Lines Matching full:rx
42 uint32_t ns_rx_data; /* rx data frames */
43 uint32_t ns_rx_mgmt; /* rx management frames */
44 uint32_t ns_rx_ctrl; /* rx control frames */
45 uint32_t ns_rx_ucast; /* rx unicast frames */
46 uint32_t ns_rx_mcast; /* rx multi/broadcast frames */
47 uint64_t ns_rx_bytes; /* rx data count (bytes) */
48 uint64_t ns_rx_beacons; /* rx beacon frames */
49 uint32_t ns_rx_proberesp; /* rx probe response frames */
51 uint32_t ns_rx_dup; /* rx discard 'cuz dup */
52 uint32_t ns_rx_noprivacy; /* rx w/ wep but privacy off */
53 uint32_t ns_rx_wepfail; /* rx wep processing failed */
54 uint32_t ns_rx_demicfail; /* rx demic failed */
55 uint32_t ns_rx_decap; /* rx decapsulation failed */
56 uint32_t ns_rx_defrag; /* rx defragmentation failed */
57 uint32_t ns_rx_disassoc; /* rx disassociation */
58 uint32_t ns_rx_deauth; /* rx deauthentication */
59 uint32_t ns_rx_action; /* rx action */
60 uint32_t ns_rx_decryptcrc; /* rx decrypt failed on crc */
61 uint32_t ns_rx_unauth; /* rx on unauthorized port */
62 uint32_t ns_rx_unencrypted; /* rx unecrypted w/ privacy */
63 uint32_t ns_rx_drop; /* rx discard other reason */
89 uint32_t ns_rx_amsdu_more; /* RX decap A-MSDU, more coming from A-MSDU */
90 uint32_t ns_rx_amsdu_more_end; /* RX decap A-MSDU (or any other frame), no more coming */
98 uint32_t is_rx_badversion; /* rx frame with bad version */
99 uint32_t is_rx_tooshort; /* rx frame too short */
100 uint32_t is_rx_wrongbss; /* rx from wrong bssid */
101 uint32_t is_rx_dup; /* rx discard 'cuz dup */
102 uint32_t is_rx_wrongdir; /* rx w/ wrong direction */
103 uint32_t is_rx_mcastecho; /* rx discard 'cuz mcast echo */
104 uint32_t is_rx_notassoc; /* rx discard 'cuz sta !assoc */
105 uint32_t is_rx_noprivacy; /* rx w/ wep but privacy off */
106 uint32_t is_rx_unencrypted; /* rx w/o wep and privacy on */
107 uint32_t is_rx_wepfail; /* rx wep processing failed */
108 uint32_t is_rx_decap; /* rx decapsulation failed */
109 uint32_t is_rx_mgtdiscard; /* rx discard mgt frames */
110 uint32_t is_rx_ctl; /* rx ctrl frames */
111 uint32_t is_rx_beacon; /* rx beacon frames */
112 uint32_t is_rx_rstoobig; /* rx rate set truncated */
113 uint32_t is_rx_elem_missing; /* rx required element missing*/
114 uint32_t is_rx_elem_toobig; /* rx element too big */
115 uint32_t is_rx_elem_toosmall; /* rx element too small */
116 uint32_t is_rx_elem_unknown; /* rx element unknown */
117 uint32_t is_rx_badchan; /* rx frame w/ invalid chan */
118 uint32_t is_rx_chanmismatch; /* rx frame chan mismatch */
119 uint32_t is_rx_nodealloc; /* rx frame dropped */
120 uint32_t is_rx_ssidmismatch; /* rx frame ssid mismatch */
121 uint32_t is_rx_auth_unsupported; /* rx w/ unsupported auth alg */
122 uint32_t is_rx_auth_fail; /* rx sta auth failure */
123 uint32_t is_rx_auth_countermeasures;/* rx auth discard 'cuz CM */
124 uint32_t is_rx_assoc_bss; /* rx assoc from wrong bssid */
125 uint32_t is_rx_assoc_notauth; /* rx assoc w/o auth */
126 uint32_t is_rx_assoc_capmismatch;/* rx assoc w/ cap mismatch */
127 uint32_t is_rx_assoc_norate; /* rx assoc w/ no rate match */
128 uint32_t is_rx_assoc_badwpaie; /* rx assoc w/ bad WPA IE */
129 uint32_t is_rx_deauth; /* rx deauthentication */
130 uint32_t is_rx_disassoc; /* rx disassociation */
131 uint32_t is_rx_badsubtype; /* rx frame w/ unknown subtype*/
132 uint32_t is_rx_nobuf; /* rx failed for lack of buf */
133 uint32_t is_rx_decryptcrc; /* rx decrypt failed on crc */
134 uint32_t is_rx_ahdemo_mgt; /* rx discard ahdemo mgt frame*/
135 uint32_t is_rx_bad_auth; /* rx bad auth request */
136 uint32_t is_rx_unauth; /* rx on unauthorized port */
137 uint32_t is_rx_badkeyid; /* rx w/ incorrect keyid */
138 uint32_t is_rx_ccmpreplay; /* rx seq# violation (CCMP) */
139 uint32_t is_rx_ccmpformat; /* rx format bad (CCMP) */
140 uint32_t is_rx_ccmpmic; /* rx MIC check failed (CCMP) */
141 uint32_t is_rx_tkipreplay; /* rx seq# violation (TKIP) */
142 uint32_t is_rx_tkipformat; /* rx format bad (TKIP) */
143 uint32_t is_rx_tkipmic; /* rx MIC check failed (TKIP) */
144 uint32_t is_rx_tkipicv; /* rx ICV check failed (TKIP) */
145 uint32_t is_rx_badcipher; /* rx failed 'cuz key type */
146 uint32_t is_rx_nocipherctx; /* rx failed 'cuz key !setup */
147 uint32_t is_rx_acl; /* rx discard 'cuz acl policy */
180 uint32_t is_ff_badhdr; /* fast frame rx'd w/ bad hdr */
181 uint32_t is_ff_tooshort; /* fast frame rx decap error */
182 uint32_t is_ff_split; /* fast frame rx split error */
185 uint32_t is_rx_badbintval; /* rx frame w/ bogus bintval */
186 uint32_t is_rx_demicfail; /* rx demic failed */
187 uint32_t is_rx_defrag; /* rx defragmentation failed */
188 uint32_t is_rx_mgmt; /* rx management frames */
189 uint32_t is_rx_action; /* rx action mgt frames */
190 uint32_t is_amsdu_tooshort; /* A-MSDU rx decap error */
191 uint32_t is_amsdu_split; /* A-MSDU rx split error */
219 uint32_t is_ampdu_rx_reorder; /* A-MPDU held for rx reorder */
221 uint8_t is_rx_deauth_code; /* last rx'd deauth reason */
222 uint8_t is_rx_disassoc_code; /* last rx'd disassoc reason */
223 uint8_t is_rx_authfail_code; /* last rx'd auth fail reason */
225 uint32_t is_rx_badstate; /* rx discard state != RUN */
446 uint16_t isi_rxseqs[IEEE80211_TID_SIZE];/* rx seq#/TID */
708 #define IEEE80211_IOC_STBC 113 /* STBC Tx/RX (on, off) */
709 #define IEEE80211_IOC_LDPC 114 /* LDPC Tx/RX (on, off) */