Lines Matching refs:s

24 EINVAL = Invalid flag %s
25 ALREADY = %s ==> %s not already enabled
26 DISABLEPENDING = Disable pending on %s ==> %s, try again later
27 ENABLEPENDING = Enable pending on %s ==> %s, try again later
28 OPNSECSRC = Host %s: Source %s, open remote host failed
29 OPNPRISRC = Host %s: Source %s, open failed
30 OPNSECTGT = Host %s: Target %s, open remote host failed
31 OPNPRITGT = Host %s: Target %s, open failed
32 NOLOCHOST = Disks %s,%s do not reside on host %s or host %s
33 NOTREMOTE = Master %s and Slave %s have same id %s
34 MASTERNOTLOCAL = Master %s does not reside on this host: %s
35 YOUNGER = %s is failed from %s..cannot proceed
37 CONN = Unable to connect to %s: local disable complete, remote disable aborted
38 FLUSH = Will disable when ATM queue flushes on %s ==> %s
39 SYNCING = Request not serviced, %s is currently being synced.
40 INITREMOTE = Could not initialize remote data structures on %s ==> %s set
41 INITLOCAL = Could not initialize local data structures on %s ==> %s set
42 NOSLAVE = Target %s is failed, cannot set up for sync operation
43 SIZE = Size of Primary %s:%s(%s) must be less than or equal to size of Secondary %s:%s(%s)
46 INITAFTERSYNC = Could not initialize data structures on %s ==> %s set after sync
47 FAIL = Dual copy failed, offset:%s
49 GETSIZE = %s:%s has invalid size (%s)..cannot proceed
50 UPDATE = Update sync %s:%s ==> %s:%s only allowed for an rdc device set
51 EQUAL = Illegal device set %s:%s to itself
52 MATCH = Device %s:%s belongs to another RDC device set
53 MASTER = Changing the primary SNDR device %s:%s to become secondary and the secondary SNDR device %s:%s to become primary is not allowed in advanced configs
54 CONNOPEN = Could not open file %s:%s on remote node
56 BITMAP = Allocation of bitmap device %s failed
60 ENABLED = %s:%s ==> %s:%s is already enabled
61 OPEN = Unable to open %s:%s
62 ADDTOIF = Unable to add interface %s to %s
63 REGISTER = Unable to register %s
64 NOTPRIMARY = Not primary, cannot sync %s:%s and %s:%s
65 RSYNCNEEDED = Reverse sync needed, cannot sync %s:%s ==> %s:%s
68 NETBUF = NULL struct netbuf passed down from user program for %s
69 STATE = The state of %s:%s ==> %s:%s prevents this operation
70 MANY2ONE = Cannot enable %s:%s ==> %s:%s, secondary in use in another set
71 RSTATE = The remote state of %s:%s ==> %s:%s prevents this operation
72 BMPINUSE = The bitmap %s is already in use
73 VOLINUSE = The volume %s is already in use
75 GROUP = Cannot add %s:%s ==> %s:%s to group %s
77 NOTLOGGING = Cannot reconfig %s:%s to %s:%s, Must be in logging mode
78 BMPRECONFIG = Bitmap reconfig failed %s:%s
79 BMAPLOGGING = Cannot overwrite bitmap as the set %s:%s is not in logging mode
80 QDISABLEPEND = Disable pending on diskq %s, try again later
81 QNOTLOGGING = Cannot change disk queue %s, all associated sets must be in logging mode
82 QALREADY = %s:%s ==> %s:%s already has a disk queue attached
83 QNOQUEUE = Disk queue does not exist for set %s:%s ==> %s:%s
84 QFLUSHING = Operation not possible. Disk queue %s is flushing, try again later
86 DISKQINUSE = Disk queue %s is already in use
87 QNOADD = Unable to enable disk queue %s
88 QINITFAIL = Initialization of disk queue %s failed
89 QNOTEMPTY = Operation not possible, disk queue %s is not empty.
90 QUEISREP = Disk queue %s operation not possible, set is in replicating mode
91 QNORSYNC = Cannot reverse sync %s:%s <== %s:%s, set is in queuing mode
92 SETNOTLOGGING = can not start sync as set %s:%s is not logging
93 BITMAP2SMALL = Allocation of bitmap device %s failed, volume is too small