Lines Matching full:response

37 	P9PROTO_RLERROR,	/* response for any failed request */
39 P9PROTO_RSTATFS, /* file system status response */
41 P9PROTO_RLOPEN, /* response to opne request (9P2000.L) */
43 P9PROTO_RLCREATE, /* response with file access information (9P2000.L) */
45 P9PROTO_RSYMLINK, /* symlink creation response */
47 P9PROTO_RMKNOD, /* create a special file object response */
49 P9PROTO_RRENAME, /* rename a file response */
51 P9PROTO_RREADLINK, /* response to read value of symbolic link request */
53 P9PROTO_RGETATTR, /* get file attributes response */
55 P9PROTO_RSETATTR, /* set file attributes response */
57 P9PROTO_RXATTRWALK, /* response from server with attributes */
59 P9PROTO_RXATTRCREATE, /* response from server for setting extended attribute */
61 P9PROTO_RREADDIR, /* response from server for read request */
63 P9PROTO_RFSYNC, /* response when cache dat is flushed */
65 P9PROTO_RLOCK, /* response with the status of the lock */
67 P9PROTO_RGETLOCK, /* response with the details of the lock if acquired */
69 P9PROTO_RLINK, /* create hard link response */
71 P9PROTO_RMKDIR, /* create a directory response */
77 P9PROTO_RVERSION, /* response for version handshake */
79 P9PROTO_RAUTH, /* response with authentication information */
81 P9PROTO_RATTACH, /* response with top level handle to file hierarchy */
83 P9PROTO_RERROR, /* response for any failed request */
85 P9PROTO_RFLUSH, /* response when previous request has been cancelled */
87 P9PROTO_RWALK, /* response with new handle for position within hierarchy */
89 P9PROTO_ROPEN, /* response with file access information */
91 P9PROTO_RCREATE, /* response with file access information */
93 P9PROTO_RREAD, /* response with data requested */
95 P9PROTO_RWRITE, /* response with how much data was written to the file */
97 P9PROTO_RCLUNK, /* response from the server for forgetting the file handle */
99 P9PROTO_RREMOVE, /* response when server has removed the file */
101 P9PROTO_RSTAT, /* response with file entity attributes */
103 P9PROTO_RWSTAT, /* response when file entity attributes are updated */