc alfred Pre-commit review requested. 104e9b54d9cSCraig Rodriguesxfs kan@FreeBSD.org,rodrigc@FreeBSD.org,cattelan@xfs.org 105e9b54d9cSCraig Rodrigues Pre-commit review preferred. 106dcf1c8c8SFlorent Thoumiepkg_install portmgr Pre-commit review or approval from portmgr@ requested. 1070ebab8aeSWarner Loshlinux emul emulation Please discuss changes here. 108f9300868SColin Percivalbs{diff,patch} cperciva Pre-commit review requested. 1096fb01948SColin Percivalportsnap cperciva Pre-commit review requested. 11048ffe56aSColin Percivalfreebsd-update cperciva Pre-commit review requested. 111e7127137SColin Percivalopenssl benl Pre-commit review requested. 1127a481a4fSMaksim Yevmenkinsys/netgraph/bluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred. 1137a481a4fSMaksim Yevmenkinlib/libbluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred. 1147a481a4fSMaksim Yevmenkinlib/libsdp emax Pre-commit review preferred. 1157a481a4fSMaksim Yevmenkinusr.bin/bluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred. 1167a481a4fSMaksim Yevmenkinusr.sbin/bluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred. 117afe2435bSCeri Daviesgnu/usr.bin/send-pr bugmaster Pre-commit review requested. 118cd53fc8eSColin Percival*env(3) secteam Due to the problematic security history of this 119cd53fc8eSColin Percival code, please have patches reviewed by secteam. 120358a01b4SEdwin Groothuisshare/zoneinfo edwin Heads-up appreciated, since our data is coming 121358a01b4SEdwin Groothuis from a third party source. 122358a01b4SEdwin Groothuisusr.sbin/zic edwin Heads-up appreciated, since this code is 123358a01b4SEdwin Groothuis maintained by a third party source. 124358a01b4SEdwin Groothuislib/libc/stdtime edwin Heads-up appreciated, since parts of this code 125358a01b4SEdwin Groothuis is maintained by a third party source. 126e259b9c7SBruce M Simpsonsbin/routed bms Pre-commit review; notify vendor at rhyolite.com 127*f11c7f63SJim Harrisisci(4) jimharris Pre-commit review requested. 12843a340a6SDoug Barton 12943a340a6SDoug BartonFollowing are the entries from the Makefiles, and a few other sources. 13043a340a6SDoug BartonPlease remove stale entries from both their origin, and this file. 13143a340a6SDoug Barton 13243a340a6SDoug BartonPlease also consider removing the lines from the files listed below and 13343a340a6SDoug Bartonstating your preferences here instead. 13443a340a6SDoug Barton 135cf27ba88SJens SchweikhardtList below generated with: 136cf27ba88SJens Schweikhardt$ cd /usr/src; find */* -type f|xargs egrep 'MAINTAINER[ <tab>]*=' 137cf27ba88SJens Schweikhardt 13843a340a6SDoug Bartonsys/modules/3dfx/Makefile:MAINTAINER= cokane@FreeBSD.org 13943a340a6SDoug Bartonsys/modules/urio/Makefile:MAINTAINER= Iwasa Kazmi <kzmi@ca2.so-net.ne.jp> 1405d2e2fcdSJens Schweikhardttools/tools/sysdoc/Makefile:MAINTAINER= trhodes@FreeBSD.org 141