1#! {- $config{HASHBANGPERL} -} 2# -*- mode: perl -*- 3{- 4 # We must make sourcedir() return an absolute path, because configdata.pm 5 # may be loaded as a module from any script in any directory, making 6 # relative paths untrustable. Because the result is used with 'use lib', 7 # we must ensure that it returns a Unix style path. Mixing File::Spec 8 # and File::Spec::Unix does just that. 9 use File::Spec::Unix; 10 use File::Spec; 11 use Cwd qw(abs_path); 12 sub _fixup_path { 13 my $path = shift; 14 15 # Make the path absolute at all times 16 $path = abs_path($path); 17 18 if ($^O eq 'VMS') { 19 # Convert any path of the VMS form VOLUME:[DIR1.DIR2]FILE to the 20 # Unix form /VOLUME/DIR1/DIR2/FILE, which is what VMS perl supports 21 # for 'use lib'. 22 23 # Start with spliting the native path 24 (my $vol, my $dirs, my $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path); 25 my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs); 26 27 # Reassemble it as a Unix path 28 $vol =~ s|:$||; 29 $dirs = File::Spec::Unix->catdir('', $vol, @dirs); 30 $path = File::Spec::Unix->catpath('', $dirs, $file); 31 } 32 33 return $path; 34 } 35 sub sourcedir { 36 return _fixup_path(File::Spec->catdir($config{sourcedir}, @_)) 37 } 38 sub sourcefile { 39 return _fixup_path(File::Spec->catfile($config{sourcedir}, @_)) 40 } 41 use lib sourcedir('util', 'perl'); 42 use OpenSSL::Util; 43-} 44package configdata; 45 46use strict; 47use warnings; 48 49use Exporter; 50our @ISA = qw(Exporter); 51our @EXPORT = qw( 52 %config %target %disabled %withargs %unified_info 53 @disablables @disablables_int 54); 55 56our %config = ({- dump_data(\%config, indent => 0); -}); 57our %target = ({- dump_data(\%target, indent => 0); -}); 58our @disablables = ({- dump_data(\@disablables, indent => 0) -}); 59our @disablables_int = ({- dump_data(\@disablables_int, indent => 0) -}); 60our %disabled = ({- dump_data(\%disabled, indent => 0); -}); 61our %withargs = ({- dump_data(\%withargs, indent => 0); -}); 62our %unified_info = ({- dump_data(\%unified_info, indent => 0); -}); 63 64# Unexported, only used by OpenSSL::Test::Utils::available_protocols() 65our %available_protocols = ( 66 tls => [{- dump_data(\@tls, indent => 0) -}], 67 dtls => [{- dump_data(\@dtls, indent => 0) -}], 68); 69 70# The following data is only used when this files is use as a script 71my @makevars = ({- dump_data(\@makevars, indent => 0); -}); 72my %disabled_info = ({- dump_data(\%disabled_info, indent => 0); -}); 73my @user_crossable = qw( {- join (' ', @user_crossable) -} ); 74 75# If run directly, we can give some answers, and even reconfigure 76unless (caller) { 77 use Getopt::Long; 78 use File::Spec::Functions; 79 use File::Basename; 80 use File::Compare qw(compare_text); 81 use File::Copy; 82 use Pod::Usage; 83 84 use lib '{- sourcedir('util', 'perl') -}'; 85 use OpenSSL::fallback '{- sourcefile('external', 'perl', 'MODULES.txt') -}'; 86 87 my $here = dirname($0); 88 89 if (scalar @ARGV == 0) { 90 # With no arguments, re-create the build file 91 # We do that in two steps, where the first step emits perl 92 # snipets. 93 94 my $buildfile = $config{build_file}; 95 my $buildfile_template = "$buildfile.in"; 96 my @autowarntext = ( 97 'WARNING: do not edit!', 98 "Generated by configdata.pm from " 99 .join(", ", @{$config{build_file_templates}}), 100 "via $buildfile_template" 101 ); 102 my %gendata = ( 103 config => \%config, 104 target => \%target, 105 disabled => \%disabled, 106 withargs => \%withargs, 107 unified_info => \%unified_info, 108 autowarntext => \@autowarntext, 109 ); 110 111 use lib '.'; 112 use lib '{- sourcedir('Configurations') -}'; 113 use gentemplate; 114 115 open my $buildfile_template_fh, ">$buildfile_template" 116 or die "Trying to create $buildfile_template: $!"; 117 foreach (@{$config{build_file_templates}}) { 118 copy($_, $buildfile_template_fh) 119 or die "Trying to copy $_ into $buildfile_template: $!"; 120 } 121 gentemplate(output => $buildfile_template_fh, %gendata); 122 close $buildfile_template_fh; 123 print 'Created ',$buildfile_template,"\n"; 124 125 use OpenSSL::Template; 126 127 my $prepend = <<'_____'; 128use File::Spec::Functions; 129use lib '{- sourcedir('util', 'perl') -}'; 130use lib '{- sourcedir('Configurations') -}'; 131use lib '{- $config{builddir} -}'; 132use platform; 133_____ 134 135 my $tmpl; 136 open BUILDFILE, ">$buildfile.new" 137 or die "Trying to create $buildfile.new: $!"; 138 $tmpl = OpenSSL::Template->new(TYPE => 'FILE', 139 SOURCE => $buildfile_template); 140 $tmpl->fill_in(FILENAME => $_, 141 OUTPUT => \*BUILDFILE, 142 HASH => \%gendata, 143 PREPEND => $prepend, 144 # To ensure that global variables and functions 145 # defined in one template stick around for the 146 # next, making them combinable 147 PACKAGE => 'OpenSSL::safe') 148 or die $OpenSSL::Template::ERROR; 149 close BUILDFILE; 150 rename("$buildfile.new", $buildfile) 151 or die "Trying to rename $buildfile.new to $buildfile: $!"; 152 print 'Created ',$buildfile,"\n"; 153 154 my $configuration_h = 155 catfile('include', 'openssl', 'configuration.h'); 156 my $configuration_h_in = 157 catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'include', 'openssl', 'configuration.h.in'); 158 open CONFIGURATION_H, ">${configuration_h}.new" 159 or die "Trying to create ${configuration_h}.new: $!"; 160 $tmpl = OpenSSL::Template->new(TYPE => 'FILE', 161 SOURCE => $configuration_h_in); 162 $tmpl->fill_in(FILENAME => $_, 163 OUTPUT => \*CONFIGURATION_H, 164 HASH => \%gendata, 165 PREPEND => $prepend, 166 # To ensure that global variables and functions 167 # defined in one template stick around for the 168 # next, making them combinable 169 PACKAGE => 'OpenSSL::safe') 170 or die $OpenSSL::Template::ERROR; 171 close CONFIGURATION_H; 172 173 # When using stat() on Windows, we can get it to perform better by 174 # avoid some data. This doesn't affect the mtime field, so we're not 175 # losing anything... 176 ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} = 1; 177 178 my $update_configuration_h = 0; 179 if (-f $configuration_h) { 180 my $configuration_h_mtime = (stat($configuration_h))[9]; 181 my $configuration_h_in_mtime = (stat($configuration_h_in))[9]; 182 183 # If configuration.h.in was updated after the last configuration.h, 184 # or if configuration.h.new differs configuration.h, we update 185 # configuration.h 186 if ($configuration_h_mtime < $configuration_h_in_mtime 187 || compare_text("${configuration_h}.new", $configuration_h) != 0) { 188 $update_configuration_h = 1; 189 } else { 190 # If nothing has changed, let's just drop the new one and 191 # pretend like nothing happened 192 unlink "${configuration_h}.new" 193 } 194 } else { 195 $update_configuration_h = 1; 196 } 197 198 if ($update_configuration_h) { 199 rename("${configuration_h}.new", $configuration_h) 200 or die "Trying to rename ${configuration_h}.new to $configuration_h: $!"; 201 print 'Created ',$configuration_h,"\n"; 202 } 203 204 exit(0); 205 } 206 207 my $dump = undef; 208 my $cmdline = undef; 209 my $options = undef; 210 my $target = undef; 211 my $envvars = undef; 212 my $makevars = undef; 213 my $buildparams = undef; 214 my $reconf = undef; 215 my $verbose = undef; 216 my $query = undef; 217 my $help = undef; 218 my $man = undef; 219 GetOptions('dump|d' => \$dump, 220 'command-line|c' => \$cmdline, 221 'options|o' => \$options, 222 'target|t' => \$target, 223 'environment|e' => \$envvars, 224 'make-variables|m' => \$makevars, 225 'build-parameters|b' => \$buildparams, 226 'reconfigure|reconf|r' => \$reconf, 227 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 228 'query|q=s' => \$query, 229 'help' => \$help, 230 'man' => \$man) 231 or die "Errors in command line arguments\n"; 232 233 # We allow extra arguments with --query. That allows constructs like 234 # this: 235 # ./configdata.pm --query 'get_sources(@ARGV)' file1 file2 file3 236 if (!$query && scalar @ARGV > 0) { 237 print STDERR <<"_____"; 238Unrecognised arguments. 239For more information, do '$0 --help' 240_____ 241 exit(2); 242 } 243 244 if ($help) { 245 pod2usage(-exitval => 0, 246 -verbose => 1); 247 } 248 if ($man) { 249 pod2usage(-exitval => 0, 250 -verbose => 2); 251 } 252 if ($dump || $cmdline) { 253 print "\nCommand line (with current working directory = $here):\n\n"; 254 print ' ',join(' ', 255 $config{PERL}, 256 catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'Configure'), 257 @{$config{perlargv}}), "\n"; 258 print "\nPerl information:\n\n"; 259 print ' ',$config{perl_cmd},"\n"; 260 print ' ',$config{perl_version},' for ',$config{perl_archname},"\n"; 261 } 262 if ($dump || $options) { 263 my $longest = 0; 264 my $longest2 = 0; 265 foreach my $what (@disablables) { 266 $longest = length($what) if $longest < length($what); 267 $longest2 = length($disabled{$what}) 268 if $disabled{$what} && $longest2 < length($disabled{$what}); 269 } 270 print "\nEnabled features:\n\n"; 271 foreach my $what (@disablables) { 272 print " $what\n" unless $disabled{$what}; 273 } 274 print "\nDisabled features:\n\n"; 275 foreach my $what (@disablables) { 276 if ($disabled{$what}) { 277 print " $what", ' ' x ($longest - length($what) + 1), 278 "[$disabled{$what}]", ' ' x ($longest2 - length($disabled{$what}) + 1); 279 print $disabled_info{$what}->{macro} 280 if $disabled_info{$what}->{macro}; 281 print ' (skip ', 282 join(', ', @{$disabled_info{$what}->{skipped}}), 283 ')' 284 if $disabled_info{$what}->{skipped}; 285 print "\n"; 286 } 287 } 288 } 289 if ($dump || $target) { 290 print "\nConfig target attributes:\n\n"; 291 foreach (sort keys %target) { 292 next if $_ =~ m|^_| || $_ eq 'template'; 293 my $quotify = sub { 294 map { 295 if (defined $_) { 296 (my $x = $_) =~ s|([\\\$\@"])|\\$1|g; "\"$x\"" 297 } else { 298 "undef"; 299 } 300 } @_; 301 }; 302 print ' ', $_, ' => '; 303 if (ref($target{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { 304 print '[ ', join(', ', $quotify->(@{$target{$_}})), " ],\n"; 305 } else { 306 print $quotify->($target{$_}), ",\n" 307 } 308 } 309 } 310 if ($dump || $envvars) { 311 print "\nRecorded environment:\n\n"; 312 foreach (sort keys %{$config{perlenv}}) { 313 print ' ',$_,' = ',($config{perlenv}->{$_} || ''),"\n"; 314 } 315 } 316 if ($dump || $makevars) { 317 print "\nMakevars:\n\n"; 318 foreach my $var (@makevars) { 319 my $prefix = ''; 320 $prefix = $config{CROSS_COMPILE} 321 if grep { $var eq $_ } @user_crossable; 322 $prefix //= ''; 323 print ' ',$var,' ' x (16 - length $var),'= ', 324 (ref $config{$var} eq 'ARRAY' 325 ? join(' ', @{$config{$var}}) 326 : $prefix.$config{$var}), 327 "\n" 328 if defined $config{$var}; 329 } 330 331 my @buildfile = ($config{builddir}, $config{build_file}); 332 unshift @buildfile, $here 333 unless file_name_is_absolute($config{builddir}); 334 my $buildfile = canonpath(catdir(@buildfile)); 335 print <<"_____"; 336 337NOTE: These variables only represent the configuration view. The build file 338template may have processed these variables further, please have a look at the 339build file for more exact data: 340 $buildfile 341_____ 342 } 343 if ($dump || $buildparams) { 344 my @buildfile = ($config{builddir}, $config{build_file}); 345 unshift @buildfile, $here 346 unless file_name_is_absolute($config{builddir}); 347 print "\nbuild file:\n\n"; 348 print " ", canonpath(catfile(@buildfile)),"\n"; 349 350 print "\nbuild file templates:\n\n"; 351 foreach (@{$config{build_file_templates}}) { 352 my @tmpl = ($_); 353 unshift @tmpl, $here 354 unless file_name_is_absolute($config{sourcedir}); 355 print ' ',canonpath(catfile(@tmpl)),"\n"; 356 } 357 } 358 if ($reconf) { 359 if ($verbose) { 360 print 'Reconfiguring with: ', join(' ',@{$config{perlargv}}), "\n"; 361 foreach (sort keys %{$config{perlenv}}) { 362 print ' ',$_,' = ',($config{perlenv}->{$_} || ""),"\n"; 363 } 364 } 365 366 chdir $here; 367 exec $^X,catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'Configure'),'reconf'; 368 } 369 if ($query) { 370 use OpenSSL::Config::Query; 371 372 my $confquery = OpenSSL::Config::Query->new(info => \%unified_info, 373 config => \%config); 374 my $result = eval "\$confquery->$query"; 375 376 # We may need a result class with a printing function at some point. 377 # Until then, we assume that we get a scalar, or a list or a hash table 378 # with scalar values and simply print them in some orderly fashion. 379 if (ref $result eq 'ARRAY') { 380 print "$_\n" foreach @$result; 381 } elsif (ref $result eq 'HASH') { 382 print "$_ : \\\n ", join(" \\\n ", @{$result->{$_}}), "\n" 383 foreach sort keys %$result; 384 } elsif (ref $result eq 'SCALAR') { 385 print "$$result\n"; 386 } 387 } 388} 389 3901; 391 392__END__ 393 394=head1 NAME 395 396configdata.pm - configuration data for OpenSSL builds 397 398=head1 SYNOPSIS 399 400Interactive: 401 402 perl configdata.pm [options] 403 404As data bank module: 405 406 use configdata; 407 408=head1 DESCRIPTION 409 410This module can be used in two modes, interactively and as a module containing 411all the data recorded by OpenSSL's Configure script. 412 413When used interactively, simply run it as any perl script. 414If run with no arguments, it will rebuild the build file (Makefile or 415corresponding). 416With at least one option, it will instead get the information you ask for, or 417re-run the configuration process. 418See L</OPTIONS> below for more information. 419 420When loaded as a module, you get a few databanks with useful information to 421perform build related tasks. The databanks are: 422 423 %config Configured things. 424 %target The OpenSSL config target with all inheritances 425 resolved. 426 %disabled The features that are disabled. 427 @disablables The list of features that can be disabled. 428 %withargs All data given through --with-THING options. 429 %unified_info All information that was computed from the build.info 430 files. 431 432=head1 OPTIONS 433 434=over 4 435 436=item B<--help> 437 438Print a brief help message and exit. 439 440=item B<--man> 441 442Print the manual page and exit. 443 444=item B<--dump> | B<-d> 445 446Print all relevant configuration data. This is equivalent to B<--command-line> 447B<--options> B<--target> B<--environment> B<--make-variables> 448B<--build-parameters>. 449 450=item B<--command-line> | B<-c> 451 452Print the current configuration command line. 453 454=item B<--options> | B<-o> 455 456Print the features, both enabled and disabled, and display defined macro and 457skipped directories where applicable. 458 459=item B<--target> | B<-t> 460 461Print the config attributes for this config target. 462 463=item B<--environment> | B<-e> 464 465Print the environment variables and their values at the time of configuration. 466 467=item B<--make-variables> | B<-m> 468 469Print the main make variables generated in the current configuration 470 471=item B<--build-parameters> | B<-b> 472 473Print the build parameters, i.e. build file and build file templates. 474 475=item B<--reconfigure> | B<--reconf> | B<-r> 476 477Re-run the configuration process. 478 479=item B<--verbose> | B<-v> 480 481Verbose output. 482 483=back 484 485=cut 486 487EOF 488