Lines Matching refs:bt
103 -bt Help for test mode:
104 -bt ? :this help message.
105 -bt .Dmvalue :define macro `m' to `value'.
106 -bt .Ccvalue :add `value' to class `c'.
107 -bt =Sruleset :dump the contents of the indicated ruleset.
108 -bt =M :display the known mailers.
109 -bt -ddebug-spec :equivalent to the command-line -d debug flag.
110 -bt $$m :print the value of macro $$m.
111 -bt $$=c :print the contents of class $$=c.
112 -bt /mx host :returns the MX records for `host'.
113 -bt /parse address :parse address, returning the value of crackaddr, and
114 -bt the parsed address.
115 -bt /try mailer addr :rewrite address into the form it will have when
116 -bt presented to the indicated mailer.
117 -bt /tryflags flags :set flags used by parsing. The flags can be `H' for
118 -bt Header or `E' for Envelope, and `S' for Sender or `R'
119 -bt for Recipient. These can be combined, `HR' sets
120 -bt flags for header recipients.
121 -bt /canon hostname :try to canonify hostname.
122 -bt /map mapname key :look up `key' in the indicated `mapname'.
123 -bt /quit :quit address test mode.
124 -bt rules addr :run the indicated address through the named rules.
125 -bt Rules can be a comma separated list of rules.