Lines Matching +full:product +full:- +full:files
18 .\" This product includes software developed by Joerg Wunsch
39 .Nd front-end to the print spooler
50 utility is a front-end to the print spooler as required by the
51 .St -p1003.2
57 It generally prints the named files on the destination printer.
60 .Bl -tag -width indent
64 command exit only after further access to any of the input files is no
67 files without affecting the output operation.
84 copies of each of the named files shall be printed.
93 .St -susv2 .
110 .St -p1003.2
119 .St -p1003.2
120 specification does not provide any means to print non-text files.
122 rather requires the files to be printed to be text files limited to