xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/qat/qat_api/common/crypto/sym/include/lac_sym_cipher.h (revision 71625ec9ad2a9bc8c09784fbd23b759830e0ee5f)
1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
2 /* Copyright(c) 2007-2022 Intel Corporation */
4 /**
5  *****************************************************************************
6  * @file lac_sym_cipher.h
7  *
8  * @defgroup  LacCipher  Cipher
9  *
10  * @ingroup LacSym
11  *
12  * API functions of the cipher component
13  *
14  * @lld_start
15  * @lld_overview
16  * There is a single \ref icp_LacSym "Symmetric LAC API" for hash, cipher,
17  * auth encryption and algorithm chaining. This API is implemented by the
18  * \ref LacSym "Symmetric" module. It demultiplexes calls to this API into
19  * their basic operation and does some common parameter checking and deals
20  * with accesses to the session table.
21  *
22  * The cipher component supports data encryption/decryption using the AES, DES,
23  * and Triple-DES cipher algorithms, in ECB, CBC and CTR modes.  The ARC4 stream
24  * cipher algorithm is also supported.  Data may be provided as a full packet,
25  * or as a sequence of partial packets.  The result of the operation can be
26  * written back to the source buffer (in-place) or to a seperate output buffer
27  * (out-of-place).  Data must be encapsulated in ICP buffers.
28  *
29  * The cipher component is responsible for implementing the cipher-specific
30  * functionality for registering and de-registering a session, for the perform
31  * operation and for processing the QAT responses to cipher requests. Statistics
32  * are maintained for cipher in the symmetric \ref CpaCySymStats64 "stats"
33  * structure. This module has been seperated out into two. The cipher QAT module
34  * deals entirely with QAT data structures. The cipher module itself has minimal
35  * exposure to the QAT data structures.
36  *
37  * @lld_dependencies
38  * - \ref LacCommon
39  * - \ref LacSymQat "Symmetric QAT": Hash uses the lookup table provided by
40  *   this module to validate user input. Hash also uses this module to build
41  *   the hash QAT request message, request param structure, populate the
42  *   content descriptor, allocate and populate the hash state prefix buffer.
43  *   Hash also registers its function to process the QAT response with this
44  *   module.
45  * - OSAL : For memory functions, atomics and locking
46  *
47  * @lld_module_algorithms
48  * In general, all the cipher algorithms supported by this component are
49  * implemented entirely by the QAT.  However, in the case of the ARC4 algorithm,
50  * it was deemed more efficient to carry out some processing on IA.  During
51  * session registration, an initial state is derived from the base key provided
52  * by the user, using a simple ARC4 Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA). Then the
53  * base key is discarded, but the state is maintained for the duration of the
54  * session.
55  *
56  * The ARC4 key scheduling algorithm (KSA) is specified as follows
57  * (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4_(cipher)):
58  * \code
59  * for i from 0 to 255
60  *     S[i] := i
61  * endfor
62  * j := 0
63  * for i from 0 to 255
64  *     j := (j + S[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256
65  *     swap(S[i],S[j])
66  * endfor
67  * \endcode
68  *
69  * On registration of a new ARC4 session, the user provides a base key of any
70  * length from 1 to 256 bytes.  This algorithm produces the initial ARC4 state
71  * (key matrix + i & j index values) from that base key.  This ARC4 state is
72  * used as input for each ARC4 cipher operation in that session, and is updated
73  * by the QAT after each operation.  The ARC4 state is stored in a session
74  * descriptor, and it's memory is freed when the session is deregistered.
75  *
76  * <b>Block Vs. Stream Ciphers</b>\n
77  * Block ciphers are treated slightly differently than Stream ciphers by this
78  * cipher component.  Supported stream ciphers consist of AES and
79  * TripleDES algorithms in CTR mode, and ARC4. The 2 primary differences are:
80  * - Data buffers for block ciphers are required to be a multiple of the
81  *   block size defined for the algorithm (e.g. 8 bytes for DES).  For stream
82  *   ciphers, there is no such restriction.
83  * - For stream ciphers, decryption is performed by setting the QAT hardware
84  *   to encryption mode.
85  *
86  * <b>Memory address alignment of data buffers </b>\n
87  * The QAT requires that most data buffers are aligned on an 8-byte memory
88  * address boundary (64-byte boundary for optimum performance).  For Cipher,
89  * this applies to the cipher key buffer passed in the Content Descriptor,
90  * and the IV/State buffer passed in the Request Parameters block in each
91  * request.  Both of these buffers are provided by the user.  It does not
92  * apply to the cipher source/destination data buffers.
93  * Alignment of the key buffer is ensured because the key is always copied
94  * from the user provided buffer into a new (aligned) buffer for the QAT
95  * (the hardware setup block, which configures the QAT slice).  This is done
96  * once only during session registration, and the user's key buffer can be
97  * effectively discarded after that.
98  * The IV/State buffer is provided per-request by the user, so it is recommended
99  * to the user to provide aligned buffers for optimal performance.  In the case
100  * where an unaligned buffer is provided, a new temporary buffer is allocated
101  * and the user's IV/State data is copied into this buffer.  The aligned buffer
102  * is then passed to the QAT in the request.  In the response callback, if the
103  * IV was updated by the QAT, the contents are copied back to the user's buffer
104  * and the temporary buffer is freed.
105  *
106  * @lld_process_context
107  *
108  * Session Register Sequence Diagram: For ARC4 cipher algorithm
109  * \msc
110  *  APP [label="Application"], SYM [label="Symmetric LAC"],
111  *  Achain [label="Alg chain"], Cipher, SQAT [label="Symmetric QAT"];
112  *
113  *  APP=>SYM [ label = "cpaCySymInitSession(cbFunc)",
114  *             URL="\ref cpaCySymInitSession()"] ;
115  *  SYM=>SYM [ label = "LacSymSession_ParamCheck()",
116  *             URL="\ref LacSymSession_ParamCheck()"];
117  *  SYM=>Achain [ label = "LacAlgChain_SessionInit()",
118  *                URL="\ref LacAlgChain_SessionInit()"];
119  *  Achain=>Cipher [ label = "LacCipher_SessionSetupDataCheck()",
120  *               URL="\ref LacCipher_SessionSetupDataCheck()"];
121  *  Achain<<Cipher [ label="return"];
122  *  Achain=>SQAT [ label = "LacSymQat_CipherContentDescPopulate()",
123  *               URL="\ref LacSymQat_CipherContentDescPopulate()"];
124  *  Achain<<SQAT [ label="return"];
125  *  Achain=>SQAT [ label = "LacSymQat_CipherArc4StateInit()",
126  *               URL="\ref LacSymQat_CipherArc4StateInit()"];
127  *  Achain<<SQAT [ label="return"];
128  *  SYM<<Achain [ label = "status" ];
129  *  SYM=>SYM [label = "LAC_SYM_STAT_INC", URL="\ref LAC_SYM_STAT_INC"];
130  *  APP<<SYM [label = "status"];
131  * \endmsc
132  *
133  * Perform Sequence Diagram: TripleDES CBC-mode encryption, in-place full
134  *packet, asynchronous mode \msc APP [label="Application"], SYM
135  *[label="Symmetric LAC"], SC [label="Symmetric Common"], Achain [label="Alg
136  *chain"], Cipher, SQAT [label="Symmetric QAT"], BUF [label="LAC Buffer Desc"],
137  *SYMQ [label="Symmetric Queue"], SYMCB [label="Symmetric Callback"], LMP
138  *[label="LAC Mem Pool"], QATCOMMS [label="QAT Comms"];
139  *
140  *  APP=>SYM [ label = "cpaCySymPerformOp()",
141  *             URL="\ref cpaCySymPerformOp()"] ;
142  *  SYM=>SYM [ label = "LacSym_Perform()",
143  *            URL="\ref LacSym_Perform()"];
144  *  SYM=>SYM [ label = "LacSymPerform_BufferParamCheck()",
145  *            URL="\ref LacSymPerform_BufferParamCheck()"];
146  *  SYM<<SYM [ label = "status"];
147  *  SYM=>Achain [ label = "LacAlgChain_Perform()",
148  *                URL="\ref LacCipher()"];
149  *  Achain=>Cipher [ label = "LacCipher_PerformParamCheck()",
150  *                   URL="\ref LacCipher_PerformParamCheck()"];
151  *  Achain<<Cipher [ label="status"];
152  *  Achain=>LMP [label="Lac_MemPoolEntryAlloc()",
153  *              URL="\ref Lac_MemPoolEntryAlloc()"];
154  *  Achain<<LMP [label="return"];
155  *  Achain=>Cipher [ label = "LacCipher_PerformIvCheckAndAlign()",
156  *                   URL="\ref LacCipher_PerformIvCheckAndAlign()"];
157  *  Achain<<Cipher [ label="status"];
158  *  Achain=>SQAT [ label = "LacSymQat_CipherRequestParamsPopulate()",
159  *               URL="\ref LacSymQat_CipherRequestParamsPopulate()"];
160  *  Achain<<SQAT [ label="return"];
161  *  Achain=>BUF [ label = "LacBuffDesc_BufferListDescWrite()",
162  *                URL = "\ref LacBuffDesc_BufferListDescWrite()"];
163  *  Achain<<BUF [ label="return"];
164  *  Achain=>SQAT [ label = "SalQatMsg_CmnMsgAndReqParamsPopulate()",
165  *               URL="\ref SalQatMsg_CmnMsgAndReqParamsPopulate()"];
166  *  Achain<<SQAT [ label="return"];
167  *  Achain=>SYMQ [ label = "LacSymQueue_RequestSend()",
168  *             URL="\ref LacSymQueue_RequestSend()"];
169  *  SYMQ=>QATCOMMS [ label = "QatComms_MsgSend()",
170  *                   URL="\ref QatComms_MsgSend()"];
171  *  SYMQ<<QATCOMMS [ label="status"];
172  *  Achain<<SYMQ [ label="status"];
173  *  SYM<<Achain[ label="status"];
174  *  SYM=>SYM [ label = "LacSym_PartialPacketStateUpdate()",
175  *            URL="\ref LacSym_PartialPacketStateUpdate()"];
176  *  SYM<<SYM [ label = "return"];
177  *  SYM=>SC [label = "LAC_SYM_STAT_INC", URL="\ref LAC_SYM_STAT_INC"];
178  *  SYM<<SC [ label="return"];
179  *  SYM<<SYM [ label = "status"];
180  *  APP<<SYM [label = "status"];
181  *  ... [label = "QAT processing the request and generates response"];
182  *  ...;
183  *  QATCOMMS=>QATCOMMS [label ="QatComms_ResponseMsgHandler()",
184  *                       URL="\ref QatComms_ResponseMsgHandler()"];
185  *  QATCOMMS=>SQAT [label ="LacSymQat_SymRespHandler()",
186  *                   URL="\ref LacSymQat_SymRespHandler()"];
187  *  SQAT=>SYMCB [label="LacSymCb_ProcessCallback()",
188  *              URL="\ref LacSymCb_ProcessCallback()"];
189  *  SYMCB=>SYMCB [label="LacSymCb_ProcessCallbackInternal()",
190  *              URL="\ref LacSymCb_ProcessCallbackInternal()"];
191  *  SYMCB=>LMP [label="Lac_MemPoolEntryFree()",
192  *              URL="\ref Lac_MemPoolEntryFree()"];
193  *  SYMCB<<LMP [label="return"];
194  *  SYMCB=>SC [label = "LAC_SYM_STAT_INC", URL="\ref LAC_SYM_STAT_INC"];
195  *  SYMCB<<SC [label = "return"];
196  *  SYMCB=>APP [label="cbFunc"];
197  *  SYMCB<<APP [label="return"];
198  *  SQAT<<SYMCB [label="return"];
199  *  QATCOMMS<<SQAT [label="return"];
200  * \endmsc
201  *
202  * #See the sequence diagram for cpaCySymInitSession()
203  *
204  * @lld_end
205  *
206  *****************************************************************************/
208 /***************************************************************************/
210 #ifndef LAC_SYM_CIPHER_H
211 #define LAC_SYM_CIPHER_H
213 /*
214 ******************************************************************************
215 * Include public/global header files
216 ******************************************************************************
217 */
219 #include "cpa.h"
220 #include "cpa_cy_sym.h"
222 /*
223 *******************************************************************************
224 * Include private header files
225 *******************************************************************************
226 */
228 #include "lac_session.h"
229 #include "lac_sym.h"
230 #include "lac_sal_types_crypto.h"
232 /*
233  * WARNING: There are no checks done on the parameters of the functions in
234  * this file. The expected values of the parameters are documented and it is
235  * up to the caller to provide valid values.
236  */
238 /***************************************************************************/
240 /**
241  *****************************************************************************
242  * @ingroup LacCipher
243  *      Cipher session setup data check
244  *
245  * @description
246  *      This function will check any algorithm-specific fields
247  *      in the session cipher setup data structure
248  *
249  * @param[in] pCipherSetupData       Pointer to session cipher context
250  *
251  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        Function executed successfully.
252  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
253  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter.
254  *
255  *****************************************************************************/
256 CpaStatus
257 LacCipher_SessionSetupDataCheck(const CpaCySymCipherSetupData *pCipherSetupData,
258 				Cpa32U capabilitiesMask);
260 /**
261 *******************************************************************************
262 * @ingroup LacCipher
263 *      Function that checks the perform common parameters for cipher
264 *
265 * @description
266 *      This function checks the perform parameters for cipher operations
267 *
268 * @param[in] cipherAlgorithm  read only pointer to cipher context structure
269 *
270 * @param[in] pOpData          read only pointer to user-supplied data for this
271 *                             cipher operation
272 * @param[in] packetLen        read only length of data in buffer
273 *
274 * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        Success
275 * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter
276 *
277 *****************************************************************************/
278 CpaStatus LacCipher_PerformParamCheck(CpaCySymCipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm,
279 				      const CpaCySymOpData *pOpData,
280 				      const Cpa64U packetLen);
282 /**
283  *****************************************************************************
284  * @ingroup LacCipher
285  *      Cipher perform IV check
286  *
287  * @description
288  *      This function will perform algorithm-specific checks on the
289  *      cipher Initialisation Vector data provided by the user.
290  *
291  * @param[in] pCbCookie         Pointer to struct containing internal cookie
292  *                              data for the operation
293  * @param[in] qatPacketType     QAT partial packet type (start/mid/end/none)
294  * @param[out] ppIvBuffer       Returns a pointer to an IV buffer.
295  *
296  *
297  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS       Function executed successfully.
298  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
299  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter.
300  *
301  * @see LacCipher_Perform(), LacCipher_IvBufferRestore()
302  *
303  * @note LacCipher_IvBufferRestore() must be called when the request is
304  *       completed to update the users IV buffer, only in the case of partial
305  *       packet requests
306  *
307  *****************************************************************************/
308 CpaStatus LacCipher_PerformIvCheck(sal_service_t *pService,
309 				   lac_sym_bulk_cookie_t *pCbCookie,
310 				   Cpa32U qatPacketType,
311 				   Cpa8U **ppIvBuffer);
313 /**
314  *****************************************************************************
315  * @ingroup LacCipher
316  *      Return cipher slice type for given algorithm
317  *
318  * @description
319  *      This function will check what cipher slice type should be used for given
320  *      algorithms and CPM generation combination.
321  *      Since CPM2.0 there is new UCS cipher slice available.
322  *
323  * @param[in] pService          Pointer to service struct
324  * @param[in] cipherAlgorithm   cipher algorithm
325  * @param[in] hashAlgorithm     hash algorithm
326  *
327  *****************************************************************************/
328 Cpa32U LacCipher_GetCipherSliceType(sal_crypto_service_t *pService,
329 				    CpaCySymCipherAlgorithm algorithm,
330 				    CpaCySymHashAlgorithm hash);
331 #endif /* LAC_SYM_CIPHER_H */