xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/ntpd/refclock_tpro.c (revision f5f40dd63bc7acbb5312b26ac1ea1103c12352a6)
1 /*
2  * refclock_tpro - clock driver for the KSI/Odetics TPRO-S IRIG-B reader
3  */
5 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 #include <config.h>
7 #endif
9 #if defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(CLOCK_TPRO)
11 #include "ntpd.h"
12 #include "ntp_io.h"
13 #include "ntp_refclock.h"
14 #include "ntp_unixtime.h"
15 #include "sys/tpro.h"
16 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <ctype.h>
21 /*
22  * This driver supports the KSI/Odetecs TPRO-S IRIG-B reader and TPRO-
23  * SAT GPS receiver for the Sun Microsystems SBus. It requires that the
24  * tpro.o device driver be installed and loaded.
25  */
27 /*
28  * TPRO interface definitions
29  */
30 #define	DEVICE		 "/dev/tpro%d" /* device name and unit */
31 #define	PRECISION	(-20)	/* precision assumed (1 us) */
32 #define	REFID		"IRIG"	/* reference ID */
33 #define	DESCRIPTION	"KSI/Odetics TPRO/S IRIG Interface" /* WRU */
35 /*
36  * Unit control structure
37  */
38 struct tprounit {
39 	struct	tproval tprodata; /* data returned from tpro read */
40 };
42 /*
43  * Function prototypes
44  */
45 static	int	tpro_start	(int, struct peer *);
46 static	void	tpro_shutdown	(int, struct peer *);
47 static	void	tpro_poll	(int unit, struct peer *);
49 /*
50  * Transfer vector
51  */
52 struct	refclock refclock_tpro = {
53 	tpro_start,		/* start up driver */
54 	tpro_shutdown,		/* shut down driver */
55 	tpro_poll,		/* transmit poll message */
56 	noentry,		/* not used (old tpro_control) */
57 	noentry,		/* initialize driver (not used) */
58 	noentry,		/* not used (old tpro_buginfo) */
59 	NOFLAGS			/* not used */
60 };
63 /*
64  * tpro_start - open the TPRO device and initialize data for processing
65  */
66 static int
67 tpro_start(
68 	int unit,
69 	struct peer *peer
70 	)
71 {
72 	register struct tprounit *up;
73 	struct refclockproc *pp;
74 	char device[20];
75 	int fd;
77 	/*
78 	 * Open TPRO device
79 	 */
80 	snprintf(device, sizeof(device), DEVICE, unit);
81 	fd = open(device, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY, 0777);
82 	if (fd == -1) {
83 		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "tpro_start: open of %s: %m", device);
84 		return (0);
85 	}
87 	/*
88 	 * Allocate and initialize unit structure
89 	 */
90 	up = emalloc_zero(sizeof(*up));
91 	pp = peer->procptr;
92 	pp->io.clock_recv = noentry;
93 	pp->io.srcclock = peer;
94 	pp->io.datalen = 0;
95 	pp->io.fd = fd;
96 	pp->unitptr = up;
98 	/*
99 	 * Initialize miscellaneous peer variables
100 	 */
101 	peer->precision = PRECISION;
102 	pp->clockdesc = DESCRIPTION;
103 	memcpy((char *)&pp->refid, REFID, 4);
104 	return (1);
105 }
108 /*
109  * tpro_shutdown - shut down the clock
110  */
111 static void
112 tpro_shutdown(
113 	int unit,
114 	struct peer *peer
115 	)
116 {
117 	register struct tprounit *up;
118 	struct refclockproc *pp;
120 	pp = peer->procptr;
121 	up = pp->unitptr;
122 	io_closeclock(&pp->io);
123 	if (NULL != up)
124 		free(up);
125 }
128 /*
129  * tpro_poll - called by the transmit procedure
130  */
131 static void
132 tpro_poll(
133 	int unit,
134 	struct peer *peer
135 	)
136 {
137 	register struct tprounit *up;
138 	struct refclockproc *pp;
139 	struct tproval *tp;
141 	/*
142 	 * This is the main routine. It snatches the time from the TPRO
143 	 * board and tacks on a local timestamp.
144 	 */
145 	pp = peer->procptr;
146 	up = pp->unitptr;
148 	tp = &up->tprodata;
149 	if (read(pp->io.fd, (char *)tp, sizeof(struct tproval)) < 0) {
150 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_FAULT);
151 		return;
152 	}
153 	get_systime(&pp->lastrec);
154 	pp->polls++;
156 	/*
157 	 * We get down to business, check the timecode format and decode
158 	 * its contents. If the timecode has invalid length or is not in
159 	 * proper format, we declare bad format and exit. Note: we
160 	 * can't use the sec/usec conversion produced by the driver,
161 	 * since the year may be suspect. All format error checking is
162 	 * done by the snprintf() and sscanf() routines.
163 	 *
164 	 * Note that the refclockproc usec member has now become nsec.
165 	 * We could either multiply the read-in usec value by 1000 or
166 	 * we could pad the written string appropriately and read the
167 	 * resulting value in already scaled.
168 	 */
169 	snprintf(pp->a_lastcode, sizeof(pp->a_lastcode),
170 		 "%1x%1x%1x %1x%1x:%1x%1x:%1x%1x.%1x%1x%1x%1x%1x%1x %1x",
171 		 tp->day100, tp->day10, tp->day1, tp->hour10, tp->hour1,
172 		 tp->min10, tp->min1, tp->sec10, tp->sec1, tp->ms100,
173 		 tp->ms10, tp->ms1, tp->usec100, tp->usec10, tp->usec1,
174 		 tp->status);
175 	pp->lencode = strlen(pp->a_lastcode);
176 #ifdef DEBUG
177 	if (debug)
178 		printf("tpro: time %s timecode %d %s\n",
179 		   ulfptoa(&pp->lastrec, 6), pp->lencode,
180 		   pp->a_lastcode);
181 #endif
182 	if (sscanf(pp->a_lastcode, "%3d %2d:%2d:%2d.%6ld", &pp->day,
183 	    &pp->hour, &pp->minute, &pp->second, &pp->nsec)
184 	    != 5) {
185 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
186 		return;
187 	}
188 	pp->nsec *= 1000;	/* Convert usec to nsec */
189 	if (!tp->status & 0x3)
190 		pp->leap = LEAP_NOTINSYNC;
191 	else
192 		pp->leap = LEAP_NOWARNING;
193 	if (!refclock_process(pp)) {
194 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
195 		return;
196 	}
197 	if (pp->coderecv == pp->codeproc) {
198 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
199 		return;
200 	}
201 	pp->lastref = pp->lastrec;
202 	record_clock_stats(&peer->srcadr, pp->a_lastcode);
203 	refclock_receive(peer);
204 }
206 #else
208 #endif /* REFCLOCK */