Lines Matching defs:ciss_bmic_id_table
612 struct ciss_bmic_id_table { struct
613 u_int8_t configured_logical_drives;
614 u_int32_t config_signature;
615 char running_firmware_revision[4];
616 char stored_firmware_revision[4];
617 u_int8_t hardware_revision;
618 u_int8_t boot_block_revision[4];
619 u_int32_t deprecated_drive_present_map;
620 u_int32_t deprecated_external_drive_present_map;
621 u_int32_t board_id;
622 u_int8_t swapped_error_cable;
623 u_int32_t deprecated_non_disk_map;
624 u_int8_t bad_host_ram_addr;
625 u_int8_t cpu_revision;
626 u_int8_t res3[3];
627 char marketting_revision;
628 u_int8_t controller_flags;
637 u_int8_t host_flags;
646 u_int8_t expand_disable_code;
655 u_int8_t scsi_chip_count;
656 u_int32_t maximum_blocks;
657 u_int32_t controller_clock;
658 u_int8_t drives_per_scsi_bus;
659 u_int8_t big_drive_present_map[CISS_BIG_MAP_ENTRIES / 8];
660 u_int8_t big_external_drive_present_map[CISS_BIG_MAP_ENTRIES / 8];
661 u_int8_t big_non_disk_map[CISS_BIG_MAP_ENTRIES / 8];
663 u_int16_t task_flags; /* used for FW debugging */
664 u_int8_t ICL_bus_map; /* Bitmap used for ICL between controllers */
665 u_int8_t redund_ctlr_modes_support; /* See REDUNDANT MODE VALUES */
666 u_int8_t curr_redund_ctlr_mode;
667 u_int8_t redund_ctlr_status;
668 u_int8_t redund_op_failure_code;
670 u_int8_t unsupported_nile_bus;
671 u_int8_t host_i2c_autorev;
672 u_int8_t cpld_revision;
673 u_int8_t fibre_chip_count;
674 u_int8_t daughterboard_type;
675 u_int8_t more_swapped_config_cable_error;
677 u_int8_t license_key_status;
678 u_int8_t access_module_status;
679 u_int8_t features_supported[12];
680 u_int8_t rec_rom_inact_rev[4]; /* Recovery ROM inactive f/w revision */
681 u_int8_t rec_rom_act_status; /* Recovery ROM flags */
682 u_int8_t pci_to_pci_status; /* PCI to PCI bridge status */
683 u_int32_t redundant_server_info; /* Reserved for future use */
684 u_int8_t percent_write_cache; /* Percent of memory allocated to write cache */
685 u_int16_t daughterboard_size_mb; /* Total size (MB) of cache board */
686 u_int8_t cache_batter_count; /* Number of cache batteries */
687 u_int16_t total_controller_mem_mb; /* Total size (MB) of attached memory */
688 u_int8_t more_controller_flags; /* Additional controller flags byte */
689 u_int8_t x_board_host_i2c_rev; /* 2nd byte of 3 byte autorev field */
690 u_int8_t battery_pic_rev; /* BBWC PIC revision */
696 u_int8_t bDdffVersion[4]; /* DDFF update engine version */
697 u_int16_t usMaxLogicalUnits; /* Maximum logical units supported */
698 u_int16_t usExtLogicalUnitCount; /* Big num configured logical units */
699 u_int16_t usMaxPhysicalDevices; /* Maximum physical devices supported */
700 u_int16_t usMaxPhyDrvPerLogicalUnit; /* Max physical drive per logical unit */
701 u_int8_t bEnclosureCount; /* Number of attached enclosures */
702 u_int8_t bExpanderCount; /* Number of expanders detected */
703 u_int16_t usOffsetToEDPbitmap; /* Offset to extended drive present map*/
704 u_int16_t usOffsetToEEDPbitmap; /* Offset to extended external drive present map */
705 u_int16_t usOffsetToENDbitmap; /* Offset to extended non-disk map */
706 u_int8_t bInternalPortStatus[8]; /* Internal port status bytes */
707 u_int8_t bExternalPortStatus[8]; /* External port status bytes */
708 u_int32_t uiYetMoreControllerFlags;/* Yet More Controller flags */
712 u_int8_t bLastLockup; /* Last lockup code */
713 u_int8_t bSlot; /* PCI slot according to option ROM*/
714 u_int16_t usBuildNum; /* Build number */
715 u_int32_t uiMaxSafeFullStripeSize; /* Maximum safe full stripe size */
716 u_int32_t uiTotalLength; /* Total structure length */
717 u_int8_t bVendorID[8]; /* Vendor ID */
718 u_int8_t bProductID[16]; /* Product ID */
722 u_int32_t ExtendedLastLockupCode;
723 u_int16_t MaxRaid;
724 u_int16_t MaxParity;
725 u_int16_t MaxADGStripSize;
726 u_int16_t YetMoreSwappedCables;
727 u_int8_t MaxDevicePaths;
728 u_int8_t PowerUPNvramFlags;
731 u_int16_t ZonedOffset;
732 u_int32_t FixedFieldsLength;
733 u_int8_t FWCompileTimeStamp[24];
734 u_int32_t EvenMoreControllerFlags;
735 u_int8_t padding[240];