xref: /titanic_50/usr/src/cmd/sendmail/db/db/db_apprec.c (revision 7c478bd95313f5f23a4c958a745db2134aa03244)
1 /*-
2  * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998
5  *	Sleepycat Software.  All rights reserved.
6  */
8 #include "config.h"
10 #ifndef lint
11 static const char copyright[] =
12 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998\n\
13 	Sleepycat Software Inc.  All rights reserved.\n";
14 static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)db_apprec.c	10.33 (Sleepycat) 10/5/98";
15 #endif
18 #include <sys/types.h>
20 #include <errno.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <time.h>
23 #endif
25 #include "db_int.h"
26 #include "shqueue.h"
27 #include "db_page.h"
28 #include "db_dispatch.h"
29 #include "db_am.h"
30 #include "log.h"
31 #include "txn.h"
32 #include "common_ext.h"
34 /*
35  * __db_apprec --
36  *	Perform recovery.
37  *
38  * PUBLIC: int __db_apprec __P((DB_ENV *, u_int32_t));
39  */
40 int
__db_apprec(dbenv,flags)41 __db_apprec(dbenv, flags)
42 	DB_ENV *dbenv;
43 	u_int32_t flags;
44 {
45 	DBT data;
46 	DB_LOG *lp;
47 	DB_LSN ckp_lsn, first_lsn, lsn, open_lsn;
48 	__txn_ckp_args *ckp_args;
49 	time_t now;
50 	u_int32_t is_thread;
51 	int ret;
52 	void *txninfo;
54 	lp = dbenv->lg_info;
56 	/* Initialize the transaction list. */
57 	if ((ret = __db_txnlist_init(&txninfo)) != 0)
58 		return (ret);
60 	/*
61 	 * Save the state of the thread flag -- we don't need it on at the
62 	 * moment because we're single-threaded until recovery is complete.
63 	 */
64 	is_thread = F_ISSET(lp, DB_AM_THREAD);
65 	F_CLR(lp, DB_AM_THREAD);
67 	/*
68 	 * Recovery is done in three passes:
69 	 * Pass #0:
70 	 *	We need to find the position from which we will open files
71 	 *	We need to open files beginning with the last to next
72 	 *	checkpoint because we might have crashed after writing the
73 	 * 	last checkpoint record, but before having written out all
74 	 *	the open file information.
75 	 * Pass #1:
76 	 *	Read forward through the log from the second to last checkpoint
77 	 *	opening and closing files so that at the end of the log we have
78 	 *	the "current" set of files open.
79 	 * Pass #2:
80 	 *	Read backward through the log undoing any uncompleted TXNs.
81 	 *	If doing catastrophic recovery, we read to the beginning of
82 	 *	the log, otherwise, to the most recent checkpoint that occurs
83 	 *	before the most recent checkpoint LSN, which is returned by
84 	 *	__log_findckp().  During this pass, checkpoint file information
85 	 *	is ignored, and file openings and closings are undone.
86 	 * Pass #3:
87 	 *	Read forward through the log from the LSN found in pass #2,
88 	 *	redoing any committed TXNs.  During this pass, checkpoint
89 	 *	file information is ignored, and file openings and closings
90 	 *	are redone.
91 	 */
93 	/*
94 	 * Find the second to last checkpoint in the log.  This is the point
95 	 * from which we want to begin pass #1 (the TXN_OPENFILES pass).
96 	 */
97 	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
98 	ckp_args = NULL;
100 	if ((ret = log_get(lp, &ckp_lsn, &data, DB_CHECKPOINT)) != 0) {
101 		/*
102 		 * If we don't find a checkpoint, start from the beginning.
103 		 * If that fails, we're done.  Note, we do not require that
104 		 * there be log records if we're performing recovery.
105 		 */
106 first:		if ((ret = log_get(lp, &ckp_lsn, &data, DB_FIRST)) != 0) {
107 			if (ret == DB_NOTFOUND)
108 				ret = 0;
109 			else
110 				__db_err(dbenv, "First log record not found");
111 			goto out;
112 		}
113 		open_lsn = ckp_lsn;
114 	} else if ((ret = __txn_ckp_read(data.data, &ckp_args)) != 0) {
115 		__db_err(dbenv, "Invalid checkpoint record at [%ld][%ld]\n",
116 		    (u_long)ckp_lsn.file, (u_long)ckp_lsn.offset);
117 		goto out;
118 	} else if (IS_ZERO_LSN(ckp_args->last_ckp) ||
119 		(ret = log_get(lp, &ckp_args->last_ckp, &data, DB_SET)) != 0)
120 		goto first;
121 	else
122 		open_lsn = ckp_args->last_ckp;
124 	/*
125 	 * Now, ckp_lsn is either the lsn of the last checkpoint or the lsn
126 	 * of the first record in the log.  Open_lsn is the second to last
127 	 * checkpoint or the beinning of the log; begin the TXN_OPENFILES
128 	 * pass from that lsn, and proceed to the end of the log.
129 	 */
130 	lsn = open_lsn;
131 	for (;;) {
132 		if (dbenv->tx_recover != NULL)
133 			ret = dbenv->tx_recover(lp,
134 			    &data, &lsn, TXN_OPENFILES, txninfo);
135 		else
136 			ret = __db_dispatch(lp,
137 			    &data, &lsn, TXN_OPENFILES, txninfo);
138 		if (ret != 0 && ret != DB_TXN_CKP)
139 			goto msgerr;
140 		if ((ret = log_get(lp, &lsn, &data, DB_NEXT)) != 0) {
141 			if (ret == DB_NOTFOUND)
142 				break;
143 			goto out;
144 		}
145 	}
147 	/*
148 	 * Pass #2.
149 	 *
150 	 * Before we can begin pass #2, backward roll phase, we determine how
151 	 * far back in the log to recover.  If we are doing catastrophic
152 	 * recovery, then we go as far back as we have files.  If we are
153 	 * doing normal recovery, we go as back to the most recent checkpoint
154 	 * that occurs before the most recent checkpoint LSN.
155 	 */
157 		ZERO_LSN(first_lsn);
158 	} else
159 		if ((ret = __log_findckp(lp, &first_lsn)) == DB_NOTFOUND) {
160 			/*
161 			 * We don't require that log files exist if recovery
162 			 * was specified.
163 			 */
164 			ret = 0;
165 			goto out;
166 		}
168 	if (dbenv->db_verbose)
169 		__db_err(lp->dbenv, "Recovery starting from [%lu][%lu]",
170 		    (u_long)first_lsn.file, (u_long)first_lsn.offset);
172 	for (ret = log_get(lp, &lsn, &data, DB_LAST);
173 	    ret == 0 && log_compare(&lsn, &first_lsn) > 0;
174 	    ret = log_get(lp, &lsn, &data, DB_PREV)) {
175 		if (dbenv->tx_recover != NULL)
176 			ret = dbenv->tx_recover(lp,
177 			    &data, &lsn, TXN_BACKWARD_ROLL, txninfo);
178 		else
179 			ret = __db_dispatch(lp,
180 			    &data, &lsn, TXN_BACKWARD_ROLL, txninfo);
181 		if (ret != 0)
182 			if (ret != DB_TXN_CKP)
183 				goto msgerr;
184 			else
185 				ret = 0;
186 	}
187 	if (ret != 0 && ret != DB_NOTFOUND)
188 		goto out;
190 	/*
191 	 * Pass #3.
192 	 */
193 	for (ret = log_get(lp, &lsn, &data, DB_NEXT);
194 	    ret == 0; ret = log_get(lp, &lsn, &data, DB_NEXT)) {
195 		if (dbenv->tx_recover != NULL)
196 			ret = dbenv->tx_recover(lp,
197 			    &data, &lsn, TXN_FORWARD_ROLL, txninfo);
198 		else
199 			ret = __db_dispatch(lp,
200 			    &data, &lsn, TXN_FORWARD_ROLL, txninfo);
201 		if (ret != 0)
202 			if (ret != DB_TXN_CKP)
203 				goto msgerr;
204 			else
205 				ret = 0;
206 	}
207 	if (ret != DB_NOTFOUND)
208 		goto out;
210 	/* Now close all the db files that are open. */
211 	__log_close_files(lp);
213 	/*
214 	 * Now set the last checkpoint lsn and the current time,
215 	 * take a checkpoint, and reset the txnid.
216 	 */
217 	(void)time(&now);
218 	dbenv->tx_info->region->last_ckp = ckp_lsn;
219 	dbenv->tx_info->region->time_ckp = (u_int32_t)now;
220 	if ((ret = txn_checkpoint(dbenv->tx_info, 0, 0)) != 0)
221 		goto out;
222 	dbenv->tx_info->region->last_txnid = TXN_MINIMUM;
224 	if (dbenv->db_verbose) {
225 		__db_err(lp->dbenv, "Recovery complete at %.24s", ctime(&now));
226 		__db_err(lp->dbenv, "%s %lx %s [%lu][%lu]",
227 		    "Maximum transaction id",
228 		    ((DB_TXNHEAD *)txninfo)->maxid,
229 		    "Recovery checkpoint",
230 		    (u_long)dbenv->tx_info->region->last_ckp.file,
231 		    (u_long)dbenv->tx_info->region->last_ckp.offset);
232 	}
234 	if (0) {
235 msgerr:		__db_err(dbenv, "Recovery function for LSN %lu %lu failed",
236 		    (u_long)lsn.file, (u_long)lsn.offset);
237 	}
239 out:	F_SET(lp, is_thread);
240 	__db_txnlist_end(txninfo);
241 	if (ckp_args != NULL)
242 		__os_free(ckp_args, sizeof(*ckp_args));
244 	return (ret);
245 }