Lines Matching +full:resource +full:- +full:id

3  * Module Name: ahpredef - Table of all known ACPI predefined names
11 * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2024, Intel Corp.
28 * 2.3. Intel grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable patent
104 * re-exports any such software from a foreign destination, Licensee shall
105 * ensure that the distribution and export/re-export of the software is in
108 * any of its subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process,
130 * 3. Neither the names of the above-listed copyright holders nor the names
174 …AH_PREDEF ("_ACx", "Active Cooling, x=0-9", "Returns the active cooling policy threshold values…
175 … AH_PREDEF ("_ADR", "Address", "Returns address of a device on parent bus, and resource field"),
179 AH_PREDEF ("_ALN", "Alignment", "Base alignment, Resource Descriptor field"),
183 AH_PREDEF ("_ALx", "Active List, x=0-9", "Returns a list of active cooling device objects"),
185 AH_PREDEF ("_ASI", "Address Space Id", "Resource Descriptor field"),
186 AH_PREDEF ("_ASZ", "Access Size", "Resource Descriptor field"),
187 AH_PREDEF ("_ATT", "Type-Specific Attribute", "Resource Descriptor field"),
188 AH_PREDEF ("_BAS", "Base Address", "Range base address, Resource Descriptor field"),
193 AH_PREDEF ("_BDN", "BIOS Dock Name", "Returns the Dock ID returned by the BIOS"),
198 AH_PREDEF ("_BM_", "Bus Master", "Resource Descriptor field"),
215 AH_PREDEF ("_CID", "Compatible ID", "Returns a device's Plug and Play Compatible ID list"),
219 …AH_PREDEF ("_CRS", "Current Resource Settings", "Returns the current resource settings for a de…
221 AH_PREDEF ("_CSD", "C-State Dependencies", "Returns a list of C-state dependencies"),
222 AH_PREDEF ("_CST", "C-States", "Returns a list of supported C-states"),
224 AH_PREDEF ("_DBT", "Debounce Timeout", "Timeout value, Resource Descriptor field"),
229 AH_PREDEF ("_DEC", "Decode", "Device decoding type, Resource Descriptor field"),
234 …irect Memory Access", "Returns device current resources for DMA transactions, and resource field"),
237 …AH_PREDEF ("_DSC", "Deepest State for Configuration", "Returns the deepest D-state of the devic…
238 …, "Device Selection Polarity", "Polarity of Device Selection signal, Resource Descriptor field"…
239 …AH_PREDEF ("_DRS", "Drive Strength", "Drive Strength setting for GPIO connection, Resource Desc…
240 AH_PREDEF ("_DSD", "Device-Specific Data", "Returns a list of device property information"),
241 AH_PREDEF ("_DSM", "Device-Specific Method", "Executes device-specific functions"),
245 …AH_PREDEF ("_Exx", "Edge-Triggered GPE, xx=0x00-0xFF", "Method executed as a result of a genera…
249 …AH_PREDEF ("_EJx", "Eject Device, x=0-9", "Begin or cancel a device ejection request (docking)"…
250 AH_PREDEF ("_END", "Endianness", "Endian orientation, Resource Descriptor field"),
257 …AH_PREDEF ("_FIX", "Fixed Register Resource Provider", "Returns a list of devices that implemen…
258 AH_PREDEF ("_FLC", "Flow Control", "Flow control, Resource Descriptor field"),
262 AH_PREDEF ("_FUN", "Function Number", "Resource descriptor field"),
266 AH_PREDEF ("_GL_", "Global Lock", "OS-defined Global Lock mutex object"),
270 AH_PREDEF ("_GRA", "Granularity", "Address space granularity, Resource Descriptor field"),
271 AH_PREDEF ("_GRT", "Get Real Time", "Returns current time-of-day from a time/alarm device"),
277 AH_PREDEF ("_HE_", "High-Edge", "Interrupt triggering, Resource Descriptor field"),
278 AH_PREDEF ("_HID", "Hardware ID", "Returns a device's Plug and Play Hardware ID"),
281 …AH_PREDEF ("_HPP", "Hot Plug Parameters", "Returns a list of hot-plug information for a PCI dev…
282 …AH_PREDEF ("_HPX", "Hot Plug Parameter Extensions", "Returns a list of hot-plug information for…
286 AH_PREDEF ("_INT", "Interrupts", "Interrupt mask bits, Resource Descriptor field"),
287 AH_PREDEF ("_IOR", "I/O Restriction", "Restriction type, Resource Descriptor field"),
289 …AH_PREDEF ("_Lxx", "Level-Triggered GPE, xx=0x00-0xFF", "Control method executed as a result of…
291 AH_PREDEF ("_LEN", "Length", "Range length, Resource Descriptor field"),
293 AH_PREDEF ("_LIN", "Lines In Use", "Handshake lines, Resource Descriptor field"),
294 AH_PREDEF ("_LL_", "Low Level", "Interrupt polarity, Resource Descriptor field"),
300 AH_PREDEF ("_MAF", "Maximum Address Fixed", "Resource Descriptor field"),
302 AH_PREDEF ("_MAX", "Maximum Base Address", "Resource Descriptor field"),
304 AH_PREDEF ("_MEM", "Memory Attributes", "Resource Descriptor field"),
305 AH_PREDEF ("_MIF", "Minimum Address Fixed", "Resource Descriptor field"),
306 AH_PREDEF ("_MIN", "Minimum Base Address", "Resource Descriptor field"),
308 AH_PREDEF ("_MOD", "Mode", "Interrupt mode, Resource Descriptor field"),
312 AH_PREDEF ("_MTP", "Memory Type", "Resource Descriptor field"),
319 AH_PREDEF ("_OFF", "Power Off", "Sets a power resource to the off state"),
320 AH_PREDEF ("_ON_", "Power On", "Sets a power resource to the on state"),
326 AH_PREDEF ("_PAR", "Parity", "Parity bits, Resource Descriptor field"),
330 … AH_PREDEF ("_PDL", "P-state Depth Limit", "Returns the lowest available performance P-state"),
331 AH_PREDEF ("_PHA", "Clock Phase", "Clock phase, Resource Descriptor field"),
334 AH_PREDEF ("_PIN", "Pin List", "Pin list, Resource Descriptor field"),
339 AH_PREDEF ("_POL", "Polarity", "Interrupt polarity, Resource Descriptor field"),
342 AH_PREDEF ("_PPI", "Pin Configuration", "Resource Descriptor field"),
350 AH_PREDEF ("_PRR", "Power Resource for Reset", "Execute a reset on a device"),
351 …AH_PREDEF ("_PRS", "Possible Resource Settings", "Returns a list of a device's possible resourc…
359 AH_PREDEF ("_PSD", "Power State Dependencies", "Returns processor P-State dependencies"),
371 …AH_PREDEF ("_Qxx", "EC Query, xx=0x00-0xFF", "Embedded Controller query and SMBus Alarm control…
372 AH_PREDEF ("_RBO", "Register Bit Offset", "Resource Descriptor field"),
373 AH_PREDEF ("_RBW", "Register Bit Width", "Resource Descriptor field"),
374 …AH_PREDEF ("_RDI", "Resource Dependencies for Idle", "Returns a list of dependencies for idle s…
378 AH_PREDEF ("_RNG", "Range", "Memory range type, Resource Descriptor field"),
380 … AH_PREDEF ("_ROM", "Read-Only Memory", "Returns a copy of the ROM data for a display device"),
381 AH_PREDEF ("_RT_", "Resource Type", "Resource Descriptor field"),
383 AH_PREDEF ("_RW_", "Read-Write Status", "Resource Descriptor field"),
384 … AH_PREDEF ("_RXL", "Receive Buffer Size", "Serial channel buffer, Resource Descriptor field"),
391 …AH_PREDEF ("_S1D", "S1 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when i…
392 …AH_PREDEF ("_S2D", "S2 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when i…
393 …AH_PREDEF ("_S3D", "S3 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when i…
394 …AH_PREDEF ("_S4D", "S4 Device State", "Returns the highest D-state supported by a device when i…
395 …AH_PREDEF ("_S0W", "S0 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state that the device can wake…
396 …AH_PREDEF ("_S1W", "S1 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can…
397 …AH_PREDEF ("_S2W", "S2 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can…
398 …AH_PREDEF ("_S3W", "S3 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can…
399 …AH_PREDEF ("_S4W", "S4 Device Wake State", "Returns the lowest D-state for this device that can…
411 AH_PREDEF ("_SHR", "Shareable", "Interrupt share status, Resource Descriptor field"),
413 AH_PREDEF ("_SIZ", "Size", "DMA transfer size, Resource Descriptor field"),
415 AH_PREDEF ("_SLV", "Slave Mode", "Mode setting, Resource Descriptor field"),
417 AH_PREDEF ("_SPE", "Speed", "Connection speed, Resource Descriptor field"),
418 AH_PREDEF ("_SRS", "Set Resource Settings", "Sets a device's resource allocation"),
422 AH_PREDEF ("_STA", "Status", "Returns the current status of a Device or Power Resource"),
423 AH_PREDEF ("_STB", "Stop Bits", "Serial channel stop bits, Resource Descriptor field"),
428 AH_PREDEF ("_SUB", "Subsystem ID", "Returns the subsystem ID for a device"),
429 AH_PREDEF ("_SUN", "Slot User Number", "Returns the slot unique ID number"),
431 … AH_PREDEF ("_T_x", "Emitted by ASL Compiler, x=0-9, A-Z", "Reserved for use by ASL compilers"),
434 …AH_PREDEF ("_TDL", "T-State Depth Limit", "Returns the _TSS entry number of the lowest power th…
441 AH_PREDEF ("_TRA", "Translation", "Address translation offset, Resource Descriptor field"),
442 AH_PREDEF ("_TRS", "Translation Sparse", "Sparse/dense flag, Resource Descriptor field"),
444 … AH_PREDEF ("_TSD", "Throttling State Dependencies", "Returns a list of T-state dependencies"),
445 AH_PREDEF ("_TSF", "Type-Specific Flags", "Resource Descriptor field"),
450 AH_PREDEF ("_TTP", "Translation Type", "Translation/static flag, Resource Descriptor field"),
451 AH_PREDEF ("_TTS", "Transition To State", "Inform AML of an S-state transition"),
452 … AH_PREDEF ("_TXL", "Transmit Buffer Size", "Serial Channel buffer, Resource Descriptor field"),
453 AH_PREDEF ("_TYP", "Type", "DMA channel type (speed), Resource Descriptor field"),
458 AH_PREDEF ("_UID", "Unique ID", "Return a device's unique persistent ID"),
462 AH_PREDEF ("_VAL", "Pin Configuration Value", "Resource Descriptor field"),
463 AH_PREDEF ("_VEN", "Vendor Data", "Resource Descriptor field"),
465 … AH_PREDEF ("_Wxx", "Wake Event, xx=0x00-0xFF", "Method executed as a result of a wake event"),
477 * PARAMETERS: Nameseg - Predefined name string
479 * RETURN: ID info struct. NULL if Nameseg not found
501 for (Info = AslPredefinedInfo; Info->Name; Info++) in AcpiAhMatchPredefinedName()
503 if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAMESEG (Nameseg, Info->Name)) in AcpiAhMatchPredefinedName()