Lines Matching refs:print

104 	"Can't send message to the LP print service."
105 "The LP print service apparently has been\nstopped. Get help from your system\nadministrator."
107 "Can't receive message from the LP print service."
108 "The LP print service apparently has been\nstopped. Get help from your system\nadministrator."
110 "Received unexpected status %d in a reply from the\nLP print service."
119 "Can't establish contact with the LP print service."
120 …"Either the LP print service has stopped,\nor all message channels are busy. If the\nproblem conti…
131 "Received unexpected message %d from the LP print service."
134 "Destination \"%s\" is unknown to the\nLP print service."
182 "The LP print service isn't running or can't be\nreached."
183 …"Your request can't be completely handled\nwithout the LP print service. If this\nproblem continue…
230 "Failed to parse message from the LP print service.\n(%s)"
233 "The LP print service isn't running."
234 …"Your request may affect print jobs, but\nthe LP print service isn't running to\nevaluate this. St…
249 …"The spooling directory is full, or the\nLP print service can't allocate enough\nmemory for this r…
264 …"The LP print service currently does not\nallow you to change or move a request,\nonce it is on th…
284 "Large File encountered, can't print:\n%s."
340 "The LP print service didn't load the filter table."
341 "Try restarting the LP print service by\nrunning the /usr/lib/lp/lpsched command."
477 "The LP print service did not load new priority\ndefinitions."
478 "Try restarting the LP print service."
520 "The form or print wheel can't be used."
521 …e qualify\nfor printing your request are not\nallowed to have the form or print wheel\nmounted. U…
526 "The LP print service could not read your request\nfile."
533 …"The LP print service can not determine\nwhere all your files are located because\nit doesn't have…
536 …"Either the files are illegal (fifos,\nblock devices, etc.), or can't be found\nby the LP print se…
550 "You can't shut down the LP print service."
587 "Give the -f or -S option to identify\nform or print wheel to mount."
614 …"The printer types do not agree on\nwhether the printer takes print wheels\nor not. Check the prin…
641 …n:\n* to set default cpi, lpi, length, width\n* to define character sets, print wheels\n* to allow…
695 "The printer takes only print wheels.\nFix the type or change the value in the\n-S option."
709 "The printer doesn't take print wheels."
718 "Can't mount/unmount the form or print wheel."
721 …"Strange, the LP print service took the request to\ndelete printer or class \"%s\" but the disk co…
730 "Error writing print wheel information for \"%s\"\n(%s)."
756 "Illegal -A option for printer/print wheel\n\"%s\"."
757 …"You can't give the -A quiet or the\n-A list option for a printer or print\nwheel that doesn't exi…
763 …"The -S option identifies a print wheel;\ngive a -A, -W, and/or -Q option to set\nor change the al…
774 "The LP print service can't take another printer."
775 …"The printer configuration has been saved\non disk nonetheless. Stop the LP print\nservice (/usr/s…
777 "The LP print service can't take another class."
778 …"The class configuration has been saved\non disk nonetheless. Stop the LP print\nservice (/usr/sbi…
780 "The LP print service can't take in another print\nwheel alert."
781 …netheless. Stop the LP print\nservice (/usr/sbin/lpshut) and restart it\n(/usr/lib/lp/lpsched) to …
804 "Can't open FIFO to print alignment pattern.\n(%s)"
808 …"The printer can't print the alignment\npattern directly, and there's no filter\nthat will convert…
811 …"If the printed alignment pattern is too\nlong, either add a filter that can print\na subset of pa…
817 …"This is only used when MOUNTING a form,\nto print a pattern to help you align it.\nUnmounting a f…
819 "The LP print service could not read the disk file\ncontaining this configuration information."
825 "The form requires the print wheel\n\"%s\"."
826print wheel has been listed as\nmandatory for the form, but it is not\ncurrently mounted. If you d…
828 "The form requires the print wheel\n\"%s\"."
829 …"This print wheel has been listed as\nmandatory for the form. If you made a\nmistake, enter the co…
831 "Only one print wheel at a time, please."
832 …"You can only give a single print wheel\nname, not a list of names, when defining\na print wheel a…
834 "Only one print wheel at a time, please."
835 …"You can only give a single print wheel\nname, not a list of names, when mounting\na print wheel. …
838 …"The LP print service currently doesn't\nallow input types other than \"simple\"\nwhen more than o…
843 "There are no alerts defined for the print wheel\n\"%s\"."
886 …"Strange, the LP print service accepted\nthe delete form request but the disk\ncopy can't be delet…
934 "The LP print service can't take in another form."
935 …"The form definition has been saved on\ndisk nonetheless. Stop the LP print\nservice (/usr/sbin/lp…
959 …destinations.\nUse the \"lpstat -o all\" command to get a\nlist of all outstanding print requests."
965 …ling of the name.\nUse the \"lpstat -u all\" command to get a\nlist of outstanding print requests."