Lines Matching +full:watchdog +full:- +full:timers
101 .Bl -tag -offset indent -width 12345 -compact
125 Describes the high precision timers in the system.
135 .It MCFG PCI Express Memory-mapped Configuration
157 .It WDDT Watchdog Timer Description Table
158 Information about how to manage watchdog timers in the system.
168 the DSDT consists of free-formatted AML data.
172 .Bl -tag -width indent
207 .Bl -tag -width /dev/mem
213 .Bd -literal -offset indent
214 # acpidump -dt | gzip -c9 > my_computer.asl.gz
221 .Bd -literal -offset indent
222 # acpidump -t -d -o foo.dsdt > foo.asl
227 .Bd -literal -offset indent
228 # acpidump -v -d -f foo.dsdt
251 .An -nosplit
253 .An Chitoshi Ohsawa Aq Mt ,
254 .An Takayasu IWANASHI Aq Mt ,