Lines Matching refs:nmatches
803 local n=0 nmatches=0 tag wssid wbssid help matches=
812 nmatches=$(( $nmatches + 1 ))
813 [ $nmatches -le ${#DIALOG_MENU_TAGS} ] || break
814 f_substr -v tag "$DIALOG_MENU_TAGS" $nmatches 1
823 if [ $nmatches -eq 0 ]; then
826 elif [ $nmatches -eq 1 ]; then
835 # Operate in a loop; for the case of $nmatches > 1, we can cycle back
840 if [ $nmatches -gt 1 ]; then
910 [ $nmatches -eq 1 ] && break
1019 local ssid ussid matches nmatches nconfigs nfound help desc w
1043 f_count nmatches $matches
1044 menuitem_$u set nfound $nmatches
1057 f_count nmatches $matches
1059 nfound=$(( $nfound + $nmatches ))