Lines Matching refs:o2

82 	cmp	%o2, %o4	! compare size and difference of addresses
91 add %o1, %o2, %o1 ! get to end of source space
92 add %o0, %o2, %o0 ! get to end of destination space
94 cmp %o2, 64
97 cmp %o2, 4
99 sub %o2, 3, %o2
109 subcc %o2, 4, %o2
114 addcc %o2, 3, %o2
120 deccc %o2 ! decrement count
133 sub %o2, %o5, %o2 ! update count
157 subcc %o2, 31, %o2 ! adjust length to allow cc test
164 subcc %o2, 32, %o2 ! decrement length count
177 addcc %o2, 16, %o2 ! adjust remaining count
183 sub %o2, 16, %o2 ! decrease count by 16
188 addcc %o2, 15, %o2 ! restore count
191 cmp %o2, 8
197 subcc %o2, 8, %o2 ! decrease count by 8
217 andn %o2, 7, %o4 ! prepare src ptr for finishup code
218 cmp %o2, 32
221 cmp %o2, 4095 ! check for short memmoves
230 sub %o2, 64, %o2 ! 64 less bytes to copy
232 cmp %o2, 64 ! do we have < 64 bytes remaining
256 cmp %o2, 32
268 sub %o2,32, %o2 ! 32 less bytes to copy
270 cmp %o2, 32 ! do we have < 32 bytes remaining
279 cmp %o2, 8 ! do we have < 8 bytes remaining
286 sub %o2, 8, %o2 ! 8 less bytes to copy
288 cmp %o2, 8 ! do we have < 8 bytes remaining
295 tst %o2
300 cmp %o2, 4
311 subcc %o2, 4, %o2
319 deccc %o2 ! decrement count
336 cmp %o2, SMALL_MAX ! check for not small case
339 cmp %o2, SHORTCOPY ! check for really short case
344 sub %o2, 3, %o2 ! adjust count to allow cc zero test
347 subcc %o2, 4, %o2 ! reduce count by 4
358 add %o2, 3, %o2 ! restore count
360 tst %o2
365 deccc %o2 ! reduce count for cc test
369 deccc %o2
382 subcc %o2, 8, %o2 ! update count
389 addcc %o2, 7, %o2 ! restore count
392 cmp %o2, 4 ! check for 4 or more bytes left
397 subcc %o2, 4, %o2
406 subcc %o2, 4, %o2 ! update count
409 addcc %o2, 3, %o2 ! restore count
412 deccc %o2 ! reduce count for cc test
417 deccc %o2
438 sub %o2, %o5, %o2 ! update count
448 ! Now DST is 8-byte aligned. o0, o1, o2 are current.
468 cmp %o2, ALIGNED4_FPCOPY_THRESHOLD ! limit to store buffer size
471 subcc %o2, 15, %o2 ! adjust length to allow cc test
479 subcc %o2, 16, %o2 ! decrement length count
492 addcc %o2, 15, %o2 ! restore count
495 cmp %o2, 8
499 subcc %o2, 8, %o2 ! decrease count by 8
508 cmp %o2, 3 ! check for 4 bytes left
512 sub %o2, 4, %o2 ! decrease count by 4
516 tst %o2 ! check for zero bytes left
520 deccc %o2 ! reduce count by one
525 deccc %o2 ! reduce count by one
548 subcc %o2, 31, %o2 ! adjust length to allow cc test
555 subcc %o2, 32, %o2 ! decrement length count
568 addcc %o2, 16, %o2 ! adjust remaining count
574 sub %o2, 16, %o2 ! decrease count by 16
579 addcc %o2, 15, %o2 ! restore count
582 cmp %o2, 8
588 subcc %o2, 8, %o2 ! decrease count by 8
613 cmp %o2, MEDIUM_MAX
620 ! Currently, o2 is the actual count remaining
667 sub %o2, %o5, %o2 ! update count for later
708 cmp %o2, BLOCK_SIZE
719 subcc %o2, 8, %o2 ! update count (maybe too much)
720 movl %ncc, %o2, %o5
768 subcc %o2, 8, %o2
774 deccc %o2
844 sub %o2, BLOCK_SIZE, %o2 ! update count
860 cmp %o2, BLOCK_SIZE + 8
867 cmp %o2, BLOCK_SIZE
874 add %o5, %o2, %o5 ! %o5 was already set to 0 or -8
956 sub %o2, BLOCK_SIZE, %o2 ! update count
972 cmp %o2, BLOCK_SIZE + 8
981 cmp %o2, BLOCK_SIZE
988 add %o5, %o2, %o5 ! %o5 was already set to 0 or -8