Lines Matching refs:stop
160 stop("-d: Assembler not built with debugging " in main()
171 stop(NULL, EX_CANTCREAT); in main()
187 stop(NULL, EX_CANTCREAT); in main()
195 stop(NULL, EX_CANTCREAT); in main()
202 stop(NULL, EX_CANTCREAT); in main()
232 stop(NULL, EX_OSERR); in main()
237 stop(NULL, EX_OSERR); in main()
278 stop("Unterminated conditional expression", EX_DATAERR); in main()
303 stop(NULL, 0); in main()
338 stop(buf, EX_DATAERR); in back_patch()
388 stop("Patch argument list not defined", in output_code()
502 stop("Could not malloc patch structure", EX_OSERR); in emit_patch()
539 stop(NULL, EX_DATAERR); in output_listing()
555 stop("Could not malloc", EX_OSERR); in output_listing()
687 stop(const char *string, int err_code) in stop() function
738 stop("Unable to malloc instruction object", EX_SOFTWARE); in seq_alloc()
752 stop("Unable to malloc critical_section object", EX_SOFTWARE); in cs_alloc()
766 stop("Unable to malloc scope object", EX_SOFTWARE); in scope_alloc()
837 stop("Unexpected scope type encountered", EX_SOFTWARE); in process_scope()