xref: /freebsd/crypto/libecc/src/examples/basic/fp_square_residue.c (revision f0865ec9906d5a18fa2a3b61381f22ce16e606ad)
1 /*
2  *  Copyright (C) 2017 - This file is part of libecc project
3  *
4  *  Authors:
5  *      Ryad BENADJILA <ryadbenadjila@gmail.com>
6  *      Arnaud EBALARD <arnaud.ebalard@ssi.gouv.fr>
7  *      Jean-Pierre FLORI <jean-pierre.flori@ssi.gouv.fr>
8  *
9  *  Contributors:
10  *      Nicolas VIVET <nicolas.vivet@ssi.gouv.fr>
11  *      Karim KHALFALLAH <karim.khalfallah@ssi.gouv.fr>
12  *
13  *  This software is licensed under a dual BSD and GPL v2 license.
14  *  See LICENSE file at the root folder of the project.
15  */
16 #include <libecc/libarith.h>
18 /* Declare our Miller-Rabin test implemented
19  * in another module.
20  */
21 ATTRIBUTE_WARN_UNUSED_RET int miller_rabin(nn_src_t n, const unsigned int t, int *check);
23 #ifdef FP_EXAMPLE
main(int argc,char * argv[])24 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
25 {
26 	nn p;
27 	fp x, x_sqrt1, x_sqrt2;
28 	fp_ctx ctx;
29 	int ret, ret_sqr, isone, check, cmp;
30 	x.magic = x_sqrt1.magic = x_sqrt2.magic = WORD(0);
31 	ctx.magic = WORD(0);
32 	FORCE_USED_VAR(argc);
33  	FORCE_USED_VAR(argv);
35 	while (1) {
36 		/* Get a random prime p of maximum 521 bits */
37 		ret = nn_init(&p, 0); EG(ret, err);
38 		while (1) {
39 			/* x = random with max size ~= (NN_MAX_BIT_LEN / 3) bytes.
40 			 * This size limit is infered from the NN arithmetic primitives
41 			 * maximum working size. See nn.h for more information about this.
42 			 */
43 			ret = nn_get_random_maxlen
44 			    (&p, (u16)((NN_MAX_BIT_LEN / 3) / 8)); EG(ret, err);
46 			/* p = 1 is a marginal prime we don't want to deal with */
47 			ret = nn_isone(&p, &isone); EG(ret, err);
48 			if(isone){
49 				continue;
50 			}
52 			/* Check primality of p, and choose it if it is prime */
53 			ret = miller_rabin(&p, 100, &check); EG(ret, err);
54 			if(check == 1){
55 				break;
56 			}
57 		}
58 		nn_print("Prime p", &p);
59 		/* Initialize our Fp context from p */
60 		ret = fp_ctx_init_from_p(&ctx, &p); EG(ret, err);
61 		/* Initialize x and its square roots */
62 		ret = fp_init(&x, &ctx); EG(ret, err);
63 		ret = fp_init(&x_sqrt1, &ctx); EG(ret, err);
64 		ret = fp_init(&x_sqrt2, &ctx); EG(ret, err);
66 		/* Get a random value in Fp */
67 		ret = fp_get_random(&x, &ctx); EG(ret, err);
68 		/* Compute its square in Fp */
69 		ext_printf("Random before squaring:\n");
70 		fp_print("x", &x);
71 		ext_printf("Random after squaring:\n");
72 		ret = fp_sqr(&x, &x); EG(ret, err);
73 		nn_print("x^2", &(x.fp_val));
75 		ret_sqr = fp_sqrt(&x_sqrt1, &x_sqrt2, &x);
77 		if (ret_sqr == 0) {
78 			/* Square roots found!, check them! */
79 			fp_print("sqrt1", &x_sqrt1);
80 			ret = fp_sqr(&x_sqrt1, &x_sqrt1); EG(ret, err);
81 			ret = fp_cmp(&x, &x_sqrt1, &cmp); EG(ret, err);
82 			if (cmp == 0) {
83 				ext_printf("First found square OK!\n");
84 			} else {
85 				ext_printf("First found square NOK: square "
86 					   "is not the expected value ...\n");
87 			}
88 			fp_print("sqrt2", &x_sqrt2);
89 			ret = fp_sqr(&x_sqrt2, &x_sqrt2); EG(ret, err);
90 			ret = fp_cmp(&x, &x_sqrt2, &cmp); EG(ret, err);
91 			if (cmp == 0) {
92 				ext_printf("Second found square OK!\n");
93 			} else {
94 				ext_printf("Second found square NOK: square "
95 					   "is not the expected value ...\n");
96 			}
98 		} else {
99 			if (ret_sqr == -1) {
100 				/* This should not happen since we have forged our square */
101 				ext_printf("Value n has no square over Fp\n");
102 				ext_printf("(Note: this error can be due to "
103 					   "Miller-Rabin providing a false "
104 					   "positive prime ...)\n");
105 				ext_printf("(though this should happen with "
106 					   "negligible probability))\n");
107 				nn_print("Check primality of p =", &p);
108 				/* Get out of the main loop */
109 				break;
110 			} else {
111 				/* This should not happen since we have forged our square */
112 				ext_printf("Tonelli-Shanks algorithm unkown "
113 					   "error ...\n");
114 				ext_printf("(Note: this error can be due to "
115 					   "Miller-Rabin providing a false "
116 					   "positive prime ...)\n");
117 				ext_printf("(though this should happen with "
118 					   "negligible probability))\n");
119 				nn_print("Check primality of p =", &p);
120 				/* Get out of the main loop */
121 				break;
122 			}
123 		}
124 	}
126 	return 0;
127 err:
128 	ext_printf("Error: unkown error ...\n");
129 	return -1;
130 }
131 #endif