Lines Matching refs:button
1649 0100 3-button Mouse
1661 0100 Mouse-Trak 3-button Track Ball
2831 c402 Marble Mouse (2-button)
2834 c408 Marble Mouse (4-button)
2922 5550 5 button optical mouse model M873U
7175 0001 4 Axis 12 button +POV
7176 0002 4 Axis 12 button +POV
7183 206f USB, 2-axis 8-button gamepad
7197 6258 USB, 4-axis, 6-button joystick w/view finder
7203 a019 USB, Vibration ,4-axis, 8-button joystick w/view finder
7208 a024 4axis,12button vibrition audio gamepad
7209 a025 4axis,12button vibrition audio gamepad
8789 00d3 OEM 3 axis 5 button joystick
15561 d015 Generic 4-button NES USB Controller
15563 0006 Teleprompter Two-button Hand Control (v1)
16502 0006 2M pixel Microscope Camera (with capture button)
16503 0007 3M pixel Microscope Camera (with capture button)
16504 0008 1.3M pixel Microscope Camera (colour, with capture button)
16505 0009 1.3M pixel Microscope Camera (colour, with capture button)
17404 0416 ADNS-5700 Optical Mouse Controller (3-button)
17405 0616 ADNS-5700 Optical Mouse Controller (5-button)
18008 0008 Dream Cheeky button