Lines Matching refs:Cursor

2133 # in two different modes: Cursor Mode and Application Mode.  Cursor Mode
2135 # Mode is the "set" state. In Cursor Mode, the cursor keys transmit
2139 # assumed that the cursor keys are normally in Cursor Mode, and expected that
2144 # "Cursor Mode", and the cursor keys definitions should match that assumption,
2248 # | | | Cursor 0-Underline | | | Interlace 0-Off
7414 # S2 5 Cursor type
7418 # S2 6 Cursor down key
7473 # S2 5 Cursor type (U = underline, D = block)
7474 # S2 6 Cursor down key (U = send ^J, D = send ^V)
9786 wy75ap|wyse75ap|wy-75ap|wyse-75ap|Wyse WY-75 Applications and Cursor keypad,
11173 # Pn= > Cursor blink
11211 # Cursor Position Report (CPR): \E[Pn1;Pn2R
11840 # Cursor back BS
11841 # Cursor down LF
11842 # Cursor forward FF
11843 # Cursor home RS
11844 # Cursor up VT
11845 # Cursor supress ETB
11846 # Cursor enable CAN
13511 # Cursor 0=u/l 1=block
14492 #ctrl-K Cursor up
14493 #ctrl-L Cursor right
14499 #ctrl-V Cursor down
14501 #ctrl-^ Cursor home
14988 # Cursor key definitions removed because they interfere with vi and csh keys.
15881 # 3-4 - Cursor appearance
16842 # Note: Cursor addressing is only available via the Pascal V1.1 entry,
20575 # CBT Cursor Backward Tab \E [ Pn Z 1 eF cbt
20577 # CHA Cursor Horizntal Absolute \E [ Pn G 1 eF hpa (B)
20578 # CHT Cursor Horizontal Tab \E [ Pn I 1 eF tab (C)
20580 # CNL Cursor Next Line \E [ Pn E 1 eF nel (D)
20581 # CPL Cursor Preceding Line \E [ Pn F 1 eF -
20582 # CPR Cursor Position Report \E [ Pn ; Pn R 1, 1 - - (E)
20584 # CTC Cursor Tabulation Control \E [ Ps W 0 eF - (F)
20585 # CUB Cursor Backward \E [ Pn D 1 eF cub
20586 # CUD Cursor Down \E [ Pn B 1 eF cud
20587 # CUF Cursor Forward \E [ Pn C 1 eF cuf
20588 # CUP Cursor Position \E [ Pn ; Pn H 1, 1 eF cup (G)
20589 # CUU Cursor Up \E [ Pn A 1 eF cuu
20590 # CVT Cursor Vertical Tab \E [ Pn Y - eF - (H)
20738 # the capability (hpa). ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Character Absolute" but
20743 # value. ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Forward Tabulation" but preserved the
20759 # (H) ECMA calls this "Cursor Line Tabulation" but preserves the CVT