Lines Matching refs:USB

2 #	List of USB ID's
74 bc06 OCZ ATV USB 2.0 Flash Drive
75 bc08 OCZ Rally2/ATV USB 2.0 Flash Drive
77 ac02 ATV Turbo / Rally2 Dual Channel USB 2.0 Flash Drive
79 0001 PSX for USB Converter
120 204b LUFA USB to Serial Adapter Project
183 7613 WL-1130 USB
775 0008 Platform Cable USB II
801 5636 USB 2.0 Storage Device
812 1234 IronLogic RFID Adapter [Z-2 USB]
820 6011 FT4232H Quad HS USB-UART/FIFO IC
821 6014 FT232H Single HS USB-UART/FIFO IC
826 6f70 HB-RF-USB
890 c7d0 RR-CirKits LocoBuffer-USB
916 d578 Accesio USB-COM-4SM
931 e888 Expert ISDN Control USB
932 e889 USB-RS232 OptoBridge
933 e88a Expert mouseCLOCK USB II
934 e88b Precision Clock MSF USB
935 e88c Expert mouseCLOCK USB II HBG
955 f608 CTI USB-485-Mini
956 f60b CTI USB-Nano-485
960 f850 USB-UIRT (Universal Infrared Receiver+Transmitter)
963 fa00 Matrix Orbital USB Serial
968 fa20 Ross-Tech HEX-USB
969 fc08 Crystalfontz CFA-632 USB LCD
970 fc09 Crystalfontz CFA-634 USB LCD
971 fc0b Crystalfontz CFA-633 USB LCD
972 fc0c Crystalfontz CFA-631 USB LCD
973 fc0d Crystalfontz CFA-635 USB LCD
994 0320 5932-USB Keyboard
995 0321 5953-USB Dynakey
996 0322 5932-USB Enhanced Keyboard
997 0323 5932-USB Enhanced Keyboard, Flash-Recovery/Download
998 0324 5953-USB Enhanced Dynakey
999 0325 5953-USB Enhanced Dynakey Flash-Recovery/Download
1000 0328 K016: USB-MSR ISO 3-track MSR: POS Standard (See HID pages)
1001 0329 K018: USB-MSR JIS 2-Track MSR: POS Standard
1002 032a K016: USB-MSR ISO 3-Track MSR: HID Keyboard Mode
1003 032b K016/K018: USB-MSR Flash-Recovery/Download
1025 002c Clik!-USB Drive
1035 006a Conceptronic USB Harddisk Box
1227 3184 VNT VT6656 USB-802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter
1231 6205 USB 2.0 Card Reader
1237 0006 WLI-USB-L11 Wireless LAN Adapter
1239 000b WLI-USB-L11G-WR Wireless LAN Adapter
1240 000d WLI-USB-L11G Wireless LAN Adapter
1243 0016 WLI-USB-S11 802.11b Adapter
1245 001c USB-IDE Bridge: DUB-PxxG
1246 0027 WLI-USB-KS11G 802.11b Adapter
1249 0044 WLI-USB-KB11 Wireless LAN Adapter
1250 004b WLI-USB-G54 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
1251 004d WLI-USB-B11 Wireless LAN Adapter
1266 00bc WLI-U2-KG125S 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
1496 410b Nomad Jukebox Zen USB 2.0
1504 411c Nomad MuVo USB 2.0
1636 043a N70 USB Phone Parent
1684 000d USB Chief Analyzer
1700 2020 USB Hub
1707 2503 USB 2.0 Hub
1710 2512 USB 2.0 Hub
1712 2514 USB 2.0 Hub
1714 2524 USB MultiSwitch Hub
1715 2602 USB 2.0 Hub
1716 2640 USB 2.0 Hub
1756 9512 SMC9512/9514 USB Hub
2079 2f90 SM-USB-DIG
2142 5401 Wireless Adapter RO80211GS-USB
2208 3019 10-Button USB Joystick with Vibration
2332 007a 10/100 USB NIC
2747 0301 USB 1.0 Hub
2894 0a01 USB Headset
2895 0a02 Premium Stereo USB Headset 350
2896 0a03 Logitech USB Microphone
2897 0a04 V20 portable speakers (USB powered)
2899 0a0b ClearChat Pro USB
2900 0a0c Clear Chat Comfort USB Headset
2903 0a14 USB Headset
2909 0a37 USB Headset H540
2980 c05b M-U0004 810-001317 [B110 Optical USB Mouse]
2990 c06a USB Optical Mouse
3042 c223 G11/G15 Keyboard / USB Hub
3293 1552 ISP 1581 Hi-Speed USB MPEG2 Encoder Reference Kit
3348 0004 ScreenCoder UR7HCTS2-USB
3357 1000 Trust Office Scan USB 19200
3373 1016 ADB/USB Orbit
3451 0ca1 USB DSP v4 Audio Interface
3470 0100 Stor.E Slim USB 3.0
3477 a007 External Disk USB 3.0
3483 a208 Canvio Basics 2TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive
3514 0137 BeWAN ADSL USB ST (blue or green)
3673 3001 YST-MS55D USB Speaker
3674 3003 YST-M45D USB Speaker
3723 505a Linux-USB "CDC Subset" Device, or Itsy (experimental)
3732 001e DVDCAM USB HS Interface
3808 0224 OneTouch 4800 USB/Microtek Scanport 3000
3810 0226 OneTouch 5300 USB
3815 0311 6200 EPP/USB Scanner
3816 0321 OneTouch 8100 EPP/USB Scanner
3817 0331 OneTouch 8600 EPP/USB Scanner
3827 0421 9450 USB
4699 6560 CY7C65640 USB-2.0 "TetraHub"
4702 6830 CY7C68300A EZ-USB AT2 USB 2.0 to ATA/ATAPI
4705 8329 USB To keyboard/Mouse Converter
4706 8613 CY7C68013 EZ-USB FX2 USB 2.0 Development Kit
4708 861f Anysee E30 USB 2.0 DVB-T Receiver
4711 cc06 Centor-P RACIA-ALVAR USB PORT
4916 0300 SafeNet USB SuperPro/UltraPro
4947 0314 USB-SSMRW SD-card
4951 031e USB-SDRW SD-card
4953 0528 GV-USB Video Capture
4954 0901 USB ETT
4957 0919 USB WN-B11
4962 093b WN-GDN/USB
4968 0a03 Serial USB-RSAQ1
4976 0115 USB-PDC Adapter UPA9664
4977 0116 USB-cdmaOne Adapter UCA1464
4978 0117 USB-PHS Adapter UHA6400
4979 0118 USB-PHS Adapter UPA6400
4982 0309 Bluetooth USB dongle
5054 0020 USB Keyboard
5174 1520 USB 2.0 Hub (Avocent KVM)
5175 1521 USB 2.0 Hub
5194 8819 USB 2.0 SD/MMC Reader
5218 000b PIC18F2550 (32K Flashable 10 Channel, 10 Bit A/D USB Microcontroller)
5260 ffee Devantech USB-ISS
5292 a052 USB-zyTemp
5328 2317 DVC USB-SERIAL Driver for WinXP
5394 90d0 USB-to-Serial Comm. Port
5395 90f2 Sharp 3G GSM USB Control
5416 1410 XR21V1410 USB-UART IC
5427 0001 E-USB ATA Bridge
5439 0101 eUSB ATA Bridge (Sony Spressa USB CDRW)
5662 60c4 M2 Portable Hard Drive USB 3.0
5709 685e GT-I9100 / GT-C3350 Phones (USB Debugging mode)
5712 6864 GT-I9070 (network tethering, USB debugging enabled)
5797 b008 USB 2.0 Camera
5801 b013 USB 2.0 Camera
5806 b022 Gateway USB 2.0 Webcam
5807 b023 Gateway USB 2.0 Webcam
5808 b024 USB 2.0 Webcam
5810 b027 Gateway USB 2.0 Webcam
5815 b057 integrated USB webcam
6465 0005 USB OpticalWheel Mouse
6522 33c7 Liquid Gallant Duo E350 (USB tethering)
6523 33c8 Liquid Gallant Duo E350 (debug mode, USB tethering)
6560 0017 B8T017 Bluetooth+EDR 2.1 / F4U017 USB 2.0 7-port Hub
6581 0210 F5U228 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 DVD Creator
6582 0211 F5U211 USB 2.0 15-in-1 Media Reader & Writer
6583 0224 F5U224 USB 2.0 4-Port Hub
6584 0234 F5U234 USB 2.0 4-Port Hub
6585 0237 F5U237 USB 2.0 7-Port Hub
6586 0240 F5U240 USB 2.0 CF Card Reader
6587 0249 USB 2 Flash Media Device
6589 0304 FSU304 USB 2.0 - 4 Ports Hub
6590 0307 USB 2.0 - 7 ports Hub [FSU307]
6624 7051 F5D7051 802.11g Adapter v1000 [Broadcom 4320 USB]
6630 8053 F5D8053 N Wireless USB Adapter v1000/v4000 [Ralink RT2870]
6632 805e F5D8053 N Wireless USB Adapter v5000 [Realtek RTL8192U]
6633 815c F5D8053 N Wireless USB Adapter v3000 [Ralink RT2870]
6634 815f F5D8053 N Wireless USB Adapter v6000 [Realtek RTL8192SU]
6650 0190 KC2190 USB Host-to-Host cable
6664 0001 USB to PS2 Adaptor v1.09
6689 1080 NET1080 USB-USB Bridge
6694 a140 USB Clik! 40
6697 a4a0 Linux-USB "Gadget Zero"
6698 a4a1 Linux-USB Ethernet Gadget
6699 a4a2 Linux-USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget
6700 a4a3 Linux-USB user-mode isochronous source/sink
6701 a4a4 Linux-USB user-mode bulk source/sink
6702 a4a5 Linux-USB File-backed Storage Gadget
6703 a4a6 Linux-USB Serial Gadget
6704 a4a7 Linux-USB Serial Gadget (CDC ACM mode)
6705 a4a8 Linux-USB Printer Gadget
6706 a4a9 Linux-USB OBEX Gadget
6707 a4aa Linux-USB CDC Composite Gadge (Ethernet and ACM)
6708 a4ab Linux-USB Multifunction Composite Gadget
6709 a4ac Linux-USB HID Gadget
6837 2720 AN2720 USB-USB Bridge
6838 2727 Xircom PGUNET USB-USB Bridge
6862 002b Portable USB Harddrive V2
6863 002c USB Floppy Disk Drive
6986 0257 IFU-WLM2 USB Wireless LAN Module (Wireless Mode)
6987 0258 IFU-WLM2 USB Wireless LAN Module (Memory Mode)
7115 2213 CS682 2-Port USB 2.0 DVI KVM Switch
7160 0003 ScanExpress 1200 USB
7162 0007 ScanExpress 1200 USB Plus
7165 0210 ScanExpress A3 USB
7178 040b ScanExpress A3 USB 1200 PRO
7180 0873 ScanExpress 600 USB
7232 3020 BakkerElkhuizen Wired Keyboard S-board 840 Design USB-Hub
7457 8101 KwikLink USB-USB Bridge
7545 00f1 M-XT1DRBK USB EX-G Wireless Optical TrackBall
7592 200c LD-USB/TX
7595 4002 Laneed 100Mbps Ethernet LD-USB/TX [pegasus]
7597 400b LD-USB/TX
7602 abc1 LD-USB/TX
7649 2d01 Hauppauge USB-Live Model 600
7659 4100 USB-TV FM (NTSC)
7660 4110 PNY USB-TV (NTSC) FM
7663 4450 PixelView PlayTv-USB PRO (PAL) FM
7670 4d00 Hauppauge WinTV-USB USA
7671 4d01 Hauppauge WinTV-USB
7672 4d02 Hauppauge WinTV-USB UK
7673 4d03 Hauppauge WinTV-USB France
7675 4d10 Hauppauge WinTV-USB with FM USA radio
7676 4d11 Hauppauge WinTV-USB (PAL) with FM radio
7677 4d12 Hauppauge WinTV-USB UK with FM Radio
7679 4d20 Hauppauge WinTV-USB II (PAL) with FM radio
7680 4d21 Hauppauge WinTV-USB II (PAL)
7681 4d22 Hauppauge WinTV-USB II (PAL) Model 566
7682 4d23 Hauppauge WinTV-USB France 4D23
7684 4d25 Hauppauge WinTV-USB Model 40209 rev B234
7685 4d26 Hauppauge WinTV-USB Model 40209 rev B243
7686 4d27 Hauppauge WinTV-USB Model 40204 Rev B281
7687 4d28 Hauppauge WinTV-USB Model 40204 rev B283
7688 4d29 Hauppauge WinTV-USB Model 40205 rev B298
7689 4d2a Hauppague WinTV-USB Model 602 Rev B285
7690 4d2b Hauppague WinTV-USB Model 602 Rev B282
7692 4d30 Hauppauge WinTV-USB FM Model 40211 Rev B123
7693 4d31 Hauppauge WinTV-USB III (PAL) with FM radio Model 568
7694 4d32 Hauppauge WinTV-USB III (PAL) FM Model 573
7696 4d35 Hauppauge WinTV-USB III (PAL) FM Model 597
7698 4d37 Hauppauge WinTV-USB Model 40219 rev E189
7741 62ff AVM Fritz!WLAN USB (in CD-ROM-mode)
7745 84ff AVM Fritz!WLAN USB N (in CD-ROM-mode)
7749 0300 USB-EXI Adapter (GCP-2000)
7762 6238 USB StrikePad
7950 2030 RM-203 USB Nest [mode 1]
7951 2031 RM-203 USB Nest [mode 2]
7952 2032 RM-203 USB Nest [mode 3]
7953 2033 RM-203 USB Nest [mode 4]
7955 205f PSX/USB converter
7957 206f USB, 2-axis 8-button gamepad
7960 337f Rockfire USB RacingStar Vibra
7961 509f USB,4-Axis,12-Button with POV
7962 5259 Rockfire USB SkyShuttle Vibra
7963 525f USB Vibration Pad
7964 5308 USB Wireless VibrationPad
7965 5359 Rockfire USB SkyShuttle Pro
7966 535f USB,real VibrationPad
7967 5659 Rockfire USB SkyShuttle Vibra
7968 565f USB VibrationPad
7970 600f USB,GameBoard II
7971 6258 USB, 4-axis, 6-button joystick w/view finder
7977 a019 USB, Vibration ,4-axis, 8-button joystick w/view finder
7978 a020 USB,4-Axis,10-Button with POV
7979 a021 USB,4-Axis,12-Button with POV
7980 a022 USB,4-Axis,14-Button with POV
7981 a023 USB,4-Axis,16-Button with POV
7984 a130 USB Wireless 2.4GHz Gamepad
7985 a131 USB Wireless 2.4GHz Joystick
7986 a132 USB Wireless 2.4GHz Wheelpad
7987 a133 USB Wireless 2.4GHz Wheel&Gamepad
7990 b000 USB,4-Axis,12-Button with POV
7991 b001 USB,4-Axis,12-Button with POV
7992 b002 Vibration,12-Button USB Wheel
7993 b005 USB,12-Button Wheel
7994 b008 USB Wireless 2.4GHz Wheel
7995 b009 USB,12-Button Wheel
7996 b00a PSX/USB converter
7997 b00b PSX/USB converter
7998 b00c PSX/USB converter
7999 b00d PSX/USB converter
8001 b00f USB,5-Axis,10-Button with POV
8004 b013 USB,Wiress 2.4GHZ Joystick
8005 b016 USB,5-Axis,10-Button with POV
8007 ff60 USB Wireless VibrationPad
8032 0025 802.11b/g/n USB Wireless Network Adapter
8042 330e USB Broadband ADSL Modem Rev 1.10
8061 341a NWD-270N Wireless N-lite USB Adapter
8105 6254 USB Hub
8117 6390 USB 2.0-IDE bridge
8142 9720 USB-Serial Adapter
8189 007c Ultra Max USB/1394
8195 0173 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
8196 0174 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
8197 0176 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
8198 0177 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
8199 0178 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
8200 0179 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
8271 9731 MCK-600W/MCK-800USB Keyboard
8320 0060 USB 2.0 ATA Bridge
8335 5701 USB Storage Adapter V2
8340 0201 USB Keyboard [Alps or Logitech, M2452]
8398 0301 USB Mouse [Mitsumi, M4848]
8401 0306 Optical USB Mouse [Fujitsu]
8493 8007 XHCI Root Hub USB 2.0 Simulation
8505 8216 Bluetooth USB Host Controller
8506 8217 Bluetooth USB Host Controller
8586 0002 AccelePort USB 2
8587 0004 AccelePort USB 4
8588 0008 AccelePort USB 8
8731 3100 AirLancer USB-11
8756 8105 Artec T1 USB TVBOX (cold)
8757 8106 Artec T1 USB TVBOX (warm)
8758 8107 Artec T1 USB TVBOX with AN2235 (cold)
8759 8108 Artec T1 USB TVBOX with AN2235 (warm)
8946 b002 USB CF Reader
9000 0502 GL620USB-A GeneLink USB-USB Bridge
9004 0604 USB 1.1 Hub
9006 0606 USB 2.0 Hub / D-Link DUB-H4 USB 2.0 Hub
9015 0660 USB 2.0 Hub
9017 0701 USB 2.0 IDE Adapter
9018 0702 USB 2.0 IDE Adapter [GL811E]
9028 070e USB 2.0 Card Reader
9030 0710 USB 2.0 33-in-1 Card Reader
9033 0715 USB 2.0 microSD Reader
9053 0760 USB 2.0 Card Reader/Writer
9060 1205 Afilias Optical Mouse H3003 / Trust Optical USB MultiColour Mouse MI-2330
9076 000c USB-to-RS-232
9077 000d USB-to-RS-232
9094 0007 Kinesis Advantage PRO MPC/USB Keyboard
9138 0003 Cypress USB Mouse
9185 6001 SolidTek USB 2p HUB
9186 6002 SolidTek USB Keyboard
9224 0001 nissei 128DE-USB -
9267 9004 USR9602 USB Internet Mini Phone
9409 5161 USB to Serial
9422 2206 USB Ethernet [pegasus]
9558 07d5 TM-ED1285(USB)
9562 0000 PL2301 USB-USB Bridge
9563 0001 PL2302 USB-USB Bridge
9565 04bb PL2303 Serial (IODATA USB-RSAQ2)
9569 1231 Orico SATA External Hard Disk Drive Lay-Flat Docking Station with USB 3.0 & eSATA interfaces.
9573 2307 PL2307 USB-ATAPI4 Bridge
9579 2501 PL2501 USB-USB Bridge (USB 2.0)
9581 2507 PL2507 Hi-speed USB to IDE bridge controller
9592 aaa2 PL2303 Serial Adapter (IODATA USB-RSAQ3)
9637 0034 GSM module MC35/ES75 USB Modem
9638 3c06 54g USB Network Adapter
9745 0778 PEARL USB Device
9762 0033 USB Mouse
10020 0007 USB Styk
10077 8311 COM-1(USB)H
10082 0622 LapLink Gold USB-USB Bridge [net1080]
10085 0284 FX-USB-AW/-BD RS482 Converters
10145 0319 MT9234ZBA-USB MultiModem ZBA
10146 f101 MT5634ZBA-USB MultiModemUSB (old firmware)
10148 f104 MT5634ZBA-USB MultiModemUSB (new firmware)
10149 f107 MT5634ZBA-USB-V92 MultiModemUSB
10150 f120 MT9234ZBA-USB-CDC-ACM-XR MultiModem ZBA CDC-ACM-XR
10268 0003 USB->Din 4 Adaptor
10302 0201 EZ Connect USB Ethernet
10307 047e USB-1284 BRIDGE
10326 0240 PS/2 to USB Converter
10359 0002 DTI-56362-USB Digital Interface Unit
10360 0101 Audio4-USB DSP Data Acquisition Unit
10363 0301 SB-USB JTAG Emulator
10458 043b 3DeMon USB Capture
10514 0324 Pole Display (LB324-USB 4 x 20 Line Display)
10517 0450 Pole Display (L450-USB Graphic Line Display)
10545 3553 Composite USB-Device
10546 3554 Composite USB-Device
10547 3556 Composite USB-Device
10636 0006 Camtel Technology USB TV Genie Pro FM Model TVB330
10711 1303 ORGA 6000 Smart Card Terminal USB RNDIS
10894 0027 USB-Serial Controller
10910 d952 Palladio USB V.92 Modem
10917 8266 Infineon WildCard-USB Wireless LAN Adapter
10922 0001 Ether USB-T Ethernet [klsi]
10923 0004 FEther USB-TX Ethernet [pegasus]
10924 000c WirelessLAN USB-11
10925 000d FEther USB-TXS
10926 0011 Wireless LAN USB-11 mini
10929 0018 Wireless LAN USB-11 mini 2
10944 9601 FEther USB-TXC
10947 fc02 Cable II USB-2
10958 fc01 Freecom USB-IDE
11075 4102 USB 1.1 10/100M Fast Ethernet Adapter
11129 0102 USB to LS120
11130 0103 USB to IDE
11131 1234 USB to ATAPI
11136 a004 USB to MMC Class Drive
11141 a107 USB to Memory Stick (LC1) Drive
11143 a10b USB to CF+MS(LC1)
11151 b000 USB to CF(LC1)
11152 b001 USB to CF+PCMCIA
11154 b006 USB to PCMCIA
11155 b00a USB to CF+SD Drive(LC1)
11156 b00b USB to Memory Stick(LC1)
11169 0002 AVerTV PVR USB/EZMaker Pro Device
11310 3304 FR-300USB 802.11bgn Wireless Adapter
11332 3c11 DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter(rev.B) [Ralink RT2870]
11377 011e Century USB Disk Enclosure
11383 1012 BeWAN ADSL USB ST (grey)
11563 b004 CPWUE001 USB/Ethernet Adapter
11569 d522 Speedport W 102 Stick IEEE 802.11n USB 2.0 Adapter
11586 1020 FA101 Fast Ethernet USB 1.1
11587 1040 FA120 Fast Ethernet USB 2.0 [Asix AX88172 / AX8817x]
11825 1100 X1-USB Floppy
11888 0002 USB-to-CAN compact
11889 0003 USB-to-CAN II
11890 0100 USB-to-CAN
11895 0986 USB-100N Ethernet [pegasus]
11910 0002 USB-RS232 Bridge
11944 abba USB Driver for Bluetooth Wireless Technology
12082 fffd AES2510 Sensor (USB Emulator)
12105 001b ATR2100-USB
12315 6519 Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Stick
12382 2500 USB Optical Mouse
12385 2600 Typhoon Easycam USB 330K (newer)/Typhoon Easycam USB 2.0 VGA 1.3M/Sansun SN-508
12434 0301 USB Pro (24/48)
12435 0302 USB Pro (24/96 playback)
12436 0303 USB Pro (24/96 record)
12437 0304 USB Pro (16/48)
12438 1105 USB One
12448 1539 Iron Key D300 (Virtual CD-ROM and USB Stick)
12666 0014 ActivIdentity ActivKey SIM USB Token
12689 0404 BAFO USB-ATA/ATAPI Bridge Controller
12736 0081 USB-1616FS
12737 0082 USB-1208FS
12738 0088 USB-1616FS internal hub
12820 4010 Mpow HC5 Headset in charging mode - USB Hub
12821 ffff USB Bluetooth Device in DFU State
12827 8888 IBM USB Memory Key
12967 2102 ANYCOM Blue USB-200/250
12969 2111 ANYCOM Blue USB-UHE 200/250
12970 2120 2045 Bluetooth 2.0 USB-UHE Device with trace filter
12974 2130 2045 Bluetooth 2.0 USB-UHE Device with trace filter
13005 4500 BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth)
13025 d11b Eminent EM4045 [Broadcom 4320 USB]
13074 0701 USB Missile Launcher
13148 0100 POS Keyboard, TA58P-USB
13149 0101 POS Keyboard, TA85P-USB
13150 0102 POS Keyboard, TA59-USB
13151 0103 POS Keyboard, TA60-USB
13152 0104 SNIkey Keyboard, SNIKey-KB-USB
13153 0200 Operator Display, BA63-USB
13154 0201 Operator Display, BA66-USB
13171 0402 Programmable Magnetic Swipe Card Reader, MSRP-USB
13238 0323 Luxya WC-1200 USB 2.0 Webcam
13244 307b USB 1.1 Webcam
13245 332d Vega USB 2.0 Camera
13246 3343 Sirius USB 2.0 Camera
13251 c302 Vega USB 2.0 Camera
13252 c303 Saturn USB 2.0 Camera
13273 0630 Spectrum III Mag-Only Insert Reader (SPT3-355 Series) USB-CDC
13340 0101 Digital TV USB Receiver (DVB-S/T/C / ATSC)
13342 0010 USB SightCam 100
13364 1717 WL169gE 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
13383 1761 USB-N11 802.11n Network Adapter [Ralink RT2870]
13387 1784 USB-N13 802.11n Network Adapter (rev. A1) [Ralink RT3072]
13388 1786 USB-N10 802.11n Network Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU]
13392 179d USB-N53 802.11abgn Network Adapter [Ralink RT3572]
13397 17ab USB-N13 802.11n Network Adapter (rev. B1) [Realtek RTL8192CU]
13402 17c9 USB-AC53 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [Broadcom BCM43526]
13405 17d2 USB-AC56 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8812AU]
13406 17d3 USB-N10 v2 802.11b/g/n Wireless Adapter [MediaTek MT7601U]
13407 17db USB-AC50 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (1x1) Wireless Adapter [MediaTek MT7610U]
13408 17e8 USB-N14 802.11b/g/n (2x2) Wireless Adapter [Ralink RT5372]
13409 17eb USB-AC55 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [MediaTek MT7612U]
13412 1817 USB-AC68 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (4x4) Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8814AU]
13414 18f0 Realtek 8188EUS [USB-N10 Nano]
13455 0422 Jabra SPEAK 510 USB
13499 0001 Composite USB PS2 Converter
13500 0109 USB TO Ethernet
13502 0801 USB-Parallel Bridge
13522 0011 Crossam2+USB IR commander
13528 1003 Technotrend/Hauppauge USB-Nova
13530 1005 Technotrend/Hauppauge USB-Nova
13662 00fb SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router
13663 0111 USR5420 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
13675 6098 USB Cable Modem
13904 2320 USB 3.0 bridge [Portable Expansion Drive]
13919 5021 FreeAgent GoFlex USB 2.0
13921 5031 FreeAgent GoFlex USB 3.0
13926 50a5 FreeAgent GoFlex Desk USB 3.0
13978 0103 USB 2.0 Card Reader
13999 0158 USB 2.0 multicard reader
14015 0811 Realtek 8812AU/8821AU 802.11ac WLAN Adapter [USB Wireless Dual-Band Adapter 2.4/5Ghz]
14022 5401 RTL 8153 USB 3.0 hub with gigabit ethernet
14152 b001 USB 2.0 Mass Storage IDE adapter
14199 0018 USB-Serial Controller [Icom Inc. OPC-478UC]
14267 600d TwinkleCam USB camera
14272 6028 Typhoon Easycam USB 330K (older)
14356 62c0 Sonix USB 2.0 Camera
14359 6310 Sonix USB 2.0 Camera
14502 000c PCAN-USB
14542 1140 USB PC Watchdog
14576 2507 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
14580 25c7 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
14636 0077 Aureon Dual USB
14686 0025 802.11b/g/n USB Wireless Network Adapter
14841 3100 Hi-Speed USB-IDE Bridge Controller
14851 7450 Basics Portable USB Device
14862 0011 USB-Temp2 Thermometer
14934 110e NEC uPD720121/130 USB-ATA/ATAPI Bridge
14939 1400 Attache 256MB USB 2.0 Flash Drive
14942 1620 USB Disk Pro
14943 1900 USB Thumb Drive
14945 2507 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
14947 25c7 Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller
14982 b213 USB Phone CM109 (aka CT2000,VPT1000)
15134 021b USB-2.0 IDE Adapter
15174 1060 USB-CF-Card
15197 2007 USB to ATAPI bridge
15204 2027 USB 2.0 Card Reader
15229 0017 WL-182 Wireless-N Network USB Card
15232 002b WL-188 Wireless Network 300N USB Adapter
15233 002c WL-301 Wireless Network 300N USB Adapter
15234 002d WL-302 Wireless Network 300N USB dongle
15236 0039 WL-315 Wireless-N USB Adapter
15237 003b WL-321 Wireless USB Gaming Adapter 300N
15238 003c WL-323 Wireless-N USB Adapter
15239 003d WL-324 Wireless USB Adapter 300N
15240 003e WL-343 Wireless USB Adapter 150N X1
15241 003f WL-608 Wireless USB Adapter 54g
15243 0041 WL-329 Wireless Dualband USB adapter 300N
15244 0042 WL-345 Wireless USB adapter 300N X3
15245 0045 WL-353 Wireless USB Adapter 150N Nano
15246 0047 WL-352v1 Wireless USB Adapter 300N 002
15249 004a WL-358v1 Wireless Micro USB Adapter 300N X3 002
15259 061c LN-028 Network USB 2.0 Adapter
15266 9071 WL-113 rev 1 Wireless Network USB Adapter
15267 9075 WL-117 Hi-Speed USB Adapter
15268 90ac WL-172 Wireless Network USB Adapter 54g Turbo
15269 9712 WL-113 rev 2 Wireless Network USB Adapter
15290 9031 802.11n Wireless USB Card
15291 9041 802.11n Wireless USB Card
15298 0002 Virtual USB Hub
15320 0510 iAudio X5, subpack USB port
15321 0513 iAudio X5, side USB port
15322 0520 iAudio M5, side USB port
15355 00fd USB To Parallel adapter
15356 00fe USB To Parallel adapter
15386 0001 Matrix USB-Key
15390 110b MS3303H USB-to-Serial Bridge
15416 0101 MA100 [USB-UART Bridge IC]
15494 0016 4 port USB 1.1 hub UH-174
15495 0020 USB to PS/2 Adapter
15521 2168 Transcend JetFlash 2.0 / Astone USB Drive / Intellegent Stick 2.0
15569 e000 USB-inSync Device
15570 f000 Fiberbyte USB-inSync Device
15571 f201 Fiberbyte USB-inSync DAQ-2500X
15823 2137 Xperia X10 mini (USB debug)
15998 61fe Optimus Android Phone [USB tethering mode]
16007 6344 LM-X420xxx/G2 Android Phone (USB tethering mode)
16011 7000 LG LDP-7024D(LD)USB
16012 91c8 P880 / USB tethering
16042 9031 Motorola 802.11n Dualband USB Wireless Adapter
16043 9032 Motorola 802.11n 5G USB Wireless Adapter
16064 005e USB DVB-T device
16065 005f USB DVB-T device
16118 800c GN-WB31N 802.11n USB WLAN Card
16119 800d GN-WB32L 802.11n USB WLAN Card
16121 6694 Generic W6694 USB
16168 0200 FireWire USB Combo
16256 4100 SB4100 USB Cable Modem
16258 0020 USB-DVR2 Dev Board
16264 1101 CDMA 2000 1xRTT USB modem (HX-550C)
16300 3714 PANTECH USB MODEM [UM175]
16480 8044 USB Debug Adapter
16519 8db5 C8051F38x CATx HDMI Receiver with USB [EX-HDU-R]
16551 ea6a MobiData EDGE USB Modem
16559 0101 USB-Module for Spider8, CP32
16628 8050 FlyCAM-USB 300 XP2
16651 6489 ADSL ETH/USB RTR
16788 6856 ATT "USB Connect 881"
16846 0003 Mobile phone USB cable
16892 2002 Peter Lawrence PIC16F1-USB-DFU-Bootloader
16893 2003 Peter Lawrence SAMDx1-USB-DFU-Bootloader
17060 beef Modal MC-USB
17071 c311 bg nerilex GB-USB-Link
17109 effa EffigyLabs atmega32u4-USB-LUFA-Bootloader
17218 1122 Typhoon Stream Optical Mouse USB+PS/2
17295 0100 USB-RS232 Adaptor
17332 1828 Gigaset USB Adapter 300
17351 d015 Generic 4-button NES USB Controller
17376 140b EC1260 Wireless Data Modem HSD USB Card
17412 380b WiMAX USB modem(s)
17417 0444 CPC-USB/ARM7
17418 0888 CPC-USB/M16C
17567 0400 G2CCD USB 1.1 obsolete
17591 0503 USB-ML-12 HCS08/HCS12 Multilink
17638 5f00 WPN111 RangeMax(TM) Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter
17697 0051 USB-ED CC 01
17698 0058 USB-ED CC 01 for MS
17711 3556 USB Headset
17716 2103 USB 2.0 Storage Device
17726 000e WUSB54GS v1 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
17728 0014 WUSB54GS v2 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
17736 0026 WUSB54GSC v1 802.11g Adapter [Broadcom 4320 USB]
17768 3201 VisionDTV USB-Ter/HAMA USB DVB-T device cold
17769 3202 VisionDTV USB-Ter/HAMA USB DVB-T device warm
17782 3216 DTV-DVB UDTT 7047-USB 2.0 DVB-T Driver
17785 3220 DTV-DVB UDTT 7047M-USB 2.0 DVB-T Driver
17790 3236 DTV-DVB UDTT 7047A-USB 2.0 DVB-T Driver
17797 3244 DTV-DVB UDTT 7047Z-USB 2.0 DVB-T Driver
17801 3262 802.11 n/g/b Wireless LAN USB Adapter
17802 3273 802.11 n/g/b Wireless LAN USB Mini-Card
17805 3284 Wireless LAN USB Mini-Card
17857 1340 Hi-Speed USB to SATA Bridge
17885 4200 Platinum USB drive mini
17886 5000 USB flash drive (32 GB SHARKOON Accelerate)
17903 b011 TCC780X-based player (USB Boot mode)
17904 b021 TCC77X-based players (USB Boot mode)
18011 5122 OpenMoko Neo1973 / Neo Freerunner kernel cdc_ether USB network
18012 5123 OpenMoko Neo1973 internal USB CSR4 module
18181 3000 RMCE-USB
18248 3100 CDMA 1xRTT USB Modem (U-100/105/200/300/520)
18261 0007 smiths spirobank G-USB
18263 0009 spirobank G-USB
18292 2338 JM20337 Hi-Speed USB to SATA & PATA Combo Bridge
18485 0502 Gaming Headset [Kraken USB]
18490 0514 Electra V2 USB
18520 1007 Gaming Controller [Raiju 2 Tournament Edition (USB)]
18542 0010 USB 2.0 Flash Drive
18615 0006 Wireless 11n USB Adapter
18616 0010 802.11n USB Wireless Card
18624 002a ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG interface
18625 002b ARM-USB-OCD-H JTAG+RS232
18651 1002 DigimapSP USB (cold)
18652 1003 DigimapSP USB (warm)
18670 0a4c USB+PS/2 Optical Mouse
18687 9110 10/100 USB Ethernet
18708 0002 USB-DIO-48 (No Firmware Yet)
18709 0003 USB-DIO-96 (No Firmware Yet)
18710 0004 USB-DIO-32I (No Firmware Yet)
18711 0005 USB-DIO24 (based on -CTR6) (No Firmware Yet)
18712 0006 USB-DIO24-CTR6 (No Firmware Yet)
18808 3184 VIA VNT-6656 [WiFi 802.11b/g USB Dongle]
18848 8000 EZ-USB
19027 05e1 Free shared USB VID/PID pair for CDC devices
19028 05e4 Free shared USB VID/PID pair for MIDI devices
19031 074e DSP-Weuffen USB-HPI-Programmer
19036 08ac OpenBeacon USB stick
19057 0498 Braintechnology USB-LPS
19131 0011 MIDI-USB 1x1
19175 0605 LevelOne WUA-0605 N_Max Wireless USB Adapter
19176 0615 LevelOne WUA-0615 N_Max Wireless USB Adapter
19181 9701 EnGenius 802.11n Wireless USB Adapter
19182 9702 EnGenius 802.11n Wireless USB Adapter
19183 9703 EnGenius 802.11n Wireless USB Adapter
19184 9705 EnGenius 802.11n Wireless USB Adapter
19191 07d1 Transcend ESD400 Portable SSD (USB 3.0)
19206 1404 USB Camera device, 1.3 MPixel Web Cam
19209 5212 USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera
19211 5a31 Sonix USB 2.0 Camera
19212 5a35 Sonix 1.3MPixel USB 2.0 Camera
19218 8a12 Syntek 0.3MPixel USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera
19219 8a33 Syntek USB 2.0 UVC PC Camera
19250 0938 Iguanaworks USB IR Transceiver
19328 0004 Linux-USB Midi Gadget
19332 0001 SAU510-USB [no firmware]
19333 0510 SAU510-USB and SAU510-USB plus JTAG Emulators
19334 0511 SAU510-USB Iso Plus JTAG Emulator
19335 0520 SAU510-USB Nano JTAG Emulator
19360 0051 USB VGA Adaptor
19369 037b Plugable USB-VGA-165
19399 3815 ChipsBnk 2GB USB Stick
19453 7704 B8000-H (Yoga Tablet 10) (USB tether)
19454 7705 B8000-H (Yoga Tablet 10) (debug , USB tether)
19469 4604 USB-4604
19470 4761 USB-4761 Portable Data Acquisition Module
19472 3201 VisionDTV USB-Ter/HAMA USB DVB-T device cold
19473 3202 VisionDTV USB-Ter/HAMA USB DVB-T device warm
19490 d000 Compro Videomate DVB-U2000 - DVB-T USB cold
19491 d001 Compro Videomate DVB-U2000 - DVB-T USB warm
19542 1002 EC168 (v5) based USB DVB-T receiver
19544 fffa EC168 (v2) based USB DVB-T receiver
19545 fffb EC168 (v3) based USB DVB-T receiver
19550 0008 CG-WLUSB2GNR Corega Wireless USB Adapter
19551 0012 CG-WLUSB10 Corega Wireless USB Adapter
19617 3118 USB to IrDA adapter [ARK3116T]
19656 2070 Honk HK-5002 USB Speaker
19723 8021 WH1080 Weather Station / USB Missile Launcher
19788 3202 REC-ADPT-USB (recorder)
19789 3203 REC-A-ADPT-USB (recorder)
19884 1a0a USB-IF non-workshop
19885 badd USB OTG Compliance test device
19992 0525 X-Tensions ISDN TA XC-525 [HFC-S USB]
20130 c00f HM-CFG-USB/HM-CFG-USB-2 [HomeMatic Configuration adapter]
20172 0001 CHUSB Duo Charger (NiMH AA/AAA USB smart charger)
20207 3072 AirLive WN-360USB adapter
20208 8171 WN-370USB 802.11bgn Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU]
20209 8187 AirLive WL-1600USB 802.11g Adapter [Realtek RTL8187L]
20210 9170 AirLive X.USB 802.11abgn [Atheros AR9170+AR9104]
20211 a200 AirLive WN-200USB wireless 11b/g/n dongle
20244 0001 InSight USB Link
20435 3000 Micro USB Web Camera
20447 861f Anysee E30 USB 2.0 DVB-T Receiver
20559 0002 Ralink RT2770/2720 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-USB Device
20560 000c Ralink RT3070 802.11b/g/n Wireless Lan USB Device
20561 000e Ralink RT3070 802.11b/g/n Wireless Lan USB Device
20574 5122 Neo1973/FreeRunner kernel cdc_ether USB network
20575 5123 Neo1973/FreeRunner internal USB CSR4 module
20681 6030 USB-oscope
20757 607c OpenVizsla USB sniffer/analyzer
20986 2030 2030 USB Keyboard
21065 0c06 HR100/HR3260 cordless/HR3290 cordless/BS80 Barcode scanner engine (USB Serial CDC)
21071 1306 EM30xx/EM20xx/HR3260 corded/HR200C Barcode scanner engine (USB serial CDC)
21101 8006 EM13x5-LD/HR15-70/HR100-70/HR12/HR1150-70 Barcode scanner engine (USB Serial CDC)
21104 8206 EM3080-01/EM3095/FR20/FM30 Barcode scanner engine (USB Serial CDC)
21147 0020 CDMA USB Modem A600
21148 0021 CD INSTALLER USB Device
21298 f103 DUB-H7 7-port USB 2.0 hub
21465 0a76 GEOKON S-3810A-5 USB-RS485 CONVERTER
21550 9e50 USB-59 Radio Cable [Yaesu VX-8/D/DR]
21631 0010 USB 2200 K Secure Sign Token
21695 6323 USB Electronic Scale
21889 0109 Studio PCTV USB (SECAM)
21890 0110 Studio PCTV USB (PAL)
21891 0111 Miro PCTV USB
21892 0112 Studio PCTV USB (NTSC) with FM radio
21901 0210 Studio PCTV USB (PAL) with FM radio
21902 0212 Studio PCTV USB (NTSC)
21903 0213 500-USB Device
21904 0214 Studio PCTV USB (PAL) with FM radio
21931 0419 PCTV Bungee USB (PAL) with FM radio
21998 0002 OpenBeacon USB 2
22765 …4ee7 ONEPLUS A3010 [OnePlus 3T] / A5010 [OnePlus 5T] / A6003 [OnePlus 6] (Charging + USB debuggin…
22815 171e Le2 in USB tethering mode
22824 cafe UsbDk (USB Development Kit)
23009 0018 Re:Type USB Hub
23074 0001 Avocor USB Camera
23128 17b0 USB-ISA-Bridge
23139 702a GPIB-USB-B
23140 702b GPIB-USB-B Initialization
23141 703c USB-485 RS485 Cable
23142 709b GPIB-USB-HS
23143 7166 USB-8451
23144 716e USB-8451 Firmware Loader
23145 717a USB-6008
23146 717b USB-6009
23147 71d6 USB-6008 OEM
23148 71d7 USB-6009 OEM
23149 71d8 USB-6009 OEM
23151 729e USB-6251 (OEM) data acquisition card
23152 7346 USB-6229
23154 76af USB-6000
23155 76b0 USB-6000 OEM
23156 76bf USB-6001
23157 76c0 USB-6001 OEM
23158 76c4 USB-6002
23159 76c5 USB-6002 OEM
23160 76c6 USB-6003
23161 76c7 USB-6003 OEM
23213 2513 internal USB Hub of E-Port Replicator
23323 9500 USB CP210x UART Bridge Controller [DW700]
23336 4242 USB Design by Example
23349 5523 USB->RS 232 adapter with Prolific PL 2303 chipset
23357 9394 Game Cube USB Memory Adaptor 64M
23377 ce17 1TB SimpleDrive II USB External Hard Drive
23442 b000 USB to CompactFlash Card Reader
23444 b00b USB to Memory Stick Card Reader
23445 b00c USB to SmartMedia Card Reader
23499 0280 802.11a/b/g/n USB Wireless LAN Card
23500 0282 802.11b/g/n USB Wireless LAN Card
23501 0283 802.11b/g/n USB Wireless LAN Card
23502 0284 802.11a/b/g/n USB Wireless LAN Card
23516 2068 USB to serial cable (v2)
23636 8003 USB-DIO-96
23637 8070 USB-AO16-16A
23721 0021 USB Tablet
23876 17de KWorld V-Stream XPERT DTV - DVB-T USB cold
23877 17df KWorld V-Stream XPERT DTV - DVB-T USB warm
24035 C 14 MCTCP over USB
24053 02 Wireless USB Wire Adapter
24082 AT 0100 USB Undefined
24083 AT 0101 USB Streaming
24084 AT 01ff USB Vendor Specific
25178 HUT 80 USB Monitor
25183 HUT 81 USB Monitor Enumerated Values
25632 VT 0100 USB Vendor Specific
25633 VT 0101 USB Streaming