xref: /freebsd/contrib/ofed/opensm/opensm/main.c (revision 67350cb56a69468c118bd4ccf6e361b7ebfa9eb4)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved.
3  * Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
5  * Copyright (c) 2009 HNR Consulting. All rights reserved.
6  * Copyright (c) 2009 System Fabric Works, Inc. All rights reserved.
7  * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 ZIH, TU Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany. All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
10  * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
11  * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
12  * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
13  * OpenIB.org BSD license below:
14  *
15  *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
16  *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
17  *     conditions are met:
18  *
19  *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
20  *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
21  *        disclaimer.
22  *
23  *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
24  *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
25  *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
26  *        provided with the distribution.
27  *
36  *
37  */
39 /*
40  * Abstract:
41  *    Command line interface for opensm.
42  */
45 #  include <config.h>
46 #endif				/* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
48 #include <stdio.h>
49 #include <stdlib.h>
50 #include <getopt.h>
51 #include <unistd.h>
52 #include <signal.h>
53 #include <sys/types.h>
54 #include <sys/stat.h>
55 #include <fcntl.h>
56 #include <complib/cl_types.h>
57 #include <complib/cl_debug.h>
58 #include <opensm/osm_file_ids.h>
60 #include <vendor/osm_vendor_api.h>
61 #include <opensm/osm_version.h>
62 #include <opensm/osm_opensm.h>
63 #include <opensm/osm_console.h>
64 #include <opensm/osm_console_io.h>
65 #include <opensm/osm_perfmgr.h>
67 volatile unsigned int osm_exit_flag = 0;
69 static volatile unsigned int osm_hup_flag = 0;
70 static volatile unsigned int osm_usr1_flag = 0;
71 static char *pidfile;
73 #define MAX_LOCAL_IBPORTS 64
mark_exit_flag(int signum)76 static void mark_exit_flag(int signum)
77 {
78 	if (!osm_exit_flag)
79 		printf("OpenSM: Got signal %d - exiting...\n", signum);
80 	osm_exit_flag = 1;
81 }
mark_hup_flag(int signum)83 static void mark_hup_flag(int signum)
84 {
85 	osm_hup_flag = 1;
86 }
mark_usr1_flag(int signum)88 static void mark_usr1_flag(int signum)
89 {
90 	osm_usr1_flag = 1;
91 }
93 static sigset_t saved_sigset;
block_signals()95 static void block_signals()
96 {
97 	sigset_t set;
99 	sigemptyset(&set);
100 	sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
101 	sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
102 	sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
104 	sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR1);
105 #endif
106 	pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &saved_sigset);
107 }
setup_signals()109 static void setup_signals()
110 {
111 	struct sigaction act;
113 	sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
114 	act.sa_handler = mark_exit_flag;
115 	act.sa_flags = 0;
116 	sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
117 	sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL);
118 	act.sa_handler = mark_hup_flag;
119 	sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL);
120 	sigaction(SIGCONT, &act, NULL);
122 	act.sa_handler = mark_usr1_flag;
123 	sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL);
124 #endif
125 	pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &saved_sigset, NULL);
126 }
show_usage(void)128 static void show_usage(void)
129 {
130 	printf("\n------- OpenSM - Usage and options ----------------------\n");
131 	printf("Usage:   opensm [options]\n");
132 	printf("Options:\n");
133 	printf("--version\n          Prints OpenSM version and exits.\n\n");
134 	printf("--config, -F <file-name>\n"
135 	       "          The name of the OpenSM config file. When not specified\n"
136 	       "          " OSM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
137 	       " will be used (if exists).\n\n");
138 	printf("--create-config, -c <file-name>\n"
139 	       "          OpenSM will dump its configuration to the specified file and exit.\n"
140 	       "          This is a way to generate OpenSM configuration file template.\n\n");
141 	printf("--guid, -g <GUID in hex>\n"
142 	       "          This option specifies the local port GUID value\n"
143 	       "          with which OpenSM should bind.  OpenSM may be\n"
144 	       "          bound to 1 port at a time.\n"
145 	       "          If GUID given is 0, OpenSM displays a list\n"
146 	       "          of possible port GUIDs and waits for user input.\n"
147 	       "          Without -g, OpenSM tries to use the default port.\n\n");
148 	printf("--lmc, -l <LMC>\n"
149 	       "          This option specifies the subnet's LMC value.\n"
150 	       "          The number of LIDs assigned to each port is 2^LMC.\n"
151 	       "          The LMC value must be in the range 0-7.\n"
152 	       "          LMC values > 0 allow multiple paths between ports.\n"
153 	       "          LMC values > 0 should only be used if the subnet\n"
154 	       "          topology actually provides multiple paths between\n"
155 	       "          ports, i.e. multiple interconnects between switches.\n"
156 	       "          Without -l, OpenSM defaults to LMC = 0, which allows\n"
157 	       "          one path between any two ports.\n\n");
158 	printf("--priority, -p <PRIORITY>\n"
159 	       "          This option specifies the SM's PRIORITY.\n"
160 	       "          This will effect the handover cases, where master\n"
161 	       "          is chosen by priority and GUID.  Range goes\n"
162 	       "          from 0 (lowest priority) to 15 (highest).\n\n");
163 	printf("--smkey, -k <SM_Key>\n"
164 	       "          This option specifies the SM's SM_Key (64 bits).\n"
165 	       "          This will effect SM authentication.\n"
166 	       "          Note that OpenSM version 3.2.1 and below used the\n"
167 	       "          default value '1' in a host byte order, it is fixed\n"
168 	       "          now but you may need this option to interoperate\n"
169 	       "          with old OpenSM running on a little endian machine.\n\n");
170 	printf("--reassign_lids, -r\n"
171 	       "          This option causes OpenSM to reassign LIDs to all\n"
172 	       "          end nodes. Specifying -r on a running subnet\n"
173 	       "          may disrupt subnet traffic.\n"
174 	       "          Without -r, OpenSM attempts to preserve existing\n"
175 	       "          LID assignments resolving multiple use of same LID.\n\n");
176 	printf("--routing_engine, -R <engine name>\n"
177 	       "          This option chooses routing engine(s) to use instead of default\n"
178 	       "          Min Hop algorithm.  Multiple routing engines can be specified\n"
179 	       "          separated by commas so that specific ordering of routing\n"
180 	       "          algorithms will be tried if earlier routing engines fail.\n"
181 	       "          If all configured routing engines fail, OpenSM will always\n"
182 	       "          attempt to route with Min Hop unless 'no_fallback' is\n"
183 	       "          included in the list of routing engines.\n"
184 	       "          Supported engines: updn, dnup, file, ftree, lash, dor, torus-2QoS, dfsssp, sssp\n\n");
185 	printf("--do_mesh_analysis\n"
186 	       "          This option enables additional analysis for the lash\n"
187 	       "          routing engine to precondition switch port assignments\n"
188 	       "          in regular cartesian meshes which may reduce the number\n"
189 	       "          of SLs required to give a deadlock free routing\n\n");
190 	printf("--lash_start_vl <vl number>\n"
191 	       "          Sets the starting VL to use for the lash routing algorithm.\n"
192 	       "          Defaults to 0.\n");
193 	printf("--sm_sl <sl number>\n"
194 	       "          Sets the SL to use to communicate with the SM/SA. Defaults to 0.\n\n");
195 	printf("--connect_roots, -z\n"
196 	       "          This option enforces routing engines (up/down and \n"
197 	       "          fat-tree) to make connectivity between root switches\n"
198 	       "          and in this way be IBA compliant. In many cases,\n"
199 	       "          this can violate \"pure\" deadlock free algorithm, so\n"
200 	       "          use it carefully.\n\n");
201 	printf("--ucast_cache, -A\n"
202 	       "          This option enables unicast routing cache to prevent\n"
203 	       "          routing recalculation (which is a heavy task in a\n"
204 	       "          large cluster) when there was no topology change\n"
205 	       "          detected during the heavy sweep, or when the topology\n"
206 	       "          change does not require new routing calculation,\n"
207 	       "          e.g. in case of host reboot.\n"
208 	       "          This option becomes very handy when the cluster size\n"
209 	       "          is thousands of nodes.\n\n");
210 	printf("--lid_matrix_file, -M <file name>\n"
211 	       "          This option specifies the name of the lid matrix dump file\n"
212 	       "          from where switch lid matrices (min hops tables will be\n"
213 	       "          loaded.\n\n");
214 	printf("--lfts_file, -U <file name>\n"
215 	       "          This option specifies the name of the LFTs file\n"
216 	       "          from where switch forwarding tables will be loaded when using \"file\"\n"
217 	       "          routing engine.\n\n");
218 	printf("--sadb_file, -S <file name>\n"
219 	       "          This option specifies the name of the SA DB dump file\n"
220 	       "          from where SA database will be loaded.\n\n");
221 	printf("--root_guid_file, -a <path to file>\n"
222 	       "          Set the root nodes for the Up/Down or Fat-Tree routing\n"
223 	       "          algorithm to the guids provided in the given file (one\n"
224 	       "          to a line)\n" "\n");
225 	printf("--cn_guid_file, -u <path to file>\n"
226 	       "          Set the compute nodes for the Fat-Tree or DFSSSP/SSSP routing algorithms\n"
227 	       "          to the port GUIDs provided in the given file (one to a line)\n\n");
228 	printf("--io_guid_file, -G <path to file>\n"
229 	       "          Set the I/O nodes for the Fat-Tree or DFSSSP/SSSP routing algorithms\n"
230 	       "          to the port GUIDs provided in the given file (one to a line)\n\n");
231 	printf("--port-shifting\n"
232 	       "          Attempt to shift port routes around to remove alignment problems\n"
233 	       "          in routing tables\n\n");
234 	printf("--scatter-ports <random seed>\n"
235 	       "          Randomize best port chosen for a route\n"
236 	       "          Assign ports in a random order instead of round-robin\n"
237 	       "          If zero disable (default), otherwise use the value as a random seed\n\n");
238 	printf("--max_reverse_hops, -H <hop_count>\n"
239 	       "          Set the max number of hops the wrong way around\n"
240 	       "          an I/O node is allowed to do (connectivity for I/O nodes on top swithces)\n\n");
241 	printf("--ids_guid_file, -m <path to file>\n"
242 	       "          Name of the map file with set of the IDs which will be used\n"
243 	       "          by Up/Down routing algorithm instead of node GUIDs\n"
244 	       "          (format: <guid> <id> per line)\n\n");
245 	printf("--guid_routing_order_file, -X <path to file>\n"
246 	       "          Set the order port guids will be routed for the MinHop\n"
247 	       "          and Up/Down routing algorithms to the guids provided in the\n"
248 	       "          given file (one to a line)\n\n");
249 	printf("--torus_config <path to file>\n"
250 	       "          This option defines the file name for the extra configuration\n"
251 	       "          info needed for the torus-2QoS routing engine.   The default\n"
252 	       "          name is \'"OSM_DEFAULT_TORUS_CONF_FILE"\'\n\n");
253 	printf("--once, -o\n"
254 	       "          This option causes OpenSM to configure the subnet\n"
255 	       "          once, then exit.  Ports remain in the ACTIVE state.\n\n");
256 	printf("--sweep, -s <interval>\n"
257 	       "          This option specifies the number of seconds between\n"
258 	       "          subnet sweeps.  Specifying -s 0 disables sweeping.\n"
259 	       "          Without -s, OpenSM defaults to a sweep interval of\n"
260 	       "          10 seconds.\n\n");
261 	printf("--timeout, -t <milliseconds>\n"
262 	       "          This option specifies the time in milliseconds\n"
263 	       "          used for transaction timeouts.\n"
264 	       "          Timeout values should be > 0.\n"
265 	       "          Without -t, OpenSM defaults to a timeout value of\n"
266 	       "          200 milliseconds.\n\n");
267 	printf("--retries <number>\n"
268 	       "          This option specifies the number of retries used\n"
269 	       "          for transactions.\n"
270 	       "          Without --retries, OpenSM defaults to %u retries\n"
271 	       "          for transactions.\n\n", OSM_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT);
272 	printf("--maxsmps, -n <number>\n"
273 	       "          This option specifies the number of VL15 SMP MADs\n"
274 	       "          allowed on the wire at any one time.\n"
275 	       "          Specifying --maxsmps 0 allows unlimited outstanding\n"
276 	       "          SMPs.\n"
277 	       "          Without --maxsmps, OpenSM defaults to a maximum of\n"
278 	       "          4 outstanding SMPs.\n\n");
279 	printf("--console, -q [off|local"
281 	       "|loopback"
282 #endif
284 	       "|socket"
285 #endif
286 	       "]\n          This option activates the OpenSM console (default off).\n\n");
288 	printf("--console-port, -C <port>\n"
289 	       "          Specify an alternate telnet port for the console (default %d).\n\n",
291 #endif
292 	printf("--ignore_guids, -i <equalize-ignore-guids-file>\n"
293 	       "          This option provides the means to define a set of ports\n"
294 	       "          (by guid) that will be ignored by the link load\n"
295 	       "          equalization algorithm.\n\n");
296 	printf("--hop_weights_file, -w <path to file>\n"
297 	       "          This option provides the means to define a weighting\n"
298 	       "          factor per port for customizing the least weight\n"
299 	       "          hops for the routing.\n\n");
300 	printf("--port_search_ordering_file, -O <path to file>\n"
301 	       "          This option provides the means to define a mapping\n"
302 	       "          between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n"
303 	       "          Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n"
304 	       "          Moreover this option provides the means to define non\n"
305 	       "          default routing port order.\n\n");
306 	printf("--dimn_ports_file, -O <path to file> (DEPRECATED)\n"
307 	       "          Use --port_search_ordering_file instead.\n"
308 	       "          This option provides the means to define a mapping\n"
309 	       "          between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n"
310 	       "          Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n\n");
311 	printf("--honor_guid2lid, -x\n"
312 	       "          This option forces OpenSM to honor the guid2lid file,\n"
313 	       "          when it comes out of Standby state, if such file exists\n"
314 	       "          under OSM_CACHE_DIR, and is valid. By default, this is FALSE.\n\n");
315 	printf("--log_file, -f <log-file-name>\n"
316 	       "          This option defines the log to be the given file.\n"
317 	       "          By default, the log goes to /var/log/opensm.log.\n"
318 	       "          For the log to go to standard output use -f stdout.\n\n");
319 	printf("--log_limit, -L <size in MB>\n"
320 	       "          This option defines maximal log file size in MB. When\n"
321 	       "          specified the log file will be truncated upon reaching\n"
322 	       "          this limit.\n\n");
323 	printf("--erase_log_file, -e\n"
324 	       "          This option will cause deletion of the log file\n"
325 	       "          (if it previously exists). By default, the log file\n"
326 	       "          is accumulative.\n\n");
327 	printf("--Pconfig, -P <partition-config-file>\n"
328 	       "          This option defines the optional partition configuration file.\n"
329 	       "          The default name is \'"
331 	printf("--no_part_enforce, -N (DEPRECATED)\n"
332 	       "          Use --part_enforce instead.\n"
333 	       "          This option disables partition enforcement on switch external ports.\n\n");
334 	printf("--part_enforce, -Z [both, in, out, off]\n"
335 	       "          This option indicates the partition enforcement type (for switches)\n"
336 	       "          Enforcement type can be outbound only (out), inbound only (in), both or\n"
337 	       "          disabled (off). Default is both.\n\n");
338 	printf("--allow_both_pkeys, -W\n"
339 	       "          This option indicates whether both full and limited membership\n"
340 	       "          on the same partition can be configured in the PKeyTable.\n"
341 	       "          Default is not to allow both pkeys.\n\n");
342 	printf("--qos, -Q\n" "          This option enables QoS setup.\n\n");
343 	printf("--qos_policy_file, -Y <QoS-policy-file>\n"
344 	       "          This option defines the optional QoS policy file.\n"
345 	       "          The default name is \'" OSM_DEFAULT_QOS_POLICY_FILE
346 	       "\'.\n\n");
347 	printf("--congestion_control\n"
348 	       "          (EXPERIMENTAL) This option enables congestion control configuration.\n\n");
349 	printf("--cc_key <key>\n"
350 	       "          (EXPERIMENTAL) This option configures the CCkey to use when configuring\n"
351 	       "          congestion control.\n\n");
352 	printf("--stay_on_fatal, -y\n"
353 	       "          This option will cause SM not to exit on fatal initialization\n"
354 	       "          issues: if SM discovers duplicated guids or 12x link with\n"
355 	       "          lane reversal badly configured.\n"
356 	       "          By default, the SM will exit on these errors.\n\n");
357 	printf("--daemon, -B\n"
358 	       "          Run in daemon mode - OpenSM will run in the background.\n\n");
359 	printf("--inactive, -I\n"
360 	       "           Start SM in inactive rather than normal init SM state.\n\n");
362 	printf("--perfmgr\n" "           Start with PerfMgr enabled.\n\n");
363 	printf("--perfmgr_sweep_time_s <sec.>\n"
364 	       "           PerfMgr sweep interval in seconds.\n\n");
365 #endif
366 	printf("--prefix_routes_file <path to file>\n"
367 	       "          This option specifies the prefix routes file.\n"
368 	       "          Prefix routes control how the SA responds to path record\n"
369 	       "          queries for off-subnet DGIDs.  Default file is:\n"
370 	       "              " OSM_DEFAULT_PREFIX_ROUTES_FILE "\n\n");
371 	printf("--consolidate_ipv6_snm_req\n"
372 	       "          Use shared MLID for IPv6 Solicited Node Multicast groups\n"
373 	       "          per MGID scope and P_Key.\n\n");
374 	printf("--guid_routing_order_no_scatter\n"
375 	       "          Don't use scatter for ports defined in guid_routing_order file\n\n");
376 	printf("--log_prefix <prefix text>\n"
377 	       "          Prefix to syslog messages from OpenSM.\n\n");
378 	printf("--verbose, -v\n"
379 	       "          This option increases the log verbosity level.\n"
380 	       "          The -v option may be specified multiple times\n"
381 	       "          to further increase the verbosity level.\n"
382 	       "          See the -D option for more information about\n"
383 	       "          log verbosity.\n\n");
384 	printf("--V, -V\n"
385 	       "          This option sets the maximum verbosity level and\n"
386 	       "          forces log flushing.\n"
387 	       "          The -V is equivalent to '-D 0xFF -d 2'.\n"
388 	       "          See the -D option for more information about\n"
389 	       "          log verbosity.\n\n");
390 	printf("--D, -D <flags>\n"
391 	       "          This option sets the log verbosity level.\n"
392 	       "          A flags field must follow the -D option.\n"
393 	       "          A bit set/clear in the flags enables/disables a\n"
394 	       "          specific log level as follows:\n"
395 	       "          BIT    LOG LEVEL ENABLED\n"
396 	       "          ----   -----------------\n"
397 	       "          0x01 - ERROR (error messages)\n"
398 	       "          0x02 - INFO (basic messages, low volume)\n"
399 	       "          0x04 - VERBOSE (interesting stuff, moderate volume)\n"
400 	       "          0x08 - DEBUG (diagnostic, high volume)\n"
401 	       "          0x10 - FUNCS (function entry/exit, very high volume)\n"
402 	       "          0x20 - FRAMES (dumps all SMP and GMP frames)\n"
403 	       "          0x40 - ROUTING (dump FDB routing information)\n"
404 	       "          0x80 - currently unused.\n"
405 	       "          Without -D, OpenSM defaults to ERROR + INFO (0x3).\n"
406 	       "          Specifying -D 0 disables all messages.\n"
407 	       "          Specifying -D 0xFF enables all messages (see -V).\n"
408 	       "          High verbosity levels may require increasing\n"
409 	       "          the transaction timeout with the -t option.\n\n");
410 	printf("--debug, -d <number>\n"
411 	       "          This option specifies a debug option.\n"
412 	       "          These options are not normally needed.\n"
413 	       "          The number following -d selects the debug\n"
414 	       "          option to enable as follows:\n"
415 	       "          OPT   Description\n"
416 	       "          ---    -----------------\n"
417 	       "          -d0  - Ignore other SM nodes\n"
418 	       "          -d1  - Force single threaded dispatching\n"
419 	       "          -d2  - Force log flushing after each log message\n"
420 	       "          -d3  - Disable multicast support\n"
421 	       "          -d10 - Put OpenSM in testability mode\n"
422 	       "          Without -d, no debug options are enabled\n\n");
423 	printf("--help, -h, -?\n"
424 	       "          Display this usage info then exit.\n\n");
425 	fflush(stdout);
426 	exit(2);
427 }
get_port_guid(IN osm_opensm_t * p_osm,uint64_t port_guid)429 static ib_net64_t get_port_guid(IN osm_opensm_t * p_osm, uint64_t port_guid)
430 {
431 	ib_port_attr_t attr_array[MAX_LOCAL_IBPORTS];
432 	uint32_t num_ports = MAX_LOCAL_IBPORTS;
433 	uint32_t i, choice = 0;
434 	ib_api_status_t status;
436 	for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
437 		attr_array[i].num_pkeys = 0;
438 		attr_array[i].p_pkey_table = NULL;
439 		attr_array[i].num_gids = 0;
440 		attr_array[i].p_gid_table = NULL;
441 	}
443 	/* Call the transport layer for a list of local port GUID values */
444 	status = osm_vendor_get_all_port_attr(p_osm->p_vendor, attr_array,
445 					      &num_ports);
446 	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
447 		printf("\nError from osm_vendor_get_all_port_attr (%x)\n",
448 		       status);
449 		return 0;
450 	}
452 	/* if num_ports is 0 - return 0 */
453 	if (num_ports == 0) {
454 		printf("\nNo local ports detected!\n");
455 		return 0;
456 	}
457 	/* If num_ports is 1, then there is only one possible port to use.
458 	 * Use it. */
459 	if (num_ports == 1) {
460 		printf("Using default GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
461 		       cl_hton64(attr_array[0].port_guid));
462 		return attr_array[0].port_guid;
463 	}
464 	/* If port_guid is 0 - use the first connected port */
465 	if (port_guid == 0) {
466 		for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++)
467 			if (attr_array[i].link_state > IB_LINK_DOWN)
468 				break;
469 		if (i == num_ports)
470 			i = 0;
471 		printf("Using default GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
472 		       cl_hton64(attr_array[i].port_guid));
473 		return attr_array[i].port_guid;
474 	}
476 	if (p_osm->subn.opt.daemon)
477 		return 0;
479 	/* More than one possible port - list all ports and let the user
480 	 * to choose. */
481 	while (1) {
482 		printf("\nChoose a local port number with which to bind:\n\n");
483 		for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++)
484 			/* Print the index + 1 since by convention, port
485 			 * numbers start with 1 on host channel adapters. */
486 			printf("\t%u: GUID 0x%" PRIx64 ", lid %u, state %s\n",
487 			       i + 1, cl_ntoh64(attr_array[i].port_guid),
488 			       attr_array[i].lid,
489 			       ib_get_port_state_str(attr_array[i].link_state));
490 		printf("\n\t0: Exit\n");
491 		printf("\nEnter choice (0-%u): ", i);
492 		fflush(stdout);
493 		if (scanf("%u", &choice) <= 0) {
494 			char junk[128];
495 			if (scanf("%127s", junk) <= 0)
496 				printf("\nError: Cannot scan!\n");
497 		} else if (choice == 0)
498 			return 0;
499 		else if (choice <= num_ports)
500 			break;
501 		printf("\nError: Lame choice! Please try again.\n");
502 	}
503 	choice--;
504 	printf("Choice guid=0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
505 	       cl_ntoh64(attr_array[choice].port_guid));
506 	return attr_array[choice].port_guid;
507 }
remove_pidfile(void)509 static void remove_pidfile(void)
510 {
511 	if (pidfile)
512 		unlink(pidfile);
513 }
daemonize(osm_opensm_t * osm)515 static int daemonize(osm_opensm_t * osm)
516 {
517 	pid_t pid;
518 	int fd;
519 	FILE *f;
521 	fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
522 	if (fd < 0) {
523 		perror("open");
524 		return -1;
525 	}
527 	if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
528 		perror("fork");
529 		exit(-1);
530 	} else if (pid > 0)
531 		exit(0);
533 	setsid();
535 	if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
536 		perror("fork");
537 		exit(-1);
538 	} else if (pid > 0)
539 		exit(0);
541 	if (pidfile) {
542 		remove_pidfile();
543 		f = fopen(pidfile, "w");
544 		if (f) {
545 			fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid());
546 			fclose(f);
547 		} else {
548 			perror("fopen");
549 			exit(1);
550 		}
551 	}
553 	close(0);
554 	close(1);
555 	close(2);
557 	dup2(fd, 0);
558 	dup2(fd, 1);
559 	dup2(fd, 2);
561 	return 0;
562 }
osm_manager_loop(osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt,osm_opensm_t * p_osm)564 int osm_manager_loop(osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt, osm_opensm_t * p_osm)
565 {
566 	int console_init_flag = 0;
568 	if (is_console_enabled(p_opt)) {
569 		if (!osm_console_init(p_opt, &p_osm->console, &p_osm->log))
570 			console_init_flag = 1;
571 	}
573 	/*
574 	   Sit here forever - dwell or do console i/o & cmds
575 	 */
576 	while (!osm_exit_flag) {
577 		if (console_init_flag) {
578 			if (osm_console(p_osm))
579 				console_init_flag = 0;
580 		} else
581 			cl_thread_suspend(10000);
583 		if (osm_usr1_flag) {
584 			osm_usr1_flag = 0;
585 			osm_log_reopen_file(&(p_osm->log));
586 		}
587 		if (osm_hup_flag) {
588 			osm_hup_flag = 0;
589 			/* a HUP signal should only start a new heavy sweep */
590 			p_osm->subn.force_heavy_sweep = TRUE;
591 			osm_opensm_sweep(p_osm);
592 		}
593 	}
594 	if (is_console_enabled(p_opt))
595 		osm_console_exit(&p_osm->console, &p_osm->log);
596 	return 0;
597 }
599 #define SET_STR_OPT(opt, val) do { \
600 	opt = val ? strdup(val) : NULL ; \
601 } while (0)
main(int argc,char * argv[])603 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
604 {
605 	osm_opensm_t osm;
606 	osm_subn_opt_t opt;
607 	ib_net64_t sm_key = 0;
608 	ib_api_status_t status;
609 	uint32_t temp, dbg_lvl;
610 	boolean_t run_once_flag = FALSE;
611 	int32_t vendor_debug = 0;
612 	int next_option;
613 	char *conf_template = NULL;
614 	const char *config_file = NULL;
615 	uint32_t val;
616 	const char *const short_option =
617 	    "F:c:i:w:O:f:ed:D:g:l:L:s:t:a:u:m:X:R:zM:U:S:P:Y:ANZ:WBIQvVhoryxp:n:q:k:C:G:H:";
619 	/*
620 	   In the array below, the 2nd parameter specifies the number
621 	   of arguments as follows:
622 	   0: no arguments
623 	   1: argument
624 	   2: optional
625 	 */
626 	const struct option long_option[] = {
627 		{"version", 0, NULL, 12},
628 		{"config", 1, NULL, 'F'},
629 		{"create-config", 1, NULL, 'c'},
630 		{"debug", 1, NULL, 'd'},
631 		{"guid", 1, NULL, 'g'},
632 		{"ignore_guids", 1, NULL, 'i'},
633 		{"hop_weights_file", 1, NULL, 'w'},
634 		{"dimn_ports_file", 1, NULL, 'O'},
635 		{"port_search_ordering_file", 1, NULL, 'O'},
636 		{"lmc", 1, NULL, 'l'},
637 		{"sweep", 1, NULL, 's'},
638 		{"timeout", 1, NULL, 't'},
639 		{"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'},
640 		{"D", 1, NULL, 'D'},
641 		{"log_file", 1, NULL, 'f'},
642 		{"log_limit", 1, NULL, 'L'},
643 		{"erase_log_file", 0, NULL, 'e'},
644 		{"Pconfig", 1, NULL, 'P'},
645 		{"no_part_enforce", 0, NULL, 'N'},
646 		{"part_enforce", 1, NULL, 'Z'},
647 		{"allow_both_pkeys", 0, NULL, 'W'},
648 		{"qos", 0, NULL, 'Q'},
649 		{"qos_policy_file", 1, NULL, 'Y'},
650 		{"congestion_control", 0, NULL, 128},
651 		{"cc_key", 1, NULL, 129},
652 		{"maxsmps", 1, NULL, 'n'},
653 		{"console", 1, NULL, 'q'},
654 		{"V", 0, NULL, 'V'},
655 		{"help", 0, NULL, 'h'},
656 		{"once", 0, NULL, 'o'},
657 		{"reassign_lids", 0, NULL, 'r'},
658 		{"priority", 1, NULL, 'p'},
659 		{"smkey", 1, NULL, 'k'},
660 		{"routing_engine", 1, NULL, 'R'},
661 		{"ucast_cache", 0, NULL, 'A'},
662 		{"connect_roots", 0, NULL, 'z'},
663 		{"lid_matrix_file", 1, NULL, 'M'},
664 		{"lfts_file", 1, NULL, 'U'},
665 		{"sadb_file", 1, NULL, 'S'},
666 		{"root_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'a'},
667 		{"cn_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'u'},
668 		{"io_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'G'},
669 		{"port-shifting", 0, NULL, 11},
670 		{"scatter-ports", 1, NULL, 14},
671 		{"max_reverse_hops", 1, NULL, 'H'},
672 		{"ids_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'm'},
673 		{"guid_routing_order_file", 1, NULL, 'X'},
674 		{"stay_on_fatal", 0, NULL, 'y'},
675 		{"honor_guid2lid", 0, NULL, 'x'},
677 		{"console-port", 1, NULL, 'C'},
678 #endif
679 		{"daemon", 0, NULL, 'B'},
680 		{"pidfile", 1, NULL, 'J'},
681 		{"inactive", 0, NULL, 'I'},
683 		{"perfmgr", 0, NULL, 1},
684 		{"perfmgr_sweep_time_s", 1, NULL, 2},
685 #endif
686 		{"prefix_routes_file", 1, NULL, 3},
687 		{"consolidate_ipv6_snm_req", 0, NULL, 4},
688 		{"do_mesh_analysis", 0, NULL, 5},
689 		{"lash_start_vl", 1, NULL, 6},
690 		{"sm_sl", 1, NULL, 7},
691 		{"retries", 1, NULL, 8},
692 		{"log_prefix", 1, NULL, 9},
693 		{"torus_config", 1, NULL, 10},
694 		{"guid_routing_order_no_scatter", 0, NULL, 13},
695 		{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}	/* Required at the end of the array */
696 	};
698 	/* force stdout to be line-buffered */
699 	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
701 	/* Make sure that the opensm and complib were compiled using
702 	   same modes (debug/free) */
703 	if (osm_is_debug() != cl_is_debug()) {
704 		fprintf(stderr,
705 			"ERROR: OpenSM and Complib were compiled using different modes\n");
706 		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OpenSM debug:%d Complib debug:%d \n",
707 			osm_is_debug(), cl_is_debug());
708 		exit(1);
709 	}
711 	printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");
712 	printf("%s\n", OSM_VERSION);
714 	do {
715 		next_option = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, short_option,
716 					       long_option, NULL);
717 		switch (next_option) {
718 		case 'F':
719 			config_file = optarg;
720 			printf("Config file is `%s`:\n", config_file);
721 			break;
722 		default:
723 			break;
724 		}
725 	} while (next_option != -1);
727 	optind = 0;		/* reset command line */
729 	if (!config_file)
730 		config_file = OSM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
732 	osm_subn_set_default_opt(&opt);
734 	if (osm_subn_parse_conf_file(config_file, &opt) < 0)
735 		printf("\nFail to parse config file \'%s\'\n", config_file);
737 	printf("Command Line Arguments:\n");
738 	do {
739 		next_option = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, short_option,
740 					       long_option, NULL);
741 		switch (next_option) {
742 		case 12:	/* --version - already printed above */
743 			exit(0);
744 			break;
745 		case 'F':
746 			break;
747 		case 'c':
748 			conf_template = optarg;
749 			printf(" Creating config file template \'%s\'.\n",
750 			       conf_template);
751 			break;
752 		case 'o':
753 			/*
754 			   Run once option.
755 			 */
756 			run_once_flag = TRUE;
757 			printf(" Run Once\n");
758 			break;
760 		case 'r':
761 			/*
762 			   Reassign LIDs subnet option.
763 			 */
764 			opt.reassign_lids = TRUE;
765 			printf(" Reassign LIDs\n");
766 			break;
768 		case 'i':
769 			/*
770 			   Specifies ignore guids file.
771 			 */
772 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.port_prof_ignore_file, optarg);
773 			printf(" Ignore Guids File = %s\n",
774 			       opt.port_prof_ignore_file);
775 			break;
777 		case 'w':
778 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.hop_weights_file, optarg);
779 			printf(" Hop Weights File = %s\n",
780 			       opt.hop_weights_file);
781 			break;
783 		case 'O':
784 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.port_search_ordering_file, optarg);
785 			printf(" Port Search Ordering/Dimension Ports File = %s\n",
786 			       opt.port_search_ordering_file);
787 			break;
789 		case 'g':
790 			/*
791 			   Specifies port guid with which to bind.
792 			 */
793 			opt.guid = cl_hton64(strtoull(optarg, NULL, 16));
794 			if (!opt.guid)
795 				/* If guid is 0 - need to display the
796 				 * guid list */
797 				opt.guid = INVALID_GUID;
798 			else
799 				printf(" Guid <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n",
800 				       cl_hton64(opt.guid));
801 			break;
803 		case 's':
804 			val = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
805 			/* Check that the number is not too large */
806 			if (((uint32_t) (val * 1000000)) / 1000000 != val)
807 				fprintf(stderr,
808 					"ERROR: sweep interval given is too large. Ignoring it.\n");
809 			else {
810 				opt.sweep_interval = val;
811 				printf(" sweep interval = %d\n",
812 				       opt.sweep_interval);
813 			}
814 			break;
816 		case 't':
817 			val = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
818 			opt.transaction_timeout = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
819 			if (val == 0)
820 				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: timeout value 0 is invalid. Ignoring it.\n");
821 			else {
822 				opt.transaction_timeout = val;
823 				printf(" Transaction timeout = %u\n",
824 				       opt.transaction_timeout);
825 			}
826 			break;
828 		case 'n':
829 			opt.max_wire_smps = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
830 			if (opt.max_wire_smps == 0 ||
831 			    opt.max_wire_smps > 0x7FFFFFFF)
832 				opt.max_wire_smps = 0x7FFFFFFF;
833 			printf(" Max wire smp's = %d\n", opt.max_wire_smps);
834 			break;
836 		case 'q':
837 			/*
838 			 * OpenSM interactive console
839 			 */
840 			if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_DISABLE_CONSOLE) == 0
841 			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_LOCAL_CONSOLE) == 0
843 			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_REMOTE_CONSOLE) == 0
844 #endif
846 			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_LOOPBACK_CONSOLE) == 0
847 #endif
848 			    )
849 				SET_STR_OPT(opt.console, optarg);
850 			else
851 				printf("-console %s option not understood\n",
852 				       optarg);
853 			break;
856 		case 'C':
857 			opt.console_port = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
858 			break;
859 #endif
861 		case 'd':
862 			dbg_lvl = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
863 			printf(" d level = 0x%x\n", dbg_lvl);
864 			if (dbg_lvl == 0) {
865 				printf(" Debug mode: Ignore Other SMs\n");
866 				opt.ignore_other_sm = TRUE;
867 			} else if (dbg_lvl == 1) {
868 				printf(" Debug mode: Forcing Single Thread\n");
869 				opt.single_thread = TRUE;
870 			} else if (dbg_lvl == 2) {
871 				printf(" Debug mode: Force Log Flush\n");
872 				opt.force_log_flush = TRUE;
873 			} else if (dbg_lvl == 3) {
874 				printf
875 				    (" Debug mode: Disable multicast support\n");
876 				opt.disable_multicast = TRUE;
877 			}
878 			/*
879 			 * NOTE: Debug level 4 used to be used for memory
880 			 * tracking but this is now deprecated
881 			 */
882 			else if (dbg_lvl == 5)
883 				vendor_debug++;
884 			else
885 				printf(" OpenSM: Unknown debug option %d"
886 				       " ignored\n", dbg_lvl);
887 			break;
889 		case 'l':
890 			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
891 			if (temp > 7) {
892 				fprintf(stderr,
893 					"ERROR: LMC must be 7 or less.\n");
894 				return -1;
895 			}
896 			opt.lmc = (uint8_t) temp;
897 			printf(" LMC = %d\n", temp);
898 			break;
900 		case 'D':
901 			opt.log_flags = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
902 			printf(" verbose option -D = 0x%x\n", opt.log_flags);
903 			break;
905 		case 'f':
906 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.log_file, optarg);
907 			break;
909 		case 'L':
910 			opt.log_max_size = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
911 			printf(" Log file max size is %u MBytes\n",
912 			       opt.log_max_size);
913 			break;
915 		case 'e':
916 			opt.accum_log_file = FALSE;
917 			printf(" Creating new log file\n");
918 			break;
920 		case 'J':
921 			pidfile = optarg;
922 			break;
924 		case 'P':
925 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.partition_config_file, optarg);
926 			break;
928 		case 'N':
929 			opt.no_partition_enforcement = TRUE;
930 			break;
932 		case 'Z':
933 			if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH) == 0
934 			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_IN) == 0
935 			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OUT) == 0
936 			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OFF) == 0) {
937 				SET_STR_OPT(opt.part_enforce, optarg);
938 				if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH) == 0)
939 					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_BOTH;
940 				else if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_IN) == 0)
941 					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_IN;
942 				else if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OUT) == 0)
943 					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OUT;
944 				else
945 					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OFF;
946 			} else
947 				printf("-part_enforce %s option not understood\n",
948 				       optarg);
949 			break;
951 		case 'W':
952 			opt.allow_both_pkeys = TRUE;
953 			break;
955 		case 'Q':
956 			opt.qos = TRUE;
957 			break;
959 		case 'Y':
960 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.qos_policy_file, optarg);
961 			printf(" QoS policy file \'%s\'\n", optarg);
962 			break;
964 		case 128:
965 			opt.congestion_control = TRUE;
966 			break;
968 		case 129:
969 			opt.cc_key = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
970 			printf(" CC Key 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", opt.cc_key);
971 			break;
973 		case 'y':
974 			opt.exit_on_fatal = FALSE;
975 			printf(" Staying on fatal initialization errors\n");
976 			break;
978 		case 'v':
979 			opt.log_flags = (opt.log_flags << 1) | 1;
980 			printf(" Verbose option -v (log flags = 0x%X)\n",
981 			       opt.log_flags);
982 			break;
984 		case 'V':
985 			opt.log_flags = 0xFF;
986 			opt.force_log_flush = TRUE;
987 			printf(" Big V selected\n");
988 			break;
990 		case 'p':
991 			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
992 			if (temp > 15) {
993 				fprintf(stderr,
994 					"ERROR: priority must be between 0 and 15\n");
995 				return -1;
996 			}
997 			opt.sm_priority = (uint8_t) temp;
998 			printf(" Priority = %d\n", temp);
999 			break;
1001 		case 'k':
1002 			sm_key = cl_hton64(strtoull(optarg, NULL, 16));
1003 			printf(" SM Key <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n", cl_hton64(sm_key));
1004 			opt.sm_key = sm_key;
1005 			break;
1007 		case 'R':
1008 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.routing_engine_names, optarg);
1009 			printf(" Activate \'%s\' routing engine(s)\n", optarg);
1010 			break;
1012 		case 'z':
1013 			opt.connect_roots = TRUE;
1014 			printf(" Connect roots option is on\n");
1015 			break;
1017 		case 'A':
1018 			opt.use_ucast_cache = TRUE;
1019 			printf(" Unicast routing cache option is on\n");
1020 			break;
1022 		case 'M':
1023 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.lid_matrix_dump_file, optarg);
1024 			printf(" Lid matrix dump file is \'%s\'\n", optarg);
1025 			break;
1027 		case 'U':
1028 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.lfts_file, optarg);
1029 			printf(" LFTs file is \'%s\'\n", optarg);
1030 			break;
1032 		case 'S':
1033 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.sa_db_file, optarg);
1034 			printf(" SA DB file is \'%s\'\n", optarg);
1035 			break;
1037 		case 'a':
1038 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.root_guid_file, optarg);
1039 			printf(" Root Guid File: %s\n", opt.root_guid_file);
1040 			break;
1042 		case 'u':
1043 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.cn_guid_file, optarg);
1044 			printf(" Compute Node Guid File: %s\n",
1045 			       opt.cn_guid_file);
1046 			break;
1048 		case 'G':
1049 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.io_guid_file, optarg);
1050 			printf(" I/O Node Guid File: %s\n", opt.io_guid_file);
1051 			break;
1052 		case 11:
1053 			opt.port_shifting = TRUE;
1054 			printf(" Port Shifting is on\n");
1055 			break;
1056 		case 14:
1057 			opt.scatter_ports = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
1058 			printf(" Scatter Ports is on\n");
1059 			break;
1060 		case 'H':
1061 			opt.max_reverse_hops = atoi(optarg);
1062 			printf(" Max Reverse Hops: %d\n", opt.max_reverse_hops);
1063 			break;
1064 		case 'm':
1065 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.ids_guid_file, optarg);
1066 			printf(" IDs Guid File: %s\n", opt.ids_guid_file);
1067 			break;
1069 		case 'X':
1070 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.guid_routing_order_file, optarg);
1071 			printf(" GUID Routing Order File: %s\n",
1072 			       opt.guid_routing_order_file);
1073 			break;
1075 		case 'x':
1076 			opt.honor_guid2lid_file = TRUE;
1077 			printf(" Honor guid2lid file, if possible\n");
1078 			break;
1080 		case 'B':
1081 			opt.daemon = TRUE;
1082 			printf(" Daemon mode\n");
1083 			break;
1085 		case 'I':
1086 			opt.sm_inactive = TRUE;
1087 			printf(" SM started in inactive state\n");
1088 			break;
1091 		case 1:
1092 			opt.perfmgr = TRUE;
1093 			break;
1094 		case 2:
1095 			opt.perfmgr_sweep_time_s = atoi(optarg);
1096 			break;
1097 #endif				/* ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR */
1099 		case 3:
1100 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.prefix_routes_file, optarg);
1101 			break;
1102 		case 4:
1103 			opt.consolidate_ipv6_snm_req = TRUE;
1104 			break;
1105 		case 5:
1106 			opt.do_mesh_analysis = TRUE;
1107 			break;
1108 		case 6:
1109 			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
1110 			if (temp >= IB_MAX_NUM_VLS) {
1111 				fprintf(stderr,
1112 					"ERROR: starting lash vl must be between 0 and 15\n");
1113 				return -1;
1114 			}
1115 			opt.lash_start_vl = (uint8_t) temp;
1116 			printf(" LASH starting VL = %d\n", opt.lash_start_vl);
1117 			break;
1118 		case 7:
1119 			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
1120 			if (temp > 15) {
1121 				fprintf(stderr,
1122 					"ERROR: SM's SL must be between 0 and 15\n");
1123 				return -1;
1124 			}
1125 			opt.sm_sl = (uint8_t) temp;
1126 			printf(" SMSL = %d\n", opt.sm_sl);
1127 			break;
1128 		case 8:
1129 			opt.transaction_retries = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
1130 			printf(" Transaction retries = %u\n",
1131 			       opt.transaction_retries);
1132 			break;
1133 		case 9:
1134 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.log_prefix, optarg);
1135 			printf("Log prefix = %s\n", opt.log_prefix);
1136 			break;
1137 		case 10:
1138 			SET_STR_OPT(opt.torus_conf_file, optarg);
1139 			printf("Torus-2QoS config file = %s\n", opt.torus_conf_file);
1140 			break;
1141 		case 13:
1142 			opt.guid_routing_order_no_scatter = TRUE;
1143 			break;
1144 		case 'h':
1145 		case '?':
1146 		case ':':
1147 			show_usage();
1148 			break;
1150 		case -1:
1151 			break;	/* done with option */
1152 		default:	/* something wrong */
1153 			abort();
1154 		}
1155 	} while (next_option != -1);
1157 	if (opt.log_file != NULL)
1158 		printf(" Log File: %s\n", opt.log_file);
1159 	/* Done with options description */
1160 	printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");
1162 	if (conf_template) {
1163 		status = osm_subn_write_conf_file(conf_template, &opt);
1164 		if (status)
1165 			printf("\nosm_subn_write_conf_file failed!\n");
1166 		exit(status);
1167 	}
1169 	osm_subn_verify_config(&opt);
1171 	if (vendor_debug)
1172 		osm_vendor_set_debug(osm.p_vendor, vendor_debug);
1174 	block_signals();
1176 	if (opt.daemon) {
1177 		if (INVALID_GUID == opt.guid) {
1178 			fprintf(stderr,
1179 				"ERROR: Invalid GUID specified; exiting because of daemon mode\n");
1180 			return -1;
1181 		}
1182 		daemonize(&osm);
1183 	}
1185 	complib_init();
1187 	status = osm_opensm_init(&osm, &opt);
1188 	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
1189 		const char *err_str = ib_get_err_str(status);
1190 		if (err_str == NULL)
1191 			err_str = "Unknown Error Type";
1192 		printf("\nError from osm_opensm_init: %s.\n", err_str);
1193 		/* We will just exit, and not go to Exit, since we don't
1194 		   want the destroy to be called. */
1195 		complib_exit();
1196 		return status;
1197 	}
1199 	/*
1200 	   If the user didn't specify a GUID on the command line,
1201 	   then get a port GUID value with which to bind.
1202 	 */
1203 	if (opt.guid == 0 || cl_hton64(opt.guid) == CL_HTON64(INVALID_GUID))
1204 		opt.guid = get_port_guid(&osm, opt.guid);
1206 	if (opt.guid == 0)
1207 		goto Exit2;
1209 	status = osm_opensm_init_finish(&osm, &opt);
1210 	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
1211 		const char *err_str = ib_get_err_str(status);
1212 		if (err_str == NULL)
1213 			err_str = "Unknown Error Type";
1214 		printf("\nError from osm_opensm_init_finish: %s.\n", err_str);
1215 		goto Exit2;
1216 	}
1218 	status = osm_opensm_bind(&osm, opt.guid);
1219 	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
1220 		printf("\nError from osm_opensm_bind (0x%X)\n", status);
1221 		printf
1222 		    ("Perhaps another instance of OpenSM is already running\n");
1223 		goto Exit;
1224 	}
1226 	setup_signals();
1228 	osm_opensm_sweep(&osm);
1230 	if (run_once_flag == TRUE) {
1231 		while (!osm_exit_flag) {
1232 			status =
1233 			    osm_opensm_wait_for_subnet_up(&osm,
1234 							  osm.subn.opt.
1235 							  sweep_interval *
1236 							  1000000, TRUE);
1237 			if (!status)
1238 				osm_exit_flag = 1;
1239 		}
1240 	} else {
1241 		/*
1242 		 *         Sit here until signaled to exit
1243 		 */
1244 		osm_manager_loop(&opt, &osm);
1245 	}
1247 	if (osm.mad_pool.mads_out) {
1248 		fprintf(stdout,
1249 			"There are still %u MADs out. Forcing the exit of the OpenSM application...\n",
1250 			osm.mad_pool.mads_out);
1252 		pthread_cond_signal(&osm.stats.cond);
1253 #else
1254 		cl_event_signal(&osm.stats.event);
1255 #endif
1256 	}
1258 Exit:
1259 	osm_opensm_destroy(&osm);
1260 Exit2:
1261 	osm_opensm_destroy_finish(&osm);
1262 	complib_exit();
1263 	remove_pidfile();
1265 	exit(0);
1266 }