Lines Matching +full:set +full:- +full:up
31 .\" * ncurses is copyright (C) 1992-1995 *
32 .\" * Zeyd M. Ben-Halim *
69 by giving a set of capabilities that they have and by describing
77 consist of a number of `:'-separated fields.
89 The particular piece of hardware making up the terminal
98 in 132-column mode would be
99 .Dq vt100-w .
101 .Bl -column indent "With automatic margins (usually default)xx" -offset indent
103 -w Wide mode (more than 80 columns) vt100-w
104 -am With automatic margins (usually default) vt100-am
105 -nam Without automatic margins vt100-nam
106 .Pf \- Ar n Ta No "Number of lines on screen aaa-60"
107 -na No arrow keys (leave them in local) concept100-na
108 .Pf \- Ar \&np Ta No "Number of pages of memory concept100-4p"
109 -rv Reverse video concept100-rv
115 .Bl -tag -width #[1-9]
118 .It #[1-9]
132 .Bd -literal
162 non_dest_scroll_region ND scrolling region is non-destructive
163 can_change cc terminal can re-define existing colors
171 set
180 .Bd -literal
203 max_pairs pa maximum number of color-pairs on the screen
219 number_of_pins Yh numbers of pins in print-head
228 bit_image_entwining Yo number of passed for each bit-image row
229 bit_image_type Yp type of bit-image device
233 .Bd -literal
257 cursor_up up up one line
263 enter_alt_charset_mode as start alternate character set (P)
269 enter_dim_mode mh turn on half-bright mode
277 exit_alt_charset_mode ae end alternate character set (P)
295 key_catab ka clear-all-tabs key
296 key_clear kC clear-screen or erase key
297 key_ctab kt clear-tab key
298 key_dc kD delete-character key
299 key_dl kL delete-line key
300 key_down kd down-arrow key
302 key_eol kE clear-to-end-of-line key
303 key_eos kS clear-to-end-of-screen key
316 key_ic kI insert-character key
317 key_il kA insert-line key
318 key_left kl left-arrow key
319 key_ll kH last-line key
320 key_npage kN next-page key
321 key_ppage kP prev-page key
322 key_right kr right-arrow key
323 key_sf kF scroll-forward key
324 key_sr kR scroll-backward key
325 key_stab kT set-tab key
326 key_up ku up-arrow key
341 meta_on mm turn on meta mode (8th-bit on)
353 parm_up_cursor UP up #1 lines (P*)
371 scroll_forward sf scroll text up (P)
373 set_attributes sa define video attributes #1-#9 (PG9)
374 set_tab st set a tab in every row, current columns
375 set_window wi current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4
376 tab ta tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop
379 up_half_line hu half a line up
391 # SVr4 up to this point, but has a different set afterwards.
394 acs_chars ac graphics charset pairs - def=vt100
396 key_btab kB back-tab key
403 ena_acs eA enable alternate char set
519 set_left_margin ML set left soft margin
520 set_right_margin MR set right soft margin
522 set_clock SC set clock, #1 hrs #2 mins #3 secs
527 hangup HU hang-up phone
533 fixed_pause PA pause for 2-3 seconds
534 wait_tone WA wait for dial-tone
548 orig_pair op Set default pair to its original value
549 orig_colors oc Set all color pairs to the original ones
553 set_color_pair sp Set current color pair to #1
554 set_foreground Sf Set foreground color #1
555 set_background Sb Set background color #1
564 enter_doublewide_mode ZF Enter double-wide mode
565 enter_draft_quality ZG Enter draft-quality mode
568 enter_micro_mode ZJ Start micro-motion mode
570 enter_normal_quality ZL Enter normal-quality mode
571 enter_shadow_mode ZM Enter shadow-print mode
575 exit_doublewide_mode ZQ End double-wide mode
577 exit_leftward_mode ZS End left-motion mode
578 exit_micro_mode ZT End micro-motion mode
579 exit_shadow_mode ZU End shadow-print mode
589 order_of_pins Ze Match software bits to print-head pins
594 select_char_set Zj Select character set
595 set_bottom_margin Zk Set bottom margin at current line
596 set_bottom_margin_parm Zl Set bottom margin at line #1 or #2 lines
598 set_left_margin_parm Zm Set left (right) margin at column #1 (#2)
599 set_right_margin_parm Zn Set right margin at column #1
600 set_top_margin Zo Set top margin at current line
601 set_top_margin_parm Zp Set top (bottom) margin at row #1 (#2)
603 start_char_set_def Zr Start character set definition
614 char_set_names Zy List of character set names
619 set_a_foreground AF Set ANSI foreground color
620 set_a_background AB Set ANSI background color
625 set0_des_seq s0 Shift to code set 0 (EUC set 0, ASCII)
626 set1_des_seq s1 Shift to code set 1
627 set2_des_seq s2 Shift to code set 2
628 set3_des_seq s3 Shift to code set 3
629 set_lr_margin ML Set both left and right margins to #1, #2
636 end_bit_image_region Yy End a bit-image region
638 set_page_length YZ Set page length to #1 lines
640 # SVr4 added these capabilities for direct PC-clone support
663 .Bd -literal
669 half_duplex HD terminal is half-duplex
672 has_hardware_tabs pt has 8-char tabs invoked with ^I
674 tek_4025_insert_line xx Tektronix 4025 insert-line glitch
679 .Bd -literal
690 .Bd -literal
693 other_non_function_keys ko list of self-mapped keycaps
703 The following entry, which describes the Concept\-100, is among the more
707 .Bd -literal
708 ca\||\|concept100\||\|c100\||\|concept\||\|c104\||\|concept100-4p\||\|HDS Concept\-100:\e
716 :ti=\eEU\eEv 8p\eEp\er:ue=\eEg:ul:up=\eE;:us=\eEG:\e
738 All capabilities have two-letter codes.
754 Finally, string-valued capabilities, such as
756 (clear-to-end-of-line
757 sequence) are given by the two-letter code, an `=', then a string
770 the per-affected-line padding required.
771 (In the case of insert-character,
782 A number of escape sequences are provided in the string-valued capabilities
789 maps to a control-X for any appropriate X,
838 and to build up a description gradually, using partial descriptions
853 You can also set the environment variable
862 environment variable is usually set to the
865 to avoid reading files when starting up a program.
867 To get the padding for insert-line right
875 If the display messes up, more padding is usually needed.
876 A similar test can be used for insert-character.
915 (Normally this will be carriage-return,
927 codes to move to the right, up, and down
953 is given, and never attempt to go up off the top
956 In order to scroll text up,
997 If the terminal has switch-selectable automatic margins,
1009 so if the terminal has no correctly-working
1018 .Dq glass-tty
1021 .Bd -literal -offset indent
1027 .Tn ADM Ns \-3
1029 .Bd -literal -offset indent
1030 l3\||\|adm3\||\|3\||\|LSI ADM-3:\e
1037 .Xr printf 3 Ns \-like
1047 If the terminal has memory-relative cursor addressing,
1055 .Bl -column xxxxx
1080 .It "%n exclusive-or all parameters with 0140 (Datamedia 2500)"
1082 .It "%D Reverse coding (value \- 2*(value%16)), no output (Delta Data)."
1085 Consider the Hewlett-Packard 2645, which, to get to row 3 and column 12, needs
1092 are sent as two-digit integers.
1106 and to move the cursor up one line on the screen
1116 must set terminal modes so that tabs are not expanded, so
1122 .Tn ADM Ns \-3a ,
1133 Sometimes these are shorter than the more general two-parameter sequence
1134 (as with the Hewlett-Packard 2645) and can be used in preference to
1155 Similarly, a fast way of getting to the lower left-hand corner
1158 this may involve going up with
1164 make no assumption about the effect of moving up from the home position.
1169 sequence on Hewlett-Packard terminals
1211 the command to set this can be described with the
1238 .Nm Ns \-using
1249 that deleting a line or scrolling may bring non-blank lines up from below
1252 may bring down non-blank lines.
1259 Other terminals, such as the Concept\-100 and the Perkin Elmer Owl, make
1293 multi-line insert mode,
1322 If post-insert padding is needed, give this as a number of milliseconds
1353 to speed up inserting
1386 representing a good high-contrast, easy-on-the-eyes format
1388 (If you have a choice, reverse video plus half-bright is good,
1426 (dim or half-bright),
1438 (enter alternate character set mode), and
1440 (exit alternate character set mode).
1443 If there is a sequence to set arbitrary combinations of mode,
1450 dim, bold, blank, protect, and alternate character set.
1455 .Nm Ns \-using
1471 when they receive mode-setting sequences,
1475 such as the Hewlett-Packard 2621,
1496 (to change, for example, a non-blinking underline into an easier-to-find
1520 (this applies, for example, to the unshifted Hewlett-Packard 2621 keys).
1521 If the keypad can be set to transmit or not transmit,
1527 The codes sent by the left-arrow, right-arrow, up-arrow, down-arrow,
1580 (scroll backward/up), and
1602 single-character arrow keys.
1639 indicating arrow keys left (^H), down (^K), up (^Z), and right (^X).
1650 If the terminal has only memory-relative cursor addressing and not
1651 screen-relative cursor addressing,
1652 a screen-sized window must be fixed into
1666 These strings are expected to set the terminal into modes
1683 .Sy \&i\&1-i2
1701 .Sy "\&r1-r3"
1710 For example, the command to set the VT100 into 80-column mode
1714 since the terminal is usually already in 80-column mode.
1734 since the user may not have the tab stops properly set.
1735 If the terminal has hardware tabs that are initially set every
1737 positions when the terminal is powered up, then the numeric parameter
1742 command to determine whether to set the driver mode for hardware tab
1743 expansion, and whether to set the tab stops.
1746 description can assume that they are properly set.
1748 If there are commands to set and clear tab stops, they can be given as
1753 If a more complex sequence is needed to set the tabs than can be
1762 program to set terminal driver modes appropriately.
1770 will cause the appropriate delay bits to be set in the terminal driver.
1848 If the terminal can move up or down half a line, this can be
1851 (half-line up) and
1853 (half-line down).
1975 in a terminal-dependent manner.
2005 .Dq xterm-clear
2086 .Bd -literal -offset indent
2087 hn\||\|2621\-nl:ks@:ke@:tc=2621:
2091 .Dq 2621\-nl
2101 .Bl -tag -width /usr/share/misc/termcap.db -compact